Originally, Li Feng thought that Port Royal was not far from the Dead Island where Barbossa hid his treasure, and estimated that it would only take about half a day to get there.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to get there in half a day from the time Elizabeth fell into the water to the time when the Black Pearl appeared nearby.

But who knew.

The reason why Barbossa was able to get to the scene in half a day was purely because he stepped on dog shit and happened to be hanging around with a bunch of little brothers.

This is such good luck, no one else can compare.

In fact, the distance between Port Royal and the Dead Island is not far, but not close either, it is only a day and two nights' sailing.

Of course, this is the conclusion drawn based on the Black Pearl's fastest speed when it is downwind.

"This, this, this" Li Feng was dumbfounded on the spot.

Damn it, the Black Pearl is famous for being fast on the sea. If it were replaced by other ships, hehe, who knows how long it would take to dawdle on the sea.

Life is short, why waste time? This is chronic suicide.

When Li Feng thought about drifting on the vast ocean for a day and two nights, wasting a day and two nights of rice, he looked at Blitz with dead eyes:

Young man, come up with a solution

"." Blitz was helpless with such a master.

What can he do?

No way, in order to reach the Death Island as soon as possible, Blitz could only sprinkle dozens of "golden beans" into the sea.

Soon, the "golden beans" were swollen by the sea water and turned into spherical robots with big shoulders and waists. Then, in the stunned eyes of Barbosa and Sparrow, the spherical robots shouted the uniform slogan "one, two, one", lifted the Black Pearl easily and comfortably, and stepped on the waves to start the lightning mode.

The speed was so fast that they wanted to put on wings and take off.

The huge push on the back made Barbosa and Sparrow fall like dogs, and the huge wind pressure that followed pressed the two of them on the deck and could not move.

In order to breathe in some fresh air, the two had to grit their teeth and move their arms with great effort to block their nostrils.

There was no way, the wind was too strong, even a small breath would cause stomachache and bloating.

Compared with the two people flying in front and chasing behind with their souls, Li Feng, who was soaking in the bathtub, was different.

Not only did he act like nothing happened, but he also sang loudly in the strong wind with great interest:

"I~ stand in the strong wind."

"." Barbossa and Sparrow, with snot and tears streaming down, looked at each other in silence.

Regardless of whether the song or singing skills were good, they just wanted to ask Li Feng: Do you feel full when you open your mouth in such a strong wind?

About half an hour later.

Barbossa felt that his whole face was blown unconscious by the northwest wind. He spit some white foam to moisten his lips while recalling his past life. When he was ready to go to hell with peace of mind, suddenly, through the gap in the side of the ship, he found an island with an unusually familiar outline in the sky:

Is this the Island of Death? ! ! ! .

I, I made it to ‘home’ alive? .Barboza, crying with joy, didn’t care about anything else and shouted at the top of his voice: “Master Austin, slow down, slow down, we’re here, we’re here.”

“Huh? How come we’re here? I’m not satisfied yet.” Li Feng, who was singing at the height of his enthusiasm, had a face full of regret and waved his hands helplessly, signaling Blitzcrank to slow down and stop the ship.

Still, not satisfied yet? .Sparrow, who couldn’t wait to get up as soon as the Black Pearl slowed down, stumbled.

Well, if he was asked to sing against the wind for half an hour, his voice would be hoarse, not to mention whether it would be hoarse, but his stomach would definitely be blown up by the northwest wind.

But the mage was still not satisfied.

The talented Sparrow bowed to Li Feng, then raised his orchid fingers, trembling with his feet, and approached Barbossa's ear with a playful smile, and asked in a low voice through his teeth: "The wealth you plundered throughout your life. Are you willing to just give it to someone else?"

"Haha," Barbossa looked at Sparrow like an idiot and sneered twice in response.

As an "old friend" who knows everything about him, he knew what the other party wanted to do as soon as Sparrow raised his butt.

Asking him if he was willing at this time was obviously provoking and killing someone with a borrowed knife.

It is estimated that once he expressed his unwillingness, Sparrow, the old bastard, would definitely inform the wizard immediately.

Then he would be killed by the wizard, and the account between him and Sparrow would naturally be cleared.

"I am happy, what's your business," Barbossa replied with his neck stiff.

It's one thing to say, one thing to do. Don't think he said it lightly, but deep down, well, it hurts a little.

It's not that he regrets the deal. Compared with the treasure, he hopes to live like a human being like now, rather than an immortal but boring skeleton.

Besides, he is not a miser. It's no big deal to give away his life's treasure.

It's just that as a professional pirate, and a pirate who enjoys the process of plundering all his life, now that even the Black Pearl has been traded, he has no way to plunder other people's money. He feels a little confused, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, Barbossa took a deep breath, plucked up the courage to discuss with Li Feng, and said:

"Respected Master, there are mountains of gold, silver and jewelry on Death Island. Can you please leave some for me?"

Fearing that Li Feng would misunderstand something, Barbossa lowered his head and lowered his posture, showing his harmless side, and explained in a very fast tone: "I don't want much, just a little bit, enough to buy a sailboat."

"Buy a boat?"

Li Feng was stunned at first, and then guessed what Barbossa would buy a boat for.

It wouldn't be a serious business such as fishing or maritime trade.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that this money must be given.

If not, Barbossa would be disheartened and quit the great piracy business in anger. What would happen to Galileo's notebook then? What to do with Neptune's Trident?

Even if Barbossa wanted to join a certain captain as his younger brother, Li Feng would have to find a way to stop him.

There is no way, in such a high-level sport as robbery, the little guy at the bottom has no say.

What can be snatched and what cannot be snatched is all decided by the captain with a slap on the forehead.

Once Barbossa becomes the younger brother, there is no telling who will end up with Galileo's notebook.

Therefore, before getting the notebook, Li Feng not only had to think of ways to ensure Barbossa's life safety, but also ensure that this guy was a free-spirited pirate captain who could rob wherever he wanted.

“Yes, yes”

Li Feng scratched his head and felt a little itchy for no reason, and suggested: "How about this, how about I help you build a sailboat. Of course, I can't guarantee the firepower, but 'fast as the wind' is absolutely no problem."

In terms of firepower, Li Feng really had no idea. He didn't even know what 17th-century artillery looked like, its firing range, or how many artillery pieces a sailboat could carry. What guarantee could he get?

As for building a magic cannon, there is no need to think about it. Barbossa is just an ordinary person, where does the magic power come from to activate the magic cannon.

Is it possible that it is like a prop, launched at the cost of stamina or other costs?

Save it, believe it or not, after one round of artillery fire, all Barbossa's men turned into soft-footed shrimps.

By then, let alone engaging in strenuous activities such as driving a sailboat or robbing someone, thank God if you have the strength to stand and pee.

"Eh? Is there such a good thing?" Barbossa couldn't believe his ears. He dug out his ears as if he was afraid of hearing hallucinations, and asked with a look of expectation: "Really build me a sailboat, or is it a magic one? kind?"

"Really, more real than gold," Li Feng affirmed.

What a joy. Barbossa never dreamed that he would one day be able to control a magic ship in his lifetime.

At the same time, the image of a group of tin men riding on the waves carrying sails appeared in his mind.

Although the picture is eye-catching, there is a saying that if you want to run the pirate business for a long time, the key is not how much property you can grab each time, but the speed of the wind, the speed of the forest, and the plundering momentum of the fire.

Fast, equivalent to life insurance.

Only by staying alive can you carry out the next plundering activity.

Barbossa straightened his back and raised his eyebrows provocatively at Sparrow: "You're dumbfounded. You are the only one who wants to sow the friendship between me and the mage. Okay, now, I will become a great one." magic ship captain

MMP, he shot himself in the foot. Sparrow squinted his eyes, thinking that judging from Li Feng's current attitude towards Barbossa, if he wanted to take revenge, he would most likely not succeed.

If you insist on taking action, the chances of him burping will be even greater.

Simply, out of sight, out of mind, if you have the chance to kill Barbossa in the future.

Thinking of this, Sparrow ignored Barbossa and walked straight to Li Feng. He said with a smile: "Your Excellency, the Island of Death is right in front of you. You are about to become extremely rich. I shouldn't have anything to do here. Well, I want to leave here." , embarking on a journey to find the whereabouts of the Neptune Trident. Look, is it okay?"

Li Feng turned his head and thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Ruolin doesn't know where I live yet. What if he finds the whereabouts of the Neptune Trident, but the news is delayed because he doesn't know my whereabouts. How embarrassing."

"So." Li Feng patted Sparrow on the shoulder and said seriously: "You have to wait until I find a place to live before leaving."

The implication is that Sparrow is his officially appointed carrier pigeon, specifically to help him deliver news about the navy.

Sparrow's eyes twitched.

As a wanted pirate, he would just run away to Port Royal if he had something to do. At worst, he would put on makeup and not many people would be able to recognize him.

But what kind of operation is it to go to the Navy Commander to get the mail and act like a postman?

But as long as you have a big heart, it will be exciting just thinking about it.

Sparrow took off the seemingly invisible hat on his head, put his palms on his chest, and bowed in a gentlemanly manner: "Your will is above all else."

"Flattery," Barbossa taunted in a low voice, then turned around and shouted fiercely at the remaining pirate minions: "What are you looking at? You lazy fools haven't put down the boat yet and pulled the mage's treasure onto the boat."

After a pause, Barbossa was well aware of the habits of his younger brothers, and solemnly warned: "Think about the cursed gold coins, think about the methods of the Master, and think about the consequences of secretly greedy gold coins."

Several pirates trembled all over. They tried their best to give Li Feng a flattering smile that was uglier than crying, and promised in unison that they would never hide a single gold coin secretly.

Li Feng waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling the pirates to move it quickly.

Watching the pirates hurriedly paddling their boats towards the treasure cave, Li Feng turned to look at Sparrow and asked, "I like quiet. Do you have any recommendations for an uninhabited island with beautiful scenery?"

"Well, there are a few islands. Not only are they big, but the scenery is pretty good," Sparrow thought while stroking his chin.

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