Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 plug-in online

A suitable environment does help people learn.

Just like Li Feng, he has been strolling around Chinatown for two years. All he hears and sees is English. With his body's instinctive memory, he has long been fluent in English.

Sometimes Li Feng laughs at himself: If I had studied so hard during the college entrance examination, I would have been able to get out of the Earth and the Milky Way, not to mention applying for Tsinghua University and Peking University.

In addition to making Li Feng completely accustomed to life in New York, two years also made his soul and body completely integrated.

The worry that the body would age under the influence of the uncle's soul did not happen, but

Li Feng lowered his head and touched his belly, and his mouth twitched: "You are still the best to me. You have traveled through time and space and changed your body, but you still stick with me. Little belly, little belly, does this mean that you are my true love?"

Li Feng laughed at himself and said that it felt good to be loved by the fat on his belly, and he got up and returned to the small single room.

Drinking beer and grilling steak on the rooftop is to celebrate the complete fusion of the soul and the body. Since the beer has been drunk and the steak has been burnt, Li Feng should naturally go downstairs to do business.

Returning to the small single room of less than 30 square meters, Li Feng closed the doors and windows and took a deep breath. While concentrating highly, he stretched his hands forward and slowly drew a circle. Unfortunately, the imagined magic did not even spark.

In this regard, Li Feng was not discouraged. He didn't know how many times he had tried to cast spells before. It was normal for him not to have magic sparks. It was only in recent months that with the fusion of the soul and the body, occasionally sparks would appear when casting spells to comfort his patience that was about to be lost.

After practicing for half an hour, Li Feng suddenly felt a rhythm from the energy. He had an intuition that as long as he moved slightly along the flow of this energy, a perfect practice casting would be completed.

Thinking of this, Li Feng quickly gathered his mind and stretched out his hands again. First, a 50-centimeter-long orange-yellow light appeared between his hands. Then, as Li Feng drew a circle with his hands, the orange-yellow light drew a ring with sparks.

Before Li Feng could show his smiling face, the orange-yellow ring turned into sparks and dissipated in the room.

Although the spell failed in the end, Li Feng still grinned: At least there is progress, and it is not an ordinary progress. As long as I fully grasp the rhythm of this energy, I can successfully cast the spell.

Glancing at the ring on his left hand and the figure wearing monk clothes on the computer monitor, Li Feng sat cross-legged on the ground and recalled the charm of this energy. As for the temple mage standing on the top of a building in the distance on the monitor screen and observing him, Li Feng just pretended not to see it.

Li Feng himself didn't know how many times the other party appeared after he cast the spell. Anyway, Li Feng found the other party's figure more than 3 times, and the number of surveillances that he didn't find was probably more.

After a while, Li Feng opened his eyes, looked at the surveillance screen helplessly, and muttered: "Gone? There is a magic temple in New York. They can always find my mana fluctuations at the first time, but they know me but don't come to contact me. Is it because of my deceased grandfather, or do they think my talent is too poor and there is no need to contact me? Or is it just simple surveillance, as long as I don't fall into darkness like Casillas, they will ignore me?"

At first, I was afraid that you would find out because of the abnormality of the spirit body, so I wanted to hide from you, but now that you don't come to find me, I will find an opportunity to find you in Kathmandu

After sorting out the clues, Li Feng scratched his forehead and continued to practice his casting process.

With the first successful casting, the subsequent casting is as simple as opening the Ren and Du meridians. After only a few practices, Li Feng felt that he could successfully condense the mana outside the body in a quiet environment.

If it is in a noisy environment, Li Feng said that he still needs more practice. As for fighting, don't make a fuss. He now needs a quiet environment to cast spells. It's still too early to move and cast spells in battle.

After a long time, Li Feng sat at the head of the bed, holding a bunch of beautiful photos of various countries.

Now that the spellcasting practice has ended, all that remains is to practice diligently. He thinks it's time to practice the portal spell.

In his previous life, he had a heart to travel whenever he wanted, but unfortunately the wallet in his pocket held him back, pointing at his wife and children's diapers and milk powder to prevent him from turning his idea into reality.

In this life, although he has obtained extraordinary power and has the opportunity to collect 6 infinite gems to start the road home, he hasn't collected them yet.

And now that he can use the portal, he has the opportunity to travel to various countries without buying air tickets and applying for visas. Why should he wrong himself? At least it doesn't matter if he wanders around in this world before going home. Anyway, before the advent of Iron Man, for him with magic, as long as he doesn't wander to the battlefield where shells are flying, the Marvel world is still safe.

Picking out a photo of an abandoned train station from a pile of photos, Li Feng grinned and began to practice the portal spell.

Li Feng didn't know where the address of the photo he chose came from. He only knew that there was no one near the abandoned train station and the environment nearby was good. As for whether the wizards in the Mage Temple would come to arrest him after he was teleported there, he was not worried at all.

He could tell that the magic came from his grandfather. He was not afraid that the people in Kamar-Taj would say he was a thief. His soul had already merged with his body, and even Ancient One could not see any flaws. What else did he have to worry about? What if he was caught? Maybe he could go to Kamar-Taj to learn more about magic.

At most, the travel plan would be shelved for a while. Li Feng stared at the photo and kept constructing the abandoned train station in the photo in his mind.

When casting the portal, only by constructing the image of where you want to go in detail in your mind can you quickly open the portal, otherwise you will only see a group of sparks that keep circling.

In Argentina, an abandoned train station is the address in Li Feng's photo.

In this abandoned train station, Elias Starr is doing the final inspection of the quantum channel equipment.

At the beginning, Starr and Pym studied quantum science together in SHIELD, but Pym accused Stam of the wrong research direction, fired Stam and slandered his reputation.

Now, Stam will gamble everything to refute Hank Pym with his research results. As long as he succeeds, Hank Pym's original accusation against him will disappear, and he will regain his original reputation.

After checking the equipment, Starr opened the quantum channel with excitement, but he found something wrong after a while. He didn't know what went wrong, causing the equipment to explode.

Although Starr was afraid, he felt that the quantum channel could still be rescued. He ordered his wife and daughter to leave immediately and resolutely returned to the equipment to make a final struggle.

Unfortunately, everything is over. The explosion will still explode.

On the other side, Li Feng finally constructed the scene of the abandoned train station in his mind, and a portal finally appeared in front of him.

Before Li Feng could be proud of himself as a wizard who could open a portal, and a genius who succeeded in a few times, the stable portal suddenly shook, and then the original orange-yellow portal turned blue-white, and the light circle that could see the opposite scene turned into a light curtain.

Li Feng was a little confused: What's going on? How did the promised portal become like this?

Before Li Feng could come to his senses, a violent shock wave came from the blue-white portal. This shock wave not only stuck Li Feng's face firmly to the wall, but also moved the portal towards Li Feng.

In the end, the light curtain in the portal completely wrapped Li Feng and quickly disappeared, leaving only the white short-sleeved blue-white jeans, flip-flops and boxer briefs that Li Feng was wearing today.

Before Li Feng understood what was happening to him, he was wrapped in a white light and passed through various illusory bubble worlds. He felt like he was stuffed into a rubber pipe, and he didn't know where the exit of the pipe was.

After a while, Li Feng, who was squeezed out of the rubber pipe, knelt on the ground and complained bitterly: Damn, what the hell is my portal? It was said that one step would lead to another country, but how come I didn't walk, but was squeezed out, the portal is a cow, I am the milk, and it can be squeezed out

This whole body hurts, I will never use the portal to travel, this thing can easily cause psychological shadows

When Li Feng felt that he was about to vomit all his bile, an old man behind him reached out and supported Li Feng and said, "Sir, are you okay?"

In the old man's surprised eyes, he found that his hand went straight through Li Feng's body, as if Li Feng did not exist in front of him, but a three-dimensional projection

The old man subconsciously thought that this was some kind of street art, and he looked up to find nearby cameras and other equipment. After all, in his eyes, the funny person must be nearby observing his ugly appearance, such as being scared by Li Feng, thinking that the other party was a ghost or some supernatural being.

Not to mention, the old man really found something abnormal, such as a jar flying towards him at a high speed above his head.

What kind of trick is this? Do you still want to scare me? Don’t you know that I am famous for my courage? It’s just a projection. If you have the guts, just hit me.

Unlike the old man who looked at the jar hitting him calmly, Li Feng also found something unusual about himself. First of all, he felt the pain of being torn apart, and there was nothing on his body except the hanging ring on his left hand, not to mention clothes, not even shorts.

Okay, portal, you win, you shouldn’t call it a portal, you should call it a stripping artifact, damn it

Li Feng’s face is not only thick, but also very thick. He endured the pain of his body being torn apart, covered his crotch and stood up to check the surrounding situation.

If possible, Li Feng wanted to find a piece of clothing first, or a newspaper if not, at least to cover his face first, he didn't want his photo to appear in the news tomorrow, or a photo with a clear facial expression.

"Sir, can you give me a piece of clothing?"

Feeling a little cold, Li Feng asked the old man for a piece of clothing in confusion, and looked up at the sky following the old man's gaze.

He clearly remembered that it was summer, how come it became winter after leaving the portal?

And in the sky, a jar was quickly smashing towards him, and a guy with black smoke all over his body crawled out of it. What was going on?

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