Receiving news from Todd, Ross sent the selected Watchman troops to the Tennessee Air Force Base, and he also traveled to Africa in a military transport plane, and after ten hours of air travel, he finally met General Thaddeus, who had not yet officially taken office.

“I thought your expression would be more depressed, but now it seems that you are in a good mood.” With his feet on the ground, Rose and the general who came to greet him hugged each other, conveying Betty’s concern by the way.

Located in the vast East African steppe, overlooking the majestic Kilimanjaro Mountains in the north of the Great Rift | Valley, the camp is neatly arranged in rows of buildings, the airport is quite busy around the airfield, the ground staff are constantly running around the landing planes, and the soldiers patrolling nearby seem to be in good spirits, although it is not how high the morale is, but there is no appearance of depression.

Following Ross’s line of sight, the general also glanced to the side a few times, and then the two of them walked side by side to the rest area outside the airport in the strong wind blowing from the depths of the prairie.

“Now the old stubborn of the War Department is commanding the army, and some people think that my heart still needs to recuperate, so I can’t officially take over the command until the full diagnostic report is recognized by the Pentagon, so until then someone else will temporarily act as it.” The general said loudly in the wind, and the two walked to the side of the building, and the guards in front opened the door for them.

It was through Thaddeus’ description that Ross learned the specifics of the place.

In just a few days, the conservative faction of the War Department, acting as general, had taken the lead in launching several attacks on Wakanda, aerial bombardment, ground occupation, and the usual methods they used before, but the final effect was very unsatisfactory.

Compared with the United States, Wakanda is a small country, the total number of troops that the royal family can control is only about 800,000 to 100,000, but as a long-term peace, extremely rich in natural resources, the country is extremely rich economically, through independent production and international procurement of a large number of advanced weapons, and has such wonderful specialties as vibranium, which makes their potential military strength far beyond the Pentagon’s previous expectations.

In the first few attempts, the acting commander noticed that the weapons of the Wakanda army generally used vibranium alloy, which made it difficult for their heavy weapons such as armored fighting vehicles and artillery to be destroyed by air strikes, and later there were more unexpected discoveries, when the outside world threw banknotes to get a gram of vibranium, the source of this vibranium source has reached a considerable extent to the use of domestic specialties, even the concrete uses vibranium slag particles, and this super concrete is used in large quantities in fortresses and road networks. This meant that not only were the airstrikes ineffective, but even NATO army units were kept out of Wakanda’s borders by well-fortified groundwork.

Unless the war escalates and the army is authorized to use more powerful weapons of destruction, conquering the country will be a difficult task.

Just when the acting commander was in great distress, the heroic King of Wakanda, Tichaka, personally led the royal guard across the border and attacked the front headquarters at night, although the king was middle-aged, but still had superhuman strength, under his leadership, the Wakanda people severely damaged the American troops stationed in the forward position, and killed the traitor Duke who led the way for the Americans, until General Thaddeus arrived in time to turn into an angry red giant to regain the defeat and force him to withdraw from the camp.

This short but fierce battle has had a big impact on |both sides, with Wakanda gaining momentum and a lot of intention to promote peace, and conservatives within the US military losing their prestige, but they are still desperately trying to launch another attack before the Pentagon makes a final ruling, proving with victory that ordinary people are still strong enough to defend the world.

“They’re dreaming!” The general took a sip of his cigar and waved his big hand vigorously, defiing his opponent who hindered his promotion like a fly. “I have devoted my life to improving the combat effectiveness of the army, and all sober people should understand that the pattern of war in this world has changed since the emergence of Captain America, and the battle is no longer a group of ordinary people with rifles fighting hard in the trenches, using heavy casualties to determine the final victory, but who has more powerful soldiers and more professional equipment, who has the possibility to break through the defense line and win, Watchman and my Thunder Commando are such a force.”

“That’s right.” Ross nodded in agreement. “Those people don’t see clearly, they’re just fighting with us for | power, which has nothing to do with good or evil, it’s something that changes all the time, and as the victory and defeat continue to grow and fall, politicians, soldiers, consortiums, including us, everyone wants to have stronger power, the power to determine the future, and I believe it is not far away from us.”

“There will be an answer today, maybe a few hours, maybe until the evening, they always have to start moving before the Pentagon confirms the report, we just have to sit here and wait.” The general stroked his beard proudly, and the two held up their wine glasses and touched them gently.

In a crisp clanging sound, the blood-red liquid | reflected a pearl-like luster in the transparent goblet.


Not surprisingly, five hours later, the military operation failed miserably again.

Four thousand NATO soldiers, under the cover of aircraft and artillery fire, followed by hundreds of armored vehicles to the smoky Wakanda position, the result is as before, the position that seems to have been ravaged by artillery fire and missiles is almost unharmed, the energy absorption property of vibranium protects the enemy hiding inside, NATO troops like eggs that dare to challenge the cobblestones, in front of the Wakanda people’s strong and abnormal defensive position, and finally have to brave the bullets from behind to retreat.

“How unwilling!” The temporary commander put down his binoculars and muttered something under his breath. Like Thaddeus, he is a senior army general with even more combat experience than Betty’s father, and he does not want to admit that the elite troops under his command will stop because of such an outdated and backward war model, which also means that the conservatives lose power, like the battle between the battleship faction and the aircraft carrier faction, the faction represented by Thaddeus will become the mainstream in the coming decades.

The next thing to look at is the small army of Thaddeus, which was built at great expense, a group of hateful non-humans, like a suffocating plague, that has squeezed out the living space of ordinary people, and now has come to erode the army.

The interim commander cursed his colleagues, lamenting his bleak future and feeling resentful in his heart.

In fact, he understands the role of super soldiers in this situation, just as only tanks can defeat tanks, in this era, only superpowers can defeat the same extraordinary powers, in the same way, mutants united can rush into Asgard and blatantly seize the treasure of the Norse gods, while a larger number of elite soldiers can only be defeated by a few alien warriors.

When the gap between the two sides increases to a certain extent, no matter how much quantity there is, it is difficult to make up for the quality defect.

The commander is not unaware of this, but in order to protect the existing interests, he cannot immediately change direction without scruples, so he can only play the role of sniping the new force, and now he has finally become a shameful loser.

“It’s up to you next.” After signing the daimyo on the transfer of power, he suddenly felt a sense of relief, followed by some eucadenfreude, and now he wanted to see if Thaddeus, a guy who had always been above Ding, could conquer the Wakanda defenses.

The general did not disappoint him.

“Thunder Commando, start preparing.”

With an order, the loyal soldiers under Thaddeus took out the gun syringes and injected Hercules into their | by themselves.

The cold liquid | body entered the |vein, and soon turned into a magma-like boiling terrifying force, thousands of commandos jumped up one after another, turned into strong and abnormal giants under the stammering gaze of ordinary soldiers, they were like demigods in ancient mythology, put on steel armor and alloy shields, and then assembled in front of the position.

At the same time, the six hundred Watchmen deployed nearby by Ross also completed the injection procedure, and unlike the giant warriors of the Thunder Commando, they have not been surgically modified, they cannot fully exert the role of potions, their size and strength after transformation are slightly smaller, and the equipment is also light armor made of super spider silk, but the safety is not too different, most of these Watchmen have one or two superpowers, which allows them to overcome unexpected difficulties in some cases.

“The troops are ready, do you want to attack?” The General’s loyal subordinate, Lieutenant Colonel Catherine Spar, asked her superior.

“Get moving!” The general stretched out his arm | and pointed straight at the Wakanda line.

The order was conveyed all the way, and soon sixteen hundred super soldiers were in action.

This time there was no aircraft bombardment, no artillery fire and no armored vehicle cover, and under the gaze of tens of thousands of NATO officers and soldiers, the fighters and watchmen of the Thunder Commando formed a skirmish formation and walked towards the fortifications at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

The generals watched closely the figures in the battlefield, watching them shoot at Wakanda, increasing their speed until they were as unstoppable as galloping bulls.

Although some soldiers were inevitably thrown into the air by the rushing air waves, fell dizzy, and the machine guns and bazookas that opened fire fierce|ly also posed a terrifying threat to the brave soldiers, and from time to time people were injured and left the team on the way, shrouded in the smoke of shells falling wildly, but this time was obviously different from the previous offensive, most of the fighters held out near the enemy’s fortifications in dense shrapnel flames, and then used weapons and superpowers to open a gap to the inside of the fortress.

The solid defense line made of vibranium concrete has been smashed by the brave giant, will victory be far away?

In the front command, the general comfortably lit a cigar, glanced at Ross, and then issued a general attack order.

Now there is no need to wait for the sixty-day deadline, from this moment everyone understands that the war has ended prematurely.

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