Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 97 Chapter 97 The Beginning of Iron Man

Stark felt that he should check the almanac carefully and choose an auspicious day before going out. He was so unlucky.

He just came to Afghanistan to show the military his latest weapons and show off his talents. Why was he attacked by a group of terrorists for no reason?

It was okay to die on the spot after being attacked, and it was okay to be saved by a doctor, but what about putting a magnet on the chest to save his life? Stark said that the doctor's skills were not good, which seriously affected his efficiency in picking up girls: This is too ugly

This is not the end. I don’t know what these terrorists think. They actually asked him to build weapons in a dark cave and asked him to use hand tools such as hammers and wrenches to knock out the weapons. Stark said on the spot that there were no missiles, but there were nonsense, so he asked the terrorists if they wanted them.

As a result, Stark, who didn’t recognize the reality, was taught a lesson by the terrorists. He realized that his life was in the hands of others and Stark had no choice. What could he do? He could only use his hands to knock out the energy hanging on his chest, which was both beautiful and life-saving, and then busy with the weapons the terrorists wanted.

It's just that the weapon Stark wanted to knock out was slightly different from what the terrorists wanted. The terrorists wanted missiles, but what Stark wanted to knock out was steel armor for escape.

Fortunately, the cultural level of this group of terrorists was so low that they couldn't tell the difference between missiles and armor, which gave Stark the opportunity to knock out the armor.

Now, Stark finally drove the armor he had worked so hard to knock out, and killed countless terrorists and got out of the cave where he had been imprisoned for three months.

However, Stark, who had escaped from the cave, found that not only did he not see the terrorists who were scared to death by his armor outside the cave, but he saw the terrorists greet him with more intense guns and cannons, which made Stark unhappy. He immediately said that he was outnumbered, or that it was better to keep the green mountains and not worry about firewood. He ignited the ammunition stored in the open air and retreated strategically.

Fortunately, Stark designed a flight mode when he used a hammer to knock on the armor, so that the terrorists who could only run on the ground could not track him for a while.

However, this armor was handmade after all, and both the flying speed and energy were limited. After a while, Stark was forced to return to the ground and continue to escape on the hot sand.

Stark, thirsty and tired, ran for most of the day, and suddenly saw a motorhome in the distance ahead?

Stark was stunned. If he saw a motorhome in a beautiful environment, he would understand that people were on vacation, but in the deep desert, let’s not talk about how the motorhome avoided the quicksand and drove into the deep desert, let’s just say who would drive the motorhome into the desert for vacation. There was nothing to see except sand.

Mirage, it must be a mirage

He thought so, but since the motorhome appeared in front of him, in the same direction as he had set before, Stark still ran towards the motorhome while praying that it was a real motorhome.

After a while, Stark was sure that what he saw was indeed an illusion, otherwise how to explain the mirror image in the distance?

Under a huge parasol, someone was lying on a beach chair eating something, and there was a servant next to him who was suspected to be either a child or a dwarf.

Li Feng was stunned when he heard Kreacher say that someone was walking towards him in the distance. His RV had a 'Muggle Repelling Charm'. Except for special people with energy in their bodies, ordinary people could not see his existence.

Li Feng looked curiously in the direction Kreacher pointed. Although his drowsy brain had been relieved a lot as the potion was absorbed, the figure in the distance was still a bit blurry. It was not until Stark kept approaching the RV that Li Feng realized that this was Tony Stark by the iconic headlights on his chest.

At the same time, Li Feng also understood why this guy could see the RV. The headlights on his chest were not just to save his life. In Avengers 1, Loki wanted to control Stark's thoughts with the Mind Gem, but it was all blocked by this headlight. That was the Mind Gem. Did it not want to save face or felt that it could not withstand Stark's protagonist plug-in, allowing Stark to ignore him? It can be seen how powerful this headlight is.

Now, Stark just ignored the Muggle Repelling Charm. Li Feng said he understood, but

Li Feng watched Stark approach the RV step by step, and then inexplicably watched him hit his face against the RV compartment.

Li Feng scratched his head, looked at Kreacher, and then looked at Stark, who was rubbing his nose and looking confused, with a look like a mentally retarded person, and asked: "Mr. Stark, didn't you see the RV?"

Stark's head hurts now, not because of hitting the RV, but when he saw that Kreacher was obviously not a human and judged that the other party was not a simulated robot, he guessed that he had been detained by terrorists for too long, causing too much mental pressure and hallucinations.

If Stark simply imagined the RV, he said he could bear it, after all, he really wanted to rest now, and the RV was a good choice, but what he couldn't bear was that he, a playboy, actually imagined a man! Is he no longer interested in women?

Originally, this was nothing, just a small hallucination. He could find a good doctor to treat it after returning home with his financial resources. But not to mention the RV that he thought was an illusion, what was the situation when Li Feng spoke? His ears and eyes clearly told him that what he saw was not an illusion! This is really terrible.

Stark rubbed his nose and looked at Kreacher blankly. He had the illusion that he was not being imprisoned for three months, but for hundreds of years. Otherwise, when would a creature like Kreacher appear on earth? It must have been a few hundred years later that humans rushed out of the earth and captured the aliens. Only then did he see the aliens serving the earthlings in front of him like servants.

Stark looked a little confused and asked: "Who are you? Where are you? What time is it?"

Li Feng rubbed his dizzy head. He didn't understand at all what year Stark wanted to ask. He just motioned Kreacher to go back to the RV and hand the electronic clock to Stark for him to read. After all, Li Feng didn't know. What time is it now? It’s still some time before dinner anyway.

Li Feng looked at Stark all over his body, frowned and asked, "Did you just escape from the terrorists?"

"Who are you?" Stark hadn't had time to inform others about the terrorists. It could be said that no one except the terrorists had his whereabouts. How did the people in front of him know?

Unless he is also a member of the terrorists

Thinking of this, Stark first glanced at Li Feng, confirming that the opponent had no firearms, and then scanned the surroundings to find some suitable weapons in case the drug-addicted guy in front of him suddenly attacked.

Li Feng pointed at himself and said, "Me? You can call me Austin. I am a mage."

Stark frowned. He realized that he had made a mistake. The person in front of him was not a terrorist. He was definitely a psychopath.

Think about it, who else would go to the depths of the desert to bask in the sun, except for the mentally ill? How much sunscreen does this need to be applied, or is this neurotic thinking too broadly and preparing to support a sunscreen factory on his own?

Li Feng saw from Stark's deep contempt that the other party obviously didn't believe what he said. After thinking about it, Li Feng lightly snapped his fingers and released the healing spell on Stark.

Just when Stark felt an inexplicable warmth all over his body and saw his skin wounds healing quickly, he heard Li Feng smile and say: "This is a healing technique, but it can only treat your wounds."

Li Feng pointed at Stark's palladium metal reactor, shrugged and said: "I can't treat this thing right away, just like fractures and other injuries can only be treated by straightening the bones."

Stark, who had personally experienced the healing technique, shook his head, trying to make sure he was still immersed in the world of hallucinations. However, even if Stark shook his brain out of his head, Li Feng was still standing in front of him.

After all Stark's injuries were treated by Li Feng, Stark said with an uncertain tone: "Mage?" Then he turned around and looked at Kreacher who came out of the RV with an electronic clock to make sure that he had not traveled through time. After being confused, he said: "What is this little guy? Your magic servant?"

"Magic is just an unknown science. There are so many things you haven't seen before." Li Feng explained casually.

As for why Li Feng didn't want to explain clearly what magic is, he could remember that when he explained the principles of magic to a certain scientist before, the other person directly put on a posture of breaking the casserole and asking for the truth. Li Feng was so annoyed that he felt like his ears were flying. Buzzing like countless flies.

Coupled with Stark's talent and his desire to plan for a rainy day, it is estimated that when Li Feng explained what magic was that day, this guy built the 'anti-Li Feng armor' the next day.

After giving Stark a look of disbelief, Li Feng extended his hand to invite Stark into the RV and said: "As for Kreacher, he is my house elf, and it is correct to say he is my magical servant."

Stark thought for a while, and intuitively speaking, the chance of Li Feng being a terrorist was not high. Even if Li Feng was a terrorist, Stark would not be afraid. At worst, he could subdue the opponent and then escape in the RV. I believe that with the help of the RV, it would be better than using two pairs of hands. There's a greater chance that the legs will leave the desert.

As for the identity of the wizard, the stubborn and arrogant Stark will not believe it easily.

Stark, who was walking towards the door of the RV, seemed to remember something and said, "So Mr. Mage with a belly, what will you do when you face a terrorist with a heavy machine gun?"

Before Stark finished speaking, Li Feng smiled and looked at Stark with a funny expression like he had seen a ghost, then turned around and got out of the car to look at the carriage.

When Stark returned to the RV with an obviously excessive space with an expression of disbelief, he asked in confusion: "Is this space expansion technology?"

"It's whatever you say," Li Feng shrugged, picked up the long stick in the corner, and said while touching it: "Let's talk about where the terrorists are. My little pets are already hungry and thirsty. ”

Stark rubbed Lou's forehead. He had felt a pain in his head since he saw Li Feng. Let's not talk about healing and space technology. After all, science can do it, but the other party looked like he was ready to use a broken stick to find someone with a gun. What is the operation of molecule trouble? Do you really think of yourself as a mage? This is so damn sick.

Before Stark could answer, Kreacher, who was about to pour water for Stark, suddenly raised his ears and turned his head to look in one direction and said, "Boss, I heard the sound of a car approaching."

Li Feng grinned and walked out of the RV holding the wooden stick.

Stark looked at Li Feng speechlessly, then at the driver's seat, thinking tangledly: Should I wait for this lunatic to be reduced to a pulp and then escape in the RV, or should I start running away in the RV now?

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