Since you are asking for advice humbly, I will tell you generously

The black man leaned over to Li Feng's ear and whispered: "Patience means literally. 5 years, just wait patiently for 5 years."

That's it? .Li Feng felt confused.

All these mysterious things, just to tell him that if he wants to achieve his goal, he must first waste 5 years of his good time?

Time is money, don't you know?

Time is more valuable than money, don't you know?

5 years, the child can even play soy sauce, okay.

The stupid Li Feng despised the black man, and was about to ask if he could take off from the ground in 5 years, or if he could open the "crossing door" to go home by spitting, when a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and then his head exploded like being struck by lightning.

Not according to the original plot, but according to the "sacred timeline" set by the black man, 5 years later, it seems that the Avengers will return to the past and successfully collect 6 infinite gems.

In other words, as long as he waits patiently, he will most likely be able to borrow infinite gems.

Good guy, the hope of going home is just around the corner! ! ! .

Instantly, Li Feng felt much more relaxed, especially his soul, which had floated out of Titan, out of the Marvel world, and back to his mother.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Li Feng was. In addition to his blood pressure rising, the idea of ​​robbing the Infinity Stones in advance was also rising.

Who can resist the temptation of making a wish one day earlier and going home one day earlier?

But when he thought about it carefully, the plan would not work.

First, as a pure-blooded waste, collecting Infinity Stones is too tiring. He just wants to win without doing anything and does not want to experience bitter tears.

What if he dies suddenly from overwork?

Second, how to get the Soul Stone.

That thing is stubborn. It is useless to talk to it. It must sacrifice the soul of the loved one.

Before, he specially cultivated a soul for this purpose to serve as a sacrifice.

Now, forget it.

It is estimated that when the sacrifice is cultivated, the Soul Stone will have entered Hawkeye's pocket.

As for using Kreacher as a sacrifice?

Don't make a fuss, that's his only remaining conscience, it's broken, he won't go if he really tries.

Fenris, Wangcai and other four knights?

It seems that he didn't regard the four knights as family members at all, just obedient younger brothers, where did the "closest relatives and loved ones" come from?

Finally, the most crucial point.

The black man has told him with practical actions that the technology of the 31st century can definitely compete with the magician.

Believe it or not, he opened the time door with his front foot, and then the black man stood opposite the door and said "one pull down a Masai" (welcome).

That scene, just thinking about it is embarrassing.

So in comparison, it is the most cost-effective to wait quietly for the plot to be discovered.

"What do I need to pay?"

There may be pie in the sky, but Li Feng firmly believes that as a senior "bad" god, he can only watch the pie fall into his mouth, and has no chance to taste the saltiness of the pie.

Of course, if it is a discus falling from the sky, even if he widens his eyes and deliberately avoids it, he can finally catch it with his big face plate.

This is fate, he can't avoid it, he doesn't want to resist anymore.

Just pay what you have to pay, accept it.

"If you can, do nothing, just be a bystander, what a pity."

The black man shrugged helplessly and said, "I know this is impossible. You will try every means to get involved with the Avengers, just like now."

The black man pointed to the space and continued, "Stark is floating in space, and he is short of food and clothing. You have already thought about how to show your courtesy, right?"

"." Li Feng pouted and silently retorted: How can the mage's affairs be considered as showing courtesy? This is called a friend in trouble, take the opportunity to stab him twice

Skin is skin, Li Feng has to admit that he can't afford to offend the director who holds the script.

All the little thoughts and tricks are known in advance, how can people play?

"I know you want to improve Stark's favorability. After all, the Infinity Stones are both precious and dangerous."

At this point, the black man suddenly remembered a joke and tried to hold back his laughter. He inadvertently revealed the face of a rich man looking down on the poor and said, "If you don't improve your favorability, you are afraid that you won't be able to borrow the Infinity Stones in five years, right?"

Li Feng opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

The black man had said everything he should and shouldn't say. What else could he say?

I want to add something, but the script is blank and I don't know where to start.

Giving the black man a thumbs up, indicating "you are awesome", Li Feng pretended to be nonchalant and tried to probe: "From what you mean, you don't want me to know Stark? What if, I mean, I must know Stark?"

"Then get to know him," the black man replied indifferently.

"Huh?" Li Feng was a little confused, and his brain turned into a mess in an instant.

Is it a joke to talk about feelings for so long?

Li Feng shook his head to get rid of the water in his brain, and looked at the black man with a strange face.

The black man raised his eyebrows and said in a relaxed tone: "I said that the transformation during the journey is what I value."

"Like Stark, without the experience of near-death in space, is he playing around with marriage for a few years? Or will he hold a wedding as soon as he returns to Earth? The same is true for Potts, who is tortured by longing."

"If the two get married immediately, I won't say anything more, just silently send my blessings, but if they don't get married..."

The black man spread his hands and said: "Where did Morgan Stark (Stark's daughter) come from? Without the lovely Morgan and the phrase 'I love you three thousand times', Stark would hesitate when snapping his fingers, even if the hesitation time is only one second. If the opportunity is missed, the problem will be huge."

"So." Li Feng scratched his head thoughtfully and asked, "I can contact Stark, but I have to find a way to force him to get married and have children. Uh~ He must have a daughter?"

The black man gave Li Feng a pair of "teachable" eyes.

Li Feng was silent for a while and asked, "Where is Natasha? I want to revive her."

As a friend, Li Feng didn't want Natasha to die too peacefully.

Isn't it sweet to die old?

Isn't it sweet to have a good time at the grave?

Besides, the more you owe favors, the easier it is for the other party to compromise.

With the favor of "saving" Stark and the favor of "reviving" Natasha, Li Feng didn't believe that the Avengers would refuse his request to borrow the Infinity Stones.

"I don't care." After thinking about it, the black man reminded with a smile: "Dude, do you really think Natasha and Stark will be held down by the coffin of the Infinity Stones?"

Theoretically. No

Li Feng was speechless and unable to refute.

Natasha was just locked in the Soul Gem. Even if Li Feng didn't save her, someone else would. Maybe Natasha would feel a little bored in the Soul Gem and crawl out to get some fresh air.

As for Stark, good people don't live long, but evil stays for thousands of years.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to remind you," the black man winked at Li Feng and said, "Be careful when you perform the resurrection, don't make it known to everyone. Well, this is an opportunity for Yelena Belova (Natasha's sister) and Peter Parker to transform."

Transformed again? Li Feng didn't know what emoticon to use to express his inner feelings.

People are not snakes, how can they shed their skin just by saying they will transform.

By the way, what is Peter's attribute? Why does he always rely on dead relatives to complete his transformation?

Could it be that this guy broke through the universe in his previous life, and only became the "death star" in this life?

Unable to figure it out, Li Feng scratched his head and asked, "What is that 'Yelena Belova'? Natasha's mistress?"

I'm mistressing you. The black man replied unhappily, "Ask Natasha yourself."

If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me. Why are you so fierce? While complaining, Li Feng looked at Thanos, whose face was left with clear wheel marks, and smiled as he hugged the black man's shoulder and said, "Thank you for cleaning up here."

Before the black man opened his mouth to refuse, Li Feng lit up the hellfire on his own.

The black man calmly extinguished the hellfire that "accidentally" stained his collar, and Li Feng used the characteristics of the hellfire to "seducate" the nanoworms to rebel.

Oh, he's quite capable. Li Feng showed a hypocritical apology, and while performing time reversal to repair the black man's collar, he ordered Kreacher, saying, "Prepare cheeseburgers. Let's go to be with the rich man."

"Childish," the black man muttered disdainfully.

Is the hellfire difficult to solve?

Is it great to be able to solve the nanoworms?

Don't even think about the technological level of the earth thousands of years ago, and what the technological level is now.

You have to know that he is a scientist from the 31st century thousands of years later.

In his eyes, God is just an experimental subject on the dissection table.

That is, someone has too many and too disgusting ways to escape and save his life, so he can't do anything for a while, otherwise, hum.


At this time, Blitz suddenly stood up, facing Li Feng with his back to the black man, and looked in a certain direction with his eyes.

Li Feng couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth slightly, and after saying "goodbye", he returned to the RV with a group of younger brothers.

"Only you treat broken copper and rotten iron as treasure." The black man muttered in a low voice, smiling, and watched the RV leave.

Until the taillights of the car disappeared in front of him, he took out a small lantern-like "time reset device", placed it next to Thanos' head, and pressed the switch while whistling happily.

When the "time reset device" released colorful energy along the ground, the black man turned around and stepped over the orange square to close the door.

Soon, the colorful energy swallowed up Thanos, as well as the messy footprints and wheel marks around him.

After a colorful time and space distortion, the surrounding environment was instantly reset to its original state, and the dead Thanos collapsed back to the middle of the road.

The "awakened" Thanos slowly opened his eyes and subconsciously touched his neck. Somehow, he always felt that his head had moved before, and there was a cool breath.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he laughed at himself.

Who can twist off the head of the man of destiny?

It must be due to excessive fatigue and hallucinations

Shaking his dizzy head, he dragged his broken body and walked towards the cabin with a shabby step.

After a while, looking at the wooden stakes in front of the cabin, he fell into deep thought: What's the situation, where is the invincible whirlwind machete? Where is the battle robe that has accompanied me in my life? Long legs ran away? .

On the other side, Li Feng, who was happy to get the double-edged sword and armor, rushed into space and found a flight to Earth.

It's just that.

The flight pilot looked like he had drunk fake alcohol and was extremely bold.

A spaceship that could enter a scrapyard dared to enter the universe.

Li Feng smacked his lips and teleported into the spaceship while chewing a cheeseburger, shouting:

"Let's have some fun. There's no beer, drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, or eight-treasure porridge."

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