Half a day later, Li Feng, who was so excited that he burst into tears, finally achieved the purpose of this trip and put on a small infinite glove for Zuoshoujun.

Of course, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others. Li Feng did not embed the infinite gems into the infinite glove on the spot to test the effect of the infinite glove on the infinite gems.

There is no way. Many bigwigs in the universe are spending high prices to buy information about the infinite gems. At this time, Li Feng, who has collected 4 infinite gems, is no different from a mobile mine.

Maybe Ai Cui can regard money as dirt and show no love for the infinite gems, but what about the hundreds of dwarves around? Who can guarantee that they will not be tempted?

Ai Cui can't guarantee it, and Li Feng can't guarantee it either.

So he had to be on guard. After all, the consequences of leaking secrets, haha, no matter whether it is the earth or him, eat whatever you want, play whatever you want, and enjoy the last happy time.

Although it is impossible to detect the effect of the infinite glove on the infinite gems, it is still enough to only detect the gloves.

Thinking of this, Li Feng burst into laughter, and the mark on his forehead flashed and turned into a tiger head and a human body.

Carefully feeling the infinite gloves that swelled instantly, he tried to punch and cast spells.

Li Feng gave Ai Cui a thumbs up and praised: "Not bad, your craftsmanship is beyond reproach, absolutely first-class."

"As long as you are satisfied. Then when will you pay the reward?" Ai Cui asked with a mercenary face.

Profiteer! . With a twitch of the lower corner of his mouth, Li Feng bit his back teeth and turned back into human form, reluctantly taking out the armor from his personal space and handing it to Ai Cui.

That's right, Ai Cui asked for the only armor of Li Feng as a reward for the extra materials added in the process of making the infinite gloves, and he asked in a tone that could not be refused.

In short, if he wanted the infinite gloves to be the size he wanted, he had to hand over the armor of Asgard, which made Li Feng spit blood, but he had no choice but to nod and agree.

What else could he do? He didn't dare to break up with Ai Cui, because the infinite gloves were still in his hands.

If Ai Cui was unhappy with Li Feng and decided to deliver the goods in ten or eight years, Li Feng would regret it to his grandmother's house.

As for turning hostile after getting the gloves, hehe, Li Feng still doesn't dare.

In the future, he will have to find dwarves to make stronger armor. Who dares to make it for Li Feng if he offends the dwarf king?

So, the armor is definitely lost.

Ai Cui heard that someone's words were full of resentment, and handed the armor to the apprentice as if he didn't care. After ordering him to put it in the warehouse, he smiled at Li Feng and said, "Do you think the price is too high? Don't make a fuss. I feel that I have lost money in exchange for an infinite glove. If this matter spreads to the universe, I guess all the forces that want to collect infinite gems will be crazy."

What he said makes sense, and I have no power to refute it. Although I understand it, Li Feng still thinks Ai Cui is a profiteer and a villain. He actually stripped his only protective armor and turned a good fragile mage into a paper mage who would be finished with a bucket.

"How could it be, you get what you pay for, I still understand the principle," Li Feng waved his hands repeatedly as if he didn't care, but he was cursing in his heart: If you didn't look down on other rewards, would I be so miserable?

As he said this, Li Feng suppressed his resentment that was about to materialize, and tried to squeeze out a smile of gratitude. After saying goodbye to Ai Cui, he turned around and teleported to the vicinity of Sovereign Star.

Standing in the universe with a shield, Fenris looked at Li Feng with a gloomy face, then looked at the golden Sovereign Star in the distance, and asked cautiously: "Boss"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Feng glanced at him with emotionless eyes, and he was so scared that he was afraid that Li Feng would take the opportunity to find fault, so he quickly changed his name and said: "Master, what are you doing here?"

What are you afraid of? I don't want to beat you to death. I don't know what the superiors are thinking at all. Li Feng patted Fenris's shoulder, looking like "I'm easy to talk to" He smiled and said, "Forget it, you should call me boss."

As he said that, Li Feng rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his fists, grinning and said, "What else can I do here? Of course, I want to vent my anger. I can't do anything with the dwarves, can I do anything with these 'little golden men'?"

Fenris curled his lips speechlessly. He knew that the Sovereigns were not soft persimmons thousands of years ago. Now, after thousands of years of development, perhaps the military convenience is still not as good as Asgard, but it is still no problem for the whole tribe to encircle and suppress a true god?

Encircling and suppressing a demigod like me is probably no problem.

"How are you going to vent your anger?" Fenris asked with some trepidation.

"You are a werewolf, so you should be more ruthless than a ruthless person. What are you afraid of?" After complaining, Li Feng rolled his eyes and cast a spell to turn into Thanos, and pointed at Fenris, turning him into Ebony Marquis, and said, "Don't worry, I don't plan to let you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and you don't even need to show up."

It seems that the boss is not here to vent his anger! Fenris is not stupid, especially since he appeared here in the appearance of a gray alien, how could he not guess that his boss had other intentions.

"Boss, what items or people are you looking for? Is it dangerous?" Fenris asked slowly.

"Steel-titanium battery, and a 'charger' that absorbs energy from another dimension." As he spoke, Li Feng detailed the role of the steel-titanium battery.

"I will use the strategy of 'enemy advances, we retreat; enemy stays, we harass; enemy tires, we attack; enemy retreats, we chase' to wreak havoc on Sovereign. I believe that with the help of many escape skills such as teleportation, invisibility magic and mirror space, Sovereign will be in chaos."

"And what you have to do is to observe secretly, find the gathering place of the Sovereign army, and then sneak into it quietly until you snatch the steel-titanium battery and the 'charger'."

In terms of the importance of the steel-titanium battery and the 'charger', Li Feng firmly believes that as long as Sovereign is in chaos, the military will definitely send heavy troops to guard it.

By then, the battery and charger will be in his possession.

"The plan is very good, especially the word 'rob' is very appropriate, but..." Fenris said with a slumped face, "But I don't know the magic of invisibility. I will probably be... when I show up."

Before Fenris could finish speaking, Li Feng handed the magic book to the other party and said, "Given that you were once a true god, how long will it take you to learn the magic of invisibility?"

Fenris took the magic book and glanced at it briefly before confirming: "About a day."

"One day? Just in time, I will use one day to test the Infinity Gauntlet." As he said that, Li Feng motioned for Fenris to go aside and cool down, while he took out the Mind Stone and cautiously approached the Infinity Gauntlet.

In an instant, the originally quiet Infinity Gauntlet seemed to sense something, and burst out with a strong suction force like cheering, firmly pulling the Mind Stone to the designated pit.

The soul gem shone brightly, without even the intention of struggling, and he happily moved into his new home.

Li Feng closed his eyes and sensed the Infinity Gauntlet, confirming that the Mind Stone could still play its role, and then took out the Reality Stone and approached the Infinity Gauntlet.

After that, Li Feng would feel each infinity stone carefully and calculate how many infinity stones he could withstand.

When the soul gems moved in, the four gems burst out with powerful power, causing Li Feng to twitch like an electric shock. He almost foamed at the mouth and his pupils dilated.

OMG, it’s so sour and refreshing, I can’t stand it

Li Feng shouted loudly, and the tiger-headed body appeared again.

With his physique soaring, Li Feng finally stopped twitching.

At the same time, he realized that with his current strength, he was still a hair away from fully controlling the 4 Infinity Stones, but he was far from fully controlling the 5 Stones.


Or, take bigger steps and improve your physique and strength as soon as possible.

Or, keep the body of a tiger head, at least in this state, it will be no problem to withstand 5 infinite gems.

Do you choose to become a tiger-headed man and become a naturalized orc? Or should we ignore the slight sadness and move forward firmly?

It's still hard to make a choice. In the midst of slander, Li Feng exited the tiger-head body mode, and before the sour feeling of excess energy hit him, he threw the Infinity Gauntlet into his personal space.

Forget it, let’s find time to take a big step forward by opening a time-travel portal. There’s nothing about the orcs that doesn’t fit my taste.

After scratching his head, Li Feng floated to Fenris. Before he could ask, he saw the other party suddenly disappear in front of him.

Li Feng's eyes lit up and he quickly cast a detection spell.

After a while, he found nothing and continued to search for Fenris.

For a long time, except for relying on the mark of life to sense that Fenris was still standing in front of him, Li Feng's other detection methods were all useless, and they were still the kind that couldn't even make waves.

"Very good, you have mastered the art of invisibility well," Li Feng nodded with satisfaction and praised.

Fenris grinned and exited the invisibility, saying with some regret: "It's a pity that I am only a demigod, and I can only stay invisible for half an hour at most."

"That's enough. I'll go have some fun first and you'll enter Sovereign in half an hour."

Li Feng touched his chin and said firmly: "I guess the entire planet Sovereign will be in chaos by then, and the military should also point out the location of the steel-titanium battery, hehe."

With a few sinister laughs, Li Feng carelessly teleported over the planet Sovereign, cast a spell to expand his voice to half the planet, and announced domineeringly:

"Listen to me, Sovereign clan. I am the Lord of the Universe. I am now ordering you to kill half of your clan members. Otherwise, my army will bloodbath the Sovereign planet."

Below the planet, the Sovereign clan members all stopped and looked at Thanos as if they were idiots. Many people even took out their equipment to take photos.

In the era of relying on birth pods to reproduce offspring, creatures like 'idiots' are rare creatures that rarely appear in thousands of years. If you don't take pictures now, how will you brag to your friends in the future?

Only the senior management who recognized who 'Thanos' was said he couldn't calm down and was panicking inside.

Good guy, Thanos is the population planner of the Megaverse. Wherever he goes, half of all living things are finished.

"What to do, what to do?" In panic, a member of the Sovereign Council held an emergency meeting and sent his confidants to talk to 'Thanos'.

Don't ask your confidants to persuade Thanos to leave with their sharp tongue, but ask to delay the arrival of Thanos' army.


'Thanos' said that he just wanted to try the power of his words and did not want to have any contact with the Sovereigns.

Therefore, after shouting in mid-air, 'Thanos' directly summoned a huge nuclear reaction fireball, and hit the ground at a turtle speed.

Seeing the Sovereigns on the ground running away in fear, Li Feng nodded with satisfaction.

From the beginning, what he wanted was not destruction, but chaos.

The only way to catch fish is to make things more chaotic.

Nunu mouth, Li Feng controlled the nuclear reaction fireball to explode in mid-air, and then teleported to the other side of the planet, repeating his same trick to summon the nuclear reaction fireball.

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