Planet Shandar, Chien’s high-security prison.

The criminals captured by the Nova Legion from nearby galaxies are all held here, and each alien race is involved, which is the largest guard force in the entire universe.

Each of the Nova members has a physical fitness and high-tech equipment comparable to ordinary people, and the number is huge, and most of the tens of millions of soldiers patrol the nearby galaxy all year round.

Alan idly put on a mask and directly turned into a night ghost to break through the blockade of the garrison soldiers, and finally knocked a criminal unconscious and changed his clothes and successfully infiltrated.

“Wouldn’t it be the same effect to feel like you’re fed and being directly arrested by the other party and going to jail?”

Alan, who suddenly returned to his senses, felt that after breathing the air of an alien planet, his whole brain became short-circuited.

Fortunately, the topographic map of the entire prison had been well remembered by him, and it was not a big problem to escape safely.

“Catch this stinky bitch, Ronan’s lackeys should all die!”

“Kill her! Avenge our family! ”

“Go and die you executioner!”

It was midnight, and most of the members of the prison had a feud with Ronan, and Drax the Destroyer was one of them.

The gang carried Kamora away, intending to execute him in public, but were stopped in time by Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon.

“The real murderer is Ronan that bastard, what is the ability to bully a woman here, I guarantee this guy has broken with the Kree Legion.”

Drax was already overwhelmed by revenge and was about to punch Starlord down, but was easily blocked by Alan.

“This punch is good, enough to rival Captain America, but unfortunately even the Rogers guy can’t beat me.”

Raising his legs sharply, he kicked out a fast and shadowless leg wind, instantly knocking Drax’s robust body to the ground.

The rest of the criminals wanted to attack them en masse, but when they saw the double gunners in Alan’s hands, they immediately gave up this idea.

“You guy has finally come, and I’m really afraid that you will take away the Cosmic Spirit Ball and fly so far.”

Star-Lord gave the other party a warm hug, and then discussed escaping immediately, and Allen directly pulled out a remote control and pressed it.


When passing through the prison, he had already planted a large number of bombs, waiting for the detonation to be detonated, blocking the prison soldiers from coming to support.

As for which direction they fled, wasn’t the wall on the side the best way to escape?


Even the level of technology here is difficult to block the blasting power of the C4 bomb, and the entire wall is collapsed by the aftermath of the explosion.

“The rare plan to escape from prison, you alien brothers should seize it.”

Alan beckons Starlord, Camorra, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot to flee and return to the Vormir as the rioting prison criminals create chaos.

Camora asked to go to the Territory of the Know-Nothing, where collectors knew the origin of the Cosmic Spirit Orb and could sell a high bounty of four billion.

Alan had no objection to this, they really should find a place to rest, and as for the origin of the Infinity Stones, he had no interest in listening.

Now that the Infinity Stones are in anyone’s hands, it will most likely be found by the forces of Thanos, and they will be snatched after being killed by force.

Even if he was confident in his gun skills, Alan could hardly guarantee that he could deal with Thanos, who was already nearly invincible.

As soon as he got off the ship, Alan borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from Camorra to buy rare materials for research on new types of firearms and robot ammunition.

The sharpshooter is a very resource-intensive profession, and even for the sake of the next big war, he must fully arm himself.

【Didi! Tony Stark asks to speak to you. 】

Clicking on the call from his watch, Alan heard Tony’s eager greeting directly, which made him wonder how the signal had come to be so far away.

“Hey Aaron are you okay with this guy?” Looks like you’ve had a good life on the alien planet…”

Clicking on the screen, Tony saw the bustling streets behind Allen, full of sci-fi buildings far beyond the technology of the earth.

“Thanks to your blessing, I didn’t get killed by you guy…”

Thinking of the test flight experience of the previous few days, Alan still felt afraid, fortunately he was captured by the interstellar pirate ship in time, otherwise drifting in the universe was very dangerous.

“Remember to come back and buy the weapons drawings and scientific and technological data of that planet, cough… This is all for the sake of the progress of human civilization. ”

Director Fury was relieved to see that Alan was safe and sound, and asked the other party to buy something for him that could only be bought from an alien planet.

“You said it lightly, do you have the ability to transfer millions of dollars to my account now?”

This sounds embarrassing, because the currency on Earth is not within the scope of the Interstellar Alliance, so it cannot be exchanged with the currency of other planets.

As the words were being said, a large fleet of the Legion of Kree had arrived, which made Allen’s look change and forget that there was still this plot, and it seemed that he could only continue to fight.

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