Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 144 Shocked Mrs. Spider

The reputation of Jiu Si Spider has also experienced some reversal recently.

Radner and Nora were saved by him. Among them, Radner was the son of the owner of a newspaper in New York City. Although the newspaper called "The Bagpipe" was not as strong as the Daily Bugle, it was still ranked high. No.

Under his strong promotion, Bagpipe Daily changed its past behavior and put praise and tracking of Spider-Man's deeds on the newspaper page.

Although many people didn't believe it at first, as reports continued, many people who had been helped by Spider-Man came forward to testify.

Spider-Man's reputation has been gradually reversed.

Even though the Daily Bugle was still sparing no effort to smear Spider-Man, with Daily Bugle's praise, for a while, the voices supporting Spider-Man and opposing Spider-Man were almost even.

This surprised the Nine-Four Spider.

Who doesn’t crave recognition from others?

Especially his Aunt May, who gradually changed her attitude towards Spider-Man after reading reports in the Big Piper Daily that Spider-Man had helped so many people.

Of course, what Bagpipe Daily does is not entirely without gain.

In addition to the fact that Radner invested at a loss out of gratitude for saving his life, later on, because it broke the conventional image of Spider-Man, the sales volume of the newspaper continued to rise.

Not only that, but later on, when Spider-Man had fans who supported him, the sales of Bagpipe Daily began to stabilize completely.

The value of the Daily Bagpipe has naturally increased, and in just over a month, it has become a rival to the Daily Bugle!

——Of course, this is limited to the newspaper industry. The Daily Bugle’s investment involves all aspects and is a behemoth. For example, one of the shareholders of Osborne Technology Company is Jameson.

But Radner and his father were content.

If you can help your benefactor and get practical benefits at the same time, why not do it?

Last week, when the Nine-Four Spider appeared at Radner and Nora's wedding, it made the Nine-Four Spider and the Daily Bagpiper even more famous.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Bid for the time being.

At this time, he was staying in the New Gene Research Institute, waiting for the arrival of the Monument of Time.

According to the announcement, the Monument of Time will arrive at the port of New York City at 12:43 noon today.

However, Bid recalled the plot. If nothing unexpected happens, when the Monument of Light arrives, Silverman (another black boss) will send his subordinate Tietou to snatch it.

So, he contacted Jiu Si Spider in advance and asked him to help bring back the Monument of Time.

What makes Bid strange is that things are somewhat different from what he imagined.

Appearing there, in addition to the Iron Head sent by Silverman (a real Iron Head kid with an alloy head), there was also an army of spider robots.

This army of spider robots comes from Kingpin, who took in Alister, who was defeated by the Nine-Four Spiders, and asked Alister to build spider killer robots for him.

Previously, Alister sent spider killer robots to fight the Nine-Four Spiders several times, but was defeated repeatedly.

But this time, they were more prepared and directly dispatched six spider killer robots.

Although Tietou has an alloy head, his physical fitness is only at the level of ordinary people, and he was quickly defeated in front of the robot army.

The Nine-Four Spider was quite at ease.

In the past month or so, not only had he become completely familiar with his new body and new powers, but he had also created new spider silk.

These new spider silks are tougher than the previous ones, their hardness has completely exceeded that of steel, and their toughness has also been greatly increased.

Compared with other Spider-Man's webs that Bide has seen, it also has the advantage of super fast launch speed.

After a brief battle, the Nine-Four Spider discovered the weaknesses of these spider killer robots, and then scrapped two of them neatly.

However, Alister, who was behind the scenes, probably also knew that the strength of the Nine-Four Spiders had increased significantly for some unknown reason at this time, and these old models of spider killer robots could not defeat him.

So these robots were just used as outcasts to delay him.

Their real purpose is still the Monument of Time.

In the beginning, the Monument of Time was indeed taken away.

But they didn't expect that the Nine-Four Spider had backup.

After they used the helicopter to take away the Monument of Time and thought everything was fine, Bid used the portal to send the Nine-Four Spider directly to the helicopter.

For a moment, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

The Nine-Four Spider subdued all these people with three strikes, five divided by two, and then brought the Monument of Time to the New Gene Research Institute.

Dr. Connors had long known that Bede wanted to study this monument of time, and it seemed to be from a perspective that was different from modern science.

But that didn't matter to him.

He was only interested in the rumored ability of the Time Monument to rejuvenate people, but to be honest, he was not confident that he could actually study it.

His only request was that he could watch from the sidelines while Bied was researching. If Bid discovered something, it would be even better if he could tell him.

In this way, Bide easily obtained the Monument of Time.

However, after some research, he was a little disappointed.

This so-called monument of time actually has nothing to do with "time".

It is actually like a polymer converter, based on some mysterious magic, with stellar energy as the core driving force.

According to scientific research, the number of normal human cell divisions is about 50, and the lifespan of each cell division is about 2.4 years, so the theoretical life span of a human is 120 years.

The effect of the Monument of Time is to "synthesize" the cells in the irradiated human body.

To use an analogy.

The cell before division is called the mother cell, and the new cells that divide are called daughter cells.

After division, the mother cell will gradually age until it dies, and the daughter cells will gradually turn into new mother cells over time, and so on.

After being intervened by the Monument of Time, the divided daughter cells will return to the mother cell and merge with the mother cell again.

As the Monument of Time continues to operate, this effect will become more and more obvious until it can no longer be "synthesized".

That is, the state of becoming the original mother cell, the fertilized egg.

In the original work, the old villain Silverman was forcibly turned into a child because of this.

Later, Vulture also cracked this technology from the Monument of Time and developed a machine that can temporarily restore youth.

In fact, the same is true for the operating principle.

His machine creates a mysterious connection between itself and the target, allowing cells from both parties to exchange to a certain extent, but this connection lasts only a limited time, which is why he needs to constantly attack others to gain youth.

Although this technology that can reverse the growth of human cells and achieve theoretical immortality is very excellent, it is far from the time ability that Bid wanted to obtain in the first place.

Therefore, after studying it, Bide was still a little disappointed.

Just immortal

"Forget it, it's better than nothing." Bid comforted himself.

It really feels like I'm getting a bargain but still doing well.

As for what to do with this monument of time?

After Bide fully analyzed its efficacy, they carefully considered it and decided to destroy it completely.

Once this kind of thing that violates the laws of nature falls into the hands of some thoughtful people, it will plunge the world into a state of eternal disaster.

Anyway, no one knew that this monument of time fell into their hands.

In the eyes of the outside world, this monument of time was snatched away by a group of mysterious people who controlled robots. Although Spider-Man was powerful and tried very hard, he was entangled by those robots and could not escape for a while.

Therefore, the blame was placed on Jin Bin.

Kingpin wanted to maintain his apparent status as a great philanthropist, so he naturally had no way to publicly accuse Spider-Man of stealing and hiding the Monument of Time.

But at the same time, Bide's behavior also completely intensified the conflict between the Nine-Four Spider and Jin Bin!

This set the Kingpin in motion a long-planned plan!

Because of Alister Smyth's repeated failures, Jin Hui completely lost interest in him and felt that he was just wasting so much of his investment.

Everything researched is trash!

So, he asked his men to capture Alister and put him into a potion originally made to deal with mutants, turning him into an artificial mutant - the ultimate spider killer!

The Ultimate Spider Killer is very powerful. He has infinite strength, a defense comparable to that of an alloy, and the two mutated small tentacles on his shoulders can also shoot lasers.

Even the strengthened Nine-Four Spider was no match for him!

In the end, it was Gwen who took action, and the two of them together were able to temporarily defeat the Ultimate Spider Killer.

But because of this, Gwen's identity was exposed!

Of course, this was within the scope of Bid's plan.

It has been two months since he arrived in the world of Nine-Four Spiders, but Mrs. Spider has not shown up yet.

He asked Jiu Si Spider in a roundabout way, but Jiu Si Spider told him that she hadn't been looking for him recently.

This made Bide unable to sit still.

Several other purposes for coming to this world have been accomplished.

The heir family might appear at any time, and he didn't want to spend time with Madam Spider here.

After all, if we look at the timeline of the original novel, it would have been many years before Madam Spider summoned the Nine-Four Spiders to participate in the Secret War!

At that time, Jiu Si Spider had already graduated from Imperial University and became an assistant teacher.

How could he have so much time to waste here?

Therefore, he and Gwen worked together to remove the spider totem aura from Gwen, completely exposing her.

And Mrs. Spider finally couldn’t sit still anymore!

In the past two months, she has been observing Bide.

The more she observed, the more she became aware of Bid's mystery.

And when she felt the familiar aura suddenly revealed on Gwen's body, Mrs. Spider was completely shocked!

If she hadn't been paralyzed, she would have acted like she was dying and sitting up in shock, another short and weak chapter!

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