"Blitzcrank, check where Apocalypse is. Brother will take you to show off and show off your presence."

"Yes, Master," Blitz rolled his eyes cryptically. If Li Feng's eyes hadn't moved so quickly when he spoke, he would have thought he was just showing off his muscles.

Now, forget it, Li Feng definitely has his own plans.


"Master, I don't know what Apocalypse looks like, so I can't find him," Blitz said aggrievedly.

"Stupid," Li Feng glared at Blitzcrank as if he hated steel, looked up at the sky, and said, "What I just said has already indicated that Charles is beside Apocalypse. I don't know what Apocalypse looks like, and I can't find out. What does Charles look like?”

Blitz followed Li Feng's gaze to the sky and said suddenly, "Master, do you mean to just let me invade the satellite and find out where Charles is?"

As he spoke, Blitzcrank's consciousness had invaded the satellites in the sky.

A few minutes later, Blitz stretched out his hand to draw a circle, cast a spell to summon the portal, and made a gesture of invitation. He said respectfully with a dog-legged tone: "Master, Charles is in Cairo now, but my subordinates have not found Apocalypse from the satellite. Only four mutants were seen guarding a huge and strange pyramid."

"My subordinates analyzed that Apocalypse is causing trouble in the pyramid,"

Speaking of this, Blitz suddenly froze for a moment and said in a somewhat surprised tone: "A fighter plane carrying Jean Grey, Mystique and many other mutants is rapidly approaching the pyramid."

Could it be that the master had known that Jean Gray would go to the location of Apocalypse, so finding Apocalypse was equivalent to finding Jean Gray Blitz and flattering her by saying, "The master is mighty, the master is awesome, the master knows astronomy, and the geography below." He asked cautiously: "Master, do you know girl Qin Gray?"

"I don't know her, but she is special and has what I want." As he said that, Li Feng stepped through the portal and stared blankly at the top of the pyramid, where the circuit board was activated and flashed with dazzling golden light.

Solar power? ! Good thing Li Feng slapped his forehead fiercely, licked the corner of his mouth and said excitedly: "Blitz, scan the pyramid and check whether this thing is collecting solar energy. If so, find a way to copy this thing to Sokovia."

What energy is inexhaustible and inexhaustible in space? The answer is obvious, solar energy.

This is also the reason why satellites deployed in space use the sun as energy source.

Back then, Li Feng was so excited that he devoted himself to building Sokovia into a new Asskid, in order to reap massive benefits.

As a result, it was only when I started to reform that I discovered that the gap between reality and ideals was comparable to a chasm, a chasm that could not be crossed no matter what.

In terms of air, protective shields, etc., it's okay. As long as the little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe is strong enough, he will have no problem supporting the oxygen of tens of thousands of people.

Maybe the source does this? Let the Askids figure it out on their own?

When you think about it, you know it's impossible. Odin is busy making huge bets. He doesn't want to arouse the suspicion of the God of Gods because of Askide's intervention to transform Sokovia, which will eventually lead to the bankruptcy of the plan.

Even if the Asgardians really want to solve the energy problem themselves, it will only be put on the agenda after Odin completes his plan.

As for the Asgardians abandoning the technology tree, returning to the farming era, and focusing on three acres of thin fields.

Don't make trouble, Asgardians seem to have a gentle temper, but if you analyze it carefully, you will know that how can a race rich in berserkers be able to be farmers with peace of mind? Not swinging the hoe to the earth would be considered restraint.

Finally, Li Feng had not considered purchasing technology from higher civilizations to solve the energy problem, but which civilization would dare to sell this stuff at will?

Just like the earth's nuclear power generation technology, it is both high-end and increasingly mature.

But when I actually went to buy it, I discovered that no country would sell it at all, and even some energy technologies that had been eliminated long ago were not something you could buy if you wanted to.

After all, energy can produce earth-shaking changes in both the economy and the military.

No one can guarantee that energy technology that has been proven to be eliminated will inexplicably exert a second spring in the hands of others, and the gap that has been finally widened will be instantly evened.

For this reason, Li Feng, who had no energy technology at hand, was so worried that he almost pulled out his hair.

But now it's better. As long as we fully understand the steel batteries and extra-dimensional chargers contributed by the Soverin tribe, and analyze the solar technology in front of us, Sokovia will no longer have to worry about energy issues.

By the way, the origin of mutants is the Cosmic Celestial Group, so the solar technology in front of us most likely comes from the Celestial Group.

Much more than the earth's solar energy.

This is why Li Feng, who originally wanted to slap Tian Qi to death, decided to give up his 'hatred' temporarily.

No matter what, you have to get the technology first, and then crush Tianqi into a dog's head.

Thinking of this, Li Feng and Blitz turned into a ball of black mist and swaggered to the top of the pyramid to discuss what the luminous words like runes were.

On the other side, the fighter planes of Qin, Raven (Mystique) and other friends just arrived at the scene.

For safety reasons, the friends did not land carelessly, but selectively flew around the pyramid while detecting the nearby terrain.

"Who are they? They don't seem to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," Moira, the only CIA agent on the fighter plane who was not a mutant, asked, pointing to the two lumps of black mist formed by Li Feng and Blitzcrank.

As a fighter pilot and the most academically qualified person present, with a perfect combination of violence and intelligence, Beast Hank said he didn't know either.

The only thing known is that the culprit causing the magnetic field chaos near the pyramid is Eric, the famous Magneto.

Qin thought for a while and activated her psychic ability to connect Li Feng and Blitzcrank. Just as she was about to ask about their origins, a strange voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Beauty, my brother is very busy, and you are also very busy, so let's just be busy for the time being. If you really want to communicate, why not wait until we are finished and communicate in depth? Don't worry, I have no love for Tianqi, so there is no conflict between us. , you can completely treat me like air."

Somehow, hearing Li Feng's voice transmission, Qin suddenly felt endless fear in her heart. It seemed that the other person was a wild beast that was busy hunting, and she was the prey that accidentally broke into the other person's hunting ground.

Her instinct told her that if she disturbed the other party's hunting, her team would be destroyed.

On the contrary, as long as you don't disturb the other party, the other party won't even bother to look at you.

Although this feeling was aggrieved, Qin didn't want to cause more trouble before rescuing Charles: but listening to the voice, the other party was the mutant who had taken advantage of Apocalypse before.

This is a strong man of the same level as the professor. Qin, who thought she had judged Li Feng's strength, quickly told everyone what she knew about the situation, and emphatically warned her friends: "You can be wary, but don't provoke him."

"Guess which one of the two is Apocalypse's 'father'?" Seeing that Qin, Scott and other recruits were extremely nervous, Raven deliberately joked to ease the situation.

"Pfft~" Teleportation expert Kurt (Nightcrawler) was the first to laugh like a pig. Likewise, his laughter also broke the tense atmosphere before the war.

"It's hard to say, maybe both of them are Apocalypse's fathers." Scott replied jokingly.

"One biological father and one stepfather?" Rui Wen speculated seriously.

Suddenly, Qin, who was trying to get in touch with Charles, said in surprise: "We found the professor, and he was taken into the pyramid."

Halfway through the sentence, the joy on Qin's face instantly changed to panic, and he spoke very quickly: "Apocalypse wants to transfer his consciousness to the professor. If he succeeds, Apocalypse will be able to control the thoughts of everyone in the world."

Raven's heart tightened. Feeling that the situation was urgent, she did not dare to delay, and hurriedly ordered as captain: "Scott, Qin, you help Kurt break into the pyramid and rescue Charles as soon as possible."

"I'm going to deal with Eric," Raven glanced at Li Feng and Blitzcrank in the distance, prayed a few words, "I hope they're not enemies," and then turned to look at Hank.

Hank immediately understood the meaning in Raven's eyes, nodded and replied: "Don't worry, I will take down the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but it will be you."

As he spoke, Hank twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Eric, who was floating in the air and manipulating the earth's magnetic field on a large scale, with a shocked expression.

To be honest, he was not optimistic that Raven could persuade Eric to surrender. Even under the protection of the magnetic field, it was still a question of whether Raven could get close to Eric without being injured.

"I'll take you there," Peter (Quicksilver) shrugged to Raven pretending to be relaxed, then looked at Eric with a complicated expression, and said in a low voice, "I'm here for him, please let me I'll help you."

Raven thought about it and realized that she and Eric had a friendship to protect him. Well, to be precise, it was love to protect him. So even if she was not sure of persuading him to surrender, she still dared to pat her chest to ensure her own safety.

As for Pete, this guy is Eric's son, and the DNA all over his body is a talisman. Eric wouldn't dare to kill his little boy if he has a brain convulsion.

After thinking about this, Raven no longer refused Peter's help and signaled Kurt to take them all to the ground.

Time waits for no one. Didn't you see that Charles is about to die?

With the convenience of teleportation, everyone came to the ground in an instant, leaving only Moira to pilot the fighter plane. She had to be prepared to escape at any time, and also to monitor Li Feng and Blitzcrank.

"Don't worry, if anything happens between the two of you, I will notify you as soon as possible," Moira promised, patting her chest.

Seeing this, Rui Wen comforted the recruit with a few words of comfort, holding Chicken Soup for the Soul in her left hand, and Eric's baby in her right hand, and came to chat with him for 5 yuan.

On the other side, Hank, Jean, and Scott forcibly held back the remaining three knights so that Kurt could have the opportunity to sneak into the pyramid and complete the mission of saving Charles.

With the cooperation of his team members, it didn't take long for Kurt to find an opportunity and use teleportation to rescue Charles back to the fighter plane.

After completing the main task, Kurt did not dare to stay any longer and used his elusive teleportation to bring his friends back to the fighter plane one by one.

Seeing that only Raven and Peter had not returned to the team yet, Moira raised her fighter plane and ran away without thinking too much.

In any case, Apocalypse's goal is Charles. As long as Charles is taken away, it is equivalent to destroying the other party's plan to dominate the world, which is a victory for her.

As for the safety of Raven and Pete, Moira said she had never thought about it.

It's so fast that even bullets can't catch up with it.

The two of them wanted to run away, but Tianqi could only stare and fight.

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