Regardless of the private actions of Violin and Ororo, the main battlefield of the joint force was always under the watchful eye of the rear command center, and when the general received the news that his daughter Betty was successfully rescued, one of the main criminals was killed on the spot, and the other was also brought back by Ross’s men during the escape, and the other gangsters were all arrested, he finally couldn’t help his inner joy and hugged the people in the command center including George on the spot.

In the midst of cheers, the general chewed on a cigar in his mouth, “boom”, opened a strand of authentic California champagne with his own hands, and the liquid | of gradient amber, brass and golden | was poured into the transparent glass, and the command room suddenly emitted the aroma of fresh almonds and wheat harvest season.

Without his orders, the young men of the staff have already begun to automatically sort out the information, prepare a combat report as soon as possible to report to the Pentagon, and then a warm celebration awaits them.

It’s no wonder they’re so excited, it’s really that the federal government has been lackluster in the battle against superpowers, and there is nothing worth mentioning.

According to past experience, if it is a low-level ability, a few police officers may be able to cope with it, and then the public will not care whether it succeeds or not. But once the confrontation between ordinary people and the strong breaks out, then do not use special means, are not prepared to cause a large number of casualties or even millions or even more monetary losses, do not want to win at all.

Since the loss of the moderate mutant academy, without the power of checks and balances, the balance that could have been maintained has plummeted to the other end, which has become more and more obvious, Magneto and Speedy have never cared about the anger of the government, Dr. Doom Victordum has dared to openly trample on the laws of the United States, and even this nascent abomination organization dares to kidnap the relatives of important Army members.

Under such circumstances, sober-minded politicians and tycoons have to carefully consider the consequences before making a decision, thinking that even if victory is achieved, the subsequent series of reactions may lead to a surge in the federal government’s fiscal deficit or a deterioration of relations with the superworld, so it is better to win by conventional means, a landmark victory, comparable in significance to the Battle of Saratoga in the War of Independence.

It is conceivable that this battle will open a new chapter in human society and superpowers, the military will repeatedly study every piece of the whole process, learn useful experience from it, find the right way to improve their combat effectiveness step by step, those strong people no longer want to flout the law, ridicule the system, they must face up to the existence of the United States, learn to fear the will of the government.

Although this battle is inseparable from the help of the watchmen, there are inevitably mutant power factors, but the military for the first time to the super-powered victory in the war is of great significance, only need to focus on the part needed to publicize, other factors can be completely eliminated, this I believe the mainstream media will also be willing to cooperate, after all, political correctness is a very important principle, and the front war report also shows that ordinary soldiers are the main force in the battle, as long as some guys like the watchman are properly supplemented, Heavily armed soldiers can beat powerful opponents all over the ground.

The general himself thought so, and when he received a special line report from the lieutenant colonel, he firmed up this view.

After all, humans are the protagonists in this world, mutants, other superpowers, maybe in a certain historical period a few individuals are very strong, but as a group, they have too many irreparable shortcomings, far less prosperous and rich than human society, let alone work together to unify opinions.

Now that the general has begun to fantasize about whether to recruit a few mutant soldiers in the future, hiring superpowers like Ross’s Watcher seems to be a very good choice, through this incident it seems that Banner’s ability is a bit monotonous, even if he finds the mystery of his body, the general feels that he should add some auxiliary power, like the guy who can search for miniature electronic devices mentioned by Spal is very good.

The ability is not strong or weak, as long as it is easy to use—- the general unconsciously formed such a point of view and was full of interest.

Of course, more than those mutant bodyguards can not be ignored, is the cutting-edge laboratory of the new potion, Ross is worthy of the top biologist of ding, such an invention is almost comparable to the creation of Captain America’s super soldier serum, but with a time limit, it is said that the maximum maintenance time is no more than half an hour each time, and the production cost has not yet decreased.

But in any case, the general raised the importance of this young man to another level in his heart, and if he could, he wanted to have a good talk with Ross about future cooperation now.

“It’s not that simple.” George disagreed.

“What do you say?” The general asked, holding his glass.

After the previous events, their relationship is a little more relaxed than in the past, and it is not as tense as before. At this time, the two were chatting alone on the balcony, and the officers and police officers in the command center carefully avoided the two superiors.

“Do you know how much Ross spent on the Watchmen?” George asked rhetorically.

“How many can there be, fifty thousand to two hundred thousand a year?” The general laughed, guessing casually while drinking.

The former figure is the average annual salary of his commandos, which is not low compared to the rest of the army, and he also tries to fight for the welfare and | of his people in all aspects, which is one of the important reasons why the general’s subordinates have always remained loyal to him.

The latter figure is the annual salary of Air Force pilots, which varies according to rank, and the annual salary of ordinary fighter pilots is about 220,000 to 250,000.

According to today’s income, an annual salary of 50,000 can be said to enter the threshold of | into the middle class, and more than 80,000 can be said to be a wealthy class, and in the general’s mind, the value of those retired non-commissioned officers with average combat skills and desperate mutants cannot be higher than 200,000 US dollars.

But his views were ridiculed by the chief.

George has known Rose since he was in high school, and his daughter is one of his girlfriends, arguably the outsider who knows the most about the lab. When Ross founded the Watchmen Company, some of the retired military and police officers were introduced by him and Will, and their moral abilities were reasonable, of course, he knew much more about the Watchmen than the generals.

He casually reported a number, and the general was taken aback.

“One hundred thousand a month?” The general couldn’t help but exclaim, the army has the system of the army, even if he is such a courageous person, it is impossible to casually increase the salary of his subordinates so much.

With the exception of billionaires like Ross, no army can afford it.

“In addition to these, there are various mission rewards and | benefits, and Gwen and I have talked about many benefits of the laboratory, and I still haven’t figured out how many there are.” George sighed that he had also been frightened by the treatment revealed by his daughter, such conditions, only a few large companies with good profits in North America can do, but thinking about the semi-monopolistic nature of the laboratory, it seems normal.

In just one year, Ross’s laboratory has reached this point, and the George couple often marvel at it when they mention it privately. If they could, they would love to see their two sons join the | and work in the lab like their sister.

This number also completely defeated the general, who could not in any way give such a high treatment as Ross, and even if he could, it was impossible to take care of the emotions of other subordinates.

Maybe he could hire some mutants with particularly ordinary abilities… But what’s the use of a guy like that coming? Wouldn’t it be more obedient than them to make a report to the logistics department and bring in some firearms and equipment and the like, and not have to pay salaries?

The general smiled bitterly, only to dispel the unrealistic rhapsody in his heart.

This kind of luxury can only be borne by a billionaire like Ross, anyway, with this cooperation as a basis, it will be good to go through the hiring process again when needed in the future, the general has a deep connection in the Army, Ross also has some connections in the Ministry of Defense, plus Betty’s contact, there must be no resistance.

After thinking for a while, the general put down his mind and stood on the high balcony with George drinking and talking to the bright city of spring |, and the traffic under their feet was endless, looking at the fields and woods in the distance, and without the pressure of the past few days, they were quite happy for a while.

Just as the general and the bureau chief were in a good mood, an unexpected guest came from the northwest, having just crossed the Manhattan River via the George Washington Bridge.

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