Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 49 Chapter 49 The disappearance of both the man and the car

At first, Owen didn't care about the contents of the magic book when he took it. Doctors are high-income earners in the United States, so he has enough money to satisfy his little hobbies, such as collecting old antiques.

In addition, Owen also has a cooperative relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D., and there are even more sources of antiques.

So when Owen took the magic book, he judged that the pages contained the flavor of history.

In addition, Coulson apparently needed a medical expert when he picked up Owen, so Owen had reason to believe that what Fury asked him to see was some medical methods in ancient times. But needless to say, what was the level of medical treatment in ancient times and what was there to see? Let’s just say that due to the rapid development of science and technology in modern times, some medical concepts have been judged as ineffective treatments.

Owen felt that the most reliable guesses were nothing more than some medical ideas limited by the technology of the times, unless some rich man used this antique book that could be placed in a museum to record the most advanced medical knowledge.

So Owen is more interested in the magic book than the content in it.

Fury saw that Owen's attention was entirely on the material of the magic book, so he had to cough dryly to remind Owen to turn his attention to the text.

To Fury who interrupted his appreciation of the antiques, Owen said that since Director Alexander Pierce was interested in this mission, he would take a look at it for you.

As Owen took a serious look at the content, he began to mutter words such as "This is impossible, this is wrong."

In Li Feng's eyes, Owen at this time was like a mental patient who needed to use his hands to locate the text he was reading.

Fury could see that Owen's shouting could not be wrong, but the incredulous expression on his face told him that the USB flash drive given by Li Feng needed to be repaired.

When night fell completely, Owen, who untied his tie and was immersed in reading, wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, raised his head and asked Fury for a bottle of water.

After Owen drank a whole bottle of water, Fury couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Owen, I wonder if you can replicate the experiment of resurrecting corpses?"

Owen looked at the magic book and sighed: "Judging from the content in the book, the experiment of resurrecting the corpse has been completed, and I saw in the content that it was recorded that electric eels were used to resurrect the corpse, which shows that this experiment was some years ago. So after I finish digesting the knowledge, I can not only replicate this experiment, but also improve it in many places to make the resurrected corpse stronger."

"Strong?" Fury narrowed his eyes and asked curiously: "How come your abilities will be enhanced after resurrection?"

Owen nodded, raised his arm, motioned Fury to look at his biceps, and said: "Human muscles are controlled by the brain. Even after professional training, the brain nerves stimulate the muscles to stimulate potential. The energy to achieve greater speed and strength is only 30 to 40%, but the resurrected corpses have no brain control. They can exert 100% of their muscle strength after training. "

Fury subconsciously looked at Li Feng. He wanted to ask Li Feng how many supermen were resurrected in this way, where they were distributed, and whether they would have any impact on society.

Li Feng saw Fury's worry and smiled: "You just like to overthink some things. I tell you clearly that no one has been resurrected so far, so you just keep it in your heart. And you remember what I said Have you experienced any side effects of this experiment?”

Fury and Owen sneered at the same time. What Fury was thinking was that since he knew the side effects of corpse resurrection, he still said that no one had been resurrected. Is it interesting?

Owen knew that Li Feng was lying by reading the contents of the magic book. The contents of the book clearly told him that the doctor named Frankenstein had resurrected a corpse with fragments of internal organs.

At least one Owen was thinking about how he should report it to Pierce, while frowning and thinking about the side effects in Li Feng's mouth. At least he couldn't find a record of the side effects in the book: Maybe I should conduct the experiment secretly?

Fury looked at Li Feng up and down and said: "It sounds like you don't want to spread the resurrection technology? This is resurrection. Don't you know how crazy the world will be when they know you have this technology? As long as you help them Resurrection of family members, money and status are all at your fingertips.”

Of course Li Feng knows how good the resurrection technology is. If nothing else, as long as he resurrects all the American presidents lying in the cemetery, not only will no one dare to control him when he urinates in the White House, but he will also urinate for Li Feng. Applause from a distance.

As for these presidents having no souls and no memories, do you think Li Fengfeng should tell them? And if he says he has no soul, who would believe it? This is a world where science is prevalent, and the soul does not exist.

Plus, everyone dies eventually, and when they die, they have to rely on Li Feng’s technology to resurrect them. Didn’t you see all the presidents crawling out of the cemetery to take family photos as a souvenir? It's strange that they dare to offend Li Feng.

Now that Fury had determined that the experiment of resurrecting corpses was feasible, Li Feng didn't want outsiders to know too much about his existence. He raised his right hand with a complicated expression and lightly snapped his fingers.

When Li Feng's expression changed, Fury quickly drew his gun and pointed it at Li Feng. It wasn't until he saw that Li Feng just snapped his fingers that Fury hesitated and prepared to put the gun back into the holster. There was no trace of apology on his face and he said: "I'm sorry. Not knowing your specific identity, just knowing that you can deal with the Kree elite team, makes me a little nervous."

Li Feng, who had finished casting the spell, rolled his eyes and said, "Don't ask me about my identity at this time. Don't you feel my obvious kindness? You are still nervous. I think you should go see a doctor." Do you have a nervous system in your body?”

After saying that, Li Feng turned to look at Owen, who was under the spell of temptation, and asked bluntly: "Mr. Owen, are you Hydra?"

Fury was stunned for a moment, and just about to raise his gun and ask Li Feng about Hydra, he heard Owen say: "Yes."

Madan Fury subconsciously aimed his hand at Irving. Only then did Fury notice the motionless Irving's eyes filled with confusion and dullness: Is this?

"Did you snap your fingers just now to hypnotize him?"

Fury felt incredible: there was no foreplay, no tools, just a snap of his fingers, and this hypnotized an adult. So Austin was a superpower, and his ability was hypnosis, which he relied on on the cruiser. Did hypnotism kill an elite Kree warrior?

When Li Feng heard Owen's answer, he took a long breath and said: "Yes, hypnosis. Before, I was thinking about how I should deal with Owen if he were an ordinary person to prevent the revelation of the resurrected corpse. Now it's okay, since Mr. Owen is People from Hydra, you want to make him shut up."

Fury glared at Li Feng. He had previously thought that Li Feng was an alien with all kinds of high-tech equipment, or that he had amazing strength and could easily defeat 7 or 8 strong men. He also thought that Li Feng was a person with supernatural powers, who could spit fire and so on. , but he never thought that Li Feng's ability was hypnosis.

Hypnosis is much more troublesome than breathing fire or something. Not only can you be controlled by Austin accidentally, but it's also really hard to determine who is controlled by him.

And what's even more terrible is that Austin's ability obviously has nothing to do with resurrecting corpses.

It's just that this antique-like book can also say that the resurrection of the corpse happened more than two hundred years ago, but the USB flash drive is definitely a modern product, so the method of resurrecting the corpse can only be obtained by Austin from somewhere.

While Li Feng's danger level continues to increase, Fury is also sorting out many questions in his mind, such as Austin's true identity, who he is working for, etc.

Fury, who had already confirmed that Li Feng had been subdued and brought back to SHIELD for careful interrogation, even thought that even if he assessed that Li Feng's powers would not go out of control and agreed to be released into society, who should be sent to monitor him in the future, after all, it would be a snap of his fingers. The ability to hypnotize is such a headache. Who knows whether Li Fengfeng will hypnotize the supervisors.

Seeing Fury handcuffing Owen with an expressionless expression, Li Feng curled his lips in disdain. He guessed what Fury had planned. After all, this guy was a ruthless person who could watch him take a shower.

Fury opened the car door and was about to let Coulson take Owen, who was still in a hypnotic state, back to SHIELD. However, he didn't expect Li Feng to suddenly kick him out of the RV. Before Fury could take out his gun, he heard Li Feng say: " I'm going to bed. I hate being watched when I'm sleeping, so please leave politely. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Also, keep the little things in your pockets safe, and don't let me look at them someday. The streets are full of amnesia patients.”

Fury, who was kicked, only thought about whether Li Feng was preparing to escape, just like when he disappeared inexplicably on the cruise ship.

He took out his pistol and looked at Li Feng's palm with one eye, in case Li Feng suddenly snapped his fingers to hypnotize himself, and said: "Since you saved me before and we get along pretty well, as long as you come back with me, The Bureau will record your abilities in the directory, and I guarantee that you will not be harmed."

"Haha." Li Feng sneered, closed the car door and said, "The sky is big and the earth is big. Sleeping is the best. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it tomorrow."

After saying that, Li Feng opened the roof of the car, ignoring Fury who was still knocking on the door. Carrying two bottles of beer bought by Colson and white-cut chicken with peanuts, he climbed on the roof of the car and took a leisurely bite of peanuts and chicken.

Coulson glanced at Li Feng, who was sitting cross-legged on the roof of the car, and whispered to Fury: "Sir, what should we do now? Mr. Austin obviously has no malicious intent, and we cannot use deadly weapons easily."

Fury yelled at Li Feng angrily: "You actually choked me while eating the food I bought, and made me only watch but not drink. Where is your conscience?"

Li Feng didn't even look at Fury: He said so much just because he was afraid that I would run away and wanted to squat on the roof of the car to monitor me at close range. It's weird for me to pay attention to you.

Although Fury thought he was just climbing into the RV, which was a trivial matter for him, who was so strong, but in order to prevent Li Feng from hypnotizing himself, Fury thought about it and finally let Mei drive the car in front of the RV, blocking the RV and preventing Li Feng from letting him go. Leave, wait for support to arrive later, and take Li Feng away by force.

Li Feng was not stupid and would stay where he was and wait to be caught, so when Fury and Coulson were a little distance away from the RV, they quietly opened the portal.

Under the disbelieving gazes of Fury and the other three, an orange-yellow halo suddenly appeared under the RV and swallowed it up instantly.

Fury looked at Li Feng who suddenly disappeared, slapped his car door fiercely, and cursed: "Damn it."

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