Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 232 Chapter 230 Nuclear Bomb

While Fury was still wondering how to protect the Statue of Liberty, Li Feng had already thought of the fact that he still had support, and it was air support, such as the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York, which had several Iron Eagles on it.

Li Feng's first magic mentor, the 777-level Barstow magician in the "Magician's Apprentice", was a ruthless man who would drive the Iron Eagle on the Empire State Building out for fun.

Looking at Barstow's chic figure, Li Feng, who was still a rookie at the time, was envious. Now, Li Feng must try to control the Iron Eagle.

It's so damn handsome

As for how Fury felt after the Iron Eagle appeared, it has nothing to do with me. We are talking about fighting, who cares whether the Iron Eagle Talisman conforms to the public's three views

Besides, it's not thrown away after use, I will return it

Thinking of this, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal, awakened the decorative Iron Eagles on the Empire State Building one by one, and ordered them to search for the Chitauri soldiers around the battlefield and kill them one by one.

With the participation of fearless air support, the invasion of the Chitauri has completely become a farce, or New York has become a stage for Li Feng to show off his muscles.

First of all, the portal was directly occupied by Li Feng's Dementors. As many Chitauri soldiers as came, they died.

And once the Chitauri did not send out individual soldiers to attack, the Dementors would collectively pounce on Leviathan and eat it, causing Leviathan to fall to the ground as soon as it drilled out of the portal, and smash the Chitauri soldiers in its body into meat patties.

In the same way, the Chitauri commander had to send individual soldiers to feed the Dementors. Sending too few would not work, because Wangcai would leave a small number of Dementors and bring a large number of tribesmen to re-target Leviathan when he saw that there was less food.

There was no way, the Chitauri captain could only let a large number of individual soldiers die with a twitch at the corners of his mouth, so that Leviathan could successfully land on the earth.

But although Leviathan is a troop transport ship, how many troops can it transport alone? Besides, there are still many killers on the ground.

Let's not talk about the genuine Statue of Liberty that guards Li Feng. It is 46 meters tall, and Leviathan is just a small fish, and it can be killed with a slap.

The other two smaller Statue of Liberty may seem weaker, but the maces in their hands are really fierce. Any Leviathan that approaches the Stark Building will be smashed to death on the ground with a few sticks.

There is also the Hulk who has been losing his temper near the Stark Building. The Chitauri soldiers are stunned when they see him. The weapon can't kill the opponent, but only make the opponent furious, and then throw them around like sandbags.

It's no exaggeration to say that the Stark Building is the safest place in the entire battlefield.

As for the Chitauri soldiers who landed on the ground far away from the Stark Building, they are not much better. Stark and a group of Iron Eagles simply occupied the sky above New York. Wherever there are more Chitauri soldiers, there are their figures.

Sometimes when Steve came to support Stark with Natasha and Barton, he would only see paralyzed Chitauri soldiers all over the ground.

Running on two legs is not as good as flying.

After a while, Li Feng realized that he could not feel the energy of space anymore, because he saw some field personnel wearing SHIELD combat uniforms inexplicably appearing in the two blocks closest to the Stark Building.

Needless to say, the reason why these people appeared here was probably because they warned Fury that Loki would attack the Stark Building.

Although this group of field agents were also killing the Zetauri soldiers, who knows if the other party would also observe them in secret.

Besides, the delay time is almost up. If it goes on, Stark will be suspicious.

Just when Li Feng reluctantly gave up the perception of magic, took out the Mind Gem from the necklace and wrapped it around the sickle to close the Rubik's Cube, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Li Feng picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and said in an unhappy tone: "Stark? I'm about to shut down the Rubik's Cube"

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Stark shouted anxiously: "Don't worry about Fury notifying me, there is a tactical nuclear bomb flying towards us, I know where to throw this thing."

Nuclear bomb? Li Feng glanced at the battlefield where there were not many Zetauri soldiers, and a nameless fire in his heart was bubbling out: Can't you see that we are about to win?

Or are these people afraid of my power and are going to blow me to death here?

Do you really think I'm easy to bully?

Li Feng, who was getting more and more angry, swung his sickle and closed the portal. He opened his invisibility cloak to expose himself to satellite surveillance and said coldly to the phone: "Tony Stark, I have closed the portal. Bring the nuclear bomb to me. I want to have a good talk with Nick Fury."

"What?" Stark was stunned when he heard Li Feng suddenly call his full name. When he heard Li Feng speak in a cold tone, Stark felt that things were a bit serious.

Looking at the gradually shrinking portal, Stark gritted his teeth and forcibly flew into space with the nuclear bomb. As for bringing the nuclear bomb to Li Feng, how could it be possible? This is a nuclear bomb. Once Li Feng gets it wrong, New York will not be able to live in it anymore.

His building was just built, and it would cost a lot of money if it was destroyed.

But Stark was in a rage that underestimated Li Feng.

But think about it, if the Chitauri invasion was successful, it would be understandable that they were forced to launch nuclear bombs, but now even a fool can see that the Chitauri have failed, and launching a nuclear bomb at this critical juncture is obviously aimed at the Avengers.

Who else could have done this except Hydra? Besides, Li Feng still hadn't let go of the grudge of Hydra attacking him before. If he didn't take this opportunity to teach Hydra a lesson, Li Feng would not be able to swallow this anger.

He was not a rookie who had been bullied before.

Li Feng saw that Stark was not flying towards him at all in the distance. After a few sneers, he opened a portal above Stark, and instantly teleported Stark and the nuclear bomb to his eyes.

Then, Li Feng used the portal again, making the exit and entrance of the portal appear one above and one below, and making the portals less than two meters apart, forming a picture of a nuclear warhead chasing the tail of the nuclear bomb, or seeing the flame at the tail of the nuclear bomb burning the nuclear warhead.

Stark, who was still holding the nuclear bomb, saw this and his face changed drastically. He let go of his hand and flew out of the portal to Li Feng's side, and said angrily: "Austin, do you know what you are doing?"

Li Feng glanced at Stark coldly, took out the communicator from his pocket and put it on his ear, and said without any emotion: "Nick Fury, send the goods that ordered the launch of the nuclear bomb to me, as for the time..."

Li Feng turned his head to look at Stark, and asked in a gloomy tone: "How many seconds will this nuclear bomb explode?"

Li Feng's meaning was very clear. If Fury sent the World Security Committee that ordered the launch of the nuclear bomb to him before the nuclear bomb exploded, then everything would be fine.

On the other end of the communicator, Fury also said expressionlessly: "Not enough time, the distance is too far."

Li Feng: "Sorry, distance is not a problem for me. I have a portal. If you don't hand over the people, don't they want to blow up New York? I will help you. Not only that, I will also use fireballs to blow up all the cities in the United States one by one."

"Don't doubt my ability. I can hide under the Atlantic Ocean, and then look at the photo to open the portal to the city center, and then give you a few small fireballs for free. I don't believe that your rapid response force can open the portal faster than mine."

"Also, I remind you that I am a wild wizard who can feed the whole family with one person. I can leave the United States. For example, if I move to Asgard with Thor, I can just wander among the stars, or live on Xandar. I heard that the snails there are delicious in the universe."

As the portal closed and the Zetauri soldiers were paralyzed on the ground like a power outage, Steve, Hawkeye, Thor and others rushed to Li Feng.

Seeing the nuclear bomb chasing Li Feng in front of him and exploding in less than a minute, and Li Feng's appearance of having found a way out long ago, everyone felt helpless except Thor and Banner.

Banner was not sure whether the nuclear bomb could kill him, and he probably couldn't. After all, Hulk was the product of gamma rays, and the gamma rays produced in space were produced by nuclear fusion in the core of stars. Nuclear bombs were not that scary to him.

Thor was different. He had no idea what this thing was. There was no way. Asgard didn't have such backward weapons, so Thor just looked at the nuclear bomb curiously.

When Thor heard Li Feng count the Xandar snails, he subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth, nodded and said: "Xandar snails are indeed famous delicacies in the universe."

Unfortunately, Thor's words only attracted everyone's eye rolls, especially Loki who was subdued on the side. Not only did he roll his eyes wildly, but he also said tremblingly: "My dear brother, shouldn't you focus on this nuclear bomb? Once this thing explodes, you will be dead or disabled if you are at the center of the explosion."

"Nuclear bomb?" Thor shook the hammer in his hand, and said as if he was going to smash the nuclear bomb flat right now: "Since it is so dangerous, just dismantle it."

Fuck, you are a reckless man with strong limbs and a simple mind

Stark was frightened and immediately stopped in front of Thor, saying unhappily: "If you hammer it down, it will explode immediately."

Steve rubbed his forehead with a headache. Although Li Feng contributed the most in the previous battle, more than half of the Zetauri soldiers were killed by Li Feng, but now You are right to threaten New York with a nuclear bomb: "Austin, if you have anything to say, deal with the nuclear bomb first, otherwise you will become a sinner in New York."

Li Feng's neck stiffened: "I didn't launch this thing."

Loki's mouth twitched, speechless: "Then you are stealing someone else's Dingxi to threaten others? This is not what a hero should do."

Li Feng turned his head to look at Loki and Thor, and sneered: "Why, you two are going to ignore this matter?"

Li Feng pointed at Loki and said: "Maybe your father saw that you were killed for invading the earth, so he gritted his teeth and endured the pain of losing his son."

"But you," Li Feng pointed at Thor: "As the future ruler of Asgard, if you die in the hands of the earthlings, do you think your father will ask your mother to give birth to a crown prince, or will he be so angry that he will bloodbath the earth?"

Thor and Loki looked at each other: How old is our father, does his thing still have the function of passing on the family line?

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