Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 98 Chapter 98 Let’s have dinner

Stark ultimately failed to escape in the RV after Li Feng got off the car, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

The first is that there is no key in the RV. Although Stark believes that he can start the RV without a key, it will take time. It is estimated that by the time he starts the car, the terrorists have already boarded the RV with guns.

Secondly, no matter how he looked at it, Stark felt that the RV could not outrun the military jeep in the hands of the terrorists. It was estimated that when the terrorists caught up with him, he would inevitably get another beating.

Stark, who did not want to be tortured by terrorists even if he was killed, watched with regret through the car window how Li Feng was shot to death, while mentally preparing himself to face death in despair.

It's just that the next development was completely different from what Stark had imagined. Stark stared inexplicably as hundreds of black shadows floated out of the long stick in Li Feng's hand, while the terrorist's gun was still aimed at Li Feng, stunned. Found this group of black shadows.

The drop in temperature caused by the appearance of the Dementors made Stark feel a little ridiculous. He didn't understand when the desert would become cold in the daytime? Stark subconsciously rubbed his arms to keep warm, and asked Kreacher, who was also lying on the car window: "Little guy, what are those black shadows? Why do I think I will never laugh in this life?"

Kreacher looked at the Dementors flying in the sky and Li Feng's tall back with admiration and fear, and said: "Those are Dementors, a group of the most evil creatures in the world. They suck happiness. They are also responsible for the cold you feel." of"

After releasing the dementors, Li Feng looked at the terrorists with a smile and used the language of the dead to order the dementors to resist their desire to eat and simply surround the terrorists.

For a long time, Li Feng was either in the RV or casting magic on the sand, resulting in some spells that he had not practiced at all, such as 'Legilimency' or the transformation spell used on living people.

Now that he has encountered a group of terrorists who do not know whether to live or die, Li Feng certainly does not want to miss the opportunity to test the power of the spell.

Li Feng, who held up the shield, ignored the suspected warnings coming from the terrorists' mouths and directly used the transformation technique on a terrorist who didn't like it.

When the human suddenly turned into a skunk, the surrounding terrorists were no longer scary. Instead, they cried for their fathers and mothers with frightened expressions, shouting words such as "wizard" and "devil" while desperately buttoning up Trigger hoped to kill Li Feng and fled in panic.

How could Li Feng let go of the test subject that was finally delivered to his door so easily? Turn directly into black mist, use phantom movement to catch up with the fleeing terrorists, and detect spells such as 'Legilimency' and 'Avada Kedavra' one by one.

After a long time, Li Feng gained more or less experience in using phantom movement while casting spells. He felt that if he continued to detect the terrorists, he would kill the terrorists. He could only regretfully stop his hand and shout into the air in the language of the dead: "Prosperity~ Let's eat." ~”

As soon as the dementors, who had been starving for a long time, heard "dinner is ready", they all floated to the terrorists to take a big gulp of happiness.

In the RV, Stark, who knew about Dementors from Kreacher, looked curiously at how the Dementors absorbed happiness. He saw the terrorists first crying like their boss was dead, and then lying on the ground one by one. Finally, Li Feng's green light shot from the long stick ended the lives of the group.

After watching a battle between mages and terrorists, Stark felt that his mind was a little confused and he needed to sort out his views.

Rather than believing that Li Feng is a mage, Stark believes that Li Feng is an alien with superpowers. After all, neither the space expansion technology nor the unknown species of Kreacher in front of him are owned by the earth.

When Li Feng stood at the door of the RV carrying a long stick, Stark couldn't wait to ask: "Are you sure you are from Earth?"

"Nonsense," Li Feng rolled his eyes, pointed at his public face, and said, "Have you ever seen such a handsome alien?"

Stark looked at Li Feng's belly, shook his head, and said, "I have never seen a pregnant male Earthling."

Li Feng: "" Damn it, I can't handle this piece of fat.

Putting the long stick aside casually, Li Feng looked out the window and asked: "You attracted so many terrorists? My pet's teeth are not even filled."

Stark spread his hands speechlessly and said: "I don't even have a weapon to protect myself. How can you help me lure the mobs for you? For the sake of me bringing dry food to your pets, can you lend me some?" For phone use?”

"Phone?" Li Feng said jokingly as he sat in the driver's seat and started the RV with a snap of his fingers, "What is that? What is it used for? Is it edible or can it help you kill terrorists?"

In fact, when the RV started up, Stark had blocked out Li Feng's jokes and stared blankly through the car window at the ground getting further and further away from him.

Is this a plane?

Stark subconsciously opened the car window with a confused expression. He wanted to see if there was any projection on the car window that gave him the illusion that the RV could fly.

After opening the ordinary transparent car window, Stark, as a technology expert, immediately concluded that the sound buzzing in his ears was the sound of a car engine, not an aircraft engine as he had previously thought.

Seeing this, Stark shrugged, walked behind Li Feng and looked at the car dashboard speechlessly, saying: "Okay, I understand that you are a mage and can do magic, but what does it mean that a RV that is obviously a product of technology can fly? Also, please tell me what do you mean by using the car steering wheel to control the plane? "Where is your plane joystick?"

Li Feng turned to look at Stark, blinked and said: "I only have a car driver's license, so I drive a car. Is it okay to install an airplane control stick on an RV? What if the police stop me and ask for my airplane driver's license? As for Why does the RV fly when it is obviously a car? Maybe the RV has a heart to let itself go? "

Stark was stunned for a moment, and then understood the purpose of Li Feng's joke with him. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Car driver's license? Are you planning to lay off the aircraft instructor? In the future, you can become a pilot by taking the car driver's license? But I Like your idea, need a sponsor? Let’s make a fortune together.”

Hearing Stark joking with himself, Li Feng smiled and said: "It seems that you have taken a small step out of the shadow of terrorists? How are my skills as a psychotherapist?"

Stark looked down at the trauma on his body, curled his lips and said: "It seems reliable to treat trauma. As for the psychological aspect, I think it is my own inner strength. It has nothing to do with you making me happy. In other words, you are really No phone?"

"I really don't have a phone," Li Feng spread his hands to express his helplessness and said, "I have no friends and no family. I am hiding in the desert just to practice magic quietly by myself. Why do I need a phone?"

Stark glanced at the carriage, tilted his head and asked: "Don't you have space expansion technology? Can't you rent a house in the city and renovate it so that you have enough space to practice magic? What will you eat and drink while hiding in the desert? What? Don’t tell me that you are a mage, you can fabricate these living supplies out of thin air.”

Li Feng scratched his forehead thoughtfully, snapped his fingers and let the RV drive automatically. He got up and took Stark to the 4-door locker, motioning for Stark to open it and take a look.

Stark looked at the self-driving steering wheel with twitching eyes: Okay, this is magic.

Then, Stark opened the cabinets in confusion, stared blankly at the lockers with chickens, ducks and cows running all over the floor, and then looked at the lockers that looked normal in size, and said speechlessly: "I think it is necessary to say Just a few words, have you been offended by the flying instructor? Let’s just let this line go and let’s study how to get into real estate.”

"Why does it sound like the real estate developer has offended you?" Li Feng said jokingly: "But then again, you and them are really not the same people. They build buildings, but you, a weapons manufacturer, destroy them." Building people are naturally difficult to deal with.”

Stark gave a fake smile, slowly exhaled, and said: "No, from now on in my life label, the title of weapons dealer will no longer apply to me."

After speaking, Stark seemed not to want to continue the topic of weapons and said: "Is there anything to eat? I feel more and more hungry when I see these vegetables."

Li Feng pointed to the tomatoes in the 4-door locker and motioned to Stark to pick a few for his stomach. He turned and shouted: "Kreacher, prepare dinner, our guests are hungry."

"Yes, boss, Kreacher will be ready soon."

Stark picked a few tomatoes casually, not caring whether they were dry or not. He opened his mouth and bit them. While eating, he curiously looked at Li Feng's farm. He said with an expression of deep interest in magic: "The cabinet next to it What's inside the door?"

"What's there? There are so many things," Li Feng shrugged and said, "The kind that can knock your three senses to the ground and make you unable to fight back."

Li Feng's words aroused Stark's curiosity and asked, "Can I visit?"

"Of course," Li Feng casually opened the cabinet door of the collection room and said, "Welcome to my magical world."

After a while, Stark, who walked into the collection room, said that he was eye-opening. However, compared to the magic props placed on the shelves, Stark was more curious about the time turner with its independent collection rack and asked: " What is this? Very precious?”

Li Feng resisted the desire to laugh wildly and explained the function of the time turner to Stark with a calm face. He especially emphasized the relationship between time and the quantum realm. He wanted to tell Stark about using quantum energy to travel through time in Women's Federation 4. other side.

Speaking of this, we have to mention Li Feng's purpose. If it was just to send Stark home, Li Feng said it was just a trivial matter. However, he did not send him home immediately. Instead, he found ways to tease Stark. Ke was happy, all this was because Li Feng wanted to have a relationship with Stark.

As long as he becomes friends with Stark, Li Feng can't help but fantasize in his heart: I believe the time turner will arouse your interest. Once you set foot in the quantum realm, you have to give me some information. But you are not enough. I need to find an opportunity to show off my magic in front of Dr. Pym and ask him to help me understand quantum energy, so that I don’t know anything about the time-travel gate.

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