Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 145 Confronting Mrs. Spider

"Who are you?"

In the mysterious space, Mrs. Spider sat high on the chair, looking down.

And under the chair, standing at this time were Nine-Four Spider and Gwen.

When Gwen exposed her spider totem aura and Spider-Man identity, she was pulled in here by Mrs. Spider.

On the side, Nine-Four Spider also sensed the crazy beating of his spider sense.

He looked at Gwen, doubtful.

Gwen pressed her hand, put on her spider suit to show her identity, and looked around, but she was not panicked.

All this was expected by her and Bid.

Nine-Four Spider said in surprise: "You, you are also Spider-Man!"

"Hmm," Gwen raised her hand, then looked at Mrs. Spider.

Mrs. Spider was also looking at Gwen carefully, and said, "You don't seem surprised at my existence. Who are you? Spider-Man from another world? But you are not Peter Parker!"

"No one has ever stipulated that only Peter Parker can be Spider-Man," Gwen shook her head and said, "My name is Gwen Stacy, you can also call me Spider Gwen!"

"Gwen Stacy" Mrs. Spider repeated the name, but found that she had no impression of it at all.

But she did feel the familiar spider breath from Gwen, and it was the kind of neutral and peaceful spider breath belonging to the lawful camp!

This made her happy.

But on the surface, Mrs. Spider remained calm, staring at Gwen, and said, "So, Spider Gwen, why did you come to this world?"

"I think I can tell you this," Bid's voice rang out.

At the same time, his figure was gradually turning from illusory to solid, and appeared beside Gwen.

Gwen smiled and took his hand.

Nine-four Spiders looked at him in surprise. He had a deep understanding of the mysteriousness of Mrs. Spider.

But he didn't expect that Bid could even follow Mrs. Spider here!

"You!" Mrs. Spider showed a surprised and even horrified expression on her face. She looked at Bid and couldn't speak.

Her own abilities tended to be auxiliary and guiding, and she didn't actually have combat power, so she had been staying in this hidden space that connected many Spider-Man worlds.

But her space was completely independent of the world. In theory, nothing could invade here.

Even the other weird guy she knew who also had an independent space was the same!

This was the first time in her life that such a situation had happened!

Bid smiled slightly: "Hello, Mrs. Spider, I wonder if you can let that adult come out to see me?"

"That adult?" Mrs. Spider felt that Bid had no ill intentions, and her expression was slightly relaxed, and she asked in confusion.

Immediately, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Bid in shock: "You even know that adult?!!"

Bid smiled mysteriously.

But in fact, he was not as relaxed as he seemed.

On the contrary, he was still a little panicked.

Exposing himself actively was a risky move.

This meant that he had to face Mrs. Spider and even Skywalker!

Mrs. Spider was okay, she was just an old woman with some special abilities, and there was no real threat.

But Skywalker was different.

He had the ability to control time, teleport in groups, and even restore the destroyed multiverse!

But before, he thought Skywalker should not exist.

Because if Skywalker was really so powerful, why would he be recorded in the comics by the "ordinary people" in his world?

But now, Mrs. Spider's words seemed to mean that "that adult" really existed!

Bid was panicking, but his face was calm. He said, "I wonder if you can ask that gentleman to come out and meet us? There is a big crisis related to the multiverse, and I want to discuss it with him."

"Multiverse?" Mrs. Spider narrowed her eyes and looked at Bid with a scrutinizing look, "But you haven't answered me yet, who are you?"

Bid stretched out his left hand, and in the shocked eyes of the Nine Four Spiders, nanoparticles began to appear continuously, covering the left half of his body.

Then, he "swooshed" and shot out a spider silk.

"I am also Spider-Man, Spider-Man of Time and Space."

"Time and Space? So, coming to this world is your ability?" Mrs. Spider said.

Bid nodded.

"Then what is the multiverse crisis you are talking about?" Mrs. Spider said.

Bid said: "I'm not talking about the Spider-Man who is about to appear in this world, but a family that makes a living by hunting Spider-Man in various universes and regards Spider-Man as food!"

Nine-four Spiders had not yet recovered from the news that Bid was also Spider-Man. When he heard this, his eyes widened again: "What? There are people who specialize in hunting Spider-Man?"

Bid nodded: "Their hunting operations have lasted for hundreds of years! Every member of that family has the blood debts of thousands of Spider-Man and their companions! And such a thing will happen to you and me one day! It is because of this that I came to this world to find you and you. Mrs. Spider!" After hearing what Bid said, Mrs. Spider showed astonishment on her face.

At this time, her face gradually became distorted, and her painful expression began to gradually enlarge.

"Ah uh ah——"

Madam Spider's sudden scream startled Bid, Gwen and the Nine-Four Spiders.

Just as Bid was about to step forward to check, Mrs. Spider suddenly woke up.

Her old face was slightly pale, and there was an unconcealable look of fear.

"It's actually true!"

Bid was stunned and said anxiously: "Mrs. Spider, what just happened? What do you know?"

Mrs. Spider said with lingering fear: "Just now, I suddenly came into contact with the world outside the world. I felt the screams of countless children before they died. They..."

Pain appeared on her face again, and her voice became choked.

The Nine-Four Spider and Gwen were a little confused. They could only see that Mrs. Spider was in great pain, but they had no way of knowing what was going on.

But Bide roughly understood the meaning of her words.

The "children" in her words must be those Spider-Man who were hunted in the parallel universe!

But, what does that "world outside the world" mean?

"Huh-huh--" Mrs. Spider obviously had no intention of explaining. Her old and thin hands were tightly grasping the armrests of the seat, and she was breathing heavily.

After a while, she recovered a little and looked at Bid with an unprecedented solemn expression: "I already know your purpose, but he also has his own mission. Moreover, his mission is also very important!"

The Nine-Four Spider tilted his head: "My mission? You have been telling me about missions and tests since a long time ago, but what do you mean? Since the multiverse Spider-Man crisis mentioned by Mr. Bied is true, Then I must go to this war, because helping them is also helping myself!”

His tone was firm.

However, compared to the previous impatience with Mrs. Spider, he now has a better attitude towards Mrs. Spider.

From Mrs. Spider's few words, he sensed her deep love for Spider-Man.

Mrs. Spider shook her head: "That war is related to the lives of all Spider-Man, so it is very important. But this war here is related to the critical survival of the multiverse, isn't it important?"

Bid took a step forward: "Are you talking about Spider-Man Carnage using amplifiers to increase the energy of the space shuttle, thus destroying all the real universe?"

Mrs. Spider's expression was stagnant and she said in surprise: "How do you know? Can you also see the future?"

"When you see the future, are you saying that there will be a guy named 'Slaughter Spider-Man' in the future who will try to destroy the entire universe?" Nine-Four Spider was surprised.

What surprised him even more was that

Bid nodded and said: "Yes, and it's you who kills Spider-Man! You are driven crazy in a parallel universe!"

"Uh (⊙o⊙)..." Jiu Si Spider's expression froze, as if an egg was stuffed in his mouth.

Bid's words made Madam Spider even more convinced that he has the ability to see into the future.

She said: "Since you can predict the future, you should know how dangerous this is, right?"

Bid said: "I know, so Gwen and I are here. We will work with Peter to kill Spider-Man and completely eliminate his conspiracy! But before that, I want to meet Skywalker."

Mrs. Spider hesitated for a moment and nodded, "I can give it a try, but I'm not sure whether it will succeed. After all, Lord Skywalker is not something you can just see if you want to."

With that said, she closed her eyes.

It seems that they have contacted Skywalker.

Bide felt a little uneasy.

To be honest, he didn't quite understand the somewhat capricious guy called Skywalker.

You could say he is kind. In order to see the so-called "good and evil", he can experiment with the life of an entire planet.

Call him evil, but he used all his power to restore the destroyed universe to its original state.

What's more important is that Bid's reasons are simply untenable.

For Spider-Man, the Heir family is indeed a great enemy, and the two are naturally on opposite sides.

But in fact, although the Successor family is brutal, their purpose is very clear. They only want to hunt Spider-Man and are not too keen on destruction.

The only ones that really almost wiped out the entire world were some animal universes.

For example, Earth-7831 where "Super Spider-Man" is located

Therefore, in terms of the overall situation of the multiverse, the Heir family is still insignificant.

And if this skywalker is really a transcendent being based on the multiverse, then why would he care about the demise of a small ethnic group in the multiverse?

Just like creatures on earth become extinct every once in a while, except for the extinct creatures themselves and the people who call for animal rights, who cares?

It’s not like the earth is destroyed!

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