Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 48 Chapter 48 Fury's hidden meaning

Outside the RV, after May hung up the phone, Fury ordered that no one could approach the RV without his permission.

Mei is very curious about the relationship between Fury and Li Feng. They say they are friends. So what if Fury called for backup when he reminded that something was wrong before? It is unreasonable to say they are enemies. Didn't Fury come to see Li Feng alone? Still knowing that Li Feng was a dangerous person, he came to the meeting with only a small pistol.

But curiosity is curiosity. As an agent, Mei still has the basic qualities. Standing firmly at her post, holding the gun in both hands, her eyes scanned the surrounding environment back and forth like a lioness hunting. Of course, if that erected It would be nice if the eavesdropping ears weren't so obvious.

Li Feng took a bottle of beer and took a sip from time to time. He glanced at the notes on the resurrected corpse in boredom. Fury, who was still struggling with the magic book, complained in his heart: "It's my magic book after all. You can't read it without my permission." It’s weird to find content that has nothing to do with resurrecting corpses.”

Fury is also complaining in his heart: It is a book that is 10 centimeters thick. Except for the content you opened, I can't even turn the pages. How dare you say that you have such unknown technology? Is it produced by the original ecology of the earth? You might as well just say that the name of your home planet has the same name as the earth.

For a long time, Fury couldn't figure out how to open the next page. He closed the magic book and handed it to Li Feng. He picked up a bottle of beer and said, "I'm curious, where did you find these contents, or should I say this comes from you?"

Fury glanced at Mei outside the car. He didn't want to let Mei know that there were aliens on Earth, so he lowered his voice and continued: "A souvenir brought from your hometown?"

Li Feng was a little speechless. He felt that there was something wrong with Fury's brain. Why did he think he was an alien? He didn't believe that Fury didn't look for his information after they separated last time. His information clearly stated Telling everyone in vain that he is a native of Earth.

You are either a blue-skinned or a green-skinned alien. You are a black-skinned alien.

When he was debating whether to tell Fury that he was actually a mage, Li Feng suddenly realized that Fury's repeated emphasis on being an alien seemed to be a subtle way of revealing his identity. As long as he felt bored, he could just say something casually. , Fury can tell something.

If he admits that he is an alien, there is nothing to say. All Fury has to consider is whether to imprison or dissect him.

If you don't admit it, then as Fury asked, where do these techniques for resurrecting corpses come from? After all, there is no information about Li Feng's contact with this kind of technology in the information that Fury investigated.

If Li Feng wanted to explain clearly, he would either tell the truth about the secret of his ability to time travel, or make up an excuse that would convince Fury.

And it is not so easy to make up a lie that can deceive a spy chief.

Thinking of this, Li Feng put down the beer in his hand and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that there is something in your words? You can hide so many questions in just one question."

Fury knew in his heart that Li Feng was on guard, and it was unlikely that he would be able to ask for any useful information.

However, the resurrection technology that Li Feng gave him is enough for him to digest for a while, and this also proves that Li Feng does not have any malicious intentions.

Thinking of this, Fury got up and got himself a bottle of beer. After sitting back opposite Li Feng, he looked at the scenery outside the car window and asked in a low voice: "Tell me about the Kree equipment. What did you research?" "

Li Feng smiled and said: "Do you have an occupational disease? Whether I answer yes or I haven't researched anything, you can be sure that I have Kree equipment in my hand."

"That is to say, you admitted that you took Kree equipment on the cruiser before?" Fury changed into a comfortable position, crossed his legs, took a sip of beer, and asked curiously: "I was curious about you before. Will the alien weapons be sold on the black market? But after my investigation, I found that there are no suspected alien weapons on the black market.”

Fury pointed at the magic book that could not be opened, and said quietly: "I think you need to rely on fingerprints and passwords to open this book. I don't believe that you, the average person in the information, have this kind of technology, so I was thinking , is there a scientific research institution behind you, and you are a scientific researcher."

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "You think I look like a scientific researcher?"

Fury spread his hands: "Then how do you explain that non-scientific researchers can wander around with these materials? If they are combatants, they should be holding weapons. Only scientific researchers will take the materials and prepare to go home to continue research. "

Fury approached Li Feng, and Li Feng subconsciously leaned back, trying to stay away from the black face less than 20 centimeters away from him.

Fury grinned and said: "Or do you have the identity of a commercial spy? This book was actually stolen from a certain laboratory, and you only unlocked the pages about the resurrected corpse? Maybe we can cooperate, tell me about this The source of this book, I sent my elite troops to get the password to open other pages."

Li Feng scratched his eyebrows. He felt tired. Every time Fury asked a question, there was a mystery. No matter how he answered, he could find some clues from it.

Just like now, Li Feng said that the magic book belongs to him, and no fingerprint or password is needed to open the book. Fury will definitely not believe it unless Li Feng explains how to open the magic book and allows him to see the contents.

If the magic book is not his, how should Li Feng explain it? Did you really make yourself up to be a commercial spy?

If you want to deceive people, you must first deceive yourself, especially the spy chief. Li Feng doesn't think he is so capable, so not only Fury won't believe this, but even Li Feng himself doesn't believe it.

Simply, Li Feng ignored Fury's question, drank beer by himself, looked at the scenery in the distance, and used practical actions to show his attitude.

Fury saw Li Feng's plan, but he was not in a hurry. After all, Li Feng was in front of him, and he believed that Li Feng could not escape.

It was just that Li Feng's attitude made him a little unhappy. If it were not for the kindness shown by Li Feng before, he would have subdued Li Feng now and returned to the bureau to slowly unlock the secret of the magic book.

It didn't matter if Li Feng couldn't be subdued, as he could at least get out of Li Feng's specific strength.

But before that, Fury needed to confirm whether the matter of resurrecting the corpse was true. If it was true, he had to contact electronic experts and find a way to repair the broken mobile USB flash drive.

If it was false, it would be as simple as subduing Li Feng and taking him away.

Time passed by minute by minute. When Li Feng was about to fall asleep on the table, he vaguely heard the roar of a helicopter in the air.

Fury, who had been pretending to take a nap with his eyes closed, also heard the noise of the helicopter in the air. He stood up and stretched his body while looking at Coulson who got off the helicopter through the car window.

Seeing Coulson holding a food bag and beer, Fury pushed Li Feng, who was also pretending to take a nap, and said, "The takeaway you ordered has arrived. This is the first time I have seen a helicopter delivering food. Your takeaway is worth it."

Li Feng turned his head to look at the delivery man Coulson, scratched his head and asked, "Takeaway? When did I order it?"

Fury opened the car door and motioned Coulson and a white man in a white coat who looked like a doctor to get in the car. He said to Li Feng, "May told me that you were originally going to enjoy a delicious lunch in the restaurant, but unfortunately there was a small accident in the restaurant, which caused your delicious lunch time to be ruined, so I asked my capable man to help you pack a new meal."

After that, Fury motioned Coulson to hand the food bag in his hand to Li Feng.

Li Feng took the food bag, opened it and took a look. Then he looked at the faintly visible Mediterranean hairline on Coulson's head and said, "Thanks, man. It must be very stressful to work under this non-chief. Remember to take good care of your hair."

Non-chief? Coulson glanced at Fury. No one else in this scene could be called "non-chief" except Fury. But Fury was still the superior, so Coulson didn't dare to say anything more.

Smiling at Li Feng to express his goodwill, Coulson pointed to the doctor and said, "Superior, this is Dr. Owen. He has a doctorate in biology and..."

Fury didn't care about Owen's academic qualifications now. He just wanted to know whether Li Feng was talking nonsense about the resurrection of the corpse or it was true. If the resurrection of the corpse was true, let alone what he could gain, the zombies active in some corners of the city would be enough to keep him busy for a while.

Fury interrupted Coulson's introduction: "Hello, Dr. Owen, I need your insights to help me analyze some medical knowledge."

While speaking, Fury picked up the magic book on the table and prepared to open it and hand it to Owen. Unfortunately, the magic book was like a model book that could not be opened. No matter how much force Fury put in, he could not open it.

Helpless, Fury could only turn his head to look at Li Feng. While signaling Li Feng to open the magic book with his eyes, he was also conveying the message of "I am curious about how you open the book."

Li Feng shrugged, indicating that he did not want to talk about the problem of what kind of pose to make when turning the book. He opened the book and handed it to Owen, indicating that Owen could sit down and read slowly.

Fury didn't want Coulson to know too much for the time being, so when Li Feng opened the magic book, he blocked the book with his body, turned his back to Li Feng and faced Coulson, blinked inexplicably, and said: "You and May will take turns on guard, let May take a rest."

Coulson looked at Li Feng curiously, nodded and said: "Yes, sir."

Getting out of the RV, Coulson, with his back to the RV, blinked at May and said: "Hey, May, the sir asked you to take a rest."

May understood what Coulson meant in a second, and said expressionlessly: "Okay, then you have worked hard, call me at any time if you need anything, I will rest in the car."

After that, May deliberately walked from the back of the RV to her car. When she returned to the car, May took out a bottle of mineral water from the trunk and drank while looking at the RV. After making sure that Li Feng in the RV did not notice her, May took out a palm-sized locator from the corner of the trunk.

With a bottle of mineral water, May walked towards Coulson from the back of the RV again, as if she was just going to hand the mineral water in her hand to Coulson.

But when Mei walked to the exhaust pipe of the RV, she seemed to feel that the laces of her shoes were a little loose. She squatted down to tie her shoelaces and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, Mei quickly attached the locator to the chassis of the RV, stood up and walked towards Coulson, handing him the mineral water in her hand.

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