When life and death were at stake, Li Feng did not dare to hide his clumsiness.

Put on the Infinity Gauntlet, activate the Reality Stone with all your strength, and turn the incoming thunder into drizzle.

"Is this the power of the Reality Stone?"

Although Odin was asking a question, he dared to bet on Tintin. If it weren't for the Reality Stone, how could Li Feng's short and weak divine power be enough to break the fatal blow.

At the same time, Odin curiously glanced at the number of gems on the Infinity Gauntlet, wanting to see how many Infinity Stones Li Feng had collected so far.

With just one glance, Odin felt his liver trembling violently, and his red eyes suddenly widened, filled with endless envy, jealousy, and grievance.

Infinity stones are a good thing. He once dreamed of traveling to the end of the world with a sword. It's not that he didn't bother to collect them. It just took a lot of time to collect them. He suddenly went from being single to the point where his own kid can go out on the streets alone to make soy sauce.

But as for Li Feng, even if this guy started collecting infinite gems from a pool of liquid, how long has it been since then?

In less than a hundred years, 4 of them have been collected.

Not only that, Li Feng also knew that the space gem was in his hands, and after a while, his old master would personally hand the gem to Li Feng.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Feng has an unusual relationship with the current Supreme Mage.

In other words, Li Feng must know that the last time gem is in Kama Taj.

With Li Feng's strength and mind, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before the time gem changes hands.

Based on the above points, it takes hundreds of years for the dignified God King to collect infinite gems, but Li Feng, who is nothing, can complete it in less than a hundred years.

How would he feel if this got out?

Just thinking about it makes me heartbroken.

On the other side, Li Feng, who was so frightened that he was trembling all over, had red eyes, and his anger gradually increased: It was almost, damn, just a little bit, and I would be chopped into pieces by you, and there would be no bones left, and I would be vaporized directly.

Li Feng, who was heartbroken, tried hard to save his last bit of sanity and warned himself not to fall out.

Frigga was watching from the sidelines. If he showed even the slightest bit of death-defying attitude, Frigga would probably join the battle immediately.

When the time comes, one against two, he will use a hammer to risk his life, which is more like courting death.

Moreover, the Space Stone has not yet been obtained. Falling out is equivalent to saying goodbye to the Space Stone.

Of course, just because you don't fall out now doesn't mean you won't be able to take advantage of Odin in the future.

Yes, he is stronger than Odin, but so what.

Odin is Odin, and Asgard is Asgard. As long as the two are separated, revenge is extremely simple.

For example, poisoning the main rivers in the Æsir domain. Even if the poison does not kill anyone in the end, it will make the Æsir feel as sick as eating a big piece of shit every time they drink water.

Or maybe burning food and grass today, burning the golden palace tomorrow, etc. Even if no one is killed in the end, Odin's face will probably rub back and forth on the ground.

If you want to play a big game, then secretly bury a few dozen dirty bombs in the center of the earth, and let the Asa realm live out its final life directly in the mushroom cloud.

He doesn't believe it anymore. As long as he feeds his conscience to Fenris and moves the bottom line downwards, is it difficult to destroy Asgard alone?

When the time comes, Odin, without the backing of Asgard, will be considered a woolly king.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you cover your face while working, otherwise your handsome face will be on all the announcements in the nine realms. Then you might as well dig a hole and bury yourself as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, can you explain your purpose?" In a cold and biting tone, Li Feng quietly activated four infinite gems and prepared to play with a big one.

Let’s not talk about whether we can support Odin, but we must force the Destroyer Armor out no matter what.

If using 4 infinite gems still doesn't allow Odin to use his trump card, Li Feng thinks it's better to pick a cemetery with beautiful scenery while he can still make the decision.

Anyway, steel is not enough, and running is a difficult operation... just do whatever you like.

"I said, I came here for the Infinity Stones." Odin saw the four gems shining brightly. He was silent for a while as if his thoughts were not online. Then he smiled slightly, said nothing, turned around and put away his armor and the Eternal Spear. He walked to Frigga with brisk steps and said softly: "It's over, let's go."

"Yes." Frigga nodded slightly, thought for a moment, bowed to Li Feng with a slight apology, and then disappeared instantly with Odin.

what's the situation? Not here to grab the infinite gems? Li Feng, who had a puzzled look on his face, was going crazy. He was just about to play stud, but Odin on the opposite side just flipped the table and stopped playing?

I really can't understand this kind of magical operation.

Scratching his scalp, Li Feng activated his mind and soul gems to search for traces of Odin and Frigga.

After a while, Li Feng, who looked confused, put away the Infinity Gauntlet and Sickle, and flew to Fenris with a question mark on his face, saying, "Well, what did Odin say to you?"

"Didn't say anything, just asked me to make tea." Fenris certainly knew what Li Feng wanted to ask, but his brain capacity was limited and he really couldn't figure out why Odin said he was for the Infinity Stones, but actually was indifferent to the Infinity Stones.

After thinking for a long time, Fenris, who had his eyebrows knitted together, said uncertainly: "Perhaps Odin just wants to drink tea and watch the scenery? Or maybe he is too bored in the Golden Palace and came here to tease you?" Or want to know what the Infinity Stones look like?”

"Haha~" Li Feng was too lazy to talk to Fenris and glanced at Zuojun thoughtfully. At the same time, he sent a detailed message to Blitzcrank about Odin and Frigga's every move since their arrival.

According to analysis, Blitzcrank, who was born with artificial intelligence, is the uncrowned king of the 'most powerful brain'. With his help, I don't believe that Odin's purpose here can be solved.

Space carrier, in the captain's office.

Fury stood in front of the holographic projection with a poker face, listening to Hill's urgent report calmly.

"Stark's private satellite detected an alarming gamma value in the sky city (Sokovia). After comparative analysis, it was found that there were four energy sources, and the value of each energy source was similar to the Cosmic Cube. Stark obviously knew something, but he refused to elaborate on the current analysis. The four energy sources are related to Austin."

When talking about 'Austin', Hill glanced at Fury, whose teeth were getting whiter.

There is no way, the darker the face, the whiter the teeth will be.

Speaking of which, Fury is also miserable.

Originally, the duties of SHIELD were enough to keep him busy, and it was good to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep a day.

But since he learned that there were an astonishing number of Ghost Riders hidden in SHIELD, this guy basically said goodbye to sleep.

With nearly a thousand spies hiding around him, no one can sleep well, let alone him who is in the late stage of paranoia.

What's even more tragic is that even if Fury knew who the spies were, he couldn't find them all.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't dare.

The reason is simple. Li Feng has too many spies. Once the elimination plan is launched, most departments will be in turmoil and paralysis.

Especially the field team with the highest mortality rate, all those who have been through hundreds of battles and are experienced are Li Feng's subordinates.

If all the spies must be found, Fury thinks it's better to directly announce the disbandment of the field team.

"Boss, Thor once said that there are 6 gems like the Cosmic Cube. Do you think Austin has mastered 4 of them?" Hill asked carefully when he saw Fury was silent.

Fury knocked on the table and said with a little resentment: "It is known that the Mind Stone is in his hands."

As he spoke, Fury suddenly felt tired and wanted to retire.

The storm caused by the Cosmic Cube almost made him resign, and with 4 gems, I'm afraid even the Earth King wants to resign.

Now that four radiations suspected to be infinite gems are spreading to the depths of the universe, it is not difficult to imagine that whether the earth has four infinite gems or not, it will attract the attention of alien forces.

Indeed, considering that the earth belongs to one of the nine realms and is also Odin's private garden, Asgard will certainly lend a helping hand.

Perhaps in the war, Odin will also issue an order to the eight realms to "work together to protect the little brother of the earth".


Fury can't stand the feeling of having his life in the hands of others. He prefers "my life is not determined by God".

Headache. Rubbing his forehead, Fury waved his hand weakly to indicate that the call was over.

After Hill hung up the phone, Fury called Li Feng's satellite phone again.

At this time, Blitzcrank carefully analyzed and told Li Feng the final conclusion.

"Master, my conclusion is that Odin wants the infinite gems to be exposed. As for the specific reasons, there is insufficient data and it cannot be analyzed"

Exposure? Exposure! Fuck! ! ! .Li Feng slapped his forehead suddenly, recalling the fact that the more energy of the Nine Realms' lives that died in the Ragnarok ritual, the more power Odin could absorb.

Obviously, Odin made it clear that the Infinity Stones were used as the bloody smell to lure sharks.

As long as the "sharks" came to cause trouble, Odin would definitely take the opportunity to issue a war order.

And how can there be no deaths in war?

Therefore, Odin's ultimate goal is to use external forces to cleanse the Nine Realms.

Li Feng even speculated that Odin had secretly contacted the "Director of the Universal Family Planning Commission" - Thanos.

After all, Thanos always kills half and leaves half.

If Thanos leads his fleet to cause trouble, causing half of the population in the Nine Realms to die, hehe, Odin will probably be very happy.

Just when Li Feng was feeling a pain in his teeth for Odin's evil plan, Kreacher hurried over with a satellite phone and shouted:

"Boss, it's a call from Bo Dan."

"He wants to fuck me?" Li Feng took the phone without knowing why, and was about to speak when he heard Fury's resentful tone from the receiver:

"Two things. First, did you get the four Infinity Stones? Second, explain why Ghost Rider appeared in SHIELD."

"Uh~ The weather is good today, I'm going out to bask in the sun. Bye."

Li Feng, who was feeling annoyed by what Odin did, didn't want to talk nonsense and hung up the phone neatly.

"." Hearing the busy tone, Fury twitched his mouth.

He had already known Li Feng's bad character, and it didn't matter to him whether he got an answer or not.

What mattered was the attitude.

And judging from Li Feng's attitude when he hung up the phone directly, he was 80% sure that Li Feng had the four Infinity Stones in his hand.

As for Ghost Rider, it was just a casual question.

It has already happened, what's the point of answering or not?

Even if he knew the cause, he still had to pretend that nothing happened, otherwise he would really disband SHIELD?


Fury always felt that Li Feng wanted to hide something:

It seems that it's time to come and "visit" in person

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