Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 47 Chapter 47 A Gift for Fury

On a highway in New York.

Don't ask where this is or what kind of expressway it is. Li Feng said that he didn't know. He just drove to the suburbs along the road with the least traffic. As for where he was going, he hadn't decided yet.

Perhaps it is to find a place with beautiful scenery to digest the gains of these several time travels, such as practicing the spells on the 'Key of Solomon', or practicing the dark spells modified by the Ancient One, or finding a place with no human habitation. Interrogate the devil in the scroll to see if you can extort some of the devil's spells.

Li Feng hummed a song without a note in tune, parked the RV at a gas station on the roadside, picked up the shoulder bag on the passenger seat and walked into the convenience store of the gas station.

There was no way Li Feng had eaten lunch since he left the restaurant in Chinatown, and now he felt so hungry after running out of New York City.

If there is no food in the convenience store here, he will open the portal to a place called "Beiming". There is a creature called Kun there. Li Feng thinks he can eat one at a time without seasoning. Eaten alive.

Just when Li Feng entered the convenience store and ate like a hungry ghost reincarnated, Mei, who drove the car with a feeling of flying like an airplane, finally saw the RV stopped at the gas station.

Mei pointed to the RV and asked, "Sir, what should we do now?"

Fury pushed open the car door and pointed to the communicator in the cochlea while adjusting his collar, and said: "Be prepared in the car. If you find something is wrong, contact the bureau immediately and ask them to send fighter jets to support. If necessary, from Air Strike Austin."

Mei was stunned for a moment, and when he took out his pistol, he said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Sir, what you said is a bit exaggerated. Why don't you send fighter jets to support us?"

Fury turned his head to look at Mei, curled his lips and said, "If necessary, please contact the tank unit."

Mei: ""That's not how it works, right? It makes me feel like a world war is about to break out.

Fric doesn't care what May thinks, he only knows that if Austin is really an alien, or an alien with invasion intentions, then there is really a possibility of a war, or a planet-level war, let alone tanks. , and the nuclear weapons were thrown as hard as dumplings.

Walking straight to the RV, Fury skillfully used a pin to open the door, got into the car and waited quietly for Li Feng to come back.

At this time, the dining table in front of Li Feng was in a mess. Before leaving, Li Feng was still burping. He deliberately carried a box of canned beer back to the car, preparing to get a chicken or rabbit or something for a wild barbecue in the evening.

Opening the car door, Li Feng casually threw the beer and shoulder bag on the passenger seat. Before he started the car, Li Feng felt a pistol on the back of his head.

While Li Feng quietly mobilized his magic power to do protective work, he looked through the rearview mirror to see who dared to rob a mage.

In the rearview mirror, Fury raised his pistol and said with a half-smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Austin. Mr. Greenskin asked me to say hello to you."

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that it was Fury who pointed the gun at him. He stretched out his right hand and pointed his middle finger at Fury and said, "Please be steady with your hand. If the gun goes off, wouldn't I die unjustly?"

Li Feng understood that Fury was talking about the green skin to him because he was afraid that he was not the Austin he had first met. He also said with a half-smile, "Which green skin is that in your mouth? I know many green skins." The green guy who impressed me the most was the one who used a hammer screwdriver to modify airplanes. I remember you said he was indeed engaged in scientific research. "

Hearing this, Fury knew that he had found the wrong person, but he did not want to put down the pistol easily. He took out the handcuffs from his waist and motioned for Li Feng to put them on himself, and said: "When I asked you about your identity, I said it was not the right time. Now is the time." It's time to tell me who you are."

Li Feng took the handcuffs, casually hung them on the rearview mirror, and said, "You're so polite. Just come when you come. You even gave me a pair of silver bracelets, so I accepted them without mercy."

Seeing Li Feng change the subject with an excuse that was so bad that he was too lazy to complain, Fury put a pistol to Li Feng's head and said: "Please answer my question, as for the gift, I really prepared it for you, but he is still on the way. "

Li Feng turned to look at Fury in surprise. He heard something just now. Suspecting that he was hallucinating, Li Feng dug his ears and said in an uncertain tone: "You said you prepared a gift for me?"

Seeing Fury nodding, Li Feng subconsciously shook his head and said, "I remember Fury is a guy who says 'want it' when he sees something good, so it's impossible to give me a gift. Who are you? Why are you pretending to be an African chief?"

Fury's eyes twitched. Although he knew Li Feng was joking, he didn't know why. He felt that his right hand holding the gun was out of his control. It seemed that his right hand had a mind of its own and wanted to pull the trigger!

Fury gritted his teeth and said, "I am Fury. Talos asked me to take him to say hello."

"I still can't believe it." As he spoke, Li Feng raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky through the windshield. He made sure that the sun was hanging in the west during the afternoon time, rubbed his eyes and said, "Or am I dreaming? It's morning now? The sun rises from the west?"

Through Fury's communicator, Mei also heard Li Feng's words. She was now sure that Fury and Austin were familiar with each other. After all, people who were not familiar with each other really didn't know the stingy character of her chief. But at the same time, she was also confused because He clearly heard Fury asking Austin what his identity would be when he arrived.

What's happening here? Could it be that Austin is serving a secret force and Fury wants to find out Austin's identity?

But Fury's expression when he said he was sending out fighter jets didn't look like he was joking.

Mei felt a little headache. Although analyzing useful information from a few words was the basic operation of an agent, she said that her head hurt and she really couldn't analyze any information.

"Speaking of gifts," Li Feng ignored the pistol on the back of his head, pulled out a mobile USB flash drive that was suspected to have been soaked in strong acid from his shoulder bag, and said, "I also have a gift for you."

Fury looked at the finger-sized mobile USB flash drive in Li Feng's hand, narrowed his eyes and asked, "I can't tell you, a sloppy guy, also has high-tech gadgets. This can't be true." Fury pointed to the sky and said, "Bring it outside." Something."

Ferry knew that high-end products such as mobile USB flash drives had not been popular on the market for a long time. Anyway, he would not believe that Li Fengfeng, who belonged to the earth, was playing with high technology, so it was 80% that the alien Austin brought it from the extraterrestrial world. Private goods.

Li Feng blinked inexplicably at first, then realized that 'outside' refers to space, and said speechlessly: "You don't think I'm an alien, do you?"

Rolling his eyes at Fury, Li Feng pinched his cheek and said, "This is skin native to the earth. It is 100% natural, with no additives or modifications."

Fury was worried that Li Feng would say random things about the Kree, so he quickly turned off the communicator in his cochlea and said, "Since you are a natural earthling, please tell me how you returned to the ground from the earth's orbit. ? Don’t tell me you jumped down directly.”

Li Feng shrugged, threw the mobile USB flash drive in his hand to Fury, and said, "Then I'll smash it into a meat pie and steam it directly in the pot."

Turning aside the communicator that was crushed by Fury, Li Feng looked at Mei who was sitting in the car and said, "Speaking of which, you are bold enough. As the director, you didn't let the agents come over, but came to see me in person. I am Should I feel lucky, or should I worry that a sniper is aiming at my head somewhere I can’t see?”

Director? Although I want to sit in the position of director, I am not yet

Fury took the USB flash drive, looked at it, and asked, "Was it soaked in sulfuric acid, or was it corroded by your bad breath when it was put in your mouth?"

Li Feng scratched his head: This thing has really been in my mouth. In order to test whether the ordinary wrapped in mana can be carried through time, is it easy for me?

"This is the experimental data of a certain scientific madman who resurrected a corpse. It contains instructions for fool-like operation. As long as you can repair the USB flash drive, you can resurrect anyone's corpse you want, but it has some minor side effects. The resurrected corpse is similar to Amnesia patients, the kind who forget whether they are male or female.”

Fury stared at Li Feng with one eye, shook the USB flash drive in his hand, and sneered: "If the data in this is really what you said, I'm sure you are an alien, resurrecting corpses? You might as well say what's inside this rag The data is the secret to becoming a god. It can’t be repaired anyway, so it’s not up to you to say so.”

"Don't believe it?" Li Feng ignored the pistol in Fury's hand, stood up and walked straight to the locker of the RV. Blocking Fury's sight with his body, he took out a magic book the size of a matchbox from his pocket and placed it in the locker after enlarging it. Take it out.

Turning around and walking up to Fury, Li Feng turned the magic book to the page where Frankenstein's experiment notes were recorded. He pointed at the text and said, "This is a written record. It depends on whether you can understand it."

"Also," Li Feng pointed at the pistol helplessly and said, "Can you stop pointing the gun at me all day long? I feel upset, okay?"

Fury glanced at Li Feng. He was also a senior agent after all. He thought he could tell that Li Feng was indeed not afraid of pistols. After thinking about it, he looked at the magic book while putting away the pistol.

Fury could still tell whether the experimental notes were nonsense or the content was reliable. But just after taking a look, the door of the RV was suddenly opened. Mei raised his pistol and aimed it at Li Feng. He glanced at Fury to make sure that Fury had no appearance. After being injured, he asked: "Sir, are you okay?"

It’s not over yet, the African chief here just put away his gun, and another guy with a gun pointed at me appeared over there. He really thought I was easy to bully.

Before Li Feng spoke, Fury looked down at the magic book, stretched out his hand to signal May to put away the pistol, and said in a serious tone: "Melinda, ask Coulson to bring some medical experts, the sooner the better."

May looked at Fury in confusion: Fury usually calls himself Mei, and only calls himself 'Melinda' during urgent or important tasks.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Mei put away her pistol, took out her mobile phone and made a call, saying, "Yes, sir."

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