Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 61 Chapter 61 Whereabouts (Thanks to Liufeng Yaoyue for the support and reward)

Black, who had just come out of Azkaban, had obviously not yet learned to control his violent temper. After all, he had been tortured by dementors for 12 years. It was normal for him to have a temper that needed to be vented.

So when Blake saw Kreacher crying and mumbling to himself on the experimental table, but never telling what items Li Feng had taken, Blake couldn't help but want to vent the accumulated resentment in his heart by beating Kreacher.

Fortunately, Dumbledore put some chocolate in his pocket when he went to the Black Mansion. Just eating a piece of chocolate can cure the Dementor's happiness-sucking attack. This is also an effective recovery method after contact with the Dementor.

Passing the chocolate to Black, Dumbledore said: "Black, order Kreacher to tell what Austin took."

After swallowing the chocolate hungrily, Blake, who felt much better, looked at Kreacher and ordered: "Now, immediately, tell me what the items were taken away."

Kreacher stopped crying under Black's instruction and whispered: "It's a locket. It is the most evil object in this house. Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket, but Kreacher had no use for it. Neither a drill nor an ax could destroy the box. Kreacher had disappointed Master Regulus."

Dumbledore: "What kind of locket is it?"

Kreacher looked at Dumbledore, as if he had just discovered him, and bowed respectfully and said, "Good evening, the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world, Your Excellency Albern Dumbledore, that is a big snake with an 'S' shape on its shell. The locket was stolen by Regulus’ master from the Dark Lord, and the box contains the Dark Lord’s secret.”

Dumbledore was stunned, seeming to be talking to himself and asking Kreacher: "Snake? The locket is related to the Dark Lord. Is it a relic of Salazar Slytherin?"

Kreacher said that he was just a house elf and didn't know what Slytherin's relics were. He only knew that he had not fulfilled the last wish of Regulus' master.

On the side, Black seemed to realize something and said angrily: "Austin's appearance of being a money man was just to show me. He knew from the beginning to the end that there was something the mysterious man needed in the Black family's secret basement. He was just forced to He came to Azkaban to rescue me because he couldn't enter the basement. It seemed that he wanted me to allow him to enter the basement to get paid, but in fact he wanted to get that broken locket."

Dumbledore frowned and said: "No matter what the mysterious man wants, we can't let him get it. The most important thing right now is to find Austin. Black, please remember what Austin said and think about him." Where will it be found?"

After a long time, Black smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe I'm not suitable for inquiring about information. I can't tell where Austin will appear. The only thing I know is that he was penniless when we first met and he was not familiar with London. Now" Black said. He glanced at the compartment where the Galleons were stored and said, "By the way, he is very interested in modifying motorcycles. Maybe he will buy parts to modify the motorcycles?"

Lupine, who was silently guarding Black, suddenly said: "If Austin has not left London, we can look for him in hotels and other places, but we don't know whether he will stay in a hotel in the Muggle world or in the magical world. If it is later It’s quite simple, after all, there are only so many.”

"Good idea," Dumbledore said, gesturing for everyone to leave the basement, "I will go to Azkaban to investigate how the dementors were controlled. Lupine and Kreacher will go to find Austin's whereabouts. As for Sirius, magic Although the department doesn’t know you escaped yet, it’s better for you to hide at home.”

As he spoke, Dumbledore glanced at Black, not because Dumbledore didn't believe what Black said about dementors, but in this world, most magic has corresponding dissolving spells. Since Li Feng is now the enemy, Friends don't know it, but Dumbledore certainly wants to know more about Li Feng so that he can take precautions in future fights.

The three of them returned to the gate of the old house, and Dumbledore said to Lupine and Kreacher, who were about to look for Li Feng: "Considering that the other party can cast spells silently and without a wand, when you find Austin, don't alert the other party, and focus on surveillance. Wait. I’m making plans when I get back.”

Lupine nodded, walked to the side of the road, raised his wand, and summoned the Knight Bus.

Soon, a three-story knight bus stopped in front of Lupine. The conductor looked at the wand in Lupine's hand and whispered: "Oh, another one with a wand. I thought I could see the one who can catch up. Where’s the Chinese guy on the bus?”

Lu Ping, who got on the bus, subconsciously looked at the conductor and asked, "Have you ever seen a Chinese wizard?"

At the door of the old house, Dumbledore, who was asking Black to describe the details of Li Feng's spell, turned to look at the Knight Bus that was returning, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lupine who got off the car, and asked: "Did you forget something? "

Lupine said thank you to the conductor, turned around and walked to Dumbledore, with a slightly surprised expression on his face, and said: "Professor, I know where Austin is. He boarded the Knight Bus not far from the Black Mansion. , got off the bus at the Broken Ax Bar, and probably slept in the Broken Ax Bar by now.”

Dumbledore said with slight surprise: "The Broken Ax Bar? Wasn't he in a hurry to give the locket to the mysterious man?"

Lupine shrugged and said: "I don't know about that. Maybe the locket has been given to the mysterious man. Maybe" After saying this, Lupine looked at Black and continued: "Maybe Austin is not the mysterious man's." The subordinate simply saw a magic item on the experimental table, thought it was some precious item, and took it away. "

Dumbledore thought about it and felt that what Lupin said was possible. After all, normal people would always be curious after seeing it. For example, they speculated that the locket would appear on the experimental table because the locket was worth studying. After all, according to Kreacher, the locket was not even destroyed, and it could not even be opened. This was said by a house elf who could cast spells without a wand.

Black realized what Dumbledore was thinking, turned to Kreacher and said, "Go to the Broken Axe and see if Austin is in the bar. You record his every move and tell him everything when Dumbledore returns from Azkaban."

Kreacher nodded slightly and said to himself, "I'm glad to serve the Black family. I have work to do again."

As soon as the voice fell, Kreacher disappeared from the three people in an instant and appeared in the Broken Axe again. He tiptoed in the bar room to look for Austin. After a while, Kreacher stood outside a room with a big grin, listening to the snoring of Li Feng when he was sleeping.

"This is Austin's voice. I heard him talking to the young master before. I remember it was this voice."

After Kreacher muttered to himself, he thought about Blake's instructions again: Staring at Austin outside the door should not be considered staring, but staring at Austin at the bedside

When Kreacher appeared in the room, Li Feng's snoring disappeared instantly.

After traveling through several worlds, Li Feng had long been accustomed to keeping a vigilance in the other world at all times. Even if he was lying on a soft big bed, he still had the necessary vigilance. So when Kreacher suddenly appeared at his bedside, Li Feng reached out to the long knife beside him without opening his eyes.

When Li Feng raised his knife and saw that it was a familiar house-elf, he asked uncertainly: "Kreacher? Did Black ask you to come to me?"

Kreacher, who heard the sound of glass breaking around him but didn't care, nodded slightly and muttered in a low voice: "Damn mudblood, damn thief, you stole the locket of Master Regulus"

Without waiting for Kreacher to finish muttering, Li Feng pointed at the scroll wrapped in the locket with his long knife, rolled his eyes and said: "I know how to destroy it."

Destroy it? As a loyal house-elf, Kreacher was almost going crazy thinking about how to complete Regulus's orders all the time. In addition, his mind had been distorted for a long time due to long-term contact with the locket. When he heard that Li Feng could help destroy the locket, Kreacher's mind became clear instead.

As the saying goes, people become wiser with age. Kreacher, who looked a little old, obviously understood that Li Feng would not help him for nothing. In exchange, Kreacher said that he was just an elf loyal to the Black family. Only when Li Feng told him what conditions were needed could he give an answer after considering the interests of the Black family.

Kreacher blinked his eyes and looked at Li Feng, and said humbly: "Dear Mr. Austin, what are your conditions?"

In his heart, Kreacher thought that if Li Feng opened his mouth, he would have the right to refuse the other party's request. After all, Dumbledore was also interested in the locket that belonged to the mysterious man. At most, he could take the locket back. I believe that Dumbledore, who likes to go against the mysterious man, would also be interested in destroying the locket.

"Conditions?" Li Feng scratched his brow. He really couldn't think of any conditions for a while. After a while, Li Feng thought of the props he needed most at the moment and said, "Do you know how to translate? Translate the English in the magic book into Chinese characters or American English for Muggles."

Li Feng's conditions made the clear-headed Kreacher a little confused. It was not that the conditions were too difficult, but too simple, so simple that he didn't need to do it himself.

Blinking, Kreacher said carefully: "Dear Mr. Austin, if you need to translate fewer books, Kreacher is happy to serve you. If you translate more books, Kreacher reminds you that you can buy a special quill pen for translation."

Li Feng was stunned. In his impression, the wizards in this world like to isolate themselves from the sight of the world. Even if they have exchanges with the outside world, they are with foreign wizards, not Muggles.

After Kreacher's explanation, Li Feng remembered that although the wizards in this world like to be isolated, there are still a group of people who like the Muggle world and make a living from it. For example, there is a subject in Hogwarts called Muggle Studies.

Since this group of people who study Muggles will inevitably use books, newspapers, etc. to collect information, so the quill pen for translation is also born.

Since the quill pen can translate Muggle books into books from the magical world, the quill pen can also translate books from the magical world into books from the Muggle world. However, this kind of quill pen is a bit expensive, after all, there are too few people who need it. But who is Li Feng? He treats Black's basement vault as his own home. Is he someone who is short of those gold galleons?

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