"Something happened"

Hearing this, Bid's expression condensed, and then he started talking about the heir family.

"Such a thing can happen!" Shadow Spider's reaction was exactly the same as the others.

Immediately, his face became serious and he stretched out his hand: "In that case, count me in!"


The two held their hands tightly together.

"Hey!" Soon, the Shadow Spider yelled and pulled his hand back, "Good boy, I haven't seen you for so long, how come you are so strong?"

Bide laughed: "You don't know a lot! In our oriental dialect, this is called 'separation for three days and you should treat each other with admiration'! The person I am now is not the person I used to be!"

Shadow Spider also laughed when he heard this, and lightly hammered his shoulder: "That's good. With a tall guy like you supporting me, I feel much more at ease!"

In his tone, there was no trace of jealousy towards the younger generation surpassing him, but full of joy.

I have to say that this magnanimity alone has surpassed many people.

"Hey~" At this moment, Felicia Hardy woke up leisurely, held her head and let out a soft moan.

Felicia Hardy is the famous black cat.

At the same time, in many worlds, she is also one of Spider-Man's rumored girlfriends.

For example, Felicia in the world of the Nine-Four Spiders that Bid visited not long ago had a relationship with the Nine-Four Spiders that was constantly being resolved and messed up.

The same goes for Felicia Hardy on the Shadow Spider side.

But the difference is that the Felicia Hardy in front of her has not yet become the Black Cat. She is just a rich girl who accidentally got entangled with the Shadow Spider.

And for some reasons, he was involved in the struggle between the Shadow Spider and the Green Goblin in this world, and was disfigured. He could only wear a mask to hide his true appearance in order to live.

(PS: I can’t find a separate story collection of Shadow Spider, so I can only deduce it from the comics. If there are any discrepancies, please let me know. But this is just a small branch line, and the deviation should not be a big problem.)

Originally, without Bid's participation, the Shadow Spider would have had a tube of blood drained during the fight with Mysterio. Then after the Shadow Spider killed Mysterio, the syringe containing the blood sample was taken advantage of by Felicia Hardy. Take away randomly.

Bid guessed that it was probably after that that she became the black cat in this world.

But now with Bid's participation, all this will no longer exist.

Pedder looked at Felicia Hardy with interest.

I have to say that Spider-Man has a good eye for picking girlfriends.

Although the true face of Felicia Hardy is hidden under the mask, the hot figure hidden under the clothes makes people think.

Just her figure and skin are enough to give her a lot of points.

"Felicia, how are you?" As soon as Shadow Spider saw that she was awake, she quickly left Bid behind and came to Felicia Hardy's side, lifting her up and showing concern for her.

Felicia Hardy twisted her body, slightly resisting the shadow spider's approach.

Ever since she was disfigured after being implicated by him, she had developed some hatred for the Shadow Spider.

"I'm fine, where am I, Mr. Shadow Spider-Man?"

Shadow Spider was also concerned but confused, and he didn't notice the alienation in her tone.

"We have left that place and are safe for the time being. How do you feel physically? Should I send you to the hospital?" Shadow Spider asked with concern.

Felicia Hardy shook her head indifferently: "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Shadow Spider-Man. If you can, just leave me on the side of the road. I can take a taxi back."

"Ahem," Bid coughed lightly, "In that case, let me do it for you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and drew a circle in front of him.

A portal immediately appeared not far away. Opposite the portal was the Hardy family.


Shadow Spider and Felicia Hardy both looked at Bede in shock.

Immediately, the Shadow Spider realized that this should be the "time and space" ability that Bide had mentioned.

He also quickly thought that since Bide could use this ability to travel through the world, it was obviously just traveling within the world.

However, even though he knew the key, he still couldn't help but be a little envious of this useful ability.

Bid smiled slightly, walked to Felicia Hardy and stretched out his hand to her: "But before leaving, could you please Miss Hardy shake my hand?"

"Of course," Felicia Hardy didn't know why, but she still stretched out her hand, somewhat expecting what this magical Mr. Magic was going to do.

Shadow Spider also took a step back and looked curiously.

However, Bid really only gently shook Felicia Hardy's hand, and then let go after about a second.

A smile appeared on his face again: "Miss Hardy, I wish you to be as beautiful as a flower."

Felicia Hardy's pretty face sank and she pulled her hand back.

Her face has long been disfigured, how can she be as beautiful as a flower?

Is this person making fun of her?

"Thank you for your 'blessing'!" she said coldly.

He immediately walked into the portal without looking back.

Bide couldn't help but smile and closed the portal.

Shadow Spider smiled bitterly: "Man, you don't know Felicia's situation, her face."

Bid smiled and said: "Of course I know about her face! Didn't you ask me if I had read any stories about you? I searched carefully after I went back and found out about you, so I Know where her roots lie.”

Shadow Spider was stunned for a moment, a little annoyed: "Then you still say that?"

Bid patted him on the shoulder: "So I cured her!"

"Cure?" Shadow Spider's eyes widened, "Are you kidding?"

Bid rolled his eyes: "Am I kidding?"

Shadow Spider was surprised: "But didn't you say that your ability is time and space? Can you still cure diseases?"

Bide said proudly: "Time and space can't do it, but I can."

Shadow Spider also laughed, feeling very comfortable: "That's good, that's good, thank you, man!"


On the other side, in Felicia Hardy's bedroom.

When Kingpin and his men broke into her home and took her away, they shot and killed her servant and her cat.

The body had been collected by the police who arrived later, but the broken things in the room were still vivid in my mind.

Seeing the messy room and the broken furniture, Felicia Hardy was in a terrible mood.

Then she remembered what the magic man said just now, and she became more and more irritable.

Although the other party may not have meant it, it was undoubtedly exposing her wounds.

She took off the mask on her face and threw it on the ground, then walked step by step to the makeup mirror.

"I've already got everything as beautiful as a flower"

Her movements suddenly stopped.

Looking at that exquisite face in the makeup mirror, I was stunned.

"My face, my wounds."

She stretched out her trembling hand and gently touched her face.

The several hideous wounds on his cheeks and forehead were now as smooth as new.

At this moment, her mind stirred, and Bide's face appeared.

Miss Hardy, I wish you beauty!

".It turns out it's him, it's him! Who is he? By the way, go find Shadow Spider-Man, he must know who he is!"

Felicia Hardy was so excited that she stood up immediately.


"Brother, why don't we leave this world now and go to your stronghold?" Shadow Spider looked at Bid's delay in moving and asked doubtfully.

Bid shook his head: "I came here. Besides looking for you, I have something else I want to do."

Shadow Spider nodded and looked at Bid's thoughtful look and did not continue to ask questions.

He was very pleased with the maturity and reliability of his good brother.

Bide was indeed thinking about something at this time.

In the original plot direction, after the Shadow Spider solves the crisis of Mysterio, Kahn will cross over.

At the same time, Zhang Park, who has been tracking Kahn and rescuing people, will also appear after noticing the hunting operation of the Heir family!

Calculating the time, it should be almost done.

So he was waiting for Kahn to arrive.

Kahn is an anomaly in the Heir family.

He is the fifth eldest son in the Heir family, and logically speaking, he should be the weakest except for the twin brothers Brax and Bulla.

But in fact, his strength is very strong.

It starts with his origins.

The heir family actually does not only hunt spider totems, but feeds on all animal totems.

It was only because of a prophecy made a few centuries ago that the Successor family would one day be completely destroyed by a spider totem, so they focused on the spider totem and tried to completely erase this totem from the multiverse, thus breaking the prophecy.

And Kahn is an outlier among the entire Heir family.

He also hunts totems, but he only hunts them to satisfy his survival needs.

Just like tigers and lions in nature hunt other animals for a living, they have nothing to do with good or evil, they just want to survive.

He actually prefers creation and protection to destruction and destruction.

Therefore, his family hated him very much.

This disgust reaches its peak when they hunt the Spider Totem God, the Master Weaver.

His mother wanted him to kill the master weaver himself.

But Kahn didn't want to kill and hesitated.

This directly led to the mother's tragic death.

Afterwards, he was put on a metal mask by his family members who hated him, expelled from the family, and drifted alone in the multiverse.

Solus promised him that as long as he killed enough Spider-Man, he could end his exile and return him to his family.

Kahn, who has been hated by his family since he was a child and has never felt the warmth of family, is moved by Solus' promise.

At the same time, out of the guilt that his kindness caused his mother's death, he finally began to accept his fate and actively hunted various totems in the multiverse, killing many beings with the power of spider totems.

For example, there are spider wolves in a certain world, indigenous spider gods in a certain world, etc.

However, in fact, he has a more secret and great identity.

In fact, he is the master of weaving!

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