Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Spirit

He couldn't remember how Li Feng got out of the car or how he got home. He only knew that there really was a Stark Group in this world.

Sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, Li Feng looked at the Captain America poster on the wall with dull eyes.

If Li Feng came to a different world, and there happened to be a Stark Enterprise in this world, he said he would understand it, but in this world there is Tony and Captain America, so there is no need to say more, this is so appropriate. The Marvel Universe, that purple sweet potato spirit, is a dangerous world where half the people die with the snap of a finger.

Li Feng's mind is very messed up. In the original world, he had a loving wife and a child who started to talk.

To be honest, if he had a choice, he would rather pay money to transfer the opportunity to travel. He is not Long Aotian, and he has no plug-ins or systems. He cannot and dare not act as a hero in the Marvel Universe without any cheats.

He is just an ordinary person who cannot be ordinary anymore. Now he just hopes that he can return to his original world and hear his child call him "Dad".

After a long time, Li Feng smiled bitterly and returned to his room, preparing to pack his luggage and return home.

He had no choice. As an ordinary person, he felt that he would feel much safer in his home country compared to New York, which was experiencing one wave of danger after another. And with his understanding of future development, he felt that he could develop in the direction of real estate:

If you can't be a real estate tycoon, you can still be a landlord and have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life. Maybe you can find a wife from your previous life and renew your relationship.

Tony still has several years to become Iron Man, so it’s almost 20 years before the purple sweet potato snaps his fingers. It doesn’t matter if he dies. Anyway, I can be resurrected in 5 years due to the efforts of those superheroes. Then I will be one of those 5 The year is a big holiday

While planning what he was going to do after returning to China, Li Feng walked into the body's parents' room. He wanted to see if there was anything valuable in the room that he could sell to use as start-up capital for his return to China.

In order to raise more funds, Li Feng searched carefully, fearing that he would miss something like a safe because he did not accept the memory of his predecessor.

Not to mention, he actually found some good things on the back of the desk in his parents' study, and they were good things that made him change his plan to return to China.

A hanging ring and a spell note written in Chinese and a diary explaining the principles of the spell in detail?

When Li Feng found the Xuan Ring and recognized what it was at a glance, he was still a little confused and couldn't believe that one of his parents was a mage.

Although in Li Feng's eyes, the mages in the Marvel world are actually just monks who use magic power.

A mage who can't even create a fireball dares to call himself a mage?

Even if Gandalf, the melee mage, spends all his skill points on physical fitness, he can at least use the illumination spell to blind his opponent's eyes.

what about you? Except for the ancient one who has lived for who knows how many years and absorbs power from the dark space, who can throw out the spells in his hands, what about the remaining mages? Apart from the portal being released from the air by this group of mages, which other spell can leave the body?

As the mage's signature spell, fireball, except for a few bosses, what about the rest of the mage? The magic shield handshake and the air blade handshake are all mage's strong melee-combat style. Do you want to carry forward the melee-combat spirit of the God Envoy Yamai Gandalf?

Complaints come true, Li Feng still grinned and put the hanging ring on his right hand. He clearly remembered what Mo Du said in the movie: "Proficient use of the hanging ring is very important in magic. It can help us travel freely through various universes." "

Although in the movie, Li Feng only saw mages using the portal as a means of transportation for traveling on the earth and not for traveling to other universes, he said: It is an extraordinary prop after all. Do I want to go to Kathmandu? Kama Taj approached Master Gu Yi. Since one of his parents is a mage, maybe Gu Yi can accept me as his disciple.

After putting on the hanging ring, Li Feng sat in front of his desk and opened the diary left by his parents.

For a long time, Li Feng felt a little headache. It was true that the diary belonged to his parents, but the real owner of the diary was his grandfather. Moreover, the diary also stated that his predecessor's grandfather only learned 3 kinds of spells due to qualification issues, and eventually died of old age. .

As for his parents, although his grandfather taught some, his qualifications were worse than his grandfather's, so he naturally gave up learning magic.

Li Feng was a little helpless. Although he wanted to become a powerful mage, according to his grandfather's diary, Li Feng had been taught by his grandfather when he was a child, but his qualifications were only slightly better than his father's, and his qualifications for learning magic were still worse than his grandfather's. .

In the words of his grandfather, it would be good to learn two kinds of magic in this life.

Li Feng rubbed his forehead and thought about it, and decided that he should try to practice for a while. After all, his body is still the same, but his soul has changed. Maybe he has good qualifications now?

Li Feng closed the diary of his journey that recorded his grandfather's hard work in practicing magic, and opened the magic notebook.

In the notebook, there are three kinds of spells that grandpa knows.

A portal that can teleport to 10 meters away, a mirror space that can hold half the size of a mouse, and a spirit body out-of-body spell that counts in seconds.

From the diary, Li Feng already knew the importance of the spirit body in practicing magic.

If a mage wants to successfully cast a spell, he not only needs to concentrate, but also needs to borrow his own mana.

Although ordinary people have mana or energy in their bodies, it is too weak, so weak that they cannot sense it at all. However, the spirit body is different. It can not only strengthen its own sense of mana, but also allow mages to absorb energy from various universes. .

It can be said that the spirit out of the body is a necessary skill for a powerful mage.

Li Feng lowered his head and read the spiritual practice method word by word. It is related to the future, so it is not too careful.

After a long time, Li Feng, who tried to practice the spirit out of the body, felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. It was probably the physical instinct memory of his previous practice.

It is strange to say that others have traveled through time and space with various golden fingers, but he has no golden fingers and no memory of his previous life.

Fortunately, his grandfather's notes were written in Chinese, otherwise he might have missed the opportunity to become a mage. Who made him a poor student and it was impossible for him to spend time translating the English version of the notes.

After a while, a transparent spirit stood up from the chair.

Before Li Feng cheered three times to celebrate that he had made the spirit out of the body in one go, he looked at his small belly and the motionless body sitting on the chair in confusion.

The body is still the same body, but the spirit does not look like Li Feng in the physical body. His small belly has reminded him that his spirit looks like Li Feng in his previous life.

Li Feng in the spirit form also has a feeling that the connection between him and the physical body is slowly disconnected. If the spirit does not return to the physical body before the connection is disconnected, he will completely lose the physical body and become a lonely ghost, or the kind of soul returning to a foreign land.

Li Feng did not dare to think about it any further. He hurriedly let the spirit return to the physical body. With a pale face, he buried his head in reading the knowledge about spirits, hoping to find some clues to solve the current doubts.

At the same time, he also gave up the plan to go to Kamar-Taj. Just because his spirit and physical body do not match, it would be strange if Gu Yi, who has been guarding against the invasion of the alien world all his life, did not pinch his neck and ask him what species he is.

There was no clue in the spell notes, but Li Feng found records about spirits in the diary.

The spirit body is the projection of the soul. The spirit body naturally looks like the soul, and the body and soul are closely related and influence each other. So from the side, the body looks like the soul, and vice versa.

Li Feng kept thinking about the words of close connection and mutual influence, and suddenly understood something: My soul is an uncle with a small belly, which is nothing like the body, causing my connection with the body to be very weak, so when I woke up in the hospital, my reaction was so slow.

After a few days of recuperation, although my reaction is still slow, it is within the normal range. So it is the body and soul that are constantly strengthening the connection between the two under the influence of each other?

According to this, my soul will become a young man after a while, and my spirit will not be disconnected as soon as it leaves the body.

It just won't cause the body to age faster, right? After all, my soul is also affecting the body. It shouldn't. Compared with the body, the existence of the soul, which is suspected to be energy, is easier to change.

Thinking of this, Li Feng scratched his head and decided that it would be better for him not to leave the body before the soul is completely integrated with the body.

Opening the spell notes, looking at the contents about basic practice in the notes, Li Feng studied them word by word again. As the old saying goes, without a solid foundation, there is no tall building.

Li Feng did not notice after careful study that not long after his spirit left his body, a black wizard in a robe sensed the fluctuation of the spell and hurried to Li Feng's residence. He looked at Li Feng from a distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

The wizard knew that Li Feng was the grandson of Lao Li, and he had practiced for a period of time when he was a child, but he was forced to give up because of his poor aptitude.

The wizard smiled and muttered: I came here immediately after receiving the alarm, but it turned out that you, the little guy, were making trouble.

The wizard shook his head and turned away: As long as there is no invasion of creatures from another world, the little guy is interested in spells. Without the guidance of a mentor, your future, haha

At this time, Li Feng, who was constantly studying basic knowledge, also realized what mistakes he had made.

The three temples on Earth are not easy to deal with. They monitor the fluctuations of the magic power of the entire world...

Realizing this, Li Feng stood up and prepared to close the window, but unfortunately his slow reaction came up again: Damn, I was just out of my body for a few seconds, why is the network stuck again? Can't I still play games?

A few days later, Li Feng sold everything he could sell. He had to sell it. What kind of work could he do with his body that could delay time?

Without a job, there would be no source of income. How could he practice magic?

The most important thing is that he can't even speak English. What kind of job can he find? If he doesn't sell his family property, will he have to live on the northwest wind? A magician can't just live on the northwest wind to fill his stomach. Besides, he is not a magician yet.

In New York, is there any place suitable for Li Feng who doesn't speak English to survive?

After thinking for a few seconds, Li Feng rented a small single room in Chinatown with all his property. There was no other way. He had to spend sparingly before he had a source of income.

And this stay lasted for 2 years.

During the past two years, Li Feng did some odd jobs during the day to earn some pocket money and learn English. At night, he returned to his small room to study the basics of magic and meditate constantly, so that he could speed up his progress when he formally practiced magic in the future.

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