Fury was about to get up, but the next second he felt a headache again.

Now, Li Feng has officially settled in Sokovia.

But Sokovia is floating in orbit, where are the subways and roads? Even if he wants to squeeze into the bus, there is no place to squeeze.

Of course, based on the tonnage of the director of SHIELD, he can still get some rockets, spaceships and other means of transportation.

It's just that this thing is time-consuming and laborious to drive, and it's also very expensive. When you step on the accelerator, it's not oil that is burned, but a lot of US dollars.

Fury thought about it and felt that his myocardial infarction was about to occur.

Besides, riding a rocket or spaceship is too noisy. What if Li Feng doesn't want to see him and opens a portal to hide on an alien planet for a few years, what can he do to visit him?

After scratching his head and thinking hard, Fury suddenly had a flash of wisdom in his mind:

It is time-saving, efficient and cost-effective to find Stark to use the portal, which is the best choice for visiting relatives and friends.

Thinking of this, Fury, who is full of execution, took the car keys and went to the garage. After starting the car, he went straight to the Avengers base in the northern suburbs of New York.

As for why he knew that Stark was in the northern suburbs base, hehe, since the day when the "Sokovia Agreement" came into effect, the Avengers' itinerary has been exposed to the public, and it is difficult not to know.

Not only that, he also knew that Stark ordered a large amount of materials online when he returned from the lake, and that Stark was doing some new things in his private experiments.

What does Stark want to invent? .Curious

Arriving at the base and kicking open the door of the laboratory, Fury simply and clearly explained his purpose.

"Take me to see Austin."

Stark glanced at Fury who trespassed into private territory.

At this moment, his inspiration was like diarrhea, surging and pouring out continuously. He didn't want to pay attention to Fury at all. He said with a dark face: "First, I hate people speaking in an imperative tone, so. Believe it or not, I will turn you into a mouse and hang you at the door of Disney to dry. Second, if you want to find Austin, just find Austin. Why do you want to find me? I'm not his nanny. Third, remember to close the door when rolling the ball."

Face threats and expulsions, Fury curled his lips contemptuously, and there was not even a ripple in his heart.

Stark does have the ability to turn him into a mouse, but why hang him in Disney? Haha, forget it, Stark can't do it.

This guy often blames himself for a long time because he can't save innocent people. How could he be so crazy as to dry him.

This job is not bad for Li Feng. After all, Li Feng is most famous for his novel brain circuits, and there are pits everywhere.

Of course, fearlessness is fearlessness, and superheroes still need to be given enough face, otherwise they will be easily squeezed into juice by steel powder.

Fury took a deep breath, and immediately changed his expression to a friendly one, and said sincerely:

"Sorry, can you help me open the portal? I want to see Austin."

Stark froze, trembling with goosebumps all over his body, turned around and pinched Fury's face, and said in horror: "Tell me, who are you? The Fury I know will never give in, he will only take out his gun and shoot people"

The old face was pinched by a man? Fury's expression was stiff, and his right hand unconsciously touched the pistol on his thigh.

"Uh~, the weather is good today," Stark smiled awkwardly but politely.

It's not that he is afraid of Fury's small pistol. He is a mage after all, and he can blind Fury by holding up the shield.

But what about the materials and equipment in the laboratory? Especially the time locator that was half made. If this thing is broken, there is no place to cry.

This is the result of his hard work for most of the day.

"Why are you looking for Austin? Has this guy got into trouble again?"

Stark's way of changing the subject was quite abrupt, but Fury had to admit that the word "again" was very well used, and people knew at once that Li Feng was the reincarnation of a "troublemaker".

Fury shrugged with a smile.

According to the normal procedures of an agent, he should have said "no comment" with a blank expression at this time.

However, Stark is a guy who values ​​friendship and can be regarded as a role model in the world of friends.

Fury probably hadn't uttered "no comment" in his mouth before Stark had already thrown him out, and then patted his butt and went to find Li Feng to satisfy his curiosity.

Fury thought about it, and in order not to 'scare' Li Feng away, he decided to answer truthfully:

"A few questions. First, the purpose of collecting infinite gems. Second, do you have paranoid delusions?"

After a pause, Fury explained with a tangled face: "Isn't it enough that he already has the 'Dementor Army' and the 'Golden Army'? Why does he have to create a 'Ghost Rider' Army? What does he want to do? Rebellion and become the captain?"

Being accused of paranoid delusions by someone with paranoid delusions, Stark was drunk just thinking about it.

Just thinking about it carefully, Stark found that Fury seemed to be right about one thing. Maybe, probably, maybe Li Feng is really sick?

He and Li Feng have known each other for almost ten years. When he was single, Li Feng was single. When he hooked up with Potts, Li Feng was still single. Now he wants to get married and have a daughter, but Li Feng is still single.

Not only that, except for occasionally flirting with Natasha and Melinda, Li Feng seems to have never had any relationship with women, not even a record of quarrels.

He basically relies on holding back to solve physiological problems. Or maybe he relies on his beloved concubines.

But if you say that Li Feng suffers from a hidden disease that is difficult to talk about, Stark will be the first to express his disbelief.

Even he knows how to heal and regenerate broken limbs, so how can Li Feng, who taught him magic, not know it?

Hiss~ Unless Austin doesn't like humans at all! . Stark suddenly thought of Fenris who walked upright, and silently sent sincere blessings to him.

You've worked hard

After recalling the orientation, Stark recalled Li Feng's former residence, which seemed to have problems.

Not to mention the desert where we lived in the early days. No birds pooped, no grass grew, and it was difficult to find water to drink. People who like this kind of harsh environment will not get sick. Who would believe it.

Later, the lakeside was a beautiful environment, but there were no people chatting or ghosting. It was almost as lonely as chatting against the wall.

As for living in outer space now, haha, I guess it would be difficult to catch a cockroach or a mouse and express what is on my mind.

Secondly, Li Feng never liked using mobile phones or playing with computers, and his social skills were zero.

There are also very few friends. They can only be counted on the fingers of one hand.

A blind person would analyze such a person as being unsociable and most likely suffering from autism.

As for the huge legion formed by Li Feng, Stark could not help but recall his original intention of forming the Iron Legion.

He did it because of fear, so why did Li Feng do it? Is it also because of fear?

Or does Austin know something and has been secretly preparing for this?

The more he thought about it, the more he could not help but blame himself. As a good friend, he failed to notice that his friend had mental problems.

Is this relationship a waste of time? Thinking of this, Stark rolled up the time and space positioning device, put on the sunglasses that always contacted Friday, and waved to open the portal.


Li Feng was holding a weed in his mouth sadly, and gathered in a circle with Blitzcrank, Brand, Fenris, Wangcai, and Kreacher, discussing whether to drive around the universe in his beloved small RV and avoid the coming war.

As the brains of the team, Blitz was the first to express his opinions.

"Master, I don't think running away will solve the problem. Besides, Odin's purpose of borrowing a knife to kill people has been achieved, so your bait has lost its value. No one will come to harass you. Wouldn't it be nice to watch the fun at home?"

"Bah~" Li Feng spat grass roots into Blitzcrank's face, pointed at his nose and cursed: "You know how many men Odin has, and how many forces are there to snatch the infinite stones. Who can guarantee that no one will circumvent them?" Get past the defense line and come directly to my door to cause trouble."

Blitz wiped the saliva from his face, lowered his head, and retorted in a low voice as if he was aggrieved: "Even if a small number of troops bypass the defense line, with your strength, do you still have to be afraid? Just press him to death."

Li Feng rolled his eyes, gave Blitzcrank a pair of middle fingers, and said viciously: "You are fooling me, I will send you back to the factory for overhaul."

There is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even Thanos dare not say that the universe is invincible, and dare to instigate him to take risks and risk his life. I wonder if his life motto is Gou.

On the side, Kreacher, who knew Li Feng best, said timidly: "Boss, Kreacher thinks that in theory, the infinite gems are no longer important. As long as the boss wants to have as many of them as he wants, he can wholesale and sell them."

Li Feng frowned, a little confused.

Kreacher is currently the only person who knows that the Infinity Stones are related to the way home, and he clearly knows that Li Feng will do anything to get home.

To put it bluntly, if he accidentally mentioned that Kreacher's life could open the way to return home, Kreacher would probably not even think about wiping his neck directly. Even after death, he would turn into a ghost and offer his head with his own hands.

Such a loyal guy actually said that the Infinity Stones were useless?

Li Feng expressed that he couldn't understand. He stared at Kreacher and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Boss, before you had no choice but to collect infinite gems in this world, but now"

Kreacher was stared at by Li Feng and was scratched all over his body, but he did not dare to scratch the itch. He could only lower his head, rub the corners of his clothes, and explained: "Boss, you can open the dimensional door and go to other universes with infinite gems to collect them. "

"Eh?! Why didn't I think of that?" It was these words that woke up the dreamer. Li Feng slapped his forehead fiercely and trembled all over.

He had forgotten that the Marvel Universe was so vast that even if he visited one place every day, he would never finish it in his lifetime.

There are so many Infinity Stones, a specialty of the Marvel Universe, that they can fill your pockets. Not to mention collecting 6 of them into a bracelet, you can even collect 108 to hang around your neck.

Li Feng clapped his hands and laughed wildly: "Okay, I've decided happily. We won't run away. We will open the dimensional door to harm the neighbors next door. Even if someone avoids the front line... we will sell the infinite gems at a high price. Hehe."

Just as Li Feng's despicable smile floated over Sokovia, a portal suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, it's so lively," Stark, who was holding the equipment, looked around and said, "What are you doing, having a picnic? Count me in."

Behind Stark, Fury, who had a shiny bald head, said quietly: "Count me in."

Li Feng scratched his head in confusion and said: "What do you two mean, do you want to form a group to eat big money?"

As he spoke, Li Feng, who was in a good mood, gave Kreacher a look.

Kreacher understood instantly, got up and ran to the RV to prepare cooking utensils and slaughter the cattle and sheep.

Since he was preparing to bring disaster to the universe next door, of course he knew that this might be Li Feng and Stark's last supper, so he had to prepare a sumptuous meal no matter what.

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