"Is this your new look?" Li Feng asked, poking Brand's hard tendon.

Originally, he wanted to poke the chest muscles, but his height did not allow it. Unless he jumped three feet high on the spot, he could only start with the more convenient tendon.

On the side, Fenris looked a little confused, and his eyelids twitched: Would the new master like devil muscle men? .

In fear, he lowered his head and glanced at his streamlined muscles. While thanking his "thin" figure, he vowed to train his eight abdominal muscles into a mixed Yuan as soon as possible, otherwise Li Feng's brain would be twitched and his anus would still be full of injuries.

On the other side, Brand, who had been a skeleton for too long, seemed unable to adapt to the pronunciation of his vocal cords for a while, and stuttered: "This is... normal. Appearance, another. Appearance when fighting."

As he said, Brand took a few steps back.

When he retreated to a relatively open area, his black skin quickly turned red and released a scorching high temperature.

After a while, a faceless monster with flames all over its body, magma flowing in its veins, and sparks scattered all over its body appeared in front of everyone.

Yes, it is a faceless monster.

Except for the eyes that are a bit dazzling like headlights, the rest of the facial features are blurred, which is more of a joke than a joke.

"It's okay to look like a smaller version of Surtur, but what's the matter with your facial features that make you run away from home?" Li Feng complained while scratching his scalp.

Brand shrugged with an innocent face, and he was also helpless.

He just borrowed the power of the eternal fire to complete the promotion. Who knows if he will grow up to look like a kid from Surtur's family.

As for the facial features that are unbearable to look at directly, Brand said it doesn't matter. Anyway, he has never thought about getting married or going to bars to hook up with pretty girls. It doesn't matter if his appearance is ugly.

Besides, facial features with lethality are also a good thing.

No matter who comes to cause trouble, you have to look at the horrible face and suppress your stomach, and your fighting power will drop by half.

Hmm~ If you smile, I wonder how much more lethality you can increase? .

Thinking of this, Brand squeezed out a smile as if no one was there.

In an instant, the ugly face suddenly evolved into a weapon of mass destruction.

".MMP" Li Feng resisted the idea of ​​strangling Brand to death, opened the portal and kicked him back to the lake, and shouted: "Go away~ Don't mess with my eyes here."

"Kreacher, you go back too, and get familiar with the power of the Warlock's Eye as soon as possible,"

"Huh?" Kreacher, who wanted to accompany Li Feng, suddenly had a depressed face and drooped his head through the portal.

As the portal closed, Frigga breathed a sigh of relief and loosened her fist with throbbing veins.

Compared with Li Feng, she, who loves beauty, wants to strangle Brand to death more.

Every second this guy stays in the treasury, the toxicity in the air increases.

My eyes are almost poisoned to death. Silently complaining, Frigga rubbed her temples to relieve the pain and said, "Fix the floor and then go find Heimdall. He will send you to Nidavi."

After that, Frigga cast a spell and left with a bit of embarrassment, as if she didn't want to stay in the treasury for another second.

Is this urgent? Li Feng scratched his head blankly, glanced at the big hole on the floor, cast a spell to repair it, and said excitedly: "Fenris, let's go, I'll take you to make equipment."

"Huh? I don't need weapons," Fenris popped out his hidden claws, caressed like a lover, and said: "My claws and fangs contain wolf poison. Anyone bitten or scratched by me will be infected by wolf poison and transformed into a werewolf whose life and death are controlled by me. Well~ The weaker the physique, the higher the probability of being infected into a werewolf."

"Thinking back that when I appeared on the battlefield, the number of soldiers below the demigod level on my side often increased, so."

Fenris raised his head and said proudly: "Unless the weapon is more suitable for the role of wolf poison, I would rather give up the weapon that is in the way. As for armor, this thing will only reduce my agility. Besides, hehe, let's learn about the god-level healing factor."

In short, weapons, armor and other things are a burden and will only hinder his performance.

Wolf poison? .Li Feng touched his chin with interest and asked curiously: "What if other people are bitten by infected werewolves?"

"There is a chance of being infected and becoming a new generation of werewolves, but the later it is, the weaker the wolf poison in the werewolf. For example, although the tenth generation werewolves have wolf poison, the toxicity is probably worse than the common cold virus. Maybe they can go home and sleep happily after taking a tablet of cephalosporin."

The more he listened, the more he felt that wolf poison was a plague. Li Feng's eyes lit up and he kept licking his mouth.

At first, he just wanted to find a demigod-level fighter. Who would have thought that with his luck, not only did Brand become a demigod, but he also unexpectedly gathered 4 knights.

The Plague Knight Fenris, because of his long death time, fell into the realm of true god, but as long as he absorbed enough energy, this guy would return to the throne of true god in minutes.

Death Knight Wangcai, although he is not even a demigod, as long as Stark cheats, this guy will definitely gain divinity. At that time, he will use the Ice Box to cultivate him and become a true god-level fighter.

Hungry Knight Brand, work harder. Uh~ maybe, possibly, probably you can become a true god-level fighter.

Only the War Knight Blitzcrank, Li Feng feels a little difficult to deal with.

Soul is easy to say, he has the Soul Gem in his hand, and he can let Blitzcrank break through the limitations of artificial souls in a minute.

What about quantity? The quality of the magic gem is there, it can't withstand the majestic energy of the demigod level.

What should I use to train you, my War Knight? Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal, and walked towards Heimdall, while thinking about where to find high-quality magic gems.

Nidavi, a satellite powered by stars, is also a military factory for the dwarves to forge weapons.

At this time, the dwarf king Atre was teaching the new generation of apprentices how to forge. Suddenly, a pillar of light landed beside him.

Rainbow Bridge? Atre smiled and signaled the apprentice to continue practicing.

When he was about to greet the newcomers, he saw two strangers walk out after the light pillar dissipated.

"Are you Asgardians?" Atre asked in confusion.

"I'm not, he is an Asgardian. Uh~ or an Asgardian beast," Li Feng turned his head to look at Fenris, as if asking him: In Asgard, are werewolves classified as humans, or are they classified as beasts? .

Fenris twitched his mouth and turned his head to look elsewhere, expressing his firm attitude that he did not want to satisfy someone's curiosity.

Tsk, arrogant stupid wolf. Li Feng looked at Etri with a kind smile and introduced himself: "Dear Dwarf King, I am a wizard from Earth, glad to meet you."

Earth? . Is it Midgard? . Etri looked at the unfamiliar Fenris seriously with some confusion, and said politely: "Nidavi welcomes you, Mr. Wizard from Earth."

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with Asgard?" Etri asked the doubt in his heart.

Nidavi is a military factory, and a high-end military factory that produces artifacts. This means that except for strategic partners, everyone will be treated like a broom.

If Li Feng's relationship with Asgard is not as close as imagined, Etri feels that it is time for him to take out the forging hammer to speak.

"Thor and I are friends, and I also have a relationship with Queen Frigga." After roughly pointing out that he had a close relationship with Asgard, Li Feng showed the mark of godhood on his forehead and said distressedly: "Recently, I have encountered some troubles. Queen Frigga suggested that I come here to find the answer."

Feeling the divine power, Atre was stunned in surprise, and quietly gave the apprentice a look, showing a friendly smile, and said with a three-point certainty: "Is it related to weapons?"

"Yes," Li Feng glanced at the apprentice who left and generously admitted the purpose of this trip.

In fact, there is nothing to hide. Seeking help from the dwarves is not related to weapons. Do you want to treat these big guys to dinner?

Are you not afraid of being eaten out of money?

Besides, the apprentice who left must have asked Asgard about his past, and Li Feng couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

"I don't know if you have received any news from Thor recently," Li Feng tried to turn the topic to the Infinity Gauntlet before the apprentice came back.

Of course, it is a bit sensitive to mention the Infinity Gauntlet directly, and it is much safer to start from the side.

"I don't know," Ai Cui shook his head pretending to be stupid. Before confirming Li Feng's identity, he was prepared to be confused to the end.

I don't believe you, do you really think Thor is stupid, not making some special equipment from you, but rashly collecting infinite gems? .

It's almost like courting death. Li Feng rolled his eyes in his heart, but on the surface he leaned close to Ai Cui's ear and whispered: "He is collecting infinite gems. There is also the intention of His Majesty the God King to train him in secret."

Ai Cui's eyes flashed, and then pretended to know it, nodded suddenly, and said in a neutral attitude: "Oh~ You know such a top-secret thing, it seems that you are very familiar with His Majesty the God King."

As soon as the voice fell, the apprentice who left before ran to Ai Cui and whispered a few times.

Ai Cui looked at Li Feng in surprise, with a sincere smile on his face, and lowered his voice and said: "The queen said, you want to build a device to control the infinite gems?"

Ha Li Feng, who was fast enough, glanced at the apprentices who returned to the apprentice team, nodded slightly, took out the high-imitation infinite gloves, and said: "I want to build a glove that can be big or small. Is it difficult?"

Ai Cui took the glove and shook it, saying: "According to your body shape, I can make a glove. What's the purpose of becoming bigger?"

Li Feng shrugged, turned into a tiger head and a human body, and looked at Ai Cui at eye level and said: "In this state, my endurance is stronger and more suitable for using the power of gems."

"I understand,"

Ai Cui was silent for a while, and said: "If you build normal equipment and bring your own materials, I can decide to only charge the cost of production for Asgard's sake. But if you want to make the device bigger or smaller, you need to consume some precious materials. I have these materials, it depends on whether you can pay for them."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared. In fact, I even prepared a forging fee,"

As he said, Li Feng began to take out precious medicinal materials and rare metals from his shoulder bag, taking them out as if they were free.

Even many magical props such as the Golden Fleece, the Holy Grail, and the Genie's Lamp were taken out, and placed in front of Ai Cui one by one, allowing him to choose.

It's a pity

Ai Cui regretfully expressed that the craftsmen who focus on blacksmithing only pay attention to the materials.

"Except for a few pieces of metal that I haven't seen before, it's okay, but this is just the cost of production. Your reward is not enough."

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