Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 148 The Origin of Skywalker

Gwen blinked and looked at Bid, feeling that there was some indescribable aura about him.

Feeling a bit mysterious?

Bid turned to look at Gwen and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm still me, I haven't turned into anything else."

Gwen's eyes suddenly widened: "You can actually read my thoughts?"

Bid smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I just gained this ability and it was a little difficult to control it. Now I have turned it off completely."

It is indeed very rude to read other people's thoughts at will.

Even if the other party is his girlfriend.

"This ability? Have you gained any new abilities?" Gwen blinked and asked curiously.

Gwen was not angry at Bid's behavior, she was just curious.

Bid did not answer immediately, but looked at Mrs. Spider and said: "Then, Mrs. Spider, in the next period of time, you will still help Peter and let him complete the trials as soon as possible. I will go directly to the two We will meet again in the world after the year.”

"Yes, my lord," Mrs. Spider nodded respectfully.

Bid snapped his fingers, and he and Gwen disappeared.

Later, Gwen discovered that they had arrived in a deserted area.

"Where is this?" Gwen looked around curiously.

There seems to be an infinitely wide land under your feet. Looking around, you can only see a horizon that is level with the sky and the earth. But this land is very barren, with yellow sand everywhere and not a trace of green in sight.

The top of the head was pitch black, equally boundless, with no stars, no moon, nothing.

Bid said: "This is the base of the Sky Walkers, and it is also a universe that is undergoing destruction and rebirth."

"A universe that is undergoing destruction and rebirth? You mean, this is a universe?" Gwen said in surprise.

Bid nodded, pointed to the earth under his feet and the sky above his head and said: "This land is at least several thousand kilometers wide, and it is still undergoing annihilation and rebirth. The same is true for the sky above our head."

Gwen frowned: "Wait a minute, wasn't the universe created by the Big Bang? How could it be such a round sky?"

The Big Bang refers to the process in which the universe went from an "initial state" of extremely high density and temperature to the universe of the human era through continuous expansion and reproduction between about 13.3 billion and 13.9 billion years ago.

This theory is also the most widely known and widely recognized theory today.

But now, Bide told her that the piece of land she was stepping on was the universe?

"Besides, the universe! It's thousands of kilometers wide, but it's not as big as the earth. How can it be called a universe?" Gwen suddenly discovered a blind spot.

Bid smiled: "So it is experiencing destruction and rebirth. But obviously, at this time, its destruction speed is faster than its rebirth, so it is about to be completely destroyed."

"What about Skywalker?" Gwen looked around and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you say this is the Skywalker's base?"

Bid stretched out his hand and touched the ground, and a small patch of ground nearby became grass. There were two more deck chairs on the grass: "Lie down and talk slowly."

Gwen looked at this magical scene, but this time she was no longer surprised.

After all, she had just experienced too many things that surprised her, and she was already a little numb.

The two lay down on the recliner, but Gwen chose to lie in Bid's arms, so Bid had to make the recliner here slightly larger.

Later, Bi Decai recounted the transaction between himself and Skywalker, as well as what he learned from Skywalker——

Before introducing the origin of Skywalker, we must first understand the universe of Nine-Four Spiders.

In fact, this is a twin universe that is extremely rare even in the multiverse.

Among them, one is the so-called "real universe", which is the universe where the Spider-Man actor and the old man appear, and the other is the "work universe".

The universe of the work was originally a virtual world that existed attached to the real universe, but it did not contain anything like life itself.

Of course, creation gods and the like naturally do not exist in this universe.

However, although there is no God of Creation, no God of Beginning, and no Builder, there is a very special being among them.

He is the core of the universe of this work and controls all the authority of this universe.

The beginning of the evolution of the work universe was also due to his unconscious behavior.

One day, He received a message from the real universe, and began to evolve along with this message, which allowed it to develop into an existence identical to the works in the real universe.

Spider-Man, Iron Man, Doctor Strange (translation problem), mutants, etc. also emerged.

But as the universe gradually evolved, one day, the universe was almost destroyed by these beings created by Him!

At the moment when the universe was about to be destroyed, He was awakened and used his ability to forcibly split a new universe from the universe.

And this new universe is the universe where Spider-Man is slaughtered.

This time, he decided to take a closer look at what happened to make these ant-like beings act to destroy the universe.

After some back and forth, Spider-Man was found.

So He fished out a person from the history of the previous universe and made her Madam Spider, responsible for observing the evolution of this universe.

And the true identity of Mrs. Spider is actually Mary Jane, the girlfriend of Peter Parker, the Spider-Man of that universe!

The history of that universe is exactly the same as that of the Spider Universe. During the battle between Peter Parker and the Green Goblin, Mary Jane accidentally fell into the time shuttle, causing Mary Jane to be sucked into the black hole.

Originally, Mary Jane would die from then on, but she happened to be favored by Him, so she naturally survived and became the only survivor of the "Work Universe".

Then, they watched together as Peter Parker grew from an ordinary student to Spider-Man step by step. Finally, due to various attacks, he turned black and was possessed by Carnage. He became Carnage Spider-Man and embarked on the path of destroying the universe.

After figuring out the cause and effect, he decided to erase the world, but Mrs. Spider persuaded him.

She felt that the birth of Carnage Spider-Man was purely accidental.

Because she is Mary Jane, she understands Peter Parker.

The Peter Parker he knew was not like that.

Therefore, He pulled out several branches from the timeline and allowed it to evolve into three new universes, namely the Nine-Four Spider Universe, the Octopus Nine-Four Spider Universe, and the Iron-Armored Spider-Man Universe.

This time, as requested by Mrs. Spider, she appeared from time to time to guide Spider-Man appropriately.

To this end, they prepared a test called Secret War.

As long as they can pass the test of the Secret War and prove on His face that good can defeat evil, then the other universe and theirs can be saved.

If they are all defeated by evil in the end, then these universes will disappear together with the "work universe".

But at this time, Bide appeared in the Nine-Four Spider Universe.

This directly changed the fate of the Nine-Four Spider, causing a great change in his fate from the original one.

This is not only an increase in strength, but also his guidance to the Nine-Four Spiders, and the fact that the people he saved by accident changed his reputation, etc.

In all aspects, his fate is completely different from that of Spider-Man in the previous universe.

After observing this, Mrs. Spider was very uneasy.

She didn't know where the future would go if this happened. She didn't even dare to contact Skywalker, for fear that if he knew about it, he would directly wipe out this parallel world derived from the timeline before the test could proceed.

Until Gwen revealed the aura of Spider Totem - of course, Mrs. Spider didn't know what Spider Totem was, but the aura that was very similar to Spider-Man could not be faked.

"You all know what happened next, that is, you were summoned by Madam Spider to enter this space, and I followed the pull of fate and came to you," Bied said.

"Then Skywalker, where did he go?" Gwen asked doubtfully.

Bid said: "He used his power to completely cut off the relationship between the work universe and other derivative universes, so that these derivative universes would not die with the demise of the work universe."

As he spoke, he looked towards the sky.

In fact, Skywalker and his transaction content are related to this.

When skywalkers observe these worlds, they are inevitably affected by some human emotions, especially Spider-Man, whom they focus on.

Therefore, according to Skywalker's original plan, if a certain Spider-Man really prevented the massacre of Spider-Man, then he would use up his last power and separate the main universe (the work universe) from other derivative universes.

Although it is still impossible to determine whether these derivative universes like Rootless Piaoping can continue in the end, it can at least ensure that they will not die like the main universe.

But Bide's appearance gave him another choice.

He felt the power of "destiny" and "transcendence" in Bid. These abilities were of the same personality as him or even higher, but they appeared in the body of a Spider-Man.

Although he didn't know what the skywalker meant by his "transcendence", Bid showed him his web of destiny and probably popularized the concepts of multiverses and countless worlds.

Afterwards, Skywalker directly reached a deal with him.

His only request is that Bid can be responsible for supervising the completion of this showdown between good and evil, and then use his ability of the Web of Destiny to link these parallel worlds into multiple realities, so that they can act in their own way. Continue.

In fact, Bid was very doubtful about whether he could do this.

After all, it seems that his web of destiny can only connect Spider-Man, not the universe.

But Skywalker firmly believed that he could do it, and dedicated his strength to this!

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