Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 478 Chapter 477 Mutants

In the starry depths of space, an invisible ripple suddenly spread in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, two unknown creatures suddenly appeared in the center of the previously empty ripples.

"Where is this?" Li Feng's face was gloomy, and his muscles subconsciously tensed up to prevent the Sovereign from popping up from the corner and stabbing him.

"Master, I suspect we have traveled through time,"

Blitz handed a fragment of white stone to Li Feng and said, "This thing may be the culprit."

Li Feng frowned and glanced at the white fragments, feeling inexplicably familiar.

Blitz continued: "Master, you once told me that SHIELD has three boulders. The black boulder is related to space, the white boulder is related to time, and the last one..."

"The last boulder is related to the dimension." Li Feng took the white gravel and asked with furrowed brows: "Is this fragment related to the dimension?"

"Yes, I found that this thing has the same composition as the dimensional boulder. I suspect that the fragments in the hands of the Sovereans and your boulder fragments come from the same boulder,"

As he spoke, Blitz projected the holographic projection of the 'charger' and enlarged the six energy sources. Pointing to a huge stone fragment in the center of the energy source, he speculated: "Master, the reason why the Sovereigns can absorb energy from other dimensions is Energy depends on this thing.”

Okay, it's really possible to travel through dimensions. Li Feng nodded, casually put the fragments into his shoulder bag, closed his eyes and tried to get in touch with the clone.

"Dear clones, I am the main body. I am the main body. Please answer when you receive it. Please answer when you receive it."

A few seconds later, Li Feng received a reply with different identities, and his head suddenly became noisy like a vegetable market.

"Ontology, Ontology, this is Sokovia Laboratory, please reply when you receive it."

"Body, body, this is the Pym Laboratory on Earth. The basic modification of the RV is completed. When will you come back for a test flight?"

"Ontology, main body. This is the world of 'Ghostbusters'. Please reply when you receive it."

"Original body, this is the world of 'Phantom of Louvre', answer received."

It can be heard that the clones staying in the Marvel world can clearly send "text messages", while the signals from the clones from other worlds are intermittent.

This illustrates a problem: Li Feng's alternate dimension is not far from the Marvel world.

After scratching his head, Li Feng took out the Infinity Gauntlet.

If the power of the Infinity Stones is weakened, it goes without saying that the alternate dimension he lives in has nothing to do with the Marvel Universe.

On the contrary, it means traveling to the Marvel parallel universe.

As soon as he put on the Infinity Gauntlet, Li Feng saw electric current visible to the naked eye covering his left half of his body, and then a sour feeling of excess energy hit him.

It’s true, this world is related to the Marvel world

Since this is related to the Marvel world, what about Earth, the protagonist of Marvel? If the earth existed, I wonder if there would be a chance to collect time and space gems

Sovereigns, you finally did something right. Taking the Infinity Gauntlet back into his pocket, Li Feng waved his hand and tried to open the portal to the earth.

As the portal appeared, Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, licked the corners of his mouth, and carefully stepped through the portal while shouting, "Space gem, come to the bowl quickly."

Earth, New York.

Standing on a familiar yet unfamiliar street, Li Feng looked at the tall buildings in front of him with a blank expression.

"Blitzcrank, where is the Stark Group? Has it moved?"

Master, do you want to tell me that Stark has expanded his business to another dimension? Blitzcrank couldn't understand Li Feng's brain circuit, but he didn't dare to contradict him. He just invaded the network to find the answer.

After a while, Blitzcrank confirmed: "Master, there is no Stark family in this world. At least Iron Man Stark cannot be found on the Internet."

"Huh?" Li Feng felt as if his head was struck by lightning. Who can imagine a Marvel world without Stark?

Is this world too weird, or was my previous judgment wrong? .

While Li Feng was confused, Blitzcrank broke the news one after another.

"Not only does Stark not exist, but Steve, Natasha and other Avengers members do not exist, or anyone related to SHIELD does not exist. At the same time, I have not sensed Kama Taj, but"

After a pause, Blitzcrank had a strange look on his face and said, "I found on the Internet that there is a group of humans on Earth who are similar to the Inhumans. They call themselves mutants."

"Judging from the information obtained on the Internet, this race is not having an easy life. They are either used as experimental subjects for slice-up research, or they are hunted down by certain forces."

Mutants are indeed part of the Marvel universe, which explains why the Infinity Stones still shine brightly.

What made Li Feng's eyes light up and excited him was that in a world where mutants appeared, a woman named Qin Gray would definitely appear.

And whenever Jean Gray appears, the Phoenix Force will definitely lean over her.

The one who can be called the Son of the Universe is the Phoenix Power.

This thing was born at the beginning of all things and is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the original universe.

At the same time, it is also the link point for the spiritual soul of all things in the multiverse, and is the creator and source of spiritual power.

More importantly, this thing can create and manipulate space and time dimensional coordinates, and travel to and from time and space at will.

In other words, whoever masters the Phoenix Power can travel through time and appear in other Marvel worlds at will.

Although Jean Gray's Phoenix Power is incomplete and cannot do the above things, it is still worth snatching.

The most important thing at the moment is to find out whether Qin Gray is dead. With his eyes shining, Li Feng held his breath and asked urgently: "Quickly, retrieve all the information about the mutant Qin Gray."

Blitzcrank said that it was not surprising that Li Feng knew the general situation of the world he was in with just a little information.

He had experienced a lot of such things.

"There is not much information about Jean Grey, but there is a hot news about her teacher, a mutant named Charles. He may have had a brain attack some time ago and launched global nuclear weapons into space like a bold man."

"Charles' whereabouts are unknown now. The school he founded was attacked by a certain force, and mutants such as Mystique and Beast were taken away by the force."

Before Blitzcrank finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in Li Feng's mind.

"Listen, everyone in this world, this is my advice to you. Advice to every human and mutant, you have lost your way, but I have returned, and the final judgment is coming soon"

"Judge your sister," Li Feng rolled up his sleeves and cursed along the mental channel in his mind.

A world without Kamar-Taj, a world without Ancient One, what else does he have to worry about?

After being the second for thousands of years, he finally became the boss on the earth in the Marvel world, and someone dared to jump out and slap him in the face?

Is it because he can't get the knife, or is someone too arrogant?

Besides, the moment the voice sounded in his mind, he already knew the other party's true identity.


Li Feng's only thought at this time was: to confront him, he must confront him in the minds of all people in the world

Lake Yakali Dam, which is where Wolverine was transformed.

At this time, Jean Grey, who sneaked into the dam to rescue her companions, had a face full of "confusion".

The moment the voice sounded in her mind, she knew that the voice came from Charles, and even heard the other party's call for help.

To be honest, she was both excited and surprised.

Excited because she knew that Charles was in Cairo, which made her know where to put her strength.

And surprised because she knew that the professor was so powerful that he could talk to all mankind without relying on the "main brain".

But when Li Feng's voice also appeared in her mind, she was horrified to find that there were people in the world who could compete with Charles in terms of mind.

"Did you hear it too?" Jean Grey swallowed her saliva and looked at Cyclops Scott in shock.

"If you mean 'judge your sister', yes, I heard it," Scott was not much better, with a confused expression that wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"No, there is a hidden distress message, and the professor knows that only I can hear it."

Jean Grey suddenly remembered Li Feng who suddenly appeared, and changed her words: "The professor knows that only I and the strange mutant can hear it."

Cairo, Egypt.

En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse), who has been sleeping since the ancient Egyptian period, has regarded himself as a god all his life. Now he hears someone scolding him in front of the minds of all human beings in the world, and he is so angry that he wants to tear Li Feng alive.

"Who are you?" Tianqi gnashed his teeth and asked, while Charles, who was the messenger, was curious about the message of "who are you", and asked by the way: "Why don't I know that there are strong people like you among mutants?"

"Charles? There are many things you don't know." After a pause, Li Feng roared at Tianqi in a bad mood: "Tianqi, you are a thousand-year-old antique. Go back to the cemetery and lie down, otherwise Dad will let you know what a slap of love is."

Dare to call me dad. Tianqi's face was dark, and he waved his hand to turn the distant city into a huge pyramid.

He was not stupid. Since the other party could easily invade the mental power, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

Before he was fully prepared, he was not going to provoke Li Feng, especially at the critical moment when the great cause of ruling the world was about to be completed, there was no need to provoke a strong enemy for himself.

As for when he took over Charles's body and could control the thoughts and behaviors of all mankind at any time, would he still need to be afraid?

What a joke, at that time, he could order mutants and someone in the world to fight to their death with just one finger, and easily get everything done, okay?


Tianqi doesn't want to provoke Li Feng, but that doesn't mean Li Feng doesn't want to provoke Tianqi.

Li Feng saw the voice in his mind stop abruptly, and he said in the minds of all mankind like a map cannon: "Silly son, are you there? If you have the guts, tell me your address, and Dad will come over to chat with you and let you know what it means that Dad will always be your dad."

"Puchi~" Charles couldn't help laughing like a pig, looking at Tianqi without hiding the irony on his face, and said: "Hey, don't you want to say something?"

If possible, he really wanted Tianqi to strengthen his ability again so that he could send a distress signal to Li Feng.

Tianqi glanced at Charles and said in a flat tone: "I know you secretly sent a distress signal to someone, but I don't care. In front of the true God, the so-called reinforcements are just a joke."

Want to irritate me to complete his request for help? Give me a round rolling ball Tianqi added in his heart.

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