Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 35 Chapter 35 Reward

Li Feng didn't know what Gu Yi talked about with Mordo in the lounge. He only knew that he waited in his room for a long time but Mordo didn't return. He fell asleep in boredom. It was not until Mordo came to him with food that he realized it was already the next morning. It can be seen how tired Li Feng was tortured by more than a month of outdoor life.

Mordo put down the plate in his hand and said expressionlessly: "Master Gu Yi is looking for you. I hope you can take the "Solomon" spell book to meet Gu Yi's practice room after breakfast."

After speaking, Mordo turned and left Li Feng's room. When he closed the door, he suddenly hesitated and said: "I told Gu Yi about your use of time spells on the devil. Gu Yi was very surprised. She said that this was originally your spell, and she learned it from you at first."

Li Feng was holding the plate, and inexplicably blinked and looked at Mordo, who was holding the door with one hand and ready to close it at any time: What does Gu Yi mean by surprise? Didn't she know that I can cast time spells?

Seeing the entanglement and envy in Mordo's eyes, Li Feng somewhat understood the purpose of Mordo's saying this to him: You want to learn time magic, but you don't know how to ask?

Rolling his eyes at Mordo, Li Feng smiled and walked out of the room with the plate, saying: "Yes, Master Gu Yi used her private collection of books as exchange."

Modu heard what Li Feng meant, "If you want to learn time magic, it's fine, but what do you want to exchange?".

How precious and difficult is time magic to practice? Just look at who else in Kamar-Taj can practice this kind of magic besides Gu Yi. Mordo wants to learn it, but he is afraid that he does not have the talent to practice time magic. He gave good things to Li Feng in vain, but he can only stare at the magic book in a daze.

Li Feng saw Mordo's entanglement, smiled and patted Mordo's shoulder, and said: "You can learn from Gu Yi for a while, just say that I allow you."

Modu smiled awkwardly and turned away, thinking in his heart that regardless of whether he could learn time magic in the end, just because Li Feng allowed him to try to practice time magic, he should give Li Feng a gift.

Li Feng had no idea what Mordo was thinking. While carrying the plate to eat breakfast, he walked all the way to Gu Yi's practice room.

Outside Gu Yi's practice room, Li Feng tidied his clothes and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in."

Li Feng entered the room, put his hands together and saluted Gu Yi respectfully, then sat cross-legged opposite Gu Yi, and handed the 'Solomon' spell book to Gu Yi, and also handed Gu Yi his own magic book. Li Feng wanted Gu Yi to interpret the dark spells taught to him by the devil.

As Gu Yi flipped through the Solomon spell book, he smiled and said, "I learned from Mordo that you used the time-slowing spell to trap a demon."

With a little shyness, Li Feng said slowly, "The demon's power was at least weakened by more than half before it could be trapped by the time spell, and the time it was trapped was very short."

"This is also an amazing talent." Gu Yi looked up at Li Feng, blinked and said, "At least you can use time spells in battle."

Gu Yi quickly finished reading the Solomon spell book, and said with regret, "It's an interesting spell, but it's not very useful for us mages. It relies more on the power of faith in God to complete the spell."

While returning the Solomon spell book to Li Feng, Gu Yi said, "Unless you give up your identity as a mage and become a devout priest of the church."

Only ghosts want to be gods Father, how handsome the magician is

With a little regret, Li Feng frowned and asked: "Is it useless at all?"

Ancient One shrugged and smiled: "The spells in it rely on the power of faith, and it is not impossible to transform them into magic power, but first we need to know the principles of the spells. The problem is that this is God's book. Where can you find God to explain the principles of the spells for us?"

Before he finished speaking, Ancient One felt that he seemed to have said something wrong. He thought for a while and smiled bitterly: "I almost forgot that others may not meet angels or God in several lifetimes, but you are different. There may be angels and God in a certain world behind you. If you can meet Him, you may ask the principles of these spells. When you understand the principles, you may get the title of Devil Killer."

Devil Killer can understand, after all, the main purpose of the 'Solomon' spell book is to destroy the devil, but asking God for spells? Haha, this is really crazy. I think I should ask the devil. After all, the devil has appeared more times than God, and who knows what God's attitude is towards the use of dark energy. What if he thinks I am evil and wants to hang me up and beat me? Should I kneel down and beg for mercy or surrender with my five bodies prostrated? Or a dignified and heroic death?

Li Feng complained inwardly while opening the magic book and handing it to Gu Yi. He pointed at the spells in the magic book and said, "These are all taught to me by the devil. I know there are problems with these spells, but I can only find some of them. For example, the devil will locate the caster, and the mind will be corrupted by darkness after using a certain spell many times. So now I can only envy, but I dare not practice any spells."

Gu Yi said while checking the spells, "You are right to be cautious." Pointing to one of the plague fire spells, Gu Yi smiled and said, "For example, after this spell is used many times, your body will be infected by the extraordinary plague, and eventually the devil will sense your location and become a piece of "clothes" in his closet to show off."

Clothes? You'd better say that the devil is possessed. When I say clothes, I feel like I'm wearing clothes, but I feel scared in my heart.

"I wonder if you can help me sort out these dark spells. I want to learn them. After all," Li Feng said with a bitter sigh: "After all, my mana attributes leave me with no choice, and Modu has already Knowing my mana problem, I guess I won’t spend too much time in Kama Taj.”

After scratching his head, Li Feng said with an embarrassed expression: "As for the reward for some magic items I will collect in other worlds in the future, if you like them, I can give you some."

Gu Yi actually didn't want Li Feng to be exposed to the magic taught by the devil so early. He originally thought about how to teach Li Feng step by step. Now that Li Feng wants her to help modify the magic, Gu Yi thinks that he should change the spell more thoroughly and try to change the dark spells as much as possible. It can be turned into a general-purpose spell or a spell related to darkness, which can also be regarded as giving Li Feng a transition period when he comes into contact with dark energy.

Thinking of this, Gu Qi stood up, took the magic book, returned to the desk, and recorded the dozens of dark magics in the book on the paper.

Then Ancient Yi returned the magic book to Li Feng and said with a smile: "Although I am satisfied with some of Modu's potential changes, Modu himself was a little disappointed with his first time travel. He felt that he did not see the wonderful things. The magical world, I hope to travel with you again.”

Pointing to the dark spells on the desk, Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, rejecting Li Feng's empty promise: "I will help you check and modify these spells, which is regarded as Modu's reward for borrowing your time-traveling door."

This means that the Gu family does not care about Li Feng's personal collection. If someone else is asked to help modify the dark spell, Li Feng may not even have someone to help him if he sells his pants.

Li Feng originally planned to take Mo Du through time, but he didn't expect to get an unexpected reward. Borrowing the portal was nothing. For Li Feng, it was just letting Gu Yi help for free.

Thinking of this, Li Feng clasped his hands together and saluted, and said: "In this case, I will set off to another world with Modu now, but I can't control which world we go to. I hope this time travel will satisfy Modu."

After bidding farewell to Gu Yi, Li Feng quickly returned to his room. Before he could open his door, he heard the noise Mo Du made in his room.

Li Feng opened the door and saw Mo Du already dressed and waiting for him.

After experiencing the last time travel, Mo Du already understood why Li Feng brought all the props he could carry. If he had brought the equipment to restrain the devil when he traveled through the first time, he would have tortured Haigma to death, and there would be no use for it. Use 'Solomon' to weaken the devil.

So this time, Modu said he had to bring some commonly used props to prevent him from encountering devils again. After all, there are too many worlds infested by devils.

When Mo Du saw Li Feng coming back, he casually threw a cloak to Li Feng and said, "This is a constant temperature cloak. At least you can still breathe when the ice and snow come next. I don't want to see you shivering from the cold again, Master Taidu." 's face."

There were free magic props available. Li Feng didn't know what politeness meant, so he put the cloak directly on himself, opened the crossing door behind him, and said: "Welcome Mr. Modu to board this flight. This flight will take off in 3 seconds." , please hold on to the captain, and passengers who are airsick should be careful not to vomit on the captain. The clothes on the captain are very expensive.”

Modu silently held on to Li Feng, who had been fussing about him. The moment he rolled his eyes, Modu was swallowed up by the portal again.

The two people who had just been squeezed out of the time-travel door found themselves in a dirty and smelly alley. Li Feng felt that there was something wrong with Modu's character: The last time he traveled through the world was a plague-ridden world, and the sanitary conditions were so poor. A world where people are not allowed to take baths has now become an alleyway where garbage is piled up and rats collectively dance square dance in front of you.

Uncle Modu, have you not washed your face for a long time and your face is too dark? Why did I get into trouble with the smell when I traveled through time with you?

On the side, Modu, who was vomiting a little, rubbed his belly and asked, "Where is this?"

Li Feng rolled his eyes and replied: "Earth."

Modu: ""Of course I know it's the Earth. If you want to travel to an alien planet, you must have that ability.

Before the two of them walked out of the alley, Mo Du suddenly grabbed Li Feng and hid in the corner, whispering: "It smells like the devil."

It was the devil last time, and meet the devil again this time? Sure enough, I'm afraid you not only haven't washed your face, but you haven't showered in several years, and your whole body is moldy.

Li Feng, who glanced at Mo Du, was speechless and cursed in his heart: Can't there be a simpler world? I'm such a novice, how can I travel to the devil's world?

After waiting for a while, Li Feng saw a man with scars on his face walking into the alley holding two short metal sticks. At the same time, a middle-aged man with Mediterranean hair bared his teeth and attacked the scarred man from the darkness.

Unfortunately, the Mediterranean man was too weak for the scar man. He was directly subdued by the scar man and roared like a beast.

At this time, Li Feng understood who the devil in Mo Du's mouth was without even checking the magic weapon.

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