Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 24 Chapter 24 The Devil's Breath

Before traveling through time, Li Feng first discussed with Gu Yi about the temple alarm that would be triggered when returning to the Marvel world. Li Feng did not want to face a group of mages holding magic weapons as soon as he returned to the Marvel world. Scared into having a heart attack.

Afterwards, Li Feng took Mo Du, who was a little excited about being able to travel to another world, back to his room.

Gu Yi looked at Li Feng and Mo Du as they left, with the corner of his mouth raised slightly, thinking: It's a pity that I need to pay attention to the earth at all times, and I can't easily leave the earth to travel to other worlds, otherwise once the creatures in the other space notice my departure, I'm afraid Will invade the earth immediately

Modu, Modu, your ability is good, but your character

I hope that after several baptisms in other worlds, you can understand that in addition to black and white, there are also grays in this world. You no longer act according to the laws that mages must maintain the balance of nature.

After all, mages are actually a group of beings who understand the rules, apply the rules, and break the rules.

Active and passive choices have different impacts on the timeline. Now that you have taken the initiative to go to another world to gain knowledge, it means that your destiny has taken a turn. I hope you can change your destiny of betraying Kama Taj in the future.

Back in the room, Li Feng routinely checked his equipment: a hanging ring in his left hand, a magic gem ring in his right hand, clothes with cleaning magic, a magic long knife, a magic book and a few magic playing cards.

These should be able to cope with some dangers, right?

It can be said that Li Feng will bring all the props he can, and he does not want to die inexplicably in a different world due to lack of preparation.

Taking a deep breath, Li Feng stretched out his hand to activate the quantum energy to open the blue-white time-travel gate, while carefully experiencing the operation of quantum energy and the changes in the teleportation gate. This was crucial for him to completely master the time-travel gate in the future.

At present, Li Feng doesn't know anything except how to open doors. He can only rely on carefully understanding the differences every time he opens the time-travel door, and finding out the rules of time-travel time after time in order to prevent himself from having fun in a different world one day, etc. A hundred years have passed since returning to the Marvel world.

Seeing the time-travel door open, Li Feng said to Mo Du: "Hold my arm, by the way, dear, have you finished your meal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue and white crossing door instantly enveloped Li Feng and Mo Du, who was confused by Li Feng's questions.

To be honest, even though Li Feng faced time travel cautiously every time, he was still a little nervous and scared inside. After all, he had no idea what world was on the other side of the time travel door. What would he be able to remember if he met a protagonist he was familiar with? The plot, but there are so many worlds, who can guarantee that Li Feng will definitely encounter a world where he is familiar with the plot?

For example, this time, when Li Feng stepped through the portal, he looked at the world under his feet covered with withered and yellow weeds with a confused look on his face.

Where is this?

Li Feng, who stood in the wilderness and looked at the medieval-style town in the distance, scratched his eyebrows, lowered his head and said to Modu, who was vomiting beside him: "The flight to another world has arrived. Passengers who are getting off, please stop. Go 100 meters away from the captain to vomit, because the smell of your vomit will affect the captain's good mood and appetite."

Modu, who had already finished vomiting, heard what Li Feng said about vomiting and appetite, and subconsciously retched twice. He rolled his eyes and said, "Can you remind me not to eat before traveling through time next time? I just vomited all my lunch." Empty."

Holding Li Feng's shoulder, Mo Du looked at the town in the distance and said, "By the way, your airline's flight service is too bad and it will go bankrupt sooner or later. What kind of time travel experience is this? I feel like I'm kneading the whole person like dough." Knead it away, then stuff it into a water pipe and squeeze it.”

Li Feng shrugged, looked down at his toes, and said, "You'll get used to it just like me if you get squeezed a few more times. Look at me, I don't have any signs of vomiting at all."

I was wearing Madan clothes, but I forgot to prepare a pair of magic shoes, so I came to this world barefoot. My poor slippers, how could you abandon me and stay in the Marvel world? Don’t you know how deeply I love you?

Modu on the side was also having a hard time. Although Li Feng had kindly reminded him before traveling through time, his shoes were magic shoes and his clothes were robes, but his underwear and socks were not magic products, so now he was fighting in a vacuum.

"Where is this?" Modu, who felt better, rubbed his belly and asked, "Why do I feel like I'm back in the Middle Ages?"

"You ask me?" Li Feng spread his hands and said as he walked towards the town: "I asked who to go to. I also want to know what world I have come to. Every time I travel to another world, there is no instruction manual. I slowly go there by myself. Experience what kind of world this is.”

Approaching the entrance of the small town, the two of them looked at each other, not daring to approach the small town easily.

Modu touched his chin and looked at the cross flag of the Holy See flying on the city gate in the distance, as well as the soldiers guarding the city gate wearing clothes with crosses on their chests, and muttered: "Trouble, this is really the medieval earth. , it was still a time when the Holy See was the only one.”

There was no need for Mo Du to say anything troublesome. Li Feng naturally knew what the medieval Vatican's attitude was towards magicians like them.

Look at how history describes how the Vatican dealt with witches: hanging, burning, drowning, or hanging the witch first, then submerging the witch in water for a day, and finally dragging the witch out of the water and burning the body.

Although Li Feng knew that he did not travel through history, but was in a certain film and television drama, as long as the Holy See appeared in the movie about the middle world, magicians would still be unable to escape the fate of various persecutions.

Looking down at his feet, Li Feng turned to look at Mo Du next to him, and asked in a low voice: "What should we do now? We don't look like locals. I also want to go to the city to get a pair of shoes. It's too awkward to walk barefoot. ”

Mordo's clothes were fine. A pair of magic boots wouldn't be noticeable to ordinary people, and the boots were nothing special in the Middle Ages. Although he appeared in a vacuum, he could at least look like a monk, but his body was too clean to be rubbed. Deniwan will still attract attention.

Because bathing was not popular in the Middle Ages. Under the guidance of the Holy See, people believed that a dirty body was closer to God. Not bathing was a symbol of holiness. People like Mo Du and Li Feng had clean clothes and bodies. They would probably be regarded as such as soon as they entered the city. heresy.

Moreover, the issue with Li Feng’s barefoot pants is easy to explain, but the sleeveless shirt does not look like medieval clothing, and a black man and a yellow man are clearly heretics recognized by the Holy See, and they will only be executed if they enter the city. .

Rolling his eyes, Mo Du gave up the idea of ​​going into the city in broad daylight and said speechlessly: "As a modern person, I feel embarrassed walking without underwear. I also want to go into the city to buy some clothes. By the way, you said you had money with you. Are you still buying shoes? I think you’re just going to steal them.”

Li Feng spread his hands, sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at Xiaocheng, and said, "What can I do if I don't steal? How can I convince the boss to give me a pair of shoes by talking?"

Pointing to the city guard at the entrance of the small city, Li Feng scratched his head and said: "If I have such eloquence, I can directly convince those soldiers wearing cross uniforms to let us enter the city. Just wait, we will sneak into the city at night and see what's going on now. What is the specific situation?”

Mo Du didn't care whether Li Feng was resting or sleeping. He squinted at the small town in the distance, which made him feel a little strange.

After a long time, Modu, who noticed something, sounded slightly angry and whispered: "Damn it, there is the devil's breath in the sky above the small town."

Li Feng, who was already drowsy, opened his eyes instantly, stood up and looked up at Xiaocheng, then turned to ask Modu: "Are you sure there is a devil here?"

It’s easy to understand that the Holy See appears in medieval movies and TV dramas, but the appearance of the devil is no wonder my time-travel door can be opened. Doesn’t the appearance of the devil prove from the side that this world has extraordinary power?

Li Feng, who lowered his head and thought about what world he was in, smiled bitterly and cursed: There are too few clues to analyze which film and TV series it is from.

"I don't know," Modu touched the scepter on his back and whispered, "I only detected a very faint aura of devils. We need to check in person if there are any devils."

Li Feng said that Modu's attitude towards the devil was understandable. After all, a few days ago, Modu watched a devil kill five apprentices like chopping vegetables. Now he suspected that a devil appeared in front of him. Modu was not excited and did not want to kill him. It's the devil, but

Li Feng looked at Modu seriously. He felt his head hurt: Two magicians were tracking down the devil in the Middle Ages? And it's still under the eyes of the Holy See. If things go wrong, the two of them will be wanted by the Holy See for colluding with the devil. Will a good trip to gain knowledge turn into a journey of escape?

Before Li Feng could think about what to do, he said that Modu had given up on tracing the whereabouts of the demon. The peaceful town in the distance suddenly became noisy. Li Feng could still vaguely hear:

"Kill the devil and avenge your family."

"Kill the witch, she is the one who brought the plague."

Li Feng believed that his ears could hear correctly, but he was still a little uncertain. He turned and asked Mo Du: "People in this small town are talking about devils and plagues?"

Modu said with a serious face: "I heard it too. I think I felt the devil's breath above the small town before, and it might be the plague breath brought by the devil from hell."

So there are not only demons in this world, but also a mysterious plague? Now I don’t want to go into the city to steal a pair of shoes and food. Instead, I want to run far away. Who knows if these plagues will be effective on us? If we are also infected with the plague, I still want to go home and listen to my children calling me daddy.

Before Li Feng could persuade Mo Du to leave, Mo Du suddenly lowered Li Feng's figure. The two squinted at several people dressed as knights, as well as a priest and an unidentified person escorting a prison car from the city gate. Get out.

I just feel that the leading knight on the white horse looks familiar: Isn't this Nicolas Cage? Dressed as a knight?

Li Feng, who was vaguely guessing, muttered: Well, you taught me magic in the world of 'Magician's Apprentice', but I guess you should teach me swordsmanship in this world.

Patting Mo Du on the shoulder, Li Feng said with his eyes: "Let's follow the convoy."

Modu thought for a while, nodded and motioned for the two of them to follow quietly to check the situation, because the little girl in the prison car always gave him a strange feeling, and when the prison car left the city gate, the people in the city shouted to the little girl, "Witch" "Devil" and so on, he felt that there might be a devil hidden in the little girl's body.

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