what to do? Of course it’s cold scrambled eggs, delicious and beautiful

After saying something inwardly, Li Feng waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling Kreacher not to panic. He calmly took out the 'Time Turner' and said, "Time is like being stripped naked to me. I can do whatever I want with it." Why are you so happy?"

The ‘Time Turner’ in the world of ‘Harry Potter’ allows you to go back to any time period you want.

The ‘Doomsday Clock’ in the world of ‘Tick Tock House’ makes reversing the earth’s time as easy as playing.

The time boulder fragments in the Marvel world have been verified by Stark personally, and they can also go back to any time period they want.

So the Infinity Stones were destroyed and they were left alone?


He had as much 'regret medicine' as he wanted in his pocket, and he was in a panic.

Li Feng had adjusted the 'Time Turner' and was about to press the switch to go back to the past to save the Infinity Stones. Suddenly, there was an energy wave mixed with the three forces of time, space and dimension in the open space beside him.

What the hell? .

Li Feng was so frightened that his palms were sweating, and he almost dropped the sickle.

Good guy, who can afford to offend a boss who mobilizes the power of time, space, and dimensions at the same time?

He couldn't afford it anyway.

On the side, Kreacher, Blitz and other five people also noticed something unusual.

Kreacher immediately opened the third eye between his eyebrows and stood in front of Li Feng with a vigorous step, as if to say: If you want to hurt my boss, you must first step over Kreacher's body.

Wangcai floated into the air, and ice picks with shining metallic luster gathered around him.

Brand transformed into a skeleton and raised flames to the sky.

Blitzcrank is much easier, just take out Gatling and you're done.

Fenris appeared in the form of a wolf, bared his teeth and growled at the source of energy, as if he would bite first in order to show respect.

After everyone finished showing off, an orange square light door appeared in the open space as if it was belatedly arriving.

A black man dressed as a hippie in purple clothes walked out of the light door with his big white teeth exposed.

The black man glanced at Thanos, then at Li Feng, took out a green apple, gnawed on it and said, "How are you, strangers?"

What do you mean? Li Feng said he couldn't understand the situation.

On the surface, black people look like ordinary human beings from top to bottom.

But can ordinary people recognize at a glance that he is not a local?

Can ordinary people control time, space, and dimensional energy?

Isn't this nonsense?

"Who are you?" Li Feng asked while hinting that everyone should be ready to run away.

Risks are unpredictable, and running away is the correct survival strategy.

He can't do stupid things like hard steel when his brain is hot.

"Me." The black man ignored Li Feng and others and sat carelessly on a stone by the roadside, saying, "Many people have called me names, such as ruler and conqueror, and some have called me a remnant and a bastard."

"I've never heard of it," Li Feng shook his head blankly and gave Blitzcrank a look.

Blitz understood immediately, shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no information about the other party in the database, and at the same time quietly turned on the scanning function to scan for black people.

"Boss, the opponent is flesh and blood, and his combat power is shockingly low. He is an authentic fighting scumbag. However, the opponent's watch is very high-tech, and it is definitely not a black technology that can be developed on earth."

When mentioning ‘black technology’, Blitzcrank unconsciously emphasized his tone.

He originally wanted to remind Li Feng that the identity of the other party was unknown and he was suspected of being an alien disguised as a human.

Who would have thought that the aggravated sound would not only reach Li Feng’s ears, but also reach the ears of black people.

The black man grinned slightly, gave Blitzcrank a look that said, "You don't know what I'm talking about." He said, "Let me state in advance that I am 100% from Earth. Secondly, don't underestimate the wisdom of Earth people."

The black man shook his watch, pointed to his smart brain, and said: "Of course, this thing is indeed beyond the scope at the moment, but in the future, the technology will only be imaginable, and I can't do it without me."

future? Recalling the previous mixed energy of time, space, etc., and the expression of "I am proud" when black people mentioned the development of earth's science and technology, Li Feng was nine-fold sure that black people are people of the future, and they are really pure earthlings.

As for the previous orange square light door, don’t ask, it is definitely future technology.

This is interesting. A future person went all the way to Titan to chat with him.

What do you want?

Seeing how old he was, did he come here specially to record a 'failing day'?

The black man seemed to notice Li Feng's confusion, and stretched out his hand to signal Li Feng and others to calm down. Then he finished the green apple in a few mouthfuls and threw away the core.

Somehow, Li Feng always felt that the apple core was not simple, but he couldn't see where the "not simple" was.

The black man fiddled with his watch, and a pool of black liquid flowed out of the watch, forming a miniature version of human beings. He said: "I am a scientist, living on the earth in the 31st century. One day, I discovered that there are multiverses in the world. Existence, at the same moment, I in other parallel universes also realize this."

“Naturally, ‘we’ and I have exchanges, such as sharing knowledge and technology with each other, and learning from each other’s strengths.”

As the black people continued to introduce, miniature humans began to perform stage plays to help Li Feng understand what the multiverse is and what a "family" is that loves each other and shares everything.

What Li Feng saw was that he was unhappy with the old gossip.

Good guy, how awesome are scientists in the 31st century?

Even if you are aware of the multiverse, you can actually tear open the crystal wall of space, rush to each other, chat, and drink afternoon tea?

Why don't you talk to God about 50 cents?

While Li Feng was slandering, the black man's expression changed, he let out a long sigh, and said faintly: "But...not every person in the parallel universe has such simple thoughts."

Li Feng expressed his understanding of this. It is normal for there to be individual differences in parallel universes.

Look at Spider-Man, there are so many versions, even a female version.

There is also Loki. Although Li Feng has never seen it and does not know it, there are female and crocodile versions of Loki in the multiverse.

What's even more outrageous is that one version of Loki actually fell in love with the female version of himself.

what is this? You are narcissistic to the extreme, okay?

Therefore, the black guys found that their own thoughts in the parallel universe were not unified. In Li Feng's view, real numbers were sparse and ordinary, so there was no need to make a fuss.

"For me in some parallel universes, the only reason for the existence of the new world is the new goal of conquest, and this also caused the brief peace to turn into a full-scale war in an instant."

The black man was silent for a while and continued: "Everyone is fighting for the universe in which they live, and at the same time, racking their brains to destroy other parallel universes."

"At that time, all parallel universes were almost doomed."

Speaking of this, the black man looked up at the stars and fell into memories. At the same time, a melancholy of compassion spread everywhere.

Li Feng scratched his head in confusion and said, "What, you're telling me these fucked-up things? Do you want me to help kill 'you'?"

He is familiar with the job of breaking through doors.

He is also familiar with the business of killing people.

Apart from helping to kill people and sell goods, he couldn't think of any purpose for the black people to visit.

The black man who was brought back to reality from his memories rolled his eyes and said in a low voice: "Later, I first met a creature called Elios. It was condensed from the grief in reality and could swallow time and space by itself. "

"I experimented with it, transformed it, and finally used it to end the multiverse war."

"After that, I isolated the timeline, reconstructed it into a 'sacred timeline,' and managed its flow to achieve the purpose of peaceful continuation."

"But accidents are everywhere. Some people will deviate from the set path due to some kind of accident, such as being late for work. No matter what the reason, a deviation from the path is a deviation from the path. If it is not dealt with in time, it will only cause related incidents. If not dealt with in time, it will only lead to greater consequences. Chaos, and even starting another multiverse war.”

"To this end, I specially created the Time Variation Management Bureau to ensure the normal flow of time while repairing errors and resetting 'accidents' back to the predetermined path to prevent accidents from branching in time."

Li Feng understood this time, held his arms in his arms, and said with interest: "Because I'm not on the route you set, so you came here to kill me? Can you beat me?"

"No," the black man shrugged and said shockingly: "But I can trap you in an infinite loop of time."

What a bullshit! Li Feng mouthed in disdain. He was about to summon "time" to teach the black guy how to behave, but suddenly he realized that the time energy was on strike. No matter how he cast the spell, the time energy just ignored him.

It was as if he had never learned time magic at all.

Li Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Blitz noticed something, glanced around, pointed at the apple core, and said: "Boss, there are nano bugs in the air. The source is the apple core."

Well, Li Feng now understands that Mao felt that the apple core was 'not simple'.

Emotions are a scam, and he can't mobilize time and energy.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you because of my tenderness," Li Feng said with a fierce expression, waving his sickle.

The black man took out another green apple from nowhere and said casually while chewing: "You can't kill me. In fact, I have lived millions of times and experienced every possibility. So, I know what you are thinking, What are you going to do?"

To put it simply, he thoroughly read the script and was a complete spoiler expert.

This scene was very familiar to Li Feng.

It was also because he knew the plot that he was able to reap massive benefits.


This matter fell on him, no matter how he thought about it, he would be unhappy.

Li Feng thought for a moment and said: "I just want to get back my infinite gems."

After getting the Infinity Stones back, he will turn around and leave.

This broken universe is full of pitfalls and cannot be tolerated.

The black man smiled slightly and said: "It's okay to leave, but now I'm sorry to get your Infinity Stones back, but I can't do that. It will disrupt the timeline."

"It's disturbing."

Li Feng was about to retort angrily, but the black man pointed at Thanos and interrupted: "No matter which timeline, he will die. It seems that it is no problem for you to kill or for me to kill. In fact, only Thor Killing him is the established path.”

"Do you know why?" The black man asked himself and answered: "Thor feels guilty. Only by cutting off Thanos' head with his own hands can he get a little solace. Without this little solace, his temper will be as violent as thunder and easy to deal with. Angry, he would kill people’s heads for fun.”

"Without the transformation during the journey, how can there be a correct concept? So, something must happen, otherwise related events will inevitably break out."

The black man stood up and patted Li Feng on the shoulder, and said seriously: "It's not that I won't help salvage your infinite gems, but the risk is too great. Of course, I can give you a clear path, but you need some patience."

Li Feng wished he could slap the black man in the face: he would transform into a hair ball.

My teeth were itching, my teeth were itching, I pretended to be kind on the surface, and said, "Say."

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