Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 149 18 Infinity Stones

The power of Skywalkers is immense.

He is the embodied entity of the entire original universe. Conceptually, it is roughly equal to the sum of the five creation gods - of course, not at the multi-dimensional level, but at the single-universe level, that is, the clone.

Therefore, the power of Skywalker at his peak was far greater than that of any single person at the universe level, and he was at the top of his game.

But he has not reached the level of the multiverse.

From beginning to end, his power was limited to his own universe.

Moreover, because he has no entity, he only has a embodied relationship.

Even as his power continues to weaken, his control over the derivative universes he created has also been greatly weakened. As long as he leaves his native universe, he is like a deflated balloon, constantly getting smaller.

This situation continues to intensify as the original universe continues to decline.

In fact, even if Bide does not appear, the last remnants of this work's universe will be completely annihilated in at most four to five years.

But now, Skywalker has given it to Bide in advance.

Before the demise of this universe, Bid, who was in this universe, was an omnipotent existence, and his strength could reach the peak of a single universe!

But as soon as he leaves this world, his strength will drop significantly, all the way down to his original level.

At first glance, this deal seems like a loss.

After all, this world will be completely gone in a few years, and the power can’t be brought out, so what’s the use?

Oh no, according to the agreement between Bide and Skywalker, they will also conduct a "secret war" trial here.

That still requires a considerable amount of energy, which may accelerate the consumption of this world.

Looking at it this way, it’s really tasteless.

But this is not the case.

First of all, although this time is very short, it can open a door to the top for Bid.

It's like climbing a mountain.

The first method is to start from the foot of the mountain and climb up. The second method is to take a helicopter directly to the top of the mountain.

If you just head up and climb up, you don't know what's ahead. It may be a cliff, or there may be dense thorn bushes, all of which you have to avoid.

If there is no clear direction, you may never find the real way up the mountain in your life.

The second method is different.

At the top of the mountain, you can have an overview of the whole situation and see where the terrain is flat, where you need to turn, and where there is no danger.

You can even know how high the mountain is and roughly where you have reached!

After having a clear plan, wouldn’t it be much easier to climb?

Not only that.

Bid was not completely without actual gains.

After all, this is a universal authority.

He divided these authorities one by one according to the appearance of other universes, and finally obtained a total of six artifacts.

They are: Space Stone, Power Stone, Time Stone, Reality Stone, Mind Stone and Soul Stone.

These six are the famous Infinity Stones. Each has the authority represented by their corresponding name and can control the corresponding attributes in this universe.

The space gem can move itself or any object into any space at will, or separate, cut, twist or reorganize any space, etc. It also contains huge energy.

Inside the Cosmic Cube in Avengers: Endgame is the Space Stone.

Power gems also contain huge energy, which can be used to bless other gems, or give the user super physical attack and defense power.

It appears in the Silver Guard and is hidden in the cosmic spirit ball.

The Time Stone is hidden in Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto, which allows the user to transcend any time. When used as a weapon, it can also be used to manipulate time, trapping enemies in an infinite time loop.

This was one of Doctor Strange's great tricks, but it was a pity that the gem was gone.

The main function of the Reality Stone is to modify reality and make fantasies come true. For example, in Avengers, Thanos turned Star-Lord's weapon into a bubble gun, which was full of bad fun.

But the reality gem tests the user's ability more.

In Avengers, Thanos used the Reality Stone to turn Star-Lord and the others into bubbles, and they returned to their original state shortly after leaving.

In theory, this shouldn't happen.

Either Thanos is martial and doesn't want to kill them, or Thanos doesn't know how to use it, so he just turns them into bubbles temporarily and becomes a "false reality."

Mind gems can influence the thinking of other people, and can also be used to enhance the user's mental strength or psychic abilities.

After making it, Bid made a small hole in it, placed it in his head, and used his own mental power to continuously stimulate it and thereby exercise his mental power.

Although in this world his mental power is amplified to an infinite extent and he cannot feel the effects, in fact the Mind Stone is constantly strengthening him.

When you leave this world, you can feel the real effect.

The last Soul Stone is also the most mysterious of the six Infinity Stones.

The reason why I say mysterious is because it has not been used much in most of the MCU works.

But in fact, it was the first Infinity Stone to appear!

Its main abilities include: absorbing and manipulating souls, driving undead, launching shock waves that attack souls, etc.

But in fact, its greatest role is as a portal to the pocket universe.

It can imprison the target soul in this soul world, while allowing the user to obtain the imprisoned memories and skills.

For the single universe, they are almost the most powerful treasures.

In Avengers: Endgame, after Thanos collected the six Infinity Stones, he wiped out half of all life in the entire universe with a snap of his fingers!

Thanos also paid a huge price for this. After snapping his fingers twice, he almost died (the first was to erase half of his life, and the second was to destroy the infinity stones).

But now Bid can use it at will.

However, the Infinity Stones also have their limitations.

That is, it cannot affect the multiverse.

The Infinity Stones represent the authority of their native universe. After leaving the native universe, they will quickly lose their due efficacy and become the same as ordinary stones. They cannot return to normal until they return to their native universe.

And the demise of the universe in this work is an irreversible act.

Although theoretically, they can be used to restore the universe and bring everything back to the time when there was life, but that is just an appearance, and the universe will still be completely annihilated in a few years.

Looking at it this way, the Infinity Stones are also badass.

But everything has two sides.

As the embodiment of a specific authority, the Infinity Stones have the above fatal flaws, but precisely because they have been turned into entities and are more like a device for storing energy, theoretically, they can Taken away from this universe!

It was precisely because of this idea that Bied made them and injected energy into them when making them.

The energy contained in a single Infinity Stone is enough for him to exert his peak abilities at the level of a single universe in other universes.

According to his perception of the remaining energy in the universe, and without affecting his agreement with Skywalker, three sets of such infinite gems can probably be produced, that is, three sets of each type.

It must be manufactured in complete sets, mainly for the sake of balance in the universe.

If the balance is lost, this already fragmented universe may die prematurely.

With these eighteen disposable consumable versions of the infinite rough stones, he has a trump card to save his life. Even if he encounters a single member of the heir family, he no longer has to worry about being defeated.

After all, from the perspective of expressiveness, except for the family leader Sorus, who has multiverse-level strength, the other members of the Successor family are basically around the single-universe level.

Moreover, there is radiation that can significantly weaken their abilities.

As long as you do it correctly, you can defeat them.

However, speaking of the heir family.

Bid narrowed his eyes.

In this universe that was already under his control, his abilities were infinitely magnified.

And from just now, his web of fate began to tremble continuously.

But the fluctuation this time was different from the sense of crisis I felt when I met the Skywalker before.

This time's fluctuation is more like asking for help?

It seems to be spider signals spreading from many other universes. They are wailing, desperate, and asking for help from people who don't know whether they exist.

Mrs. Spider had a situation like this before. It must have been at that time that she sensed these things through the ability of the Skywalker.

And now, because Sky Walker has handed over the authority to Bi De, these things have naturally been transferred to Bi De!

"What's wrong?" Gwen keenly noticed the change in Bid's mood and raised her head to look at him.

Bid lowered his head and showed a forced smile, not hiding anything: "I noticed the cries of the hunted Spider-Man before they died."

Gwen's hands tightened slightly.

"You want to save them?"

Bid closed his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly opened it again, lowered his head and kissed Gwen's smooth forehead: "Yes, my spider ability comes from the master weaver. And his purpose is to use this ability of foresight. , so that I can prevent the massacre of the successor family as much as possible, and stop the tragedy that spreads across countless multiverses from happening. I have escaped for long enough, but now, I have the power to compete with them, so, I. Can’t escape any longer!”

As he spoke, his eyes gradually became firmer: "This is my responsibility, my mission, and also my consciousness!"

Gwen leaned forward and kissed his lips.

After a passionate kiss, Gwen hugged Bid's face with catkins, her body pressed against his body, and their eyes met.

"Take me with you, I can help you."

Looking at the girl in front of him who had been looking at him for some time, Bid was silent for a moment and slowly shook his head: "No, I can't take you with me this time, Gwen."

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