
In the magnificent and green banquet hall.

Cassias, the leader of the Kree people and the controller of the lighthouse, was holding a pair of golden scissors and leisurely trimming the bonsai.

On the recliner not far behind him, the tall female bodyguard Sinara was flipping through a magazine and playing with two iron eggs boredly?

Suddenly, a Kree soldier with a handheld computer rushed in and shouted loudly: "Chief, an intruder has been found."

Cassias glared at the soldier who rushed in without knocking on the door, waved his hand disapprovingly, and continued to prune the bonsai.

The soldier understood what Cassias meant.

Since the intruder was found, he should be killed. He was bothered by such a small matter. Are all the people he raised useless?


The soldier had a bitter face, silently cursed "Kill the hammer", opened the recorded image of the handheld computer, handed it to Cassias, and said: "You should take a look."

What does it mean? Are there too many invaders, or are they too strong?

It can't be that the wizards of Kamar-Taj are causing trouble. That doesn't make sense. Isn't Strange afraid that I will cut off the food and salt of mankind? .

Confused, Cassias took the computer and took a look, and then a surge of anger rushed to his head.

The surveillance video showed that in a narrow and dark corridor, blue limbs and arms were spread all over the ground, and the walls and ceiling were dripping with blue viscous liquid.

Someone is killing my people? ! ! !

"Who is so bold!"

Cassias threw the computer to the ground fiercely, staring at the soldier with a cannibalistic look, and roared: "Find them, catch them, and torture them slowly. I will make them regret going against the Cassias family."

The soldier seemed to have expected Cassias's reaction to throwing the computer. He took out the second PDA like a magic trick, opened another video, and said in embarrassment: "There are two intruders, one of whom is Strange."

The implication is that the father-level big man is here, and the little ones can't stand up. How about you use your mouth to fight?

Cassias' mouth twitched.

What can a guy who can't carry anything and can only rely on family power to talk and get by with what he can do to fight with the father-level big man?


Does kneeling down and singing "Conquer" count as using his mouth?

And since he married into the "cowardly family", he dared to sacrifice his clansmen in important battles in exchange for his own chance to escape. How can he have the courage to face Strange.

Whose fault is it if he is scared to death?

So when Strange came to cause trouble, Cassius decisively looked at Sinara, and said with a meaningful look: Girl, help the master to warmly welcome the wizard

Sinara pondered for a while with a blank expression, nodded slightly, stood up and walked towards the door.

To be honest, she didn't believe that Strange would kill people, after all, the hope of human survival was in the hands of the Kree:

It is estimated that there will be no armed negotiations on this trip, but more of an exchange of interests

On the side, the soldier didn't know whether to despise Cassius's cowardice or praise him for being cautious:

It's really a master like this

Alas~The soldier with a grudge in his heart ignored Cassius's pale face, turned the computer, turned the screen towards the other party, and said: "The surveillance shows that Strange did not take action, but just suspended in the air to watch the show. The guy in the black robe who really took action"

Not Strange? That's good, that's good

Secretly thanking a few words, Cassius looked at the screen with concentration.

In the video, a black-robed man grabbed the neck of the Kree soldier with his left hand and pulled the soldier's arm off with his right hand.

This is not the end. After the soldiers' limbs were violently dismembered one by one, the black-robed man twisted the soldier's neck casually, and then threw the soldier aside like a broken sack.

At the end, the black-robed man grinned at the surveillance camera.

The scene of blood dripping from the robe and the hideous face covered with blue blood made Cassias's previous anger instantly turn into coldness, or the coldness of opening the top of the head and rushing straight to the Lantern Festival.

Even, it made him have the urge to take off his pants and let the water out.

Who is this? It's so cruel.

Suddenly, Cassias's eyes widened and bulged, staring straight at a metal glove and the five gems on the glove that were shining with dreamy light.

Infinite source stone, infinite glove?

As the youngest son of a big family, Cassias's vision and knowledge are quite broad.

He dared to bet that the thing on the black-robed man's left hand was definitely the infinite gem that Thanos was frantically looking for.

That's Thanos, a super boss whose power and strength are superior to those of the Kree Empire.

If the Infinity Stones are handed over to Thanos and he is friendly to him, not to mention returning to Hala (the home planet of the Kree), even taking charge of the Cassias family is no longer a dream, and even the position of the head of the family is within reach.

At this moment, Cassias was dreaming and his thoughts were drifting eight hundred miles away.

No, it's not the time to drift now. Relying on deep breathing and self-suggestion to calm his mind, Cassias operated the handheld computer with rapid breathing to collect data on the black-robed man.

At the same time, he was planning in his mind to take all the humans in the lighthouse as hostages, forcing Strange to stand on his side and help him seize the Infinity Stones.

If necessary, handing over the control of the lighthouse, or even taking all the Kree people with him, is not impossible to discuss.

After a while, the computer displayed Li Feng's three-dimensional and energy values.

Looking at the desperate values, Cassias felt his head hurt again.

Judging from the energy value alone, even if the man in black is not a match for Strange, he is not far behind.

Moreover, the physique of the man in black robe is obviously beyond the standard, and his resistance to beating is higher.

If that's all, forget it. With Strange's help, he has plenty of ways to capture the man in black robes.

You must know that hundreds of aliens are produced in the lighthouse every year.

Among these guys with all kinds of strange abilities, whether they are extremely powerful or have explosive energy, they all have to kneel under the ability suppressor and tremble.

Therefore, to deal with a quasi-Heavenly Father-level warrior, it is not impossible to kill him after paying the corresponding price.

But the question is, does the man in black robe wear the Infinity Gauntlet to look good?

Obviously not.

The super strength plus 5 infinite gems are enough to put Strange, who needs to cast a spell to amplify his moves, in a passive state of being beaten, and it is also enough to put traps and tricks aside.

Where did this guy escape? Why is it so troublesome?


While Cacias was rubbing his temples and thinking hard, the door of the hall was kicked into pieces by Li Feng.

"Hey, who is this?" Li Feng casually threw the broken-off Sinara at Cassias' feet, and asked like a curious baby: "I know that the pure Kree people are all blue, and with this You look like a smurf, but what are those white circles under your eyes? Are you a cross between a Kree and some white-skinned alien?"

"No wonder he was sent to Earth, he turned out to be a bastard." Strange said as if he suddenly understood, and at the same time he admired Cassias like a rare animal.

Cassias was so angry that the corners of his mouth were twisted, but he did not dare to say anything due to his strength.

Of course, being angry but not speaking out does not mean that there are no checks and balances.

Cassias half-crouched in front of Sinara with a sullen face. While checking the opponent's injuries, he took out the remote control and shouted in a low voice: "I have installed a self-destruct device in the lighthouse. Just press the switch and humankind will be eliminated from the world." ”

As he spoke, a pair of scarlet eyes looked at Li Feng.

"You dare to torture and kill Sinara, I want you to repay a hundred times. Strange, kill him, otherwise."

"Pfft~ hum~" Strange crossed his arms and laughed like a pig.

Someone actually talked about life and death in front of Li Feng. This was simply the biggest joke he had ever heard in his life.

Silly Que, let’s get to know the man who dares to steal Mephisto’s soul.

Now that I have said it, Sinara is not dead, just her hands and feet are broken.

With the technological level of the Kree, there are more or less ways to regenerate or reattach broken limbs.

Even if the severed limb cannot be reattached in the end, is it difficult to replace it with a metal prosthesis?

So if you fall out with Li Feng over such a trivial matter, you won't be able to do it even if your brain is smashed into a pancake by the door.

What's more, Strange changed his benevolent face and said with murderous intent: "I came here today just to cause trouble. I'm afraid of the threat of a hammer."

After a pause, Strange, who knew that Cassias was timid and afraid of death, said jokingly: "If you feel like it, just press it. Anyway, I have a shield. No matter it's space or explosion, I can't do anything to it. As for you, .Haha, it’s just death anyway, show me some courage and press the button.”

Cassias's face suddenly became wonderful, and he looked at Strange in disbelief: You're probably a fake Supreme, right?

"Tsk, tsk~ I'm afraid this guy is a fool, or the kind that has a brain that is flooded. He can't even figure out the situation right now."

Li Feng grinned and taunted, kicked Cacias away, then put his knee on the opponent's chest, worked with his hands left and right, and slapped him wildly:

"Boy, I'm an expert in treating water in the brain. When the water in the brain is gone, you still have to thank me, so just thank me dryly and just get 180 kilograms of rare metals, for example."

Kaseas could no longer hear what Li Feng said after that. He only knew that he had many symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, and difficulty breathing, and then he rolled his eyes and completely passed out.

Strange on the side was not much better. He only felt that there were thousands of flies around his ears, and his whole head was echoing with a "buzzing" sound.

Really unable to stand Li Feng's chatter, he simply walked to the dining table, picked up some cherry tomatoes and ate them. During this period, he felt a little bored and asked the Cree soldier who had been acting as a transparent person to enjoy the food together.

The soldier looked at the big pig head of the Cacias innocently, and then looked at Strange pitifully.

Gritting his teeth, the soldier quietly pressed the alarm to summon his companions, and at the same time walked towards the dining table with an air of indifference about life and death.

It's just that the soldiers never expected that the first person alerted by the alarm was not their companions, but a handsome man in steel armor flying with his hands on his hips.

The soldier who has lived in the lighthouse for nearly 70 years is a little confused.

Not only did he know the famous Stark, he also knew that he had disappeared for more than 70 years.

What day is it today? It's scary enough to bump into a God-like boss who is out for a walk, but also encounter a thug who beats up the leader, and Iron Man, who has no limits to his cheating.

The soldier touched his chest: Well, it is indeed half cold.

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