After cleaning up the vile eavesdroppers, the small actions of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s private movements were slightly restrained for the next period, and Mary Jane’s new friends did not show any abnormalities, although it meant that more |aggressive actions were secretly brewing, but Ross knew that soon the world would change significantly, and when Thor’s beloved brother Loki came to Earth with the help of the Zitauri and unfolded his interesting conspiracies, Fury would no longer have the energy to deal with himself.

With this understanding, Ross spent the rest of May immersed himself in work, while exchanging theories and technologies from another earth with Connors and others, and unknowingly, more than a month passed quietly, and soon the hot June would end in a hurry.

During this time, everything went quite smoothly.

Inside the cutting-edge laboratory, after the careful adjustment of Pepper and Connors, the peripheral department, which has always been regarded as a minor, finally began to make its voice, many capable newcomers were recruited, the team strength continued to grow, and many research breakthroughs were made, although they still had many shortcomings, but the prospects were much better than before, at least the income and expenditure situation could basically be balanced, no longer the previous state of simple investment.

In order to encourage high-performing employees, Rost paid a large bonus, and immediately after the hardware upgrade of the laboratory also began to be carried out, the originally planned small hadron collider was abandoned, replaced by a new particle accelerator, its idea came from another world’s cutting-edge laboratory, Ross made some small changes to the idea of | Sen Wells |in Harbin to make it more in line with the laws of the world, and then placed it in the bottom part of the laboratory, where it could |accommodate the giant | The large circular passage, you can imagine how many amazing changes it will bring in the future.

Successive large-scale investments have greatly tightened the cash flow of the laboratory, but strangely, in this case, Ross also suspended the damage control company’s contract extension negotiations with Wall Street, citing a large gap between compensation and input. Although the companies wanted to renegotiate to avoid the property being harmed by superpowers again, Ross did not intend to restart the negotiations anytime soon, he casually found some reasons, Pepper interrupted this attempt according to his wishes, of course, this is not the case, he just does not want to bear a huge liability for signing a joint guarantee contract when the Zitari invade Earth.

Internally, this is largely the case, while externally, the mysterious African country of Wakanda has become the focus of attention at an alarming pace, and the world has heard the country’s name. The U.S. soldiers withdrawn from Central Asia did not have time to return to their homeland to rest, and were directly sent by the Pentagon to Africa, encircling the remote country from all directions.

Because the country has always been closed and its relations with its neighbors are far from harmonious, the Wakanda government always has to learn about the latest developments abroad, and when the king is reminded by the wary prince, he realizes that his country has become the prey of the superpower, and it is too late to use other countries to mediate diplomacy, and can only resist the aggression by force, and then think of other ways to reverse the situation.

As a hateful traitor, the fallen duke was violently attacked by the angry royal family, and Prince Tichara personally led the palace guard to raid the duke’s heavily guarded fortress, causing the duke to almost fall under the control of the government army, but John the Burning Man and others have been grasping the situation near him as mercenaries, saving the duke’s life at a critical moment, escaping from the Wakanda border with him and a group of accomplices, and coming to the United States as the leader of the exiled party to receive asylum, when the combat operation officially began, The Duke would also cooperate with military operations in a political offensive to dismantle the royal rule from within, in order to regain his lost power and wealth.

In addition to the above, there was a small episode during this period: Betty’s father, General Thaddeus, was appointed commander of NATO’s peacekeeping forces in Africa by the president, and the White House was expecting to see his Thunder Commando show its skills, but unexpectedly, the day before the general left the North American continent for Africa, he had to be forced to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment due to a heart attack.

The change nearly ruined Thaddeus’s future, and although he came from a military family, held a lot of power, and had a large network in the Pentagon, he had never been given a single responsibility before, and now he was dragged down by his body when he was finally appointed president.

On another timeline, the general had to retire from the military due to a heart disease and later became secretary of national weapons. But in this world, thanks to Ross’s appearance, he has another option.

In order not to miss the opportunity to create new honor for the family history, Thaddeus simply asked Ross to deeply modify his body according to the situation of his daughter Betty, so that he would no longer be plagued by aging and disease. So after careful surgery, a week later, the general who set foot on the African land has become a humanoid monster like the Hulk, although his appearance has not changed much, but as long as he wants, his body can break through the gorgeous and exquisite general’s dress at any time, turning himself into a powerful red giant, and can maintain clear consciousness.

This change has attracted some conservative enemies for the general within the military circles, and even his Thunder Commando team of super soldiers has been rejected by ordinary soldiers, but the general is a smart man, and in order to realize his ambitions, he does not hesitate to move closer to the cutting-edge laboratory, seeking more help in order to have a more prominent performance in this war and open the ladder to higher levels in the future, which also happens to be in Ross’s interest.

So whether it is for the general’s future or for his own plans, Ross must increase his assistance, so he specially held a large-scale competition to select outstanding talents from the subordinates who have been recruited, and in the future, the company will send them to Wakanda to assist the general’s troops and fight side by side with NATO troops.

Flames sputtered, freezing air attacked, yellow sand fluttered, bullets flew, and after several days of fighting, the final winner finally appeared.

“Well, the winner of this contest is Flint Marko.” Sitting on the stage, overlooking the thousands of watchmen, Ross stood up and handed a gold trophy to the sandman, and the audience suddenly erupted into whistles and applause.

The most vocal mutant before the game, Steel Lux, and the retired special forces soldier nicknamed Barracuda all failed to make it to the end, and they were defeated by Sandman and Burning Man respectively, and then the former dragged the latter into a | battle through amazing endurance, and finally won by disabling the lighter that Burning Man relied on to produce flames.

As a newcomer who has just joined the Watchmen, Sandman Flint can withstand powerful opponents, and it is indeed not easy to win all the way from dozens of |fierce confrontations, and his stoicism is seen by everyone and deserves Ross’s praise.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Sandman took the trophy, hugged Rose hard, and then turned around and raised his hands high to receive cheers from his colleagues in the audience.

Standing next to the sandman, John can only shake his head in annoyance, although his ability and experience are above Flint, but the other party has the ability to induce sand to enhance himself, even if half of the body is burned into a semi-liquid glass by the flames, it can still be maintained, plus the strange characteristics that can be immune to most physical and energy blows, so this time the burning man missed is not too unexpected.

After the war, if John could find a way to make himself flame, this contest would not easily admit defeat because the lighter failed, but fortunately, next time there was a chance, then John would naturally find a more targeted way, but today he could only watch his opponent step on him to become the winner and win the trophy and 200,000 prizes.

Looking at the expressions of the burning man and the other contestants, Ross saw the regret and unwillingness on their faces, which made him quite satisfied, these brats have been a little lazy lately, and now they finally know their shortcomings, and they must tilt their overly vigorous energy towards ability training in the future.

In fact, the Sandman’s ability is far from as powerful as he shows, his ability is better than balanced, he can be immune to part of the blow, and can turn into sand and fly away, there is no particularly fatal flaw, but it is far from invincible.

Spider-Man Peter once used the water from the sewer to make Flint untenable, his body turned into mud and sand disintegrated in the water, and he was forced to rush out far to barely condense his body, if he flexibly grasps this defect, Steelman and Iceman and others can make him unable to stand up, and Fire Man can also find a way to subdue him, not to mention that there are people who did not participate in the competition, if Jean uses mind control, Ororo attacks with storm, Sandman is either erased from consciousness or blown far away to the other side of the city, and there is no way to fight back.

Flint was also roughly aware of his weaknesses, so he kept a very low profile, took the trophy and made a few remarks, and then said no more, just stood aside and wondered whether to use the money to make a down payment for a house with a garden and terrace in a safe area, to satisfy his wife Teresa’s long-standing longing, or as a study fund for his daughter to recover from illness, and deposit them in a bank account.

He had plenty of time to think about these things, but his employer got new news.

Taking advantage of the bustle under the stage, the head of intelligence, Toad Todd, hurriedly walked to the stage and bent down to whisper a few words in Ross’s ear.

Just as Ross was holding a martial arts tournament in Westchester, as far away as eastern Africa, the fierce and aggressive Wakanda finally had their first armed conflict with U.S. forces in Africa.

The result of the conflict was a victory for the Wakandans and a crushing defeat for the U.S. forces.

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