Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 163 Kill Jin Bin Again

In the original "Destiny", Jessica Drew, the "original Spider-Woman", infiltrated the Heir family and obtained two prophetic scrolls from the Master Weaver.

The first prophecy scroll recorded the mysterious prophecy: one day in the future, the Heir family will be destroyed by Spider-Man unless they collect the three items of "Bride", "Descendant" and "Other" Use a special spider totem and perform a bloodline ritual to erase all spider totems to change your destiny.

This prophecy led to the Inheritor family's endless pursuit of Spider-Man.

The second prophecy scroll records Kahn's past and future!

In fact, Kahn was never exiled because he killed his mother.

To Solus, the woman's death was nothing.

The same goes for everyone else.

——Perhaps her only value is to make them understand that "life is precious", thus building a cloning base and possessing the cloning technology of infinite resurrection.

That's all.

From beginning to end, Kahn was the only one who felt sad about his mother's death!

But it was his feelings that changed the tribe's attitude towards him from contempt to fear.

They discovered that he actually cared about useless things!

Because the heir family thinks it stands above all things!

As for the promise of "kill enough Spider-Man, you can end his exile and return him to the family", it was just a lie by Solus.

All they wanted was for Kahn to atone for his sins endlessly. It would be best to die outside and never go home.

After deciphering the two totems, the Spider-Man found Kahn who was hunting Aunt May's Spider-Man in earth-3123 and told him everything.

So, in the final battle, Kahn joined Spider-Man's side, fought side by side with Spider-Man, and finally won a great victory!

During the battle, Zhang Pak killed the Weaver Master, but after opening his mask, he discovered that the face under the Weaver Master's mask was actually an older version of Kahn!

There are exactly two holes on the Knitting Master's abdominal device, which can allow Kahn's steel forks to be inserted!

Therefore, it was already destined that the master of weaving would be Kahn in the future.

All this is his own arrangement.

In order to exile his family and protect the entire universe, he left a prophecy and asked his successors to hunt him - he released the spider totem, so hunting the spider totem is actually equivalent to hunting him.

He then killed his mother in front of his younger self, creating the perfect excuse for Solus to exile him.

During his years of exile, he devoured countless spider totems so that he could become the master weaver who controls Spider-Man's destiny!

And his ultimate destiny is to put on the helmet of the master weaver and become the master weaver to atone for his sins!

Exiling his family to atone for his sins in order to protect the universe!

Atone for your sins by eating countless Spider-Men in order to become the Master of Weaving!

In order to let fate reach this point, I killed my mother to atone for my sins!

From now on, he will stay in the temple of earth-001 forever, repairing the Web of Destiny, creating more Spider-Man, and protecting them.

But Bid made something new out of it.

He still remembered the plea of ​​the weaver master that he had "heard" before: "Transcendent one, I beg you, with this insignificant power of connection, to break this giant network of time, space and fate cycles!"

Break the giant web of time, space and fate cycles!

If Master Weaver is just fighting against the Heir family, then there is no need to expend energy to create his special Spider-Man.

Because even without his participation, this battle would have been won.

But the fact is that he created a spider that could activate the "Web of Destiny", and then let it travel through countless parallel universes to find him, allowing him, a person outside of destiny, to intervene in this war!

He didn't know if there were any new variables, or if the weaver master had discovered something.

But he had to be vigilant!

In fact, he did find some problems.

For example, according to the original "plot" or "destiny", when the Spider-Man family was approached by Damons in 982, a spider team formed by Zhang Parker should come to rescue Maid Parker.

At that time, when Bid learned about the existence of Maid Parker and Benjamin Parker from Mary Jane in that world, he was mentally prepared to meet Zhang Parker.

However, until he had a fight with Damons and found the Maid Parker siblings, Zhang Parker did not show up.

He didn't know if it was his own fault that caused the deviation of fate.

But no matter what, he has the consciousness to bear all the consequences!

And this "Future Weaver Master" Kahn, who can be instigated to rebel in the future, is an important combat force that he thinks can win him over!

After instigating Kahn's rebellion, it was equivalent to depriving the successor family of important combat power, while owning one more.

Although I don’t know if Kahn can fight Solus head-on, he can definitely deal with Damons.

This is equivalent to directly eliminating the two successors! ——

After carefully calculating the time, Bide felt a little confused.

I don’t know why, but neither Kahn nor Zhang Pak, who should have appeared here, appeared here.

"What exactly is the deviation? Could it be that the comics of my world are just comics, and there is a huge deviation from the facts?"

After a conjecture emerged in his mind, Bide felt a chill in his heart.

Shadow Spider noticed the slight change in Bide's mood and asked, "What's wrong? It feels like you've been a little distracted since just now."

Bid shook his head slightly: "Things are somewhat different from what was expected. Forget it, waiting boringly like this is not an option. Why don't we go and help you solve some problems."

Shadow Spider asked doubtfully: "For example?"

"For example, you are the Kingpin of this world!" A sneer appeared on Bi De's lips.

Shadow Spider was shocked: "What? Does the Golden King exist in my world too?"

He had seen Kingpin's abilities in the Ultimate Spider World, which not only caused chaos in New York, but also involved all of them Spider-Man from different universes.

Bid immediately laughed, patted his shoulder, and comforted him: "It's not as exaggerated as the one over there, but it still has some tricks. He will soon unify the underground world of New York!"

Shadow Spider's face turned cold: "Did I never expect that my negligence of just a few months would allow people to take advantage of such a big loophole?"

Previously, he had focused on combating gang activities for many years. He killed several gang bosses in succession and made the underground forces in New York almost disappear before he turned more attention to the capitalists.

Unexpectedly, after just such a short period of negligence, the underground world that had become a pool of stagnant water would actually show signs of resurgence?

This is something he definitely doesn't want to see.

Thinking about it, Shadow Spider directly took out his pistol: "Man, let's go, let's kill him!"

Bid looked at Shadow Spider, who suddenly became a passionate young man, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"The enemy is ashamed, let's take off her clothes!" Bi Dexiong said proudly.

Shadow Spider:?

"What do you mean? Aren't you an Oriental? How can you speak like a child?" Shadow Spider asked doubtfully.

Bide laughed twice: "We've played too many games, let's go and kill Kingpin!"



On a street near the New York World's Fair, a black car was driving slowly.

A bald, burly man was sitting in the back seat of the car, holding a cigar in his hand and smoking it, the butt of the cigarette flickering on and off.

"Beck, this good-for-nothing, finally had a chance to let that bug escape! And he even got a ride on it!"

"Mr. Fisk, what should we do now?" asked the man in the front seat.

Jin Bian pressed the cigar into the ashtray and crushed it a few times: "Have you found out what happened on the stage? How did Bugs and Catwoman disappear? How did this loser get locked up in his own props and drowned alive? dead?"

The subordinate replied: "It's not clear yet, but we caught Ella Baker, Quentin Baker's wife. She was also on the stage at the time, maybe she saw something."

"Take her to the base, I want to interrogate her personally!" Kingpin let go of his hand, letting the valuable cigar fall into the ashtray, and said in a gloomy tone.

"Yes!" The subordinate was about to reply when he suddenly let out a scream.

"What?" Kingpin raised his head impatiently.

However, he soon discovered that he had appeared in a dark wilderness!

"What's going on? Aren't we on Seventh Avenue?" Kingpin asked coldly.

The driver trembled: "No, I don't know! I was driving and suddenly came here."

Kingpin's expression became even colder.

His intuition, which had been in the underground world for a long time, made him keenly aware that something was wrong.

He decisively took out an exquisite pistol from the seat beside him.

"Be on guard, let's get out of the car." Jin Bin said in a deep voice.

The men and the driver were also very alert, and each pulled out two guns from under the seat.

After the three people got out of the car, they leaned against the car and carefully inspected it.

Kingpin squatted down and asked softly: "Did you find anything?"

His men replied: "It seems we are on the outskirts of the city, but I'm not sure which side it is."

"Oh, I can answer this question for you. This is in the southeast of Brooklyn. If another seventy or eighty years pass, this place will become a power plant!" A voice rang.


The three of them turned around in unison and pointed their guns in the direction of the sound.

"Hi, everyone, I am your good neighbor Spider-Man! Remember this name when you go to hell, and don't do bad things in the next life! Well, if there is a next life."

What greeted the three people were three dazzling beams of electricity.

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