Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 427 Chapter 426 Peter is plagued by bad luck

Inside the Osborn Group, Peter Parker, wandering around, felt that today was the day when the bad luck accumulated for eight lifetimes would break out.

He just wanted to talk to Dr. Connors about his father at first, and if possible, ask what the equation left by his father was.

That was all, and he had no other ideas.

But the result was that he didn't check the almanac before going out.

He met Li Feng as soon as he got into the Osborn Group, and Li Feng revealed his identity.

That scene was as awkward as it could be.

If Li Feng hadn't been so shameless, he would have been expelled by the security guard on the spot.

This was the headquarters of the Osborn Group, which was full of all kinds of high-tech new things. If he was accused of "commercial espionage", he would be guilty of "commercial espionage". No matter who tried to intercede, it would be useless.

In the end, no one bothered him for Li Feng's sake, and he was allowed to wander around the group with Dr. Rada's badge. But he ran into Gwen, a girl he had a crush on for many years, within two minutes. What the hell?

What's even more tragic is that Gwen mistook him for a pervert or a stalker, and he even broke into the Osborne Group to peek at her peerless beauty.

Heaven and earth, is he such a person?

Although Peter did want to try how wet Gwen's lips were, the problem was that he had always been willing but not brave.

In order to hide his embarrassment and depression, Peter could only choose to leave Gwen. He made a mistake and left the internship team, and continued his wandering trip.

Not long after walking around, Peter accidentally discovered that the symbol in front of the door of the "Biological Silk Research and Development Department" was similar to the symbol left by his father.

This was exciting. Although Peter knew that the "Biological Silk Research and Development Department" could not have left his father's information, he couldn't resist his curiosity.

Immediately, Peter was so excited that he pushed open the door and rushed in as if he was electrified.

At first, Peter found it interesting to see the spiders in the "Biological Silk R\u0026D Department" producing spider silk, and even pulled the spider silk to test its elasticity.

In the end, I don't know if it was bad luck that broke out again or Osborn's equipment learned to cheat people, the spiders on the equipment went on strike, and many spiders jumped on him to have fun.

Peter was so scared that he shook off the spiders on his body and ran away.

If possible, Peter just wanted to go home and mark "Today is a good day to live at home" on the calendar, but bad luck followed him again, and he ran into Stark as soon as he left the "Biological Silk R\u0026D Department".

Peter felt like crying now. His uncle worked in Stark Group. Although he was just a security guard at the bottom of the status, he could still get a glimpse of the latest developments of Stark Group if he was careful.

If Stark mistakenly thought that he was an employee of Osborn Group, and then suspected that Uncle Ben had other purposes for sneaking into Stark Group, who knows if he would expel Uncle Ben from Stark Group on false charges.

You have to know that most of their daily expenses are provided by their uncle who works at Stark Group. This means that once Uncle Ben loses his source of income, the family can only live on coarse food and drink.

Damn, Connors has encountered a lot of bad luck. Is it too late for me to go home and hide? .While complaining in his heart, Peter lowered his head and silently prayed that Stark had not seen his face clearly.


"Peter Parker?" Stark was a little surprised, glanced at Peter's badge, and asked: "Are you interning here? Uh~ Wait, no, your ID card."

Stark took off Peter's badge, raised his eyebrows, and said: "Ha, you are not Peter, but Dr. Rada. This is the first time I have seen such a young doctor. Even I graduated from MIT at the age of 17 and got multiple doctoral degrees."

Stark turned his head to look at Vision and said: "How about we call Mr. Ben Parker and say that we have found Peter's long-lost brother. By the way, Peter's brother is doing well and has become a doctor of the Osborn Group."

"Mr. Stark, I just came here to consult Dr. Connors about something." Peter showed a smile that was uglier than crying, pointed to the employee badge of 'Rada', and looked at the slightly Surprised, Rada said, "As for the employee card, Mr. Austin gave it to me in front of Dr. Rada."

"Oh my god~" Before he finished speaking, Peter suddenly cried out softly, rubbing his neck and aggrieved, "It seems like something bit me on the back of my neck just now."

Vision turned his head to scan Peter's neck, cast a spell to pull out a dying spider from Peter's collar, and said, "Sir, Peter was bitten by a spider."

Rada, who recognized the spider from the 'Biosilk R\u0026D Department' at a glance, had his pupils shrink, stretched out his hand to call the guard and explained very quickly, "This is a spider carefully cultivated by the Osborne Group. It is best to inject serum in time after being bitten, otherwise the mild case will have a fever, and the severe case may even be in danger of life."

Today's bad luck is really unmatched. Peter's legs softened with fear, and at the same time he felt that his body seemed exhausted, and he had the idea of ​​sleeping for three days and three nights just by touching the pillow.

"Am I still saved?" Peter asked weakly in an instant.

Vision raised his hand to signal Rada not to be nervous, and released the healing spell while comforting her: "Don't worry, my healing spell is not as strong as Mr. Austin's, but it is still easy to remove the venom of a small spider."

Halfway through, Vision suddenly remembered that the healing spell did not seem to be omnipotent. For the sake of caution, he collected a drop of blood from the bite on Peter's neck and joked: "Unless the spider's venom is so strong that it changes genes, I guarantee you will be fine."

Rada was the first to breathe a sigh of relief. Others did not know what kind of people the spiders of the Osborn Group were, but he did.

It is toxic, but not strong enough to change genes. Otherwise, no one would dare to collect the spider silk produced by this thing no matter how strong it is.

Good guy, one bite will kill you. People who don’t want to live long will not dare to play with spiders.

It’s just that the temper of this guy is like a naughty child who will go crazy if you don’t punish him for three days. The more you want him to be quiet, the more he wants to make trouble for you.

Just like now, Vision, who is analyzing blood, is confused. The data results he obtained show that Peter’s genes have actually shown signs of change, and they are still striding towards the direction of comprehensive physical strengthening.

What the hell is this? .Vision felt that the calculation speed of the program was a bit stuck, as if the original 5G network suddenly dropped to 2G, and the whole person seemed stunned.

"Vision, what happened?" Stark asked in confusion.

Vision looked at Peter with a complicated expression, pulled Stark aside, and whispered in his ear: "Sir, I found that Peter's genes are a little bit wrong."

As Vision explained, Stark, who had the "super serum" in his mind, glanced at Peter from time to time with surprise and curiosity.

He didn't know how many people were bitten by spiders every day in the world, nor did he know what would happen to these people after being bitten, but he would never be like Peter, who not only had nothing wrong, but also used spider venom as super serum.

Vision and Stark didn't know what to say about this operation.

Think about how much Steve paid for the super serum, first training, then passing through layers of selection, and finally risking his life to get the qualification to inject the super serum.

Look at Peter again, was he bitten by a spider and that was it?

If Steve knew that there was such a simple and efficient way to gain extraordinary power in the world, he would probably cry in the toilet.

But when did spider venom become so powerful that it could easily produce a superpowered person with just one bite, or was it that Peter's genes were originally problematic, so he could gain superpowers by being bitten by a spider.

By the way, what if this guy was bitten by a bat? Turned into a vampire?

Why not take advantage of Peter's freshness and do a quick dissection and study? Anyway, the biological research team needs to be run-in, so why not practice with Peter and cultivate team tacit understanding.

Of course, thinking is thinking, doing is doing, and it is impossible to really dissect. Neither the secular vision nor the conscience allows Stark to do this, but.

Collecting blood for research is always possible

Thinking of this, Stark pinched the tip of his nose, patted Peter's shoulder and smiled: "Young man, I am optimistic about you. Are you interested in doing research in my laboratory?"

The kind of Stark who was being studied added in his heart.

What did I do to think I am good? .Perhaps the enhancement of spider venom made Peter drowsy, causing his thoughts to be confused, and coupled with the increasing hunger, how could he calmly ask Stark what he liked about him now.

"Sir, can I go home and discuss it with my family?" Peter, who only wanted to go home, said in a daze.

"Of course," Stark also noticed that Peter was not in a good state, winked at Vision, and said, "I'll let Vision take you home."

Taking the opportunity to collect blood and hair. Vision understood Stark's eyes in a second, and set up Peter with an attitude that could not be refused, opened the portal and disappeared in front of everyone.

As soon as Vision left, Stark no longer wanted to continue the visit, and told Rada to select scientific researchers and then open the portal and leave.

How come they all left in the blink of an eye. Rada felt a little puzzled.

Shrugging, whistling and walking towards Connors' office.

In the office, when Connors saw Lada for the first time, he thought that the other party was here to urge him to speed up the research progress. He subconsciously explained: "This morning, the experimental results of the messenger RNA sequence came out somewhat disappointing."

Lada was stunned, and then realized that although Connors was considered a senior executive of the Osborn Group, this guy was better at doing research, and he was still thinking about how to climb to a higher level of management. Naturally, he would not notice that Norman Osborn no longer needed the so-called antidote.

"There is a problem with the decay rate algorithm. I need time to recalculate."

"Then stop the experiment," Lada shrugged and interrupted without waiting for Connors to finish.

Then Lada said in an imperative tone: "Pack up your things, go home and have a good rest for a few days. When you have rested well, there will be more important research for you to participate in."

After that, Lada left the office. He still had several researchers to greet.

But Lada's unclear order caused Connors to misunderstand.

Are you going to drive me away? ! I have shed blood and tears for the Osborn Group, and you are actually driving me away like this? .Why! ! !

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