Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 426 Chapter 425 Two plans

Osborne Group employee restaurant.

Li Feng slowly picked up half a steak with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, then choked and beat his chest with one hand, and picked up the wine glass with the other hand and drank the wine in the glass.

On the side, Lada, whose smile had long been stiff, hurriedly poured 82-year-old beer for Li Feng.

Watching Li Feng drink the wine in the glass again, even burping while picking up the steak, Lada's inner grudge had long been to the point where he couldn't help but vent.

He climbed from the bottom to the top step by step, and he believed that his fat was not raised in vain. From beggars and mentally retarded people to financial tycoons and political dignitaries, he had seen all the people or scenes he should have seen, but it was fine to eat steak without red wine, but what kind of operation was it to eat a bite of steak with 3 bottles of beer?

This is to use steak as a snack.

If Norman Osborn hadn't regarded Li Feng as a guest of honor, he would have wanted to pinch Li Feng's neck and ask: Are you really a miracle doctor, not a drunkard who came out of a corner? .

Just when Rada was deeply suspicious, the door of the restaurant was pushed open by a group of doctors, and then Norman Osborn, who was supposed to be lying on the bed and relying on a ventilator to maintain his life, ran towards Li Feng with brisk steps.

Damn, what did I see? ! .Instantly, Rada threw all his previous doubts into the trash can, said nothing, and picked up the bottle like a waiter to continue to add wine for Li Feng.

Li Feng glanced at Vision who continued to provide treatment for Norman Osborn, and looked at Stark with contempt, saying: "Hey, isn't this Stark, the self-proclaimed genius, but why do I feel that Vision's treatment is more durable than yours?"

"Uh~" Stark rolled his eyes, how should he answer this question?

Vision's mana comes from another dimension, and his body is made of vibranium, so there are no side effects. Of course, mana can be squandered as if it's free.

But his mana is cultivated bit by bit over time.

Comparing with Vision in mana limit and endurance? Haha, unless he is crazy, who cares.

On the side, Norman Osborn, who stretched out his hand to shake hands with Li Feng, was a little speechless and manic.

Normally, his education told him that he should not interrupt others' conversations, which was neither polite nor gentlemanly, but now the god of death's scythe is on his neck, which is not normal.

Besides, can being gentlemanly and polite increase your lifespan? If not, please go to the side and cool down.

"Hello, Mr. Austin," Norman Osborn interrupted the pleasant conversation between Li Feng and Stark with full energy, stared at Li Feng with fiery eyes, and asked excitedly: "Can you really cure retroviral hyperplasia?"

"Reverse uh~ what do you mean?" Li Feng, who had never heard of 'retroviral hyperplasia', opened his eyes to scan Norman Osborn, and then looked at Stark in confusion.

Bah, Stark, who was too lazy to explain, pinched his nose and asked, "How do you plan to treat Mr. Osborn?"

If you don't want to explain, then don't explain. What's the big deal? Anyway, you can cast a spell to fix it. Li Feng curled his lips and raised two fingers, confidently saying, "I have two plans."

As he spoke, Li Feng took out the 'Akamanla' plaque, which had become a spellcasting auxiliary prop, from his shoulder bag. After snapping his fingers and applying the healing spell to Norman Austin, he raised a finger and said, "My mana and spells are more reliable than Vision. A spellcasting can last for a month."

Patting the 'Akamanla' plaque, Li Feng had a wretched expression on his face and said, "Especially after the sun sets, I guarantee that your girlfriend will be tortured to death by your kidneys."

Haha, Norman Osborn raised his eyebrows, and then heard Li Feng continue, "The disadvantage is that you need to cast the spell again every month, and the 'medicine' in the middle is not It can be stopped, otherwise it will be wasted. As for the benefit, you can do whatever you want like a normal person. "

Norman Osborn thought for a while, rolled up his sleeves and gave the doctor a look, indicating that blood should be drawn to test the effect of Li Feng's treatment, and asked: "How much is the fee for each spell, and how long does it take to completely cure?"

"The specific time is unclear," Li Feng scratched his head, opened his eyes again and carefully observed Norman Osborn's soul, and said: "It will start in about three years, and it will be cured in ten years at most. As for the remuneration issue"

Adhering to the principle of leaving professional issues to professionals, Li Feng looked at Stark and said: "I am a hands-off boss. You should talk to Stark's secretary, Ms. Potts."

"." Stark glared at Li Feng unhappily. Although he was unhappy, he didn't say much. Instead, he nodded slightly to indicate "OK", and at the same time, he was thinking about how to maximize the benefits.

Norman Osborn was a little disappointed when he saw Li Feng avoiding the issue of remuneration.

This is a matter of life and death. If Li Feng is willing to solve it with money, it is the option with the lowest price for him. Even if Li Feng asks for the Osborn Group, Norman Osborn dares to call the secretary and legal advisor on the spot and sign the share transfer contract in front of Li Feng.

It's just money. It's not like he hasn't seen it before. As long as he is healthy, he is confident that he can establish a second Osborn Group.

Unfortunately, the price choice falls into Stark's hands.

Norman Osborn knows very well that the reward he paid is not as simple as money.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Norman Osborn said: "I want to listen to the second option before making a decision."

"In fact, I prefer the second treatment option. At least I don't need to run around every month. It's too troublesome."

Li Feng complained casually, picked up the wine glass and took a big drink to moisten his throat, and said: "The second option is to carve a magic circle for you to warm your soul."

"The disadvantage is that it requires stable energy to power the magic circle, and you will fall into a deep sleep, similar to a vegetative state."

Speaking of this, Li Feng suddenly thought of something. He looked at the doctors like a curious child and asked, "How do vegetative people avoid starving to death? Grind food into powder, mix it with potion, and inject it into the stomach?"

The doctors twitched their mouths and looked down at their shiny leather shoes with suppressed smiles.

"Haha, Mr. Austin is so funny." Norman Osborne cursed "retard" in his heart and asked, "What's the benefit?"

"Lie down for half a year, and your ailments will be cured when you wake up," Li Feng said with a shrug.

It only takes half a year! .Norman Osborne was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

On the one hand, I have been worried for several years, fearing that one day I will get sick, and on the other hand, I only need to 'sleep' for the first half of a year to recover. Normal people will choose the second option.

Moreover, the Osborne Group is a large enterprise with a complete management system, and the disappearance of the chairman for half a year will not cause any big waves at all.

When he wakes up, he can easily take back the power of the group and continue to live a life without shame.

It makes me happy just thinking about it

"I choose the second option," Norman Osborne said forcefully, then spread his hands, winked at Li Feng, pretended to be innocent, and said with a smile: "Besides, you called me to the Osborne Group and demanded Providing stable energy obviously allows me to choose the second treatment option.”

Li Feng shrugged undeniably, stood up, rubbed his hands as if to do something serious, and asked: "Now that you have chosen the treatment plan, please prepare the room where the magic circle is carved, Mr. Osborne."

"What are the room requirements?" Norman Osborne asked.

Seeing Li Feng spread his hands to show that it didn't matter, Norman Osborne turned to look at Lada. Lada, who understood the situation, immediately put down the bottle of wine and trotted out of the restaurant.

"I'll take a look and prepare to draw the magic circle," said Li Feng, following behind Lada.

Stark scratched his brows, pulled Vision to follow Li Feng, and said with a smile, "You don't mind if I steal from you."

Li Feng rolled his eyes at Stark, and the two brothers put their hands on Stark's shoulders and said, "When charging for treatment, remember to include the material fee. This thing is very expensive. Oh, yes, and your tuition fees, too. Quite expensive”

Norman Osborne, who had already prepared for bloodletting, ignored Li Fengming's robbery-like blackmail.

Again, money is nothing to those who have a mine at home. If it’s gone, it’s gone. What a big deal.

On the contrary, it is an appetite problem. I have been unable to eat or sleep well since I fell ill.

It just so happens that it is more serious to ask the chef to prepare some special dishes while you are feeling well now. Otherwise, it will be half a year before the next time you taste delicious food.

More than half an hour later, Norman Osborne picked up a napkin, wiped his mouth, and walked briskly into a sterile laboratory.

"Mr. Osborne," Li Feng patted the biological cultivation nest that was engraved with runes and filled with nutrient solution, indicating that everything was ready.

"Mr. Austin, thank you for your help." As he said that, Norman Osborne took a deep breath, took off his clothes and attached various electrodes that captured life characteristics. Finally, he jumped into the biological culture nest and directed at Doctor Li Feng gave a thumbs up, indicating that the treatment had officially begun.

Li Feng nodded and snapped his fingers to activate the magic circle.

The moment the rune shone, Norman Osborne fell into a coma. The doctors who had been prepared immediately ran to the computer to check Norman Osborne's physical data and shouted:

"The heart rhythm is normal,"

"The blood pressure is normal,"

"Brain waves are normal,"

"The cell, no, it's the virus. It seems to have entered a dormant state?!"

As various data were continuously compiled into the artificial intelligence within the group, one of the doctors looked at Lada, who was clenching his fists, and said in surprise: "The data analysis shows that the probability of Mr. Osborne being cured is as high as 90%, and the remaining 100% is Ten out of ten are genetic stop lesions.”

The wealth and status were finally saved. Lada breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the doctors to continue working. When she turned to look at Li Feng, she showed a grateful face and asked, "Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Li Feng scratched his head, spread his hands and said, "There is no medical advice."

With that said, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal, said, "Stark, I'll leave the rest to you," and then disappeared in front of everyone.

You make me feel like your little brother. Stark curled his lips and said cheerfully: "Dr. Radha, please take me to visit the Osborne Group and introduce some researchers who are good at biology."

I'm afraid that the key point is to check whether the researcher is qualified to join your "biological research team". I know it clearly in my heart. Lada doesn't dare to say anything nonsense. His boss has not been cured yet.

"I'm happy to oblige," Rada said, opening the door of the sterile room and making a gesture of invitation.

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