The joint military operation on the border between the two states ended, all the gangsters were controlled by the military, and several helicopters hovering in the air ended their alert and landed on the flat ground outside the factory area.

“Aren’t you going back with us?” Rose stared into Betty’s blue eyes and helped her brush a strand of hair from her cheek.

“I’m going to Daddy’s and I want to talk to him about Bruce… You know, I have a great responsibility for what happened to him. Betty took his hand and whispered, not that she didn’t want to leave with Ross, but after this thrilling kidnapping, she couldn’t wait to help poor Banner get back to a normal life.

In front of Betty’s xiong, there were two slender test tubes, full of crimson serum.

While the coalition forces were cleaning up the battlefield after the war, Betty found an excuse to sneak into the research room where she had been imprisoned, and secretly put the two tubes that Samuel had dropped on the workbench during the attack into her close-fitting clothes. At that time, Ross was receiving a briefing from the watchmen, and the soldiers did not know the importance of this thing, so Lieutenant Colonel Spahl was careless, and the two precious serums were quietly taken away by the daughter of his superior.

Betty didn’t have any other thoughts, she just didn’t want anyone to be hurt again, and she didn’t want to see Bruce’s blood cause more trouble, which was really an invisible blow to her.

After the two said goodbye, Ross boarded his private helicopter, and now he is returning to the laboratory in northeast New York… By the way, check out the wonderful performance of the uninvited guest.

The rotors turned rapidly, the wind spread around, Betty waved her hand below, and her graceful figure gradually shrank as the distance became farther away.

Now only Jean and Ororo are by Ross’s side, and the unconscious Jennifer Walters is curled up on the sofa opposite, Banner’s cousin has recovered from the female Hulk form to an ordinary female appearance, but according to the military’s preliminary examination, her situation is not optimistic, no abnormalities have been found in her body, she has the same amazing resilience as Hulk, but Samuel’s transformation log mentioned that in order to facilitate manipulation in her brain did some hands and feet, she needed to return to the laboratory for a comprehensive test, So Ross took her back.

The three of them chatted casually, looking down at the green hills below as if they were relaxing in the |wilderness, and the spring scenery swept by, and soon they approached the suburbs of New York, and the population gradually became dense.

“Where’s Banner?” As he passed by Overpec County Park, Ross asked casually.

“Just crossed the bridge.” Jean closed her eyes and silently answered for a moment.

“I feel like he’s starting to get hot, and this time he’s ten times more violent than before.” The phoenix goddess looked faint, but her tone was a little solemn.

“Is he dangerous?” Ororo interjected.

In her opinion, Banner, who appeared last time, was like a clown, running around in the sky restaurant, being beaten by the general with red cheeks in order to transform, but in the end he did nothing.

“I can control him.” Jean smiled slightly. “But I have to meet him, face to face.”

“Then he’ll throw his fist at you.” Ross warns them that Jean can sense the surging energy of the Hulk, and she will not be careless, but Ororo neither knows the power of the Hulk like Ross, nor can he sense the trickiness of the other party like his companions, so he must warn her in advance not to be careless.

“Once you do it, don’t expect this guy to be merciful like Rogan, and now is not the time.” He glanced to both sides, and outside was an escort helicopter sent by the general. “We have passionate defenders, so at this exciting time, it’s best to think of yourself as an audience and sit and applaud obediently.”

Ororo gave him a blank look, she didn’t mean to do it, Storm Girl was not a rough man like Golden Steel Wolf or Red Tank| aggressive, and she was not interested in the strange Hulk at all.

“Tell Marco that he can go now, and if there is time, you can grab a bite to eat or take a good nap along the way, and then we can enjoy the ultimate wrestling battle between the Red Tank and the Hulk.” Ross was talking as several black plumes of smoke rose from the center of the city across the Hudson River.

“It’s so fast.” He blinked and instructed the pilot to approach the riot site.


By this time, Banner’s thinking had disappeared, and Hulk was dominated by feverish anger.


Green eyes scanned the surroundings endlessly, as if they could not see the crowd frantically fleeing on the ground, could not hear the shrill sirens, in Hulk’s field of vision, there seemed to be a looming beautiful shadow in every direction, but when he walked over obsessively, he always found only fearful passers-by.

Maybe it was these filthy bugs that frightened her and should drive them all away.

Thinking so, he ignored the shouts of others, and walked over to the muzzles of dozens of fierce guns, and from time to time there were fierce gunshots |in the air, dense bullets whistling, hitting the Hulk’s dark green skin like locusts, making a dull and irritating sound, but leaving no scars.

Seeing this scene, General Thaddeus Ross’s direct troops were quite calm, but when the soldiers of other units saw it, they could not help but be shocked by the horror of the enemy.

A Hulk casually walked out in the smoke, rampaging through the bustling streets of the past, the daring reporter ventured closer, turned the camera on him, and the audience in front of the TV immediately saw the scene of the Hulk ramming the streets of New York.

He roared loudly, lifted one car after another over his head, threw them out of mid-air, crashed into buildings in the center of the street or roadside, and broke into piles of steel debris, bursting into fiery fireballs.

Swinging around, luxury storefronts were destroyed, doors and windows were all shattered, tables and chairs and cabinets were trampled to pieces, and chaos was around.

“The Hulk moved in the direction of Hamley Avenue, and the firearms had no effect.”

“We need fire support, we need fire support, ask for authorization from above.”

“Approved above, get ready to fire!”

In the noise, more than a dozen individual missiles dragged a long tail flame towards the huge body of the Hulk, and then a series of explosions came from the center of the street, half of the block was dyed red by flames, a huge | mushroom cloud rose into the air, and thick smoke continued for a long time between the high-rise streets.

The air was filled with the choking smell of gunsmoke spreading out with the strong shockwave, and people thought that this time it would be a fatal blow to the Hulk, or at least stop his movement, but within seconds, the familiar green giant jumped out of the smoke again.

“He jumped behind the defense line, and the brothers behind paid attention…”

Without waiting for the warning ahead, the Hulk had already rushed into the approaching armored convoy through the rain of bullets, and his huge |fist with a fierce force smashed into the front of the armored car with a punch.

With a tooth-biting bang, the armored vehicles traveling at high speed were forced to stop in a violent tremor |.

Hulk’s fist plunged deep into the special armored steel plate, smashed a big hole, and then he put his other hand in, opened his arms and tore it violently, and suddenly a sharp metal sound sounded, the entire armored combat vehicle was forcibly torn in half by him, the driver and machine gunner escaped from the car in embarrassment, and his feet were beaten into the air by the Hulk before they landed.

Eliminating an opponent, the Hulk punches his mouth like an orangutan, shouting his name.


The loud noise of the | overwhelmed all the noise, and then he continued to rush towards the convoy behind, and one armored car after another was torn apart, revealing the terrified faces inside.

In an emergency, General Thaddeus Ross rushed over when he heard the news, and promptly covered the withdrawal of the soldiers in front of him from the shadow of the Hulk, although his large forces were still in the Northwest Territories before they had time to return, but his men still had some loyal subordinates.

“The small bomb can’t stop him, your provocations will only make him more crazy.” The general has been appointed by the White House to dictate to all nearby troops.

“Fools, concentrate all your firepower within range two, and a heavy fire attack can cut every piece of flesh on his bones to pieces!” Inspired by another battlefield, the current general is confident.

“It would be nice if Ross’s Watchmen were there, or if I sent back the special weapons I had prepared, knowing that the joint operation was so smooth, I should have retained some of my strength, so that my confidence would be greater…” the general thought to himself, but the current situation did not allow him to regret it, now in the Pentagon he has become a leading figure against superpowers, under his strong advocacy, the federal government agreed to wage war against irrational opponents in the downtown area, if this time first win and then lose, That was no small blow to the general’s prestige.

“Fire, turn the place into a sea of fire!” The thought passed in an instant, and the general decisively waved his arm in the midst of a roar.

As heavy weapons fired fierce|ly, the transparent air trembled and twisted, the gray-black smoke billowed violently, and the entire street was shattered by the sweeping metal storm.

A series of explosions caused the nearby shops to collapse, and the cars on the side of the road had escaped the Hulk’s trampling, and now it is difficult to escape the hands of humans, except for a very few who stopped too far to escape, all other vehicles rolled and slipped with strong air wave|s, and then continued to turn into a bright fireball to create a greater momentum. When the surrounding obstacles were completely removed, the originally congested street center suddenly became wider.

Just as the general was anxiously waiting for good news, the flames and smoke that shrouded the street were suddenly torn open in a huge | hollow, and then the Hulk rushed forward with a strong flame.

Countless machine gun shells, grenades, and armor-piercing shells fell on his body, and the Hulk was beaten into a roar and made an amazing sound.

His anger rose again and again, and the power within the Hulk body | also increased, and finally he stopped the flood of steel frenzy, and crashed into the heavy fire position with amazing momentum like a burning fireball.

The general watched as the green figure he had captured for years flashed in front of him, and then a violent hurricane with a huge | of power fluctuations blew him out and landed heavily on the sidewalk on the side of the road. Until he fell to the ground, he could still feel the vibration of the Hulk who ran farther and farther.

The crowd in the distance had just arrived at a safe place, and when they saw the huge | figure break through the military defense line, they couldn’t help but let out desperate screams of horror again, and many weak people even fainted in shock due to the tachycardia caused by the shock.

In just ten minutes, half of Manhattan was plunged into chaos, and panicked crowds could be seen everywhere running and fleeing on the streets, traffic was completely blocked, cars stuck in the center of the street kept honking their horns and could not make the traffic in front move, and occasionally you could see groups of thugs taking advantage of the fire and robbery, taking advantage of the chaos brought by the Hulk for their own benefit. In the midst of the hustle, Hulk jumped from street to street, constantly searching for illusions that did not exist, spreading terror to every place he passed, until he landed heavily on the square in front of Yankee Stadium, and he stopped temporarily.

The body weighing more than a thousand pounds fell from the air and fell to the ground, the solid concrete floor cracked countless small cracks visible to the naked eye in the thunderous loud noise, the nearby rioting crowd suddenly let out a sharp exclamation, seemingly bold thugs scrambled to slip away from the victims of the robbery, and the driver who was honking desperately also quickly opened the car door and ran desperately into the distance.

In less than two minutes, the usually crowded stadium was empty, littered with garbage and waste, and everyone disappeared without a trace.

At the other end of the square, the soldiers who reconnected with the general had begun to cover the evacuation of the citizens, and in front of the Hulk was another group of superpowers.

“Everyone be careful, he’s coming.” Mr. Fantastic stretched out his rubber arm and dazzled through several instruments, asking them to point their output ports at the Hulk opposite.

“This is an ugly guy, he’s even uglier than Ben. Hey Ben, tell me, do you have a long-lost brother? “Lest the thunderbolt fire of the world not be chaotic and fly into the air with laughter.

“Get away, nasty little slippery.” Ben Greim, the stone man, snorted heavily, and then looked at his companion, who had always been silent.

“Susan, can’t you ask that person to do it again, to be honest, I don’t have confidence in dealing with this guy, I always feel that he is more difficult than Victor.”

“Ben…”, Susan smiled wryly, looking sideways at the crowd behind her.

Unsurprisingly, some people met her gaze and quietly looked away, others didn’t care at all, and boldly looked at her, as if waiting for her to dial a certain number, and then the black lightning bolt came out of the void.

“I think he’ll come when it’s time to come, so let’s be on our own.” Susan flicked her long fringed blonde hair back behind her ear, and her delicate little face tightened.

On the opposite side, the Hulk began to trot faster step by step.

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