
The collector’s residence exploded in a staggering explosion, but it was the Power Gem that exploded, destroying the entire building.

“Is this the power of the Power Gem?” It’s really extraordinary. ”

Ronan and the army behind him stepped off the ship, and when they saw the Power Gem, seeing the power that led to this power, a kind of wild hope in their hearts also soared.

If you can have this power and use it freely, why should you submit to Thanos? Wouldn’t it be better to embrace yourself as the new overlord of the universe?

The crowd rushed out of Drax’s figure with a dagger in both hands, a pair of eyes full of vengeful anger, and rushed towards this side.

“Ronan, you bastard, today is your death day!”

Then blocking the other party’s attack, Ronan waved his scepter and directly knocked it away, now his mind was full of power gems, but he didn’t have time to pay attention to this guy.

Maybe he killed his family in the past, but so what? There are too many people who want to kill themselves, and the destroyer is only the most insignificant one.

“Get out! There’s no time to mess around with you, you guys went over and gave this guy some color to see. ”

Against such goods, Ronan’s Kree soldiers could easily do it, and there was no need to personally shoot it themselves.

The only trouble now was that in order to prevent himself from swallowing the Power Gem, this guy specially sent his Black Yao Five Tiger General of the Dead Blade to supervise him.

“Such a low-level cargo is also worth the whole army, and the people of the Kree Legion are really waste.”

The General of the Dead Blade carried the Peerless Blade on his back, and his eyes looked indifferently as if any creature was a dead thing in front of him, and the sharp edge displayed made people dare not underestimate his combat strength at all.

In Marvel, he relied on a sharp-bladed spear and directly fought with all the members of the X-Men without showing any success.

Even the Avengers did not pay attention to him, in order to pursue the strong, even if it is to betray the race, it is worth it to throw in the hands of Thanos.

Any enemy who stands in the way of Thanos’ plan for the destruction of the universe will be decapitated by his own hands, and the fighting style pursues absolute cruelty and bloodshed.

Ronan thought he might not be his opponent, but the bloodthirsty and belligerent personality of the other party could be used.

“According to intelligence, there is a sharpshooter in the Guardians of the Galaxy who is very strong, maybe you can try it.”

Speaking of this, Ronan smiled darkly at the corner of his mouth, he just wanted the General of the Dead Blade to fight with the difficult guy, and then no matter who lived or died, it would not be bad for him.

“Hope you guy isn’t lying, or I’ll come back and cut off your head!”

Hearing that there was a master present, the Death Blade General’s eyes flashed with essence, and he took off the Peerless Blade and suddenly sprang out of the distance of hundreds of meters, which was incredibly fast.

“What a stupid fellow, wait for the Power Gem to obediently fall into my hands.”

Ronan chuckled and led a large army towards the location of the Star Lord.


As Alan walked through the fountain garden, he saw several corpses in the distance fall to the ground, as if to demonstrate to himself, posing in a provocative twist.

“How long do you have to hide, and where did I provoke you with a murderous look?”

The two guns were turned out, and Alan was keenly aware of the presence of the General of the Dead Blade, and the blood stained by the opponent’s killing light was enough to spill all over a small planet.

“I feel it, the breath of dark magic at this time, and I hope that your strength can make me addicted.”

As soon as the words fell, the Death Blade General’s figure flickered, and he instantly appeared in front of Alan, and the sharp blade in his hand slashed out a strange and changeable edge.

Because he hosts his soul on the blade in his hand, he can also be resurrected an infinite number of times, and his super strength and healing ability are enough to defeat any opponent he encounters.

Unless he can break his unique blade, it will be difficult for even the Avengers to kill such an enemy.

Bang Bang Bang!

A rain of bullets was cut off by the Death Blade General, and the penetrating bullets could make him feel pain.

The flickering blade of any object can be easily cut, even if Alan is slashed, it will take a lot of damage.

Taking out the Gatling machine gun, the roaring fire was fired at the other side, finally making the General of the Dead Blade feel threatened, using high-speed movement to avoid the incoming bullets.

Unleash a large number of self-detonators to arrange around, and then release the pursuers to quickly climb towards the Dead Blade General.


The figure of the Dead Blade General was blown away, landing on the ground to reveal a wretched figure, his eyes burning with anger, and he felt that it was a great shame to be defeated by an earthling.

The burns and wounds on his body were healing rapidly, the dark flame energy on the Peerless Blade in his hand was shining, and he had been completely angered by Alan.

“Don’t you think you’ve lost face?” The next good play has just begun…”

At this time, the General of the Dead Blade found that under his teaching, the self-detonator had begun to make a police roar, and then exploded in place.

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