Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 50 Chapter 50 Spells

Fury walked around the place where the RV was parked before, making sure that the RV disappeared rather than became invisible, and turned to May and asked, "Did you put the locator on the RV?"

May held the tracker in her hand and operated it, saying, "Of course."

After a while, Fury and Coulson watched May pat the instrument with a puzzled look on her face, muttering, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Fury walked to May, looked at the longitude dimension marked on the instrument, and said with a glare, "Afghanistan? You're not going to tell me that Austin, who was just in front of us, suddenly disappeared and appeared in Afghanistan."

May said with a helpless look, "Sir, I can only tell you that I am very sure that the locator is installed on the RV. Either the tracker is broken, or Did Austin really go to Afghanistan? "

On the side, Coulson hesitated and said, "Sir, do you remember when we escorted the superpower with bones on his back during the day? He also disappeared suddenly. Do you think it was Mr. Austin who did it?"

Fury pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "I hope it wasn't him, otherwise I won't send fried peanuts next time we meet, but metal peanuts."

Looking at the disappearing RV, Fury fiddled with the USB flash drive in his pocket with one hand, rubbed his eyebrows with the other hand and asked, "Contact the logistics department and ask them to send someone to see what method Austin used to disappear."

While dialing the phone number of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson laughed and said, "It looks like a time-space wormhole has been opened."

Can you still laugh? Fury is in a terrible mood now. Putting Austin aside, the resurrection of the corpse and Owen being a Hydra are enough to make him distressed.

Fury took out the USB flash drive from his pocket, and while handing it to Coulson, he stared into Coulson's eyes and said, "Repair this thing. Remember, no one can view the contents inside. This is level 10 confidential information."

Coulson was stunned for a moment, and after taking the USB flash drive, he nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, sir."

Mei looked at the USB flash drive curiously, wondering if this thing was given to Fury by Austin, and where Austin was? Anyway, she didn't believe that someone could suddenly run from the United States to Afghanistan in the blink of an eye.

As for Li Feng, his head was buzzing and he was lying on the roof of the RV surrounded by deserts to bask in the sun. As Li Feng, who knew only a little about geography, it took him a long time to remember that he had forgotten that there was a time difference between Afghanistan and the United States. It was dark in New York, but it was still morning in Afghanistan.

After drinking the beer in his hand in one gulp, Li Feng casually threw the bottle on the desert, turned over and got into the RV, picked up the map and prepared to find a beautiful place to organize his own spells.

After a long time, Li Feng pointed at the address on the map and thought silently: Portland belongs to the western United States, near the estuary where the Willamette River joins the Columbia River. Because it is close to the Pacific Ocean, it has an oceanic climate, and winter is more humid than summer. Because this climate is more suitable for growing roses, there are many rose plantations in the city, and Portland is also called the "City of Roses". Finding a seaside with fewer people in Portland is the ideal place for me to practice magic. However, before leaving Afghanistan, Li Feng knocked around the RV while sending out his mental power: I have to check the RV carefully. After all, it is always uneasy if I don't check the place where the agent chief has stayed. Soon, Li Feng found the locator hidden under the rear of the car and threw it aside. He whistled and boarded the RV, opened the portal to Portland, and after a step on the accelerator, Li Feng had arrived in Portland. With the portal, traveling is so convenient. A day later, an armed helicopter appeared in the sky above the desert and circled around the locator. Coulson got off the helicopter with a tracker and walked straight to the locator. While picking up the locator, Coulson also noticed the bottle of wine on the ground in the distance.

Coulson squatted beside the bottle in confusion and looked at it. Li Feng drank the wine he bought at the beginning. Naturally, Coulson recognized that it was the beer he bought. After thinking about it, Coulson carefully put the beer bottle into the evidence bag. He wanted to take it back for testing to see if the fingerprints on it were Li Feng's.

Although the appearance of the locator has proved that Li Feng did suddenly run from the United States to Afghanistan, Coulson still couldn't believe it. If Li Feng's fingerprints could also be collected on the beer bottle, Coulson said that they would be in big trouble.

A person with superpowers who can hypnotize and run around the world, let alone arrest, even monitoring can't be done.

Portland, a seaside with piles of rocks and no people.

Li Feng parked the RV in the bushes and made a simple camouflage. First, he stood on the roof of the car and looked around to make sure that there was no one around. Then, carrying the spell scroll given by Leonor and the devil spell modified by Gu Yi, he walked straight into the dense forest and opened the mirror space to practice spells.

It is not easy to pry the spell out of the devil's mouth. Even if Li Feng believes that he has the angel feather that can restrain the devil, he still needs to be careful at all times. Therefore, before unlocking the devil's seal, Li Feng must first understand the devil's spells and learn the spells to restrain the devil.

And this learning took more than half a year.

In the mirror space, after half a year of understanding and practice, Li Feng, who believes that he has mastered the spell to restrain the devil, carefully spread the scroll that sealed the devil on the ground, holding the wooden box with the pseudo-angel feather given by Leonor in one hand, while unlocking the seal on the scroll.

The old man devil had just been freed from the seal, and couldn't wait to sense the existence of hell in order to recover some strength.

Unfortunately, the planes are different. Let's not talk about whether he can sense hell. Even if he senses Du Yu, it is different from his hometown in his impression.

Moreover, with his current strength, it is strange that he can sense hell in the mirror space.

Li Feng bumped the wooden box, looked at the confused devil with a smile, and said: "Old man, don't be busy contacting hell. How about chatting with me to relieve your boredom?"

The devil looked at the space crystal walls around him that looked like uneven glass, then looked at his severed hands and feet, and understood that he could not escape for the time being.

And he also understood that since the mage on the opposite side chose to seal himself instead of killing him on the spot like a demon hunter, this meant that the mage had something to ask for. Whether the mage wanted to get information about hell or something, this was what kept him alive. The capital to escape.

Thinking of this, the devil thought about what Li Feng wanted from him, and said: "The devil's name is very long. I won't tell you the full name. You can call me Dobby. Dear mage, what is your name?"

Although in 'Demon Slayer Warrior', devils fight with fists, it does not mean that devils cannot use spells. Li Feng is not sure whether the devil in front of him will secretly cast spells after knowing his birth date and name. Curse spells:

Just in case, Li Feng decided to make up a name.

"My name is Jerry."

Dobby smiled and said: "Master Jerry, I wonder what your orders are?"

As he spoke, Dobby wanted to sit up while secretly summoning up the little mana in his body. However, with his hands and feet broken, he couldn't sit up even with all his strength. He could only say helplessly: "Can you help me? I can't help you." It's already a sin for you to salute, and it's even more impolite to talk to you while lying down. I'm also a well-mannered devil."

Li Feng couldn't play tricks with the mirror space like Gu Yi, but he could still control every move in the mirror space, so when the devil pretended to want to sit up but couldn't, Li Feng had already discovered the mana fluctuations in the devil's body.

Pouring his lips, Li Feng opened the wooden box and sneered: "What? You haven't given up now and are you thinking about how to escape? You want me to cast a spell on me after I get close to you."

The moment Li Feng opened the wooden box, Dobby had already felt the energy that restrained him. The energy emitted from the pseudo-angel feathers was like strong acid, corroding his body quickly.

Bi Duo rolled on the ground in pain and stayed away from Li Feng who was approaching him. It seemed that doing so would relieve the pain. He wailed: "Jerry, my friend, don't come over. Please, don't."

Li Feng, who was holding the wooden box, glanced at the fake angel feathers and scratched his head: Why does Dobby look like a little girl about to be violated? Isn't this a bit exaggerated? I don't know why, but I suddenly like to hear you wailing. It would be better if it was louder.

Thinking of this, Li Feng walked into Dobby who was rolling around and said, "Now, are you still thinking about how to leave?"

"No, I don't dare anymore," Dobby, who had rolled to the edge of the mirror space, said with his voice as if it had been cooked by boiling water: "Master, I am willing to surrender to you and swear to be your servant. All I ask is that you give me the damn Take away the wooden box."

Is there any loyalty to the devil's surrender? So Li Feng directly regarded Dobby's oath as a smelly fart, but Li Feng still closed the wooden box and restrained the energy emitted by the feathers. He wanted the devil's spell, and how could the dead Dobby introduce the spell?

Li Feng looked at Dobby, who was covered in burns and gasping for air, and said with a pout, "How can you guarantee your loyalty?"

"Imprisonment spells," Dobby looked at the wooden box in Li Feng's hand with fearful eyes and said, "I know a kind of slave contract. After signing the contract, as long as you have a thought, my soul will be burned clean by hellfire. ”

Li Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out a blank scroll and pen, threw it to Dobby, and said: "Now, record the spells you know on the scroll. Remember, it is all the spells."

Dobby looked at Li Feng in confusion, raised his crippled hands, and said with trembling lips: "Master, what do you want me to write? How about you bring me your energy and let me repair the broken limbs, or... I said you record spells?"

Without the teachings of Ancient One, Li Feng might have foolishly asked Dobby to recite and record the spells himself, but now

Write your own spells? Li Feng only knew that the devil had a contract, but he didn't know how to operate it specifically. What if Dobby was talking about some kind of contract, and Li Feng stupidly wrote it, wouldn't the contract be completed? Who will be the master and who will be the servant then?

As for Li Feng learning spells from the plague devil before, in the words of Gu Yi, he is destined to have great fortune. If the plague devil were smarter and shifted its focus from the 'Key of Solomon' to Li Feng, he could just do it in the spells he taught. If you click on the ghost, Li Feng may have been possessed by the other party.

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