Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 25 Chapter 25 Infiltrating the team

Before Li Feng and Li Feng had gone far, Mo Du suddenly heard the sound of horses running behind him and quickly signaled Li Feng to hide.

After a while, a man on horseback wearing a linen cloak passed by Li Feng without noticing.

Li Feng, who was hiding in the grass, looked at the other person's retreating back thoughtfully: Now just by looking at the cross swords used by the previous knights, I can tell whether this is the movie I remember.

Mo Du stood up and looked at the knight going away, then turned to ask Li Feng: "I can see from your eyes that you seem to have some understanding of this world. Can you explain it to me?"

It was obviously the first time for both of them to come to this world. How did Li Feng understand this world? Mordo was curious.

Li Feng scratched his head. He really couldn't explain this question. He curled his lips and said, "I just remembered that I saw the symbol on the cross sword of a certain knight in front of me. It seemed to be the symbol of the Holy See's Crusaders."

Modu was a little confused. The cross flag in the small town behind him already indicated the existence of the Holy See in this world, so isn't it normal for the Crusaders to appear? Moreover, Modu, who thought he had better eyesight, didn't notice what kind of cross sword it was. How did Li Feng pay attention to it? ? The most important thing is: does this have anything to do with the question I asked?

But since Li Feng used nonsense to cover up how he found out what the problem was, Mo Du didn't care. After all, everyone has some secrets. Even if Li Feng had malicious intentions, Mo Du didn't care. Li Feng has been practicing like this for less than 3 years. He is a little rookie, he can destroy the opponent with one hand. It's a big deal that he can't go back to the original world. The worst he can do is create a mage temple in this world and continue to fight against the devils who dare to invade the earth.

As for his own carelessness that allowed Li Feng to escape back to his original world, Mo Du said that the shrewd Gu Yi must have seen something, and Li Feng would have nothing to gain by then.

Thinking of this, Mo Du glanced at Li Feng and said, "Let's go, I want to see if the girl who makes me feel weird is the incarnation of the devil."

Li Feng shrugged and followed Mo Du towards the direction of the prison car, muttering in his heart: "If this world is really like the movie I thought, you don't even bring a magic weapon to check whether the devil is possessed. How can you tell? Ghost."

The two people, who were fast on their feet, soon followed the prison car and saw an old man with a gray beard beating a young man with a sword in his left hand.

Seeing this scene, Li Feng curled his lips. He was already sure that this was the world of 'Season of the Witch'.

The knight who resembles the 777-level magician Barstow is officially the protagonist of this world. He believes in God but resents the Holy See's use of his faith to massacre women.

The person in the distance who was beating the young man with his left hand swordsmanship was Beiman's good friend Ferson.

These two people were originally victorious generals in the Crusades. They had been together on the battlefield for decades. They quit the Crusades because they were dissatisfied with their superiors who ordered them to slaughter women and the elderly. After a month of wandering, the two men needed to eat and rest because their horses And entering the small town that Li Feng and the others discovered.

As soon as the two entered the city, their identities were discovered by the Crusaders and they were imprisoned. During this period, the bishop of the small town wanted the two to escort a witch who had brought a plague to the world to Sforac Monastery, where there was a magical book of Solomon. 'The spell book can effectively eliminate witches and purify the world of plague.

Neiman, who was disappointed with the Holy See, refused the bishop's request without even thinking about it until he discovered in prison that the bishop's mouth sounded more like a little girl's witch.

In the end, Beman, who was moved by compassion, proposed that as long as the little girl suspected of being a witch received a fair trial, he was willing to escort the little girl to the Sforac Convent.

After that, the little girl Li Feng saw was put into a prison car, and Beman led a knight, a priest, and a liar out of the city to Sforac Monastery.

Beiman and Ferson have been on the battlefield for decades and their bodies are not missing parts. They maintain a high degree of alertness during battles and habitually observe the surroundings in case there are enemies hidden around them.

Beiman quickly stopped Fusen, who was fighting with the young man, and the two turned to look at Li Feng and Modu, who had no hidden figures at all.

Ferson changed the cross sword to his dominant right hand in case the battle broke out suddenly, curled his lips and said to Beiman: "The sacrifice boy who followed us before could still say that he wanted to get our approval and fantasized about becoming a knight, but these two people looked at each other indifferently. Not like a child sacrifice, more like a monk and a heretic."

Modu could feel that the team escorting the witches were all ordinary people, but he didn't care even if there were extraordinary people. He only cared about whether the little girl in the prison car was a devil. If the little girl was a devil, then there was no need to say anything. Bullshit, he killed this devil on the spot.

Li Feng glanced at Beiman, who looked wary of him, and seemed to be talking to himself, but also said silently to Beiman: It is true that there is not a witch in the prison car, but it is not a witch who was beaten by the Holy See as you think. But inside the body, there is a devil hidden

Then, Li Feng looked at Mo Du, who ignored Beiman and others, and walked to the prison car speechlessly. He cursed in his heart: You who didn't detect the devil's magic weapon can't see the devil in the little girl's body, because this cunning devil has no trace at all. Kill the little girl's soul, but live together with the little girl's soul in the same body, so you can sense the little girl's weird soul, but don't try to detect the devil by your senses

In this era when white people can be seen everywhere and black people are rarer than pandas, Beiman subconsciously drew out his cross sword to stop Modu and said: "You two, can you explain what you mean?"

Mordo looked at Beiman, pointed to the prison car and said: "I feel the devil's breath, please allow me to check."

Berman felt a little ridiculous. It was obviously for the poor little girl. The church said she was a witch, and this guy who looked like black charcoal said that the little girl was a devil. So the question is, is this poor little girl a witch or a devil?

The devil in the prison car was stunned when he heard Mordo's words, and squinted his eyes to look at the two people who suddenly appeared. He sensed the magic power in Mordo and Li Feng's body, and knew that these two people were not ordinary people, but he knew that the two people could not see his true body at all, so he looked at Mordo and Li Feng leisurely, especially Li Feng, he could feel that the other party's magic power tended to be dark.

Berman looked at Ferson who spread his hands to show that he did not believe what Mordo said, turned his head and sneered at Mordo: "But why do I feel that you are more like a devil, a black ghost."

Beman's word "black ghost" made Li Feng feel that it was time for him to appear, otherwise if he did not stop Mordo and Berman, he would see the scene of the wizard fighting the knight.

Li Feng walked up to Berman, touched the magic long sword on his waist and said, "We are travelers who travel around. Can we join your team temporarily? I want to learn swordsmanship from you."

The priest said that he knew the church altar boy who fought against Ferson and knew that the other party was named Kai. In addition, the wonderful battle between Kai and Ferson was recognized by Berman, so the priest did not refute that he let a person who knew him well join the team to escort the witch.

But the priest was not so friendly to the yellow Li Feng and the black Modu. He just hid in the distance and shouted to Berman: "No, I don't agree with you joining the team. You are heretics."

Heretics, your sister, Li Feng, who was inexplicably accused of being a heretic, said that he was very unhappy. He reached out and took out the magic playing cards from his pocket, ready to greet the priest with a fireball.

In this world, Li Feng was only interested in a spell book called "Solomon", and swordsmanship and other things had to be put behind.

Now the priest made Li Feng feel unhappy. Li Feng didn't care how the devil living in the girl's body wanted to occupy the world. He wanted to kill the priest directly and go to the Sforlak Monastery to grab the spell book, and then return to the Marvel world to slowly study the spell book.

Mordo, who was observing the little girl in the prison van through the figure of Berman, was unhappy to be called a "nigger", but he still reached out to stop Li Feng. For now, he cared about the devil. Mordo frowned and asked Li Feng in a low voice: "I can't feel the devil's breath on the little girl, but this little girl gives me a weird feeling. Can you see anything?"

"See what, isn't it?" Halfway through the words, Li Feng noticed that the little girl in the prison van squinted at him, and her eyes seemed to be full of warning.

Li Feng suddenly realized that it was fun to reveal the plot, but it was deadly after the fun, especially when he was still a rookie with limited mana and spells. If he exposed the identity of the devil here and let the angry devil run out of the prison van, everyone present might be finished except Mordo who had some fighting power, including himself.

Li Feng was not sure that Mordo could keep pestering the devil so that he could leisurely open the portal and escape, especially since he had exposed the devil's identity and caused twists and turns in the devil's plan. Who would be the first target of the devil who revealed his identity? Of course it was Li Feng.

Damn, you devil dared to threaten me with your eyes. Wait until I prepare the spell to escape at any time, and let Mordo deal with you.

Or wait until I find the "Solomon" spell book, so that I have the means to restrain you and then kill you myself.

Thinking of this, Li Feng rubbed his cheeks, put on a fake smile, and said to the priest with a smile: "Since you say I am a heretic, I will join your team, so that you will have time to see whether I am a heretic or not."

You wait and see how I will kill you, a priest who likes to talk nonsense.

Berman glanced at the poker cards in Li Feng's hand. As a soldier who has been fighting with his head tied to his belt for many years, he felt the threat brought to him by the cards in Li Feng's hand.

Originally, Beiman did not agree to Li Feng and the other two joining the team. After all, the two people's origins and purposes were unknown. However, after hearing Mordo's words "If you don't agree, just follow the team quietly", Beiman had to agree to the two to join the team to escort the witch.

Compared with the two making trouble behind the team, Beiman believed that the two would not make trouble under his nose.

In this way, Mordo and Li Feng joined the team while everyone looked at them with defensive eyes from time to time.

During this period, Li Feng did join the team with the purpose of learning swordsmanship from Beiman as he said before, and kept asking Beiman how to practice swordsmanship.

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