Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 60 Chapter 60 Dumbledore (Thanks to Qinglian Dadaoge for his support and reward)

Just when Li Feng had slipped into the soft quilt and fell asleep, Blake, who was waiting anxiously at home for the distinguished guest, finally heard someone ringing his doorbell.

Blake opened the door excitedly and saw that in addition to the waiting distinguished guest, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albern Dumbledore, there was also an unexpected old friend standing outside the door - Remus John Lu. flat.

Black straightened his sharp hair that he had not yet had time to straighten, and said respectfully to the old man with a gray beard: "Principal Dumbledore, nice to see you."

After saying that, Blake wanted to move forward and hug his old friend: "I didn't expect to see you here, Moony Face."

Lupine took a step back with a sneer on his face to show that he did not want to hug Black. After all, in Lupine's impression, Black was still the murderer who killed Harry's family and Peter Pettigrew.

"If Dumbledore hadn't come to my residence when he received your message and invited me to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts in the next semester, I really wouldn't have known that you had such great ability. Caban escaped, or is this the skill he taught you after you took refuge with the mysterious man?"

Blake's mouth twitched and he shouted like crazy: "I didn't betray~"

"I am no longer the headmaster." Dumbledore saw that the words between Lupine and Black were full of tension. He quickly interrupted the other party's words and signaled to Lupine that there was no need to be nervous. At the same time, he said doubtfully: "When I received a letter signed by you, Very surprised, weren’t you in Azkaban? How did you escape?”

"Not the principal?" Black was stunned for a moment, and while gesturing for the two of them to enter the room, he frowned and asked, "Is it a conspiracy set up by the Death Eaters? I knew Austin had other plans, so he probably saved me. Coming out is part of the plan.”

Walking into Black's old house, Dumbledore shook his head slightly and said: "It has nothing to do with the Death Eaters. It's a big event that happened in the school. Some students opened Slytherin's secret room and released monsters to clean up the Muggle-born students. There are already several of them." After being hurt, the school board decided to expel me to quell the incident.”

On the side, Lupine, who hid his wand in his hand and was always alert, said: "Let's talk about how you escaped from Azkaban. If you can't convince me, I think the Aurors will be happy to imprison you in Azkaban again." Caban, at the same time, I will also apply for permission from the Ministry of Magic to let the dementors use the 'Dementor's Kiss' on you."

Not being able to feel the warm embrace of his old friend and hearing only sarcasm and murderous intent, Black seemed a little helpless. He understood that until Peter Pettigrew was found, nothing he could say could wash away the stain of murder.

Hearing Lupine talk about Dementors, Black remembered the reason why he was looking for Dumbledore and said hurriedly: "I saw with my own eyes a Chinese man named Austin subduing the Dementors in Azkaban. Now the dementors still obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic on the surface, but in fact they have become Austin's slaves."

With Black leading the way, the three of them walked into the room where the Black family tree was engraved. They pointed at the family tree and said, "I was worried that Austin was a Death Eater, and I saw that he wanted to take me out of Azkaban, so he pretended Agree to all his requests, and when he and I return to the old house, I will take the opportunity to imprison him in the secret basement and notify you to come. "

Dumbledore nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and looked at the family tree on the wall with interest, and said: "There is a magical magic on it. If you hadn't reminded me, I might not have noticed these things hidden on the wall. Is the magic a variant of the 'Loyalty Curse' cast by Harry's parents when they protected their home?"

Dumbledore could see the secrets in the family tree at a glance, and Black was not surprised. After all, Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world for hundreds of years.

Blake smiled and said: "Only those whose names are written on the genealogy are qualified to use their own blood to open the door to the secret room hidden behind the wall. However, the shortcomings are also obvious. It only recognizes blood and not people. As long as someone gets it, With my blood, he can still open the secret basement of the Black family. In addition, the house elves and descendants who built the basement can also enter. "

Dumbledore turned his gaze from the family tree to Black and said, "Tell us about Austen."

Blake lowered his head and thought for a while, then put his sentences together and said, "Austin suddenly appeared in Azkaban. From the beginning, he looked like a money man and looked for me in Azkaban to tell me that Pettigrew was hiding. He asked me to spend money to buy it because of the news, but it happened to be the dementor feeding time when he found me, and my mind was in chaos at the time, so I didn't ask more about where Pettigrew was. "

"Originally when the Dementors came in, I thought he would escape alone. After all, no one wanted to get close to the Dementors. However," Black, with a slightly confused and frightened look in his eyes, continued, "At first, I only saw him perform two One spell killed the Dementors on the spot, and the other spell gave the Dementors a 'Dementor's Kiss'. Finally, he forcibly cast a spell on all the Dementors in front of me, killing the Dementors. Become his pet”

At the end, Black said with a little confusion and horror: "I found that his magic power is very small compared to adults, but he never uses a wand when casting spells, and some spells only require a few simple gestures. to silent casting.”

In the magic world, being able to cast spells silently is already a great thing, and being able to cast spells without a wand is even more outstanding in the magic world. Black was puzzled and confused by this.

Lupine only thought that Black must have been sucked away by the dementors so much happiness that he went crazy. Even the story he made up was full of holes. When did people with little magic power dare to face the dementors, let alone kill them? Dementors, you must know that there is no record of being killed in the magic world.

Dumbledore thought more and said, "Are you sure he told you about Peter Pettigrew?"

Seeing Black nodding affirmatively, Dumbledore smiled and said, "Aside from Austin's conquest of the dementors, there is also news about Pettigrew. Is this why you came to me for help? If these are true, Then it means that we have all wronged you. After finding Pettigrew, I will apologize to you. Now it is better to open the basement entrance and let me have a good chat with this Austin. "

Opening the entrance to the basement, Dumbledore was about to walk into the archway when Lupine at the side said: "Professor Dumbledore, let Black go first."

Black looked at Lupin blankly and said with a self-deprecating look on his face: "You still don't believe me. Haven't you noticed that I don't even have a wand now? What's the difference between a wizard without a wand and a Muggle? Now, With Dumbledore's strength, do you still need to be afraid of my trap? Do you look down on Dumbledore or do you think highly of me? "

Lupine would not let his guard down just because Black didn't have a wand. He sneered and said, "Is this how you gained the trust of James and Lily in the first place? It's a pity that you sold them to the mysterious man in a blink of an eye. You have done so many evil things, and every time Can you still sleep peacefully at night? Or is your conscience eaten by a dog? Oh, I'm sorry, your Animagus is just a dog, and you may have become a wolf-hearted villain. "

Black panted rapidly, and finally after taking several deep breaths, he looked at Lupin with a calm expression. He shook his head to show his disappointment in his old friend, and at the same time turned around and walked into the arch, saying, "I should have died long ago if I were caught." Pettigrew, let me explain it to you.”

Dumbledore walked up to Lupine, put his right hand on Lupine's shoulder, and said: "Just because Black did not hide after escaping from Azkaban, but immediately contacted me to tell me about the dementors, I believe that Black's The crime was framed.”

After saying that, Dumbledore followed Black into the basement.

There was no trace of Li Feng in the basement at this time. Apart from the obviously messy footprints on the ground, only the equally messy small vault proved that someone had indeed been in the basement. Apart from that, the three people did not find even a cockroach in the basement.

Lupine glanced around, looked at Black with a sarcastic face, and asked the other party to explain, what does it mean that Austin is being held in the basement, are you holding a ball of air named Austin?

Just when Lupine was about to make fun of Black's lie being discovered so quickly, Dumbledore walked to the compartment where the experimental table was placed, looked at the dust mark left on the experimental table when Li Feng took away the locket, and said : "The footprints on the ground do not match Blake's, so someone did come here just now, and Austin not only took the gold galleons, he also took something on the experimental table."

As if thinking of something, Dumbledore squinted his eyes, pointed at Black's old house and said, "Mr. Black, you said you thought Austin had other motives for taking you out of Azkaban, so could he guess?" Will you return here after you leave Azkaban?"

Black walked to the experimental table, touched the experimental table and said, "This is the only hiding place I can think of to escape the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic. Professor, are you saying that Austin's target is something on the experimental table?"

Dumbledore nodded slightly and said, "If he really had other intentions, do you know what he took?"

Blake shook his head and said, "I forgot how many years it has been since I came back to the old house. I don't know what else is left in the old house, but I want someone to know."

After saying that, Black shouted loudly: "Kreacher, come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kreacher appeared in front of Black and said respectfully: "What are your instructions, young master? I live to serve the Black family." After saying that, Kreacher lowered his head, as if there was no one around him. Said to himself: "The dirty British man stepped on the dirty carpet again"

Blair was already used to Kreacher's nervousness. He pointed at the experimental table and said, "Tell me what was originally on the experimental table."

"Original?" Kreacher realized something, jumped to the experimental table in a panic, looked at it, and cried: "Damn thief, Kreacher hasn't destroyed it yet, and he has failed his master~"

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