Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 62 Chapter 62 House-Elf (Thanks to Shi Qi Kuanglang for his support and reward)

Li Feng knew more than two ways to destroy the locket, such as his own pseudo-angel feathers or the spell on the 'Key of Solomon'.

This book is full of spells to restrain demons, and demons most of the time choose to possess humans. In order to save humans and eliminate demons at the same time, Li Feng learned a lot of exorcisms from it.

The mysterious man's behavior of hiding his soul in the locket is barely considered possession, so Li Feng has many ways to expel the mysterious man's soul from the locket.

The only uncertainty is that the mysterious man's soul still belongs to human beings. Li Feng doesn't know whether the spell used to destroy the devil will be effective. What if the mysterious man's soul is too powerful to defeat or makes the opponent run away? What will Li Feng do with Dumbledore? trade? An empty locket?

Considering the above, after listening to Kreacher's introduction to the translation quill, Li Feng pinched his nose and admitted that he was unlucky and said: "Method one is to find Gryffindor's sword, which can break the locket. "

Kreacher's mouth twitched. Of course he knew about Gryffindor's sword, but he also knew that it had been missing for hundreds of years. Even if he was lucky enough to find the sword, he probably wouldn't have had time to use the sword to split the locket. He was found by other people looking for the sword, and in order to keep the sword for himself, he was dried into meat.

With his eyes wide open, Kreacher said quietly: "What about method two?"

Li Feng, who was sure that Harry was already in his second year, certainly knew that the basilisk had appeared, but he just didn't know where the plot was going. After scratching his head, Li Feng asked, "Do you know the basilisk that stares at anyone and kills them?"

Kreacher turned his head and thought for a moment, then asked uncertainly: "Is the basilisk you are talking about a dangerous snake with extraordinary abilities hatched from a male egg under the body of a toad?"

Li Feng grinned and nodded. To be honest, even though Li Feng considered himself a magician and had seen enough strange species, he still couldn't help but laugh when he heard about a male egg.

How busy do you think this egg-laying rooster is? Let’s not talk about which organ the rooster’s eggs are conceived from. Let’s just say that this rooster crows and lays eggs. Is this preparing to steal the hen’s job and make him a workaholic? What does this make the hens in the same bed think?

And the toad that hatches the eggs has so much free time. This is really playing with eggs.

Seeing Li Feng nod in recognition, Kreacher clearly felt a surging blood flow in his body rushing to his brain, and the cerebral blood clots were flushed away. He suddenly felt refreshed or furious?

If the Ministry of Magic hadn't strictly ordered house elves not to harm humans, Kreacher would have wanted to split open Li Feng's brain while he was clear-headed to see where the legendary basilisk could be found in reality? Can the basilisk destroy the locket? Why don't you just open Merlin's coffin and let Merlin drag the mysterious man into the underworld?

Seeing Kreacher's eyes full of contempt, Li Feng couldn't guess what Kreacher was thinking, and said indifferently: "I really know where there is a basilisk. The problem is that I can't defeat that thing unless you Find a way to blind it, or else”

Li Feng lay down on the bed and covered himself with a quilt and said, "Otherwise, let's just take a shower. Anyway, I won't face the basilisk alone. That's not destroying the locket, it's courting death."

Kreacher, who was beside the bed, lowered his head and looked like he was thinking seriously before gritting his teeth and saying, "If the basilisk loses those eyes, will you help me destroy the locket?"

Li Feng, who was resting with his hands on his hands and eyes closed, sat up after hearing Kreacher's words and looked up and down at Kreacher, and said, "Listen to your tone, are you going to blind the basilisk even at the cost of your own life?"

Kreacher stared at Li Feng with bloodshot eyes, looking arrogantly, and asked an unexpected question: "My biggest ideal is to cut off my head like my mother and stick it on a plaque of the Black family."

Does this count as answering my question sideways and telling me my last words?

Although he knew that house elves were very loyal once they recognized their master, Li Feng was still surprised by Kreacher's behavior: For the sake of his former master who had been dead for who knows how many years, he actually wanted to fulfill his last wish even though he knew he would sacrifice himself. What does the current owner, Sirius, think? But it seems like I want a house elf so loyal.

In fact, if Li Feng really wants to destroy the locket, there is a simple way. It is so simple that he only needs to wait patiently.

Even if Li Feng doesn't know where Harry's plot will develop, the basilisk will definitely appear and fall in love with the protagonist of this world as the plot advances. And under the aura of Harry, who has the protagonist's halo, the beautiful monster around him is called Pets and ugly monsters are called delicious and juicy food, so the basilisk, which looks smelly and ugly at first glance, is destined to be just a pile of delicious snake soup.

Of course, this requires you to have enough courage to try the taste of snake meat. People like Li Feng would not dare to try the taste of the basilisk, even if the basilisk is hatched from an egg and is born with a crispy chicken flavor. The quality of the meat is far more nutritious than beef N times the protein. If you dare not, don’t dare. Li Feng said that he would never eat the meat of a basilisk. Who knows if there is anything strange about this basilisk that has lived for hundreds of years? of parasites.

Thinking of parasites crawling in his body, Li Feng, who cherished life, shuddered slightly and said, "You told me about the special quill for translation, and I told you two methods. This is reasonable, but you want me to Please forgive me for risking my life and destroying the locket."

Kreacher shook his head slightly and said unconvinced: "But you can buy the quill I mentioned at the magical items store, but where can I buy the sword and basilisk you mentioned?"

"That's something you need to investigate," Li Feng spread his hands and said, "Or can we change the deal? For example, we agree that as long as the locket is destroyed during the summer vacation at Hogwarts this year, you will have to obey my orders in the future."

"Sorry," Kreacher said without thinking, "I am an elf from the Black family, and I only serve the Black family."

Although he knew that he couldn't recruit Kreacher in this way, Li Feng felt that it would be okay to try it. He wouldn't get pregnant after trying it anyway, but Kreacher's clean refusal made Li Feng somewhat unhappy.

"Why don't you ask Sirius what he thinks?" Li Feng, who was somewhat unwilling, still tried to seduce Kreacher and said, "Maybe Sirius is fed up with your neurosis and agrees to transfer you to me?"

Kreacher was stunned. He knew how much Sirius hated him. Now that Sirius knew that the locket belonged to the mysterious man, once Li Feng asked to trade with the locket, Kreacher felt that he should probably change his owner.

Kreacher was a little tangled. He was originally prepared to dedicate his life to the Black family, but now he had to destroy the locket according to Regulus's last wish and fulfill his last loyalty. On the other hand, he ignored Regulus's last wish and continued to dedicate the rest of his life to the Black family.

After a long time, Kreacher, who felt confused again, chose to complete Regulus's last wish and said, "I will go back and ask Sirius and give you an answer. I hope you can keep your promise."

After that, Kreacher, who was about to teleport back to the Black mansion, cast a spell and stared at Li Feng in front of him: What's going on? Even Hogwarts, which prohibits apparition movement, cannot prohibit the teleportation of elves. Will the Broken Axe Bar have a more advanced teleportation prohibition array?

Li Feng grinned: The mirror space is an independent space. It would be strange if you can get out.

Li Feng stretched out his hand to open the portal and signaled Kreacher to try teleporting again. This time, Kreacher looked at Li Feng and muttered something while disappearing in front of Li Feng in an instant.

After a while, Kreacher appeared in front of Li Feng again with a smile on his face, muttering: Damn mudblood thief, you want to be my master, damn it~

When he saw Li Feng staring at him, Kreacher smiled silently: "Sirius asked me to tell you, get lost~"

"As for the reason for the refusal," Kreacher imitated Sirius's tone of voice and said: "House elves are a symbol of nobility. You are just a poor ghost who ran out of nowhere. Since you dare to use a broken locket stolen from my house to exchange for the glory of nobility"

"This is not a broken locket, but one of the Horcruxes of the mysterious man," Li Feng looked at Kreacher and interrupted before Kreacher finished speaking: "If you don't know what a Horcrux is, you can ask Sirius. I think the Black family, which has been passed down for so many years, will know something about Horcruxes."

Kreacher was stunned. He just knew that the locket The locket was the Dark Lord's item, and he really didn't know what it was used for. Just as Kreacher was thinking about what a Horcrux was, Li Feng continued, "Besides, Sirius and I agreed that the things in the basement belonged to me if I took them. So strictly speaking, the locket was the reward for me saving Sirius from Azkaban. It belongs to me, and you can't describe me as a thief."

"Also, Kreacher, we agreed that I would help you destroy the locket during the summer vacation at Hogwarts, not give the locket to Sirius as a condition for exchanging you. If you want the locket, then wait for me to add conditions. After all, you are not the only ones who want the locket, so I am not in the mood to bargain with you."

Kreacher seemed to understand something, and said incredulously, "You still want to trade with the Dark Lord?"

I just simply don't like Sirius and want to scare you, is that not okay? He thought so in his heart, but Li Feng said: "Is it not possible?"

Having experienced the previous prohibition of teleportation, Kreacher understood that Li Feng was not someone who could not fight back, especially when he thought that his former master had risked his life to steal the locket back, but Li Feng was going to trade with the mysterious man? This made Kreacher feel a headache, a lot of pain.

With his head drooping, Kreacher disappeared in front of Li Feng again, ready to convey to Sirius Li Feng's intention to trade with the mysterious man, and to tell him the secret that the locket was the Horcrux.

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