Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 357 Chapter 355 Who knows the resurrection technique

"Austin?" Natasha twitched the corner of her mouth, walked towards Li Feng with an angry look, and sneered: "You went out to enjoy yourself without explaining the task clearly, and now you know that the winter solstice is approaching, you show up in a hurry? Do you know that I'm here for you? "

Who of us is worried? Look at my face, and now there are your shoe prints. He looked at Natasha pitifully, turned around and said: "Master, you have to speak out for me, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. are too I don’t know what’s wrong. It depends on the owner to beat the dog. Look, she beat me.”

"Haha," Li Feng rolled his eyes in disgust, kicked the opponent away, and cursed in the language of the undead: "Don't think I can't hear that you are provoking. Also, let me remind you, Natasha will not beat you innocently. There must be another purpose for beating you."

After all, Hatred was also a front-line combatant in front of him, and he had a flexible mind. Now after being reminded by Li Feng, he instantly realized that Natasha was collecting his data.

And he stupidly allowed others to test his resistance to physical blows, resistance to electric shock, and dodge ability.

Am I being treated like a monkey by Natasha? After understanding all this, I felt like I had turned into a donkey-faced person. The hatred was so intense that one Buddha left his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He roared at Natasha with a ferocious face: "Ho~"

That is to say, he hates being speechless, otherwise he would have scolded Natasha until she doubted her life.

Looking at the hatred that suddenly shouted at her, Natasha frowned, and then realized that Li Feng's silent behavior of opening his mouth was actually communicating with hatred.

It seemed that Austin guessed something from Hatred's mouth, but so what if he guessed it. Natasha shrugged and said, "You can talk to Fury about it yourself. I'm just an unemployed vagrant, just making a living."

After a pause, Natasha, who didn't want Li Feng to continue the topic of collecting hate data, asked, "Didn't you receive the message from hate?"

"Information? No," Li Feng turned his head and thought for a moment, then explained: "I traveled to Xandar before. Hill and Vostagg know about this. It may be a bit far away, so I can't receive the information."

While speaking, Li Feng looked at Abomination thoughtfully.

Being too far away did make it impossible to contact him through the contract, but he always felt that Abomination might not have sent him a message at all.

Considering that Hatred can't lie to me but can hide something, the most likely thing is that this guy has sent messages, but not every day. I guess he sent them once every few days, or he just sent some 'Hello' and 'Are you there'? 'Waiting for nonsense

Although I am confident that I can push Mephisto's clone back to hell, but I haven't had a head-to-head confrontation with Mephisto yet, so I'd better be conservative. When the fighting clone that is sure to kill the opponent becomes arrogant, Li Feng glared in disgust. He said in the language of the dead: "You can take care of yourself."

After saying that, Li Feng expressed his hatred for the rolling ball and put his arm around Natasha's shoulders, saying, "Girl, let's go back to the topic of half-human and half-demon."

Li Feng glanced sideways at Natasha, who was fully armed, and asked: "Are you preparing to go on a mission, or have you found half a person?"

Before Li Feng could finish speaking, Natasha interrupted: "The half-human, half-demon child is called Danny. I have found his whereabouts, but he is currently in danger."

After a pause, Natasha suddenly remembered something and asked curiously: "Do you know anyone else who knows the resurrection technique?"

"Your question is really troubling me," Li Feng turned his head and thought for a moment, then said, "As far as I know, there is a eldest sister in the Asa Clan who can resurrect the dead."

"No, I mean who else on earth knows the resurrection spell." Natasha interrupted.

Inexplicably, why do you ask? Li Feng scratched his head and said in confusion: "I know a girl who can resurrect herself even if only her skeleton is left."

Girls? Can you only resurrect yourself? Although it did not match Kerrigan's information, it was still an unexpected gain. Natasha silently took the information to heart and prepared to sue Fury later. She shook her head and said, "I'm asking about the technology of resurrecting others."

Li Feng was a little confused: "What do you mean? Which earthling did you see resurrected?"

Natasha nodded.

Hold the grass, which alien buddy is so awesome, he has already developed the resurrection technique, but why have I never heard of it? I never guessed that Kerrigan was 'resurrected' by Mephisto. Li Feng stared with bulging eyes. , asked: "Are you sure it's not a spiritualist's trick, or a living person who suddenly appeared after hiding for many years?"

Natasha affirmed: "During the surveillance, he was first seriously injured by Johnny who turned into the Ghost Rider. When he was only breathing, he came into contact with an old man wearing a black windbreaker who looked glamorous. Then this gentleman immediately became full of satisfaction. After being resurrected by blood, he also gains the ability to cause so-and-so to decay."

With the Ghost Rider involved, could it be Mephisto's fault? Li Feng touched his chin and asked, "Do you have any photos?"

"Yes," Natasha took out her mobile phone and handed it to Li Feng and said, "This was taken by satellite. Although the scene was filled with smoke due to Ghost Rider, the human face can still be seen clearly."

Pointing to Kerrigan in the photo, Natasha explained: "This is Kerrigan, the notorious mercenary."

Natasha said while sliding the photo: "There is also a photo of Kerrigan turning an ambulance worker into a skeleton."

In fact, after hearing Natasha's explanation, Li Feng didn't need to look at the photo to understand what the so-called resurrection was about: Mephisto was really causing trouble.

Li Feng slid the photo to the photo of Kerrigan and Mephisto leaving the country together, and said: "This is not a resurrection." He pointed at Mephisto in the photo and explained: "This old man is Mephisto." , and the resurrected Kerrigan is, to be precise, a 'living dead', also known as a 'rotten corpse', a hellish creature that can run wild in broad daylight."

"The current Kerrigan can only decay everything by touch. In the eyes of most mages, he is just a weak scum. What if we wait until he becomes stronger?" Li Feng shrugged and said: "The floor Kerrigan walks on will be decay."

Natasha was silent for a while to digest, and while making a call, she said, "Why do I feel that Kerrigan has the same abilities as the villain in the movie 'The Underworld'?"

"That's okay to understand. Anyway, there's not much difference between the two." Li Feng said.

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Fury's voice came from Natasha's cell phone.


"It's me," Natasha reported: "Sir, Mephisto has come to Earth. He caused trouble before Kerrigan was resurrected. I need support."

On the other end of the phone, there was first a burst of rapid breathing, followed by a deliberately lowered voice.

"Is the news reliable?"

Natasha glanced at Li Feng beside her and said quietly: "Austin told me personally. As for whether he lied to me, I don't know. I need to send the photo of Mephisto's skin on Earth." For you?"

The ancient church that suddenly popped up some time ago has not yet been investigated, and now Mephisto has come out to join in the fun. Can't you come to me to apply for a visa first? I can actually help you with some simple things. Why resurrect the dead in such a high-profile manner?

It was so idle that Fury had a headache and said: "Send it now and let me see what Mephisto's taste is like in the world. If the 'skin' is too ugly, I will come to complain about it."

No matter what the opponent's 'skin' is, I'm afraid you can always find a reason to complain, or to complain with a weapon.

Inwardly cursing, Natasha asked while operating her mobile phone: "Sir, where is the support I want?"

"I'll ask Coulson to contact you," Fury said and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Team Coulson for support? Coulson, Melinda and Ward have met Mephisto, and the remaining Skye, Fitz, and Simmons know that I am a mage, so it seems that I am indeed suitable to participate in the mission.

Li Feng scratched his head and said a little happily: "I wonder how Coulson's life will be without the support of SHIELD."

"Not very good," Natasha shook her head slightly and sighed: "A lot of things happened to Coulson's team while you were away from Earth. They are confidential, so I won't say much. I'll pick some that you can know. Let’s talk about it.”

After a pause, Natasha rubbed her forehead as if she had a headache and said, "Ward in Coulson's team is a member of Hydra. Fitz and Simmons were even imprisoned in a sealed cabin by him and sank into the sea. Later, the two of them They came up with a way to escape, but problems such as the pressure of oxygen on the seabed made it unlikely that the two of them would survive at the same time. Finally, Fitz gave his amulet to Simmons, and Simmons surfaced safely."

"As for Fitz's brain damage caused by lack of oxygen, he is now irritable, slurred in speech, unsteady in his hands, and his memory and thinking are 'fragmented' from time to time."

Isn't this the same as the original plot? Did you give away my amulet for free? Li Feng rolled his eyes cryptically, flipped through his shoulder bag and said, "I'll see Fitz later. I still have a lot of medicines that can treat him. I mean, Fitz gave all his hopes of life to Simmons. Is that okay?" How about confessing before the break?"

"How do I know? I'm not a member of Coulson's team. How about you ask later?" Natasha said.

Li Feng scratched his head, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where is Skye?"

Natasha turned her head to look at Li Feng, and after a while she said, "You seem to be particularly concerned about the little girl."

Li Feng shrugged and said, "I think the little girl is pleasing to my eye, so I should pay more attention to her. What's wrong with her? Is she obstructing some of SHIELD's regulations?"

"Whether that's the case or not, it won't be of any use to you. Instead, you will break the rules." Natasha raised her eyebrows and whispered: "But I advise you not to care too much about Skye and sometimes show alienation. It will be better for her."

Li Feng was a little confused: What do you mean? Little Skye is so cute, I deliberately distanced myself from her fucker

Natasha continued: "The forces that know you are a mage are secretly observing Skye. As for the reason, you must have guessed it. They just want to get close to you, but what if they find that they can't control you?"

"Kidnapping Skye to blackmail me?" Li Feng touched his chin and added in his mind: Kidnapping the future Shockwave Girl? I just laughed, it's almost wrong to seek death. Since you know that I am a mage and you dare to threaten me with Skye, you must have taken corresponding measures in advance. It seems that it is time to make a set of equipment for the little girl.

At this time, Natasha's cell phone suddenly heard a message notification sound.

Natasha glanced at it, handed the opportunity to Li Feng, and said: "The location photo sent by Coulson, please open the portal."

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