Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 233 Chapter 231 Ancient One Appears

Li Feng's words have clearly reminded Thor: Someone wants to kill you

Thor is not stupid, nor is he a layman who has never fought in a war. Anyone who has personally experienced this so-called Chitauri invasion knows that this kind of funny war does not require large-scale murderers at all.

Even because Li Feng showed off his muscles, Thor felt that he didn't have enough fun.

Thor was silent for a while, holding Loki and standing behind Li Feng, pretending to ask Fury to hand over the person who ordered the nuclear bomb. He wanted to see which ruthless person dared to use a nuclear bomb to kill Aspen. Two members of the royal family of Gard.

Fury on the other end of the communicator also heard Li Feng's words clearly. It was not that he had never thought that the earth was responsible for the death of Odin's descendants, but what could he have done at that time?

He was not the one who ordered the launch of the nuclear bomb. He even shot down another fighter plane with a tactical nuclear warhead, fired a pilot, and notified Stark immediately.

What else can he do?

Fury stared at the nuclear bomb explosion timer and said helplessly: "Austin, you didn't give me enough time. You teleport the nuclear bomb away first, and I will arrest people immediately afterwards."

Barton, who had regained his will with Li Feng's help, should have said 'thank you' when he saw Li Feng, but now he said he couldn't say it in this scene.

Hearing the message from the communicator that Fury seemed to be compromising, Barton carefully reminded: "Austin, Fury is right, you have to give Fury time to make friends now," look. After glancing at the nuclear bomb, Barton said with lingering fear: "There is less than a minute left. How can Fury hand over people in the space carrier? It takes time to arrest people. Now, it is only enough for Fury to report a few names."

Natasha hurriedly said, "Yes, there is not enough time. You will only make Fury look for a scapegoat."

"Haha, scapegoat?" Li Feng sneered a few times, turned to look at Loki, and asked: "You are also a mage, how much do you know about the spells to extract other people's memories?"

Before Loki could answer, Li Feng lit the hellfire on the sickle and said with a sinister smile: "Not only can I extract other people's memories, I can also extract other people's."

"Soul," Loki said after swallowing.

Loki hadn't noticed anything before, but when Li Feng's scythe ignited the hellfire, and when he saw clearly the skeleton Nekomata inside the scythe, plus the dementors that had devoured souls before, Loki clearly understood the mage in front of him. Juebi is a mage who plays with souls.

Why are Earth mages so cruel? Dare to play with your soul without permission! Not afraid of offending Hell or Lady Death?

It's not like Fury has never seen Li Feng extract souls. After all, Coulson's soul was extracted by Li Feng's gang.

So he knew very well that when Li Feng said that he would extract souls, he did not tell him to tell him, but asked him to relay the original words to the World Security Council, which launched nuclear bombs, so that these officials would know not to fool anyone.

It's just that Fury is very aware of the behavior of these officials. They have no intention of making self-sacrifice for the people of New York. Moreover, even if they die, they will have their souls manipulated by mages.

On the one hand, Li Feng's help is needed to resurrect Colson. After all, no one can take Colson's soul out of the gourd and stuff it into Colson's body. Fury said that he cannot afford to offend Li Feng.

On the other side, the World Security Council supervises S.H.I.E.L.D. It’s not wrong to say that it is the boss. If he offends his boss, Fury will also not end well.

But now, Li Feng's threat is to get Fury to take sides.

To resurrect Coulson, a confidant, or to offend his boss and ruin his future...

Just when Fury had a headache on how to convince Li Feng in one minute, the veteran Steve beside him couldn't stand it anymore.

Steve walked up to Li Feng and said with a serious face: "Austin, the war has nothing to do with civilians. You shouldn't use the innocent citizens of New York to blackmail you."

Before Steve could finish speaking, Li Feng interrupted impatiently: "Which snowflake is innocent during an avalanche? Which drop of water is innocent when a flood comes? Since someone wants to blow up New York, all they can do is say sorry ”

"Besides, this nuclear bomb is not mine. If you don't believe me, if you collect fingerprints on the nuclear bomb, it's none of my business."

After speaking, Li Feng rolled his eyes, squinted and asked: "Captain, you were also born as a soldier. Please tell me, what are the responsibilities of a soldier?"

"Protect the family and the country," although he was a little confused as to why Li Feng asked this, Steve still said with certainty.

"Yes, to protect the homeland and the country," Li Feng grinned and said faintly: "Well, now that aliens have invaded the earth, and firefighters and other rescue workers have arrived, where are the soldiers kissing the United States? Anyway, I only saw the police using Little Pistol joins the fight."

After spreading his hands, Li Feng said with a smile: "If you say that the Army is in traffic jam on the road, I believe it. After all, New York is a big city, and the cars fleeing the city are enough to cause a big traffic jam, but"

Li Feng changed his tone, glanced coldly at the ruined surroundings, and asked: "What about the Air Force? Can their planes still jam traffic in the air? Or did the plane that just transported the nuclear bomb come here by running through a red light? I have moved the Statue of Liberty, and there are people there. Call Fury, how come the military doesn’t even use ordinary missiles now, but it comes with nuclear bombs? Why don’t you talk to those bureaucrats about this? Why are you accusing me, you idiot Dantou?”

"Finally, Fury said he would arrest people, but has he sent anyone to arrest them now? The time spent with me is enough for him to complete the arresting plan, so I don't believe that Fury will arrest people at all. ”

Steve was stunned for a moment. Just when he was about to say something, he was pulled behind him by Li Feng and said: "It's seconds before the nuclear bomb explodes. You all get behind me. I will use the mirror space to avoid the nuclear explosion later. As for How New York loves so and so is none of my business.”

Li Feng is not just saying that he really doesn't care what will happen to New York in a nuclear explosion, because he has obtained the Mind Stones, and the remaining Infinity Stones have little to do with New York.

The first is the space gem. This thing will definitely be brought back to Asgard by Thor. Li Feng doesn't dare to compete with Odin for the space gem now. It won't be too late to do it when Asgard is destroyed. The space gem is there anyway. It won't run long.

With the Time Stone in Ancient One's hand, Li Feng also didn't dare to snatch it, as it would be skinned and dried. Only after Ancient One left and Doctor Strange appeared, Li Feng at that time was almost capable of borrowing or simply grabbing the Time Stone.

The reality gem has not appeared yet, but this gem will eventually be sent to the collector by Thor. Li Feng doesn't know the strength of the collector, but Li Feng has already planned it.

If the collector is weak, then just grab it directly. If the opponent is strong, he will have many strange magic props and trade them with the collector. In order to go home, the props will be gone once they are gone. It is no big deal.

As for the remaining power and soul gems, they are still floating in the universe and have no owners at all.

Li Feng could only figure out the whereabouts of the Power Stone when he arrived at Xandar.

As for the soul gem, you have to ask Gamora. Li Feng remembered that Star-Lord's best friend knew the whereabouts of the soul gem.

I'm talking about Li Feng having a backup plan to collect infinite gems. Stark, Banner, Shavig and Dr. Pym, who I haven't met yet, these people plus a piece of machinery that can travel through time.

Even if Li Feng makes a mistake when collecting gems, he is not afraid. At worst, he can collect them through time.

Therefore, he really has no love for New York.

Just a few seconds before the nuclear bomb exploded, and Stark and others stood silently behind Li Feng, preparing to enter the mirror space to take refuge, a portal suddenly appeared in front of Li Feng.

While wondering, Li Feng saw a woman dressed as a monk and wearing a hood to cover her bald head walk out of the portal, and said to himself in a relaxed tone: "Throw the nuclear bomb."

"Yes, Master," with an extremely aggrieved expression, Li Feng waved his hand and teleported the nuclear bomb into space without any room for bargaining.

One second Li Feng looked disgusting when facing Fury, but the next second he behaved like a good baby when facing this bald woman, which made several people at the scene confused.

In addition to Loki, he vaguely sensed the dark aura on Ancient One's body, and also guessed who the visitor was. This made him subconsciously lean behind Thor, and at the same time he was grateful in his heart that the Chitauri failed to invade the earth as they wished. otherwise

Haha, this bitch is a ruthless person who can beat Dormammu violently. His small body is not big enough for the opponent to punch him.

Seeing that the nuclear bomb crisis was over, Steve and others breathed a sigh of relief and asked their companions with their eyes: Who is this lady? She has such a strong aura.

As for Li Feng, he seemed to have been bullied outside, and now he went to his parents to complain and said, "Master, they bullied me."

Gu Yi's mouth twitched, she was actually quite helpless when she appeared in front of everyone.

Originally, the Chitauri invasion had come to an end with the closing of the portal, and the Ancient One did not want to be exposed in front of everyone at all.

But since Li Feng wanted a nuclear bomb to explode in New York, she had to step in because there was a temple in New York.

If the temple is bombed, loopholes in the earth's defense will appear in a short period of time, and the time it takes to repair the loopholes will be enough for Mamu and other alien creatures that covet the earth to break through the remaining two temples.

Then the earth will be in really big trouble. If we are not careful, the earth will be gone.

It's not impossible to use magic to protect the temple from the impact of nuclear bombs. But in this way, wouldn't everyone in the world know that there is a temple in New York and that there are mages in the world?

By then, Ancient One estimated that he would be so annoyed that he left the show early to rest before he could train Doctor Strange.

"I know," Gu Yi said, clasping his hands behind his back and looking into the distance, "but you shouldn't destroy New York."

After saying that, Gu Yi glanced at Stark, waved his hand to open the portal, turned his back and said to Li Feng when he turned around and stepped into the portal: "The necklace is good."

If the necklace is not bad, Li Feng said that he understood. It was just because he dared to continue such nonsense, so Gu Yi's "Necklace is good" meant that she looked at the necklace and asked Li Feng to obediently give the necklace to Gu Yi.

But what does it mean to warn yourself not to destroy New York?

After a while, Li Feng patted his forehead: The major event worthy of Ancient Yi's appearance is related to maintaining the dimension, and the New York Temple is related to the dimension.

How could I forget this?

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