In Lieutenant Colonel Spar’s opinion, the joint operation has gone very well so far.

The moment she received a signal from Ross from inside the factory, she immediately gave the order to attack in full. With her order, the heavily armed commandos jumped up and rushed | the evil base entrenched by thugs from all sides under the suppression of sniper fire.

These painted-faced lads moved quickly in skirmishers in the open area outside the factory building, keeping the formation as loose as possible to reduce possible casualties. They wore military body armor produced by cutting-edge laboratories, held Colt MOD733 0.22-inch assault rifles, bulging magazine bags around their waist, and carried several weapons such as | Raiders and M9-style multi-purpose bayonets.

In order to deal with an unknown number of superpowers among the enemy, some elite team members also carry special attack weapons. Flash blasts can produce an instantaneous brightness of 2.4 million candles and a blast of up to 170 decibels, and victims will become deaf and blind; M15 white | phosphorus bomb is a more vicious weapon, this grenade can kill or seriously injure the enemy within 50 feet—- more terrifying is that once this shrapnel enters the |body will be difficult to remove, if you can not keep the skin | moist enough, the shrapnel that continues to burn can produce a high temperature of about 60 seconds within 25 yards, and the heat energy of 5000 degrees is enough to incinerate all dangerous creatures.

In fact, some of these weapons have been banned by international conventions, but no one wants to tie their hands and feet on the battlefield against superpowers.

The lieutenant colonel is well aware of the general’s boldness, and right behind her, several daredevils are ready, they are the general’s most loyal children, once the situation deteriorates to the point that it cannot be recovered even if the army aviation team is dispatched to carry out air strikes, then these daredevils will risk sending Cremore special explosives to a powerful opponent, detonating a small mushroom cloud with their own lives, and dying with all enemies within 150 square feet.

Of course, this is the last resort, and no one wants to see them forced into reality.

When entering the | to a range of 300 feet from the factory area, the thugs inside opened fire, their hiding position was quite hidden, and the marksmanship was also very accurate, and the firefight did not take long, the soldiers who rushed in front were continuously hit by bullets, but the other side did not have much heavy firepower, and the general invested too much in the equipment of this elite force, coupled with the strong defensive effect of the new protective gear, these factors combined to make the commandos as brave as Rambo in the movie.

In just over ten seconds, hundreds of soldiers swarmed in, and some people were constantly knocked down by the kinetic energy carried by bullets on the way, but soon they got up again and approached the vicinity of the courtyard wall, and the demoman used a small blasting device to blast out a hole in the one-foot-thick wall, and the soldiers behind rushed in while the smoke was not clearing.

At the critical moment, the enemy inside also launched a countercharge.

“Whoop—-“, a loud roar, a dozen abominations joined forces to kill the crowd, and a cunning ambush at the head was behind ordinary kidnappers, until the soldiers rushed nearby and suddenly transformed, like a tank, they beat the soldiers running in the front to vomit blood and fly out, knocking down a group of commandos behind.

“Abominations appear, let the watchmen deal with them!” The lieutenant colonel made a quick decision and transferred the second wave of troops closely following the soldiers to the battlefield through portable individual radios.

“Someone is hurt, sir.” A soldier on the front line knelt on the ground and shouted, and beside him lay several wounded colleagues, one of whom was particularly seriously injured, vomiting blood and convulsing.

“A blow to the abdomen, suspected bleeding from internal organs, doctor, quickly inject him with Phinex potion!” His superiors glanced at him in a hurry, then covered the medics to treat the wounded.

In the case of traditional combat mode, there are only two options at this time, either to carry the seriously wounded back to the rear and reduce the combat power of one or two soldiers, or to put him in place. But now with the Phinex potion produced in the cutting-edge laboratory, minor injuries can be quickly contained, and serious injuries can be greatly reduced depending on the specific situation, which is a life-saving boon for frontline soldiers.

And in this joint operation, they enjoyed more than just medical benefits, as the second wave of forces joined the battle, the watchmen took control of the decline in time, they exerted their strong personal combat power, with the cooperation of a large number of commandos, to resist the violent attacks of the abominations, and then use the superiority of numbers and equipment to regain the situation little by little.

In fact, if it weren’t for Ross’s prior explanation, Bobby and Pete could have done better, but this is not a battlefield dominated by the laboratory, the army is the protagonist of this battle, and the watchman only needs to do his duty, and does not need to steal the limelight from others.

Although this strategy is conservative, it is very suitable for the needs of the current stage and can avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lieutenant Colonel Spal has been closely observing the battlefield in the rear, she used the drone and the video transmitted back by the miniature real-time acquisition lens worn by the soldier to judge the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, in addition to the savage opponent, but also secretly assessed the strength of the allies, seeing the performance of the two sides, the lieutenant colonel nodded slightly.

If she and the General had some scruples about the power of mutants before, now that she had seen the Watcher’s performance with her own eyes, she began to feel that there might be some overreaction ahead. From the lieutenant colonel’s point of view, those strange abilities are not as big a threat as imagined, and they are certainly not small in power when used on ordinary citizens, but if it is a large-scale group battle, a few fireballs or a breath of freezing gas are not much use at all, but the role in street combat mode is still obvious.

Just as Spal was thinking, another piece of good news was sent back by the officers in front.

“Lieutenant Colonel, Miss Betty and Mr. Byrne have been found, they have successfully escaped and are returning to safety under our escort.”

“Very good, well done!”

Listening to the report of his subordinates, the corners of the lieutenant colonel’s mouth couldn’t help but raise an arc.


Sitwell kept running in the dim secret |passage, the killing outside was noisy, fortunately, no one paid attention to the hidden underground part for the time being, he searched for more than a dozen evacuation exits along the way, but very few people were able to evacuate in time, and the other thirty people were all trapped on it, it can be said that the operation was completely destroyed.

“Is there anyone else, the operation failed, evacuate immediately!” He yelled loudly over the communicator, but he knew it was just a luxury.

Not every agent knows about the existence of the secret |, only a few captains and core members know the final escape, but most of them have |injected Samuel’s greening potion, and now they are probably under military siege.

After Bronsky’s blow, Sitwell has completely lost hope, the cutting-edge laboratory has hidden its strength too deeply, since Samuel’s green transformation people cannot succeed, then the organization also lacks the means of control, and it is impossible to win in a face-to-face direct confrontation.

It seems that the above is still too impatient, continuing to lurk is the best strategy, you should wait for the opportunity as before, use the power of the government and S.H.I.E.L.D. to constantly exert pressure, force Ross to hand over the secret of transforming creatures, and then use the contradictions between the two sides to win time to accumulate strength, and then rush out of the darkness when the time is ripe, then the certainty of success may be greater.

Thinking so, his heart was like being pressed by a heavy rock, his whole body was covered in sweat, and the gold-rimmed glasses were crooked on the bridge of his nose, and he didn’t even have time to reach out to straighten it.

There was no reply on the intercom, only a burst of gunshots and screams, which made him tremble all over |, and gradually even these two voices weakened, and he began to hear the shouts of the soldiers getting closer and closer.

“Drive, can’t wait any longer, we retreat immediately!” Sitwell wiped his sweat and urged his terrified men.

The driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the tunnel at full speed, speeding with four people through a hidden and dark forest path.

It’s only a dozen miles away from Hackensack, and as long as they leave New York State, Sitwell and the others can sneak back to their respective departments by organizing branches in the New Jersey area, and tomorrow when the sun rises, he is still the personable S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, just after a thrilling rock climbing on vacation, and no one will doubt that he played a major role in the kidnapping of the general’s daughter.

Just as Sitwell comforted himself, the light in the jungle quickly dimmed down.

“It’s going to rain?” He subconsciously raised his head and was shocked to find two women floating in midair.

One of the long white hair fluttered in the wind, and his eyes released a trace of electric light.

With her as the center, powerful charges rapidly gathered in the dense dark clouds, and blue electric light continued to erupt in the violent thundercloud storm, and the air emitted the smell of ozone under the action of strong voltage.

“This is … Mutants? Sitwell exclaimed, he didn’t know whether to raise his pistol and shoot into the sky, the entire cloud lit up, a huge | lightning turned into countless silver snakes to bombard downward, and suddenly the silver snakes danced wildly in the air, countless small lightning fell to the ground, jumping rapidly along the surface of the earth, turning this area into a thunder hell that could not be seen directly.

Hit by this wave, the smoking car rushed out of the forest path, broke several tree trunks and tumbled to the ground, Sitwell lay dying in the car, and the last few men who came out with him were blown up by the falling thunder, and only he miraculously saved his life.

Storm Girl Ororo dispersed the clouds, and the sky soon brightened.

The red-haired woman who accompanied her fell, walked gently to Sitwell’s side and looked down at him.

Sitwell’s pupils looked stiffly at the red-haired girl, and he gradually remembered that this was one of the former X-Men of the Mutant Academy, the Phoenix Girl Jean Grey.

Seeing the appearance of two long-missing X-Men, combined with what happened recently, Sitwell couldn’t help but have a terrible conjecture.

The creation of cutting-edge laboratories, the fall of Xavier College, the killing of Stryker, the rapid rise of mutants, the fall of Watsonton, the assassination of Malik…

If you string all these seemingly unrelated isolated events together in an invisible thread and boldly imagine the connection, you may come to an incredible conclusion.

Maybe the cutting-edge lab is not only hiding super biomodification technology, maybe Ross Byrne is the invisible deadly enemy…

Sitwell lay in the wreckage of the car and thought stunnedly, he was now covered in blood and flesh blurred, his body was roasted by the high temperature and scorched black marks, he couldn’t even say a word, the shrewdness and ruthlessness of the past were all gone, only his thinking was extremely active at this moment.

Soon Storm Girl also appeared in his line of sight, looking at him along with Jean.

“Is he still alive?” Ororo asked a little unbearably.

“It’s enough to live for a day.” Her companion replied lightly.

“I won’t… Betraying the organization…”, Sitwell said intermittently with all his strength, and when he opened his mouth, some blood droplets flowed down the corners of his mouth.

“I know.” Jean glanced at him indifferently, and that look seemed to penetrate all the secrets of Sitwell’s life.

Then she leaned down | and straightened Sitwell’s head with invisible mental power, looking deeply into his eyes.

After a faint vertigo, Sitwell’s eyes lost focus.

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