Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 501 Chapter 500 Repairing the Earth

"Austin, what are you doing?"

When he entered, he saw Li Feng beating Cassias to the point where he didn't even recognize his own mother. Stark couldn't help but feel a little disgusted when he spoke.

I think he usually kills a lot, but he always raises the knife and drops it with his hand, and never hesitates when he can give pleasure.

Killing people is just a nod, and it's not like torturing people to death like a psychopath, even if the person being tortured is a Kree.

Let’s talk about what happened to humanitarianism. What if it comes out that people on earth don’t follow martial ethics?

"Kreacher died a few minutes ago." Li Feng growled with angry eyes.

"Impossible," Stark subconsciously retorted.

Kreacher's strength cannot be said to be strong, but it cannot be said that he is weak. A few days ago, eh, 70 years ago to be precise, he and Kreacher were both stuck in front of the demigods, and they just missed the mark.

Besides, after 70 years of practice, Kreacher should have been enthroned as a god long ago. How could he die just because he wanted to?

Stark pulled off his mask and stared directly at Li Feng, trying to find signs of joking on his face.

It's a pity that nothing can be seen except anger and hostility.

It makes no sense. Stark couldn't accept the reality and turned to Strange for confirmation.

Strange was speechless. Kreacher's death had nothing to do with the Kree. The Four Horsemen, including Scar and Blitzcrank, were all blamed on Thanos.

The Kree are just taking advantage of Thanos.

However, Strange swallowed dryly as he looked at the object on the ground that was curled up into a human shape.

What words should be said and what words should not be said, he knew clearly in his heart.

If you tell the truth in front of the angry Li Feng, it is estimated that it is not just Kasaias who is lying on the ground with his body stretched out, but also him and the entire Kama Taj Wizard Group.

It wasn't that he was thinking wildly, but based on Li Feng's petty nature, he could really do this, and he didn't feel any guilt when he beat people up.

Moreover, he and Kreacher have known each other for more than 70 years, and their friendship is quite deep, even compared to Li Feng, it is only a lot more.

If Li Feng hadn't firmly refused to 'help', he would have wanted to massacre some Kree people to vent his anger:

What's wrong with picking him up on the head and giving him a beating? Is it really so easy to pick up a piece of pie in the sky?

"It's true," Strange lowered his head and did not dare to look at Stark. He explained in a dull and unclear voice: "He died very cleanly. His soul completely dissipated in the universe. Resurrection. Resurrection." invalid."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Stark was stunned in disbelief. He didn't know what to say for a moment and could only pat Li Feng's shoulder lightly to show his condolences.

When Li Feng heard "He died very cleanly", his slightly reduced anger level suddenly filled up again.

Feeling that beating the unconscious man to death was not satisfying enough, he simply cast a spell to heal Kasias.


After a crisp sound, Kasaias woke up slowly. When he opened his eyes and saw the fierce-looking Li Feng, he was so frightened that he immediately begged for mercy.

Li Feng didn't care what Kasaias had to say, he raised his fist and punched the opponent's legs at a speed of one hundred and eighty punches per second, blasting him into pulp bit by bit.


Accompanied by ups and downs of screams, Cassias's gorgeous eyes rolled over and he was dizzy from the pain again.

"Why did you faint again? Your mental quality is so poor? You really don't need to be beaten." While complaining, Li Feng snapped his fingers and used the healing technique again.

However, in order to use more methods this time, Li Feng did not dare to make a heavy move, and simply turned Cacias into a super giant bastard or the kind of one who was struggling to stand up on all fours.

Anyway, the scene in front of me is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

After that, Cacias blinked his desperate mung bean eyes and watched Li Feng conjure a pool cue with a metallic luster, squatting aside and stabbing him.

As for where to stab it, use your imagination and think about it yourself.

"Uh~Austin, don't play to death,"

Strange was afraid that Li Feng would misunderstand that he was interceding, so he explained very quickly: "The Cree society is very hierarchical. If Cassias dies, there is nothing to say. Every Cree in the lighthouse counts. , Juebi patted her butt without any regrets and left, each going back to his own home to find his own mother. "

"But if this guy is still alive, hey, if the Cree tries to leave, it won't be just him who will die, but his whole family will be on the road together."

"So, if you want to destroy the Kree together, this guy is the best bait. Of course, it doesn't matter if you cripple them, as long as they can breathe, it's the best bait."

"As for whether it's cruel to beat him to a cripple?" Strange pointed at his handheld computer and cast a spell to float it in front of Stark, saying: "See for yourself what kind of life humans live. Trust me, you know the truth. You must have the thought of beating someone up personally, or you won’t stop until the beating becomes inhumane.”

Stark takes over the computer and orders Friday to invade.

After a while, Stark said nothing and stared at the screaming Cassias with a sullen face.

Under the 'governance' of Cassias, it is an understatement to say that the surviving humans were not well-fed and poorly clothed.

They say they do more work than cows, and cows feel ashamed after seeing the survivors working hard.

How can they do more work than cows? There are mountains of humans working to death, but how many cows are working to death?

Also, the machines have to be repaired after a certain period of time, but the humans in the lighthouse simply work 24 hours a day.

Anyone who dares to rest will only end up starving to death.

If it weren't for the bottom line called 'morality' in his heart, Stark would have really wanted to chop Kasias alive with a knife.

"You just watch humans being bullied?" Stark, who was getting more and more annoyed, grabbed Strange's collar and said angrily: "Don't tell me that Kamar-Taj is incapable of supporting the Kree and feeding the remaining humans."

When talking about "only remaining", he deliberately emphasized the tone to show that the number of surviving humans is even rarer than that of rare animals.

Why do you take it out on me? Do I have a "sandbag" on my face? . Strange said he had no words to say, and said dejectedly: "What if I can support the Kree? What about food? Even if I use magic, I can't feed all the survivors."

"What's more, after the earth was broken, there would be no sea water and salt mines, and salt is a necessity for human survival. No matter how incredible the magician's ability is, it is impossible to create so much salt out of thin air. What else can I do except ask the Kree to import it?"

As for finding other planets for smuggling or trade. Don't make a fuss. What kind of people are the Kree? It is written in their genes that they will not give up the fat meat in their mouths.

Especially the Cassias family, notorious is not enough to describe it.

This leads to the fact that no one would provoke the Cassius family for a small benefit.

The gain is not worth the loss.

In short, the Kree people hold the hope of human survival in their hands, and whoever sits on the position of the Supreme Sorcerer will be blind.

Stark was speechless: It makes sense, but it seems to be a few words.

Rubbing his confused head, Stark vaguely realized that something was wrong.

Kreacher is dead, Austin wants revenge, there is nothing wrong, but we are not in this time period, destined to go back to the past. Once we go back to the past, will Austin wait for Kreacher to die? It is impossible to think about it.

Going back to the past will definitely change the future. Then the question is, if the past is changed, is the world in front of us still the future? If not, where is the real future?

What is the world in front of us? Is it an illusion? Or a world in the branch of the time stream?

Is traveling through time a success or a failure? If it fails, what did I travel through? Space? Or dimension?

Stark's brain completely crashed, his mind was full of questions like 'Who was I in the past, where am I now, what will I do in the future', and he kept repeating like a tape recorder: "It's a big deal, it's a big deal"

Strange seemed to see the concrete question on Stark's head, rolled his eyes and said kindly: "If you don't go back to the past, then the world in front of you is indeed your future. But when you go back to the past and change 'history', the world in front of you is automatically divided into the category of parallel universes. In fact, the moment you make a time machine, countless parallel universes emerge because of you."

"If I were you"

Strange warned solemnly: "I will seal the time machine. Unless there is a world-destroying disaster, it is better to dig a hole and bury it in the soil. Don't use it if you can. It is not necessarily a good thing to accidentally create too many parallel universes."

Stark understood immediately. He was once a leading arms dealer and a true war expert.

He clearly knew that the ultimate goal of war is to obtain resources.

It can be imagined how high the resources that can be accumulated in hundreds of parallel universes with the same resources.

Coupled with the time machine's ability to travel through time, repeated mining is obvious.

Well. It is estimated that modern archaeologists should not only study why dinosaurs died out, but also study why shield machines and mining vehicles appeared in the rock formations billions of years ago.

Stark nodded solemnly, thinking that he would smash the time machine after seeing his parents and flush the design drawings into the toilet.

Playing with time is indeed not something a person should do. Whoever does it will have a son without an asshole.

Stark swore a poisonous oath without any psychological burden.

"You wait here for the fish to take the bait," Stark rubbed his fists and grinned, "The Kree people are in chaos, and the unlucky ones are still humans. Although the resurrection will definitely be performed afterwards, it is better to save one person. After all, why would you board the bus to hell if you can live."

After that, Stark pulled on the mask, turned around and left, joining the slaughter queue.

Li Feng smacked his lips and thought for a while, leaving a clone to guard Cassius, and walked to the door with Strange arm in arm, saying: "Do you think Director Thanos has detected the energy of the Infinity Stones?"


While speaking, Li Feng raised his hand and fired a fireball, blasting the Kree who hurried to the rescue at the corner into charcoal.

Strange stomped his feet with ease, and an invisible energy spread around, crushing several Kree to death. After glancing at the Infinity Stones that were still flashing a dreamy light, he shrugged and said: "It is estimated that it has been detected, but it is not clear when it will come to Earth. Do you have the patience to wait until Thanos comes to Earth before leaving?"

"How is it possible? Just leave the coordinates and leave," Li Feng said, looking at the broken earth outside the window.

"Of course, before leaving, I will repair the earth and revive humans as much as possible"

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