Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 356 Chapter 354 Natasha's Journey to Find Someone

Natasha took on the task of finding and monitoring the half-human, half-devil. At first, she didn't think it was difficult.

First of all, the half-human, half-devil incident was within the scope of SHIELD's business. Even though SHIELD had been disbanded and no longer took on the business, it was still doing what it should do in secret.

Natasha didn't believe that Fury would really let her search the world alone for the half-human, half-devil.

Secondly, finding people was a piece of cake for SHIELD. Even if Li Feng gave few clues, Natasha was confident that she could find the half-human, half-devil within 3 days.

But when it came to the actual operation, Natasha never thought that the half-human, half-devil child and his mother were as good as rats. They were so damn good at hiding that SHIELD didn't find any clues at all.

But it's normal to think about it. If the half-human, half-devil is so easy to find, why would Li Feng need the help of SHIELD? Can't he just post a missing person notice on the telephone pole?

After thinking about it, Natasha was no longer discouraged. If she couldn't find it in 3 days, she would spend another 3 days looking for it. Anyway, the winter solstice was still a long way off. Now she was laid off by Steve and had plenty of time.

Until who knows how many 3 days had passed, and it was almost the winter solstice, Natasha still hadn't found any clues about the half-human, half-devil.

Feeling that the situation was a little out of control, Natasha could only come to the lake in a decadent manner, hoping that Li Feng could provide some clues.

As a result, it goes without saying that Li Feng was wandering in the outer space at that time, and Natasha didn't get any clues except seeing the abomination who couldn't fart for a long time.

There was no other way, so Natasha went to the New York Temple to find Strange and ask for some clues. In her opinion, Kamar-Taj was a wizard force after all, and it was the kind that had influence all over the world. Half-human and half-devil was a magical event, so Kamar-Taj should have some clues.

As a result, Natasha didn't even see Strange. She only knew that Kamar-Taj didn't dare to intervene in the matter of half-human and half-devil, otherwise the earth would face the danger of being visited by groups of bigwigs from other spaces.

Just when Natasha came with hope and returned disappointed, the wizard who received Natasha hinted obscurely: Regarding the matter of half-human and half-devil, you can just find other wizards to solve it. Even if you can't find the wizard himself for a while, it doesn't matter. His men can contact the wizard himself at any time through the contract.

Natasha could easily guess who the 'other wizard' was. After all, in addition to knowing Kamar-Taj, SHIELD only had Li Feng, the mentally retarded wizard.

As for who could contact Li Feng through the contract, Natasha knew with her heels that it was the abomination who was a sculpture by the lake.

Helplessly, Natasha returned to the lake again, walked to the Abomination, gestured to ask about Li Feng's whereabouts and asked the Abomination to contact Li Feng.

At first, the Abomination, who enjoyed being driven by no one and lived a comfortable life, wanted to pretend to be stupid and ignore Natasha. Even when he was forced into a corner, he just gestured at Natasha. Anyway, he couldn't speak human language, and Natasha couldn't understand the dead language, so he gestured as he wanted.

Natasha, who didn't understand what the Abomination wanted to express at all, was completely crazy, and she swung the electric baton to beat the Abomination.

Originally, the hot-tempered Abomination wanted to fight back, but Natasha was so cunning that she directly threatened the Abomination that if he dared to resist, she would order the lakeside to be blown up.

At that time, what would happen to the Abomination who was not good at watching the house? Natasha said she didn't know, but her troubles were easy to solve, such as SHIELD funding to buy a larger and more beautiful land and help build a villa.

She and Li Feng already have a certain friendship. When the time comes, she only needs to sincerely apologize to Li Feng, and I believe that Li Feng will forgive her.

Abomination was dumbfounded when he heard it. There is such an operation? Later, he thought that Natasha's threat was in line with the style of SHIELD.

There is no need to be surprised at all that a place with beautiful scenery but no living people was bombed in order to obtain intelligence

If you think about it more deeply, Abomination feels that Natasha doesn't care about half-human and half-devil at all. Her purpose is to find an excuse to bomb Li Feng's home, and then take the opportunity to place Li Feng in a residence specially arranged by SHIELD.

Abomination dares to swear with the few rags on his body that before Li Feng moves into his new home, SHIELD will definitely secretly install several trucks of probes nearby to ensure that a few flies that visit Li Feng's territory on a certain day, at a certain time, at a certain minute, and at a certain second are recorded, and whether the flies are male or female and have a few leg hairs on their legs are also recorded.

Considering these, Abomination did not dare to resist too much and could only dodge the electric baton in Natasha's hand. Even if he was hit by Natasha occasionally, he didn't care. Now he was thick-skinned and even bombs couldn't do anything to him. Just think of it as Natasha flirting with him in the way of "beating is love and scolding is love".

After a few times, Natasha saw that although Abomination had no skin and his body was either a skeleton or rags, his heart was not only thick-skinned, but also thick all over. The electric baton in her hand was just tickling Abomination, and the more it tickled, the more excited he became.

Natasha thought about it. Since Abomination still retained wisdom, it didn't matter if he couldn't speak, as long as he could learn, just like the deaf-mute people among humans, they couldn't speak either, but they could communicate in sign language through learning.

Thinking of this, Natasha immediately ran to the bookstore to buy a sign language textbook, and took a laser cutting device from the SHIELD warehouse, and then led a few vicious dogs back to the lake.

As soon as Abomination saw Natasha's momentum, he knew what the other party was planning. It was obvious that he had to learn sign language. If he didn't learn it, just look at the laser cutter and the vicious dog and he would know that Natasha would definitely tear him into parts.

He will definitely not die, after all, he is already a mummy, and Natasha is not a magician, what can she do to him? However, his left foot is buried in the ground in the east, his right foot is hanging on the tree in the west, and his ribs will definitely be chewed by vicious dogs as teeth sticks.

There is no way, he dare not really fight, and he wants to hide but cannot leave the territory. The hatred can only tell Natasha with dancing and joy that he doesn’t know where Li Feng is. As for contacting, he sent a few messages, but the signal may be bad or busy where Li Feng is, and he has not replied to his message until now.

The answer of hatred made Natasha half-believe and half-doubt and a little confused. She now has no idea how to find the half-human, half-devil.

After a long silence, Natasha simply moved into the cabin by the lake to live, and asked the hatred to learn sign language and contact Li Feng while directing the agents of SHIELD to continue to search for the whereabouts of the half-human, half-devil.

Hate had no choice but to learn sign language. During this period, he also wanted to slack off. After all, who can tell how long it will take to learn a skill? He can take his time.

Even if Natasha gets angry, he is not afraid. Hate can proudly point to his empty head and say proudly: "I am a dead person without a brain. What's wrong with my poor memory? If you have the ability, learn to bite my bones like a vicious dog."

Unfortunately, Hate underestimated Natasha's bottom line, especially as the winter solstice was getting closer and closer, she hoped more and more that Hate could contact Li Feng.

Natasha, who was so anxious that she entered menopause early, was dissatisfied with everything and was extremely irritable in everything she did. She even forced Hate to contact Li Feng on a daily basis and beat Hate from time to time.

Until one day, the Abomination, whose head was constantly shocked by the electric baton, suddenly felt that his Ren and Du meridians in his head were opened, and hurriedly used sign language to express: "Since the person you want to find has half devil blood, you can find the Ghost Rider who specializes in hunting devils. That guy is the devil's nemesis, and you can smell the smell of the devil across most of the city."

Natasha thought it was right, and hurried back to the cabin to retrieve the satellite. At the same time, she was glad that SHIELD had been using satellites to monitor these elusive visitors from hell since they knew that Mephisto and the Ghost Rider really existed.

Although SHIELD's satellites are not very powerful, they can neither monitor what happened in hell nor track Mephisto, but they can monitor Johnny, who lives on Earth and is a human during the day and a Ghost Rider at night.

When Natasha retrieved the information to check, she found that Johnny, who had isolated himself in the no-man's land in Eastern Europe, left his home overnight after contacting a black buddy.

Natasha, who felt that the black man was suspicious, subconsciously looked through a lot of information, but all the information showed that there was no such person. In the end, she relied on several spy friends on the road to find some clues.

Moru, affiliated with an ancient church, they believe in God, and hide in the dark to destroy the devil's layout in the world

After reading the information, Natasha was a little panicked and confused.

It stands to reason that the devil has come to the earth for a stroll, and it is understandable that God really exists, but Natasha said that she has no experience in dealing with God's little brother.

After thinking about it, Natasha simply told Fury about the ancient church, letting him worry about how to deal with God's little brothers, and she continued to investigate along Johnny's trail.

After most of the day, Natasha found that Johnny seemed to be looking for something, and during the period, he had a fight with Kerrigan, who smuggled guns, sold catnip for people to smoke, and occasionally did some dirty work such as kidnapping.

At first, Natasha didn't think much about it. After all, it was normal for the Ghost Rider to chase Kerrigan and other evil people.

What puzzled Natasha was why Kerrigan was hunting down his ex-girlfriend Nadia and Nadia's child? It couldn't be a relapse of old feelings.

But the problem was that even if Kerrigan wanted to rekindle their past relationship, he should have killed Danny. What was the point of killing his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping Danny?

Later, Natasha found out that Johnny had killed Kerrigan again at a gravel plant last night, and Danny and Nadia appeared nearby again.

This made Natasha realize that something was wrong: mercenaries, ex-boyfriends, mother and son all matched the clues that Li Feng had told her at the beginning. Danny was half-human and half-demon?

Originally, finding Danny meant that Natasha's mission was half completed, and the rest was just to mobilize satellites to monitor Danny closely.

But Natasha didn't expect that S.H.I.E.L.D. had just found out that Kerrigan, who was supposed to have died last night, had actually resurrected. After resurrection, Kerrigan turned a paramedic into a handful of yellow soil on the spot, and was now following Danny's footsteps to hunt him down.

Has resurrection become so common that it can be seen everywhere these days? Natasha, who had a premonition that Danny was in danger, thought for a while and hurriedly packed up her equipment.

When Natasha walked out of the cabin to call the air bus, she saw Li Feng standing on the grass, opening his mouth and talking silently with Hate.

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