Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 34 Chapter 34 Tea

As Li Feng recounted the duties of Kama Taj in front of everyone, Modu secretly rolled his eyes and complained in his heart: Are you ashamed to say this? You are neither a person of this world nor a mage of Kama Taj, so what’s the point of putting all this glory on your face?

He wanted to go back and think about it, but Mo Du didn't expose the lie that he and Li Feng were not from this world. Otherwise, just explaining how the two of them came together would take a lot of words: with this explanation, it is better to think about what Li Feng said before. What about changes in thinking?

Kai finally understood that in addition to devils, there were all kinds of bizarre creatures in this world. He thought silently: Maybe those elves and other races in myths and legends really exist in a corner of this world.

The devil was eliminated, Beiman and others also knew the origin of Li Feng, and the matter came to an end.

After Beiman admitted in public that Kai was already an honorable knight, Kai glanced at Li Feng and Modu, mounted his horse and turned around to leave.

Looking at the direction Kai left, Li Feng scratched his eyebrows and turned to ask Modu: "Do you think this little guy will tell the Holy See about our existence?"

Modu shrugged and said with a smile: "So what if you don't tell? What if you tell? Even if the Holy See knows, what will happen next?"

The implication is that although the Holy See is very powerful, they will all leave this world and return to the Marvel world by then. What can the Holy See do to them? If you have the ability to go to the Marvel world to arrest these two people, let’s see how Gu Yi can convince these stubborn ‘heretics’ to death.

But now that we have left, Beiman and Ferson probably won’t even think about returning to their hometowns to live a stable life.

In any case, Beiman and Bastow looked so similar that Li Feng's conscience could not make the decision to learn swordsmanship from Beiman while cheating the other party and being run around by the Holy See.

After thinking about it, Li Feng decided to tell Beiman a white lie to mislead the Holy See. As for what the Holy See would do next, Li Feng said he couldn't control that much.

"The mages live somewhere on the highest peak in the world, Everest. As for the specific location," Li Feng turned his head and glanced at Mo Du, who was about to burst out laughing, and continued to say to Beiman, "It's not convenient for us to say the specific location. ”

Beiman nodded. He understood that Li Feng's intention of telling him about the place where the priest lived was simply because he was afraid that they would be persecuted by the Vatican, and that the Vatican would kill people to vent their anger after getting no information from them.

However, after this mission of escorting witches, Beiman said that in addition to his firmer belief in God, he also no longer trusts the Holy See.

The Holy See actually asked a few of them to complete such an important matter as escorting the devil. This was a major matter related to the invasion of hell. The Holy See actually still ranked the event behind the mission of massacring heretics? Do you look down on hell, do you think they are too stupid, or do you know that they can destroy the devil?

Fortunately, the devil was finally eliminated. If they had made any mistakes during their mission, the consequences would have been disastrous. However, Beiman is still getting angrier when thinking about the whole thing now: What do you mean, the Holy See slaughters human beings and sends a steady stream of souls to hell? , causing the devil to have the capital to escape hell. On the other side, the mage who was promoted as a heretic by the Vatican is taking it as his own duty to destroy the devil. Isn't it the Vatican who eliminates the devil, the mage kills humans and conducts experiments or something? How come legend and reality are so different?

One month later.

Li Feng, whose skin was all blue and purple, told Beiman with a tired look that he had learned enough sword skills and was leaving.

If he didn't leave, Li Feng was afraid that he would be beaten by Beiman with the wooden sword in his hand until he could no longer take care of himself.

Take a look at how Beiman taught Li Feng. He picked up two wooden sticks to show that he could hone his sword in actual combat. After that, Li Feng was beaten by Beiman from morning to evening every day, so that Li Feng could form muscle memory within a month of training. , Beiman would also let Ferson attack Li Feng at night with a wooden stick in the middle of the night.

What do you think this is? Li Feng has never had a good sleep since he came to this world. He really can't stand this kind of training method that is more cruel than Modu.

It's a pity that after Beiman knew that Li Feng's opponents were all cruel and cunning alien creatures, he couldn't wait to hand over all his martial arts skills to Li Feng, no matter if Li Feng complained or not, especially since Li Feng had entrusted him to help train swordsmanship in the first place. For this kind of Regarding the cultivation method that requires self-abuse, Beiman expressed that he was very happy to torture Li Feng.

To explain it in Beiman's words, the teaching time is too short, so he can only use this hell-level practice method of "I'll torture you thousands of times, and you'll only break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach" to make Li quickly become stronger.

Especially after Modu said that he would watch Li Feng to ensure that Li Feng would not die, and cast spells to restore Li Feng's injuries after training every day, Beiman even thought of not abusing him but teaching Li Feng, hoping that Li Feng could kill more people in the future. Alien creatures ensure that humans will not suddenly become slaves of devils and other creatures one day.

In this regard, Li Feng sincerely expressed his gratitude to Folsen and Beiman: I thank you for your uncle Madan. After a month of abusing me, I still have to thank them. I am also cheap enough.

So when one month was up, Li Feng couldn't wait to say goodbye to Beiman and Ferson, and summoned a blue-white light door. Before Ferson and Beiman crossed themselves on their chests and said "Amen", Li Feng seemed to be running for his life. De and Modu disappeared in front of their eyes.

Returning to the Marvel world, Li Feng immediately looked at the electronic clock on his bedside. This time he was savoring the energy of quantum and portal, just to understand the different flow rates of time caused by time travel.

Modu, who was vomiting again, rubbed his stomach and looked curiously at Li Feng, who had his eyes closed and looked constipated. After a while, he saw what Li Feng was doing and said faintly: "You should not only check how much energy you use when you travel, but also check the quality of the energy you use. Finally, I remind you that the location where you open the portal when you return to the local world next time, you can try the location where you landed in the other world, maybe it will help you."

After a long time, Li Feng scratched his head and smiled bitterly: My strength is still too low. It's good enough to check how much energy I use. I also want to check the quality? Let's wait a few years

"Your opinion is not good. I'll try it next time I travel."

Modu turned his head and glanced at Li Feng's room, and said faintly: "No need for next time, just this time."

Damn, I originally wanted to go to the other world to see it, but the result is good. Not to mention the wind and rain, I went to the other world to kill a devil? If I want to kill a devil, won't I kill it in the local world? I traveled a long way to another world to kill people. Am I sick or do you have a cure? If it weren't for the last month when Berman and Ferson told me about some customs of that world, I wouldn't have seen anything this time. It was a waste.

Li Feng heard that Mordo was not very satisfied with this trip to another world, and spread his hands and said, "The problem is that I don't know where we will go. Also, it seems that you want to travel again?"

Modu nodded. Since he knew that the mana used by Li Feng was biased towards the dark, he could ensure that he would not hurt Li Feng and keep the problem of Li Feng's mana attribute secret, but what if other mages knew about it?

There are many people in Kamar-Taj who are more knowledgeable than him. As long as Li Feng practices magic in Kamar-Taj, sooner or later others will discover the secret of mana attribute.

So after knowing that Li Feng was destined to take the path of the dark camp, Mordo already knew that Li Feng would not stay in Kamar-Taj to practice magic for a long time. When Li Feng left Kamar-Taj, he didn't know how to find him. It would be better to travel to another world again to gain more knowledge.

"Master Gu Yi and I will recount our experience of traveling through time, and then we will set out for another world again."

After saying that, Mordo left the room without caring what Li Feng thought, and walked towards Gu Yi's lounge.

Li Feng smacked his lips, shrugged and muttered: "Well, I'm just an elevator attendant. I can't decide which floor to stop at. Whether I travel through time or not depends on Mordo's face."

Modo's steps left Li Feng's room hesitantly. He didn't believe that Gu Yi didn't see the problem of Li Feng's magic power. This was obviously Gu Yi's indulgence.

A person who uses dark energy hides in Kamar-Taj, and allows the other party to learn a lot of Kamar-Taj spells. What does Gu Yi want to do? And what did Gu Yi teach him before?

Modo felt a little confused when he walked to Gu Yi's lounge. He raised his hand to knock on the door and hesitated several times but never knocked on the door. He didn't know what he was afraid of.

After a long time, Gu Yi in the lounge sat at the tea table, waved to open the door, motioned Mordo to sit opposite him, and made tea for Mordo, smiling and saying: "You came just in time, I just boiled water, drink some tea with me."

Although Mordo is black, he has lived in Kamar-Taj for many years and he also knows that the boiled water is not suitable for making tea.

To make tea, you need to see what kind of tea leaves are, and then choose the right water temperature, so that the tea can be sweet aftertaste.

Sitting opposite Gu Yi, Mordo thought about what Gu Yi was hinting at by making tea, while taking the small porcelain cup in his hand, and said: "Master, we met the devil on your trip to the other world this time."

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly with a slightly surprised expression, and while drinking tea, he motioned Mordo to continue.

"I found that Li Feng learned magic from the devil." While speaking, Mordo has been carefully observing the changes in Gu Yi's expression, but except for frowning, Gu Yi always had a smiling expression, so Mordo could not judge how much Gu Yi knew about Li Feng.

Seeing that Modu stopped talking, Gu Yi put down the porcelain cup in his hand and said, "Water temperature of 70 to 80 degrees is suitable for brewing unfermented tea, such as green tea, because these green teas will release tea tannins when brewed with too high water temperature, making the tea soup bitter."

"Water temperature of 90 degrees is suitable for brewing lightly fermented tea, or tea leaves with bud tips, finely broken tea leaves, such as Biluochun."

"Water temperature above 90 degrees is suitable for brewing medium-fermented tea, that is, more mature tea, because tea with a high degree of fermentation is resistant to high temperatures and helps to release fragrance, such as high mountain tea and Tieguanyin."

Modu was stunned at first, then looked down at the green tea in the porcelain cup. After a long time, Modu said faintly, "Are you trying to tell me that nothing can be extreme? Just like using 100-degree boiling water is not suitable for brewing tea, but will destroy the tea fragrance?"

Gu Yi poured out the tea in the porcelain cup and said with a smile, "I just want to tell you that this cup of tea doesn't taste good."

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