Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 46 Chapter 46 Li Feng is an alien?

Seeing Mei nod in agreement, Fury took out a notepad from his pocket, quickly drew a sketch of Li Feng, and asked: "Is this the person? The thing that impressed me most about him was that he wore slippers. By the way, did he wear slippers today?"

Mei nodded and said: "It's this person." She was a little curious. From Fury's tone, they not only knew each other, but they were also very familiar with each other. But what did the thing that impressed her most about him was that he wore slippers? What does it mean? Is it a personal quirk?

Mei said with some doubt: "He didn't wear slippers, but a pair of boots."

Fury's mouth curled up slightly: When we returned to the Kree cruiser and didn't find your body, I knew you were still alive, but changing slippers to boots, does this mean that your taste is evolving? Or do you know that I call you the slipper man in the file, so you are wearing boots now, so that I can take the time to change the name in the file to the boot man?

Mei hesitated and asked, "Sir, do we need to call up his surveillance and check where he went?"

"Of course," Fury whispered, "But only you and I know about this."

Mei thought about it, nodded and said, "I'll use the excuse of investigating how the superpower with crooked bones entered the restaurant to see if I can find the little belly from the surveillance?"

"Good excuse," Fury laughed, "But Austin is Chinese like you, I wonder if you will get mad if you call him that."

You are really familiar with each other, otherwise how do you know how he hates others to call him? Mei narrowed her eyes, pointed at the unconscious superpower, and whispered, "Is this Austin a superpower like him? I have to find him as soon as possible before he loses control, so as not to hurt innocent people."

Fury raised his eyebrows, thought about it, shook his head and said, "Maybe, this matter is quite complicated. To be honest, I hope he is a superpower."

In fact, Fury is not sure whether Li Feng is a superpower, and he is more likely to guess that Li Feng is an alien in human skin.

There are many reasons for this speculation. First, when Fury returned to the Kree cruiser, he found that the Kree elite troops killed by Carol had a lot less equipment.

Now the scientists in the bureau are still cracking the Kree technology and checking whether these weapons carry alien germs.

Moreover, the scientists in the bureau have proved that some weapons are not usable by humans at all, and Li Feng was so bold as to steal alien equipment. Does this mean that Li Feng knows how to use these alien weapons?

In addition, although the green-skinned Taros said that there were no missing spaceships on the cruiser, Fury felt that just because he could not find Li Feng's trace, he had reason to guess that Li Feng was driving the spaceship back to Earth or leaving Earth. And an earthling who showed that he could not even fly a plane suddenly drove an alien spaceship. Doesn't this also mean that Li Feng is an alien?

Finally, there is another reason to prove that Li Feng is an alien.

When a document showing that Li Feng was just an ordinary human being was placed on his desk, Fury was immediately terrified: the Strategic National Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau where he worked was an organization that claimed to be able to find out where the mouse's ancestors had dug holes for 18 generations by catching a mouse.

What about now? Is the ordinary Li Feng in the document really the Austin he met at the beginning? They are completely two different people. The Austin he met might be an alien in disguise.

Fury recalled that he spent a lot of energy mobilizing the resources of the bureau to find Li Feng, but he didn't even find his shadow. This made him think that Li Feng actually drove a spaceship to leave the earth when he was on the Kree cruiser.

As a result, just when he was about to give up looking for Li Feng, Li Feng suddenly appeared in New York. Fury felt that the opportunity was rare and he couldn't let it go if he passed by. He had to meet Li Feng.

Because no matter whether Li Feng himself uses alien weapons or sells them to the black market, Fury needs to know the whereabouts of these alien weapons, and ask Li Feng which planet he is from and the purpose of coming to Earth. This is his duty that he cannot escape.

However, considering Li Feng's kindness and the force that rescued Talos single-handedly, Fury felt that he could bring Mei, who is also skilled in force, to meet Austin, who is suspected to be an alien but is wearing the skin of "Li Feng".

After a while, Mei ran to Fury, who was sitting at the dining table drinking a drink, holding a pile of information in her hand, and said, "Sir, there is a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Fury held his forehead with one hand, curled his lips and said, "Let's hear the bad news first. At least there will be good news to heal my little heart later." Mei shrugged and said, "Although the information of the guy with the skeleton on his back was found, he disappeared strangely during the escort process." "Strange?" Fury rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "Is it stranger than him suddenly growing an exoskeleton?" Mei handed the information in his hand to Fury and said, "The convoy escorting the superpowers is 3 The sealed compartment holding the person with special abilities was in the middle of the team, but when they arrived at the base and opened the sealed compartment, they found that not only the person with special abilities disappeared, but also the four soldiers in the compartment disappeared. "

"The people at the base checked the sealed compartment and found no signs of fighting. Moreover, during the escort process, the surveillance of the rear car of the sealed compartment showed that the vehicle holding the person with special abilities did not move at all, and there was not even a bump. "

"The most regrettable thing is that we have not even collected the DNA of the person with special abilities. "

"Fury flipped through the information in front of him and said, "That means we only collected information about the person with special abilities when he was still within the normal range?"

"Yes, sir."

"This news is indeed bad enough." Fury took a deep breath, closed the document and threw it on the table.

What he wants to know is when and where the other party became a person with supernatural powers. The pile of information in front of him obviously cannot give him the answer. Plus, he can check the information anytime he wants, so there is no need to waste it here. It's time.

After taking a sip of his drink, Fury said, "Tell me the good news now, so that I can take it home in a good mood before getting off work."

Mei looked around and whispered: "I'm afraid you still have a long time before you get off work. I have tracked Austin's whereabouts. He is driving a RV on the road. It seems that he is preparing to leave New York."

Fury stood up and motioned for Mei to leave the restaurant with him, and said: "Is this good news? Good news that makes me have to work overtime? By the way, you said before that you ordered fried peanuts for takeout?"

Seeing Mei spreading her hands and nodding, Fury, who had not yet walked out of the restaurant, suddenly said to Coulson, who was standing at the door as a doorman: "Buy me some fried peanuts, sweet and sour pork ribs and plain chicken? Mei, I know turkey Silky chicken, but what kind of chicken is white-cut chicken?”

On the side, Mei, who has amazing cooking skills, said with a slightly uncertain tone: "Sir, boiled chicken is chicken cooked in boiling water." After thinking about it, Mei added: "And these dishes are all Chinese dishes. Food and drinks.”

Fury nodded and expressed that he couldn't understand what was so delicious about chicken cooked in boiled water. He turned to Coulson and asked: "Do you understand?"

Colson smiled and nodded and said, "Buying some beer?"

"Yes," Fury said to Coulson as he opened the car door and motioned for May to get in. He checked the pistol in the holster and said to Coulson, "I want to have a good chat with my old friend about his future life plans."

Mei was a little confused. From Fury's words, she knew that she was going to intercept Austin, but Fury even said that he needed to keep the investigation of the other party's whereabouts confidential. What's the point of bringing her along? Could it be that Fury wanted to be a waiter by himself? , or the bartender who leaves his ears at home and can only watch Fury and Austin drinking and chatting with a beer bottle?

Mei sat in the driver's seat and started the car, and said with a faint smile: "Sir, I am an artist but not a person."

Fury, who was sitting in the passenger seat, rolled his eyes at May. Of course he knew that May was joking. May was not an agent with superb skills but a simple mind. He was a well-known expert in the agency, but for safety reasons Fury still reminded: "Bullets had better be loaded, I don't want to receive any bad news again."

bad news? Does it mean I will sacrifice?

Mei glanced at Fury and said seriously: "Sir, are you sure this is necessary? The surveillance footage shows that Austin is alone, and he is a man who is not strong and has a big belly."

"If possible, I would like to call an army for support," Fury pointed to his eye patch and sneered: "Although there are some things that I can't tell you, I remind you that you are a man with a bulging belly in your mouth. But he is well-informed, he saw it with his own eyes before he became blind.”

Mei, who stepped on the accelerator, tilted her head and muttered: "I thought he blinded you. You want to take revenge on him and want me to provide military support. I have already thought about how much compensation you will need."

Fury took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and spread it out in his hand, and said casually: "Tell me how much compensation you want. This mission is a semi-public and semi-private matter. Maybe I can pay you. "

Although Mei held the steering wheel with both hands and pressed the accelerator almost to the bottom, her excellent driving skills allowed her to glance at the paper in Fury's hand.

When she saw Austin's photo, Austin's Chinese name and some basic information on the paper, Mei was a little surprised and joked: Sir, is this guy worthy of you carrying the information with you? Could it be that Austin stole your girlfriend?

"It would be easy to steal my girlfriend," Fury finished reading the information, put the paper back into his jacket pocket, raised his right hand to simulate firing, and said, "I paid for the bullets out of my own pocket and gave Austin one for free. gun."

Mei raised her eyebrows: "I'm wondering whether to get out of the car. This job is probably not easy."

Fury changed to a comfortable sitting position and said, "It depends on luck. When we worked with Austin before, we got along pretty well."

Mei narrowed her eyes. Although Fury didn't say much, Mei could still hear some basic information, such as Austin being a dangerous person.

Fury carries Austin's information with him because Fury can't find any matching doubts in the information. This explains the problem. The person who can deal with Fury and make Fury suffer is an ordinary person shown in the information. person? Whoever believes it is a fool.

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