The crazy spider sense in Bid's mind suddenly stopped, and the dancing web of fate also returned to calm at this moment.

Bied was slightly startled. He thought that Skywalker would use his extraordinary power to directly crush him, or even want to control him.

So he made an emergency plan before appearing here - if the situation turned bad, he would take Gwen and leave the world directly.

Although in theory, skywalkers also have the ability to travel through the world at will.

But as mentioned in the original show, Skywalker will continue to lose his power when he's not in his own reality.

Although I don't know why, judging from various performances, his real space seems to be the world of Nine-Four Spider.

This led to the fact that when he later went to the world where Spider-Man was slaughtered, he even had no choice but to risk his life and teleport away at the same time as the six-armed Spider-Man who was still in a mutant crisis timeline.

In an instant, he was pulled from the sky to the ground.

It can be seen how much impact fighting across real space has on him.

Therefore, Bide has reason to believe that if he leaves this world, or even the anime dimension, he may be able to escape the tracking of the Skywalker.

But what he never expected was that after sizing him up for a long time, Sky Walker said it was a fairly equal deal?

Was it still a discussion tone?

How is this going?

However, he also noticed the nouns in Yuekong Walker's words.

Time and Space Spider-Man. This is the identity he has always used to introduce himself. Although time and space is only one of his quantized abilities, it is quite representative.

First, as a self-introduction, it can tell the other party where you come from;

Secondly, the ability to travel through time and space is the first ability he awakened. Because of it, he has had so many wonderful experiences, has so many abilities and strengths now, and can find a girlfriend like Gwen, so it is Bi De foundation.

There is also a third point. The spider that bit Bid came through time and space. It is precisely because it keeps traveling through time and space and is constantly being decomposed and restored that it can give Bid the ability to quantize.

Therefore, perhaps at this time, Bid would use "Quantum Spider-Man" as a more appropriate name, but it is far less satisfying to him than the title of "Space-Time Spider-Man".

This name was given to him when he met Madam Spider, so it was okay for Skywalker to know.

But "Lord of the Web of Destiny".

There is something called the Web of Destiny in his mind, and even Gwen has not mentioned it.

It's not that he deliberately concealed it, but that although he could see the web of fate in his mind, it was very troublesome to explain it.

So Gwen, Ultimate Spider, and Little Black Spider only knew that Bid had an ability to contact different Spider-Man across the world, but they didn't know what it was.

As for the "Lord of the Web of Destiny", a name that sounded so middle-of-the-road, Bid was even less likely to say it.

So, how did he know?

Can he see my hidden abilities? ! !

Bid was shocked and confused.

However, he did not ask these questions foolishly, but followed his words: "Hello, Skywalker, I would like to know how to achieve mutual benefit?"

"You help us fight Spider-Man Carnage, and I will send him to fight that war." Skywalker said.

The Nine-Four Spider frowned and stepped forward: "Hey! You called Skywalker! You have to understand that it was a war that I had to participate in, not that I was assigned by you! Besides, I’m not your subordinate!”

Bid looked at Skywalker with a half-smile: "Peter is right, he is also a member of Spider-Man, which means that he is a member of this war. This is a war that he cannot avoid. ”

The skywalker shook his head: "But I can seal off this world, and they can't find it here."

"But their ultimate goal is to hold a ceremony and use the three special Spider-Man's, 'Descendant', 'Bride' and 'Other', to directly eliminate all Spider-Man's in the parallel universe from their roots through the ceremony. By then "It's hard to say whether he will survive or not," Bide said.

Skywalker frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that there would be such a thing.

But he wasn't surprised either.

There are many strange things in the parallel universe. Although he is powerful, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

"But if they dare to enter the world under my jurisdiction, I will let them know what it means to die." Skywalker said confidently.

Bid shook his head: "But they are not afraid of death at all."

"Why?" Yuekongzhe asked doubtfully.

Bid explained: "They have completely taken control of their own world and turned it into their territory. In the multiverse numbered earth-001, they established a technology company and used cloning technology to provide each member with Prepare endless bodies. As soon as the body here dies, they can use technology to resurrect it in an instant!"

Skywalker frowned now.

Only then did he realize the difficulty of the problem and fell into deep thought.

And Bide also roughly analyzed the details of this skywalker through these few sentences.

First of all, the scope of his abilities is indeed very limited. It is said to be in the multiverse, but in fact it is estimated that it is only the six that appeared in the original work.

The "main universe" where the Nine-Four Spider is located;

Parallel Universe 1 of the Nine-Four Spiders in the mutation stage;

Ben Reilly and the Killing Spider-Man are in the parallel universe 2;

The parallel universe 3 where the octopus Nine-Four Spider equipped with octopus tentacles is located;

There is also the Iron Spider-Man universe (distinguished from the Dutch brother) which is not highly related to the Nine-Four Spider main universe;

And the so-called real universe where the Spider-Man actor is located.

Among them, the parallel universes 1, 2 and 3 are actually parallel worlds in the true sense, not parallel universes, because most of the "plots" are similar to the Nine-Four Spider.

Their differences only depend on the different places where history went at a certain stage, so branches were produced.

The relationship between them is similar to the relationship between the three Andrew Spiders.

The reason why the Iron Spider-Man universe is not closely related to the Nine-Four Spider is that Gwen exists in the Iron Spider-Man universe.

And in this world, Iron Spider-Man is a real winner in life, and one of the few Spider-Men who has a happy ending.

He has been winning since he became a superhero, and every bad guy has been defeated and brought to justice by him. Therefore, people in his world love him very much.

His Uncle Ben was not killed, and he has been living happily with Aunt May.

He also founded the Peter Parker Science Foundation (similar to Parker Industries) and is very rich.

His fiancée is called Gwen Stacy. However, just like the slightly different last names (translation problem, just used to distinguish), the image of this Gwen Stacy is different from the other Stacys.

In short, his life is happy and complete, completely different from the miserable Nine-Four Spiders.

As for the Spider-Man actor. As the name suggests, he is a person who plays Spider-Man and shoots Spider-Man movies.

And the world he lives in is called the "real universe".

In that world, there is Marvel and an old man called "Guest Maniac".

Nine-Four Spiders finally went to that world and had a conversation with the old man.

So this world must not be a parallel world of the Nine-Four Spiders universe.

And this also shows that the Skywalker is not the powerful transcendent.

He may just be a being who was born for some reason and controls three parallel universes and three parallel worlds.

In terms of quantity, it is about the same as the current Bid.

Of course, his strength should still be very good.

But it is only limited to good.

From the performance, he completely controlled the universe where the Nine-Four Spiders were, while Bid only mastered the methods of entering and exiting each universe.

"An existence between the single universe level and the multiverse level!" Bid roughly calculated the strength of the Skywalker.

The Skywalker, who had been silent for a long time, finally raised his head at this time.

He looked at Bid and waved his hand, and the two disappeared directly from the space of Mrs. Spider.

Because he did not feel his malice, Bid did not resist.

Then, he found himself in a barren land.

"What do you want to say, and you have to avoid them on purpose," Bid asked in confusion.

The Skywalker said: "I want to make a deal with you."


Bid soon appeared in Mrs. Spider's hidden space again, but the Skywalker did not come back with him.

Mrs. Spider was a little confused. Just as she was about to ask a question, she heard some voices in her ears.

After listening quietly, she looked at Bid with a slightly complicated expression.

Peter walked to the side of the spider and patted his shoulder: "Peter, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

The spider was puzzled: "What happened, what happened?"

Peter said: "You are too immature now. For the future of your world and the war we are about to participate in, you need to experience it again."

The spider looked at Peter and nodded: "I understand, believe me, I will become a good Spider-Man, a real Spider-Man!"

Peter smiled and said: "No, you are already a good and real Spider-Man! What you have to do is to become a better Spider-Man!"

"Well!" The spider raised his hand and said solemnly, "I will definitely become a better Spider-Man!"

"For Aunt May, for Mary Jane, for us, come on, Peter," Peter encouraged.

"Come on!" The spider clenched his fists and drank the bowl of steaming chicken soup.

"Mrs. Spider, please send him back to reality," Peter turned around and said.

Mrs. Spider said nothing more, stretched out her hands and pressed forward, and sent the spider back to his world.

Then, she looked at Bid with a complicated expression, and a hint of sadness was revealed in her words: "My Lord..." Bid nodded without looking back: "This is his choice."

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