Bi De, who had been secretly plotted by the master of weaving, was completely unaware of this matter at this time.

At this time, he and his friends were gathering in the universe that belonged to him, celebrating this small victory.

Appearing here are not only Spider-Gwen, Shadow Spider, and Circus Spider who were originally here, but also Toby Spider, Andrew Spider, Dutch Spider Spider, and Electro-Man Max who were summoned from the movie dimension!

The latter ones were all specially recruited from the movie dimension by Bid in order to increase the winning rate in the decisive battle.

Unfortunately, Doctor Strange didn't come to help.

He said that if the battle happened in his world, he would definitely help, but since it happened in another world, he was helpless.

After Bide thought about it carefully, he felt relieved.

Doctor Strange is also responsible for suppressing the dark dimension of that world.

Although he is no longer the Supreme Mage, Wang alone is always a little nervous.

As for whether he had any other concerns, Bide didn't know.

But he didn't care either.

After all, after their current calculation, the successor family's vitality has been severely damaged.

Four of the original eight members, including Solus, were killed directly.

Now, the main ones they have to face are Sorus, Genix and Morlun.

And Janix's combat ability is not outstanding, Morlun is Bid's defeated opponent, and he is relatively clear about his strength.

Together, Spider-Gwen and several others can defeat and even kill Morlun!

The only trouble is Sorus.

However, he already had some confidence in Solus's strength - even though he had never actually faced off against Solus.

In fact, as his understanding of the universe he inherited from the Sky Walkers continues to deepen, he also has a clearer understanding of the division of power in the entire Marvel Universe.

The strength he had originally summarized based on various works was actually too vague and not very clear.

In fact, the real individual power gap has reached its peak at the third level, the so-called Heavenly Father level.

The Heavenly Father level also has another title, "God".

The superficial gap between "gods" and "humans" comes from the level of power.

The difference in core comes from authority!

Authority + strength is the real strength!

This also means that when the strength reaches a certain level, you can also have the strength of the Heavenly Father.

For example, the Hulk is said to be able to destroy anything with just one rage.

He doesn't have much authority, but after his unpretentious power continues to increase, he can also possess the power to destroy the world, making even the heavenly fathers look at him.

But in fact, even Green Shang is not said to be able to increase his power all the way to the level of destroying a single universe or even a multiverse!

He is still only at the Heavenly Father level!

This shows that this is the limit of physical strength!

So what should we do if we go further and raise our strength to the single universe level or even the multiverse level?

Now that the strength has been maxed out, naturally we can only start from the other side.

That is authority!

For example, Mjolnir's master Thor, known as the God of Thunder, can control the weather and all elements related to storms, such as thunder and lightning, wind, rain, snow, etc.

After this kind of authority is amplified, there is room to continue upward.

So in fact, starting from the Heavenly Father level, and going up to the single universe level and the multiverse level, the only difference is "authority"!

In fact, if you put aside authority, or if you can find a way to restrain or weaken authority, you can defeat the opponent!

This is Bid's biggest gain after fighting against the heirs with one against five!

Judging from the original work (referring to the comics he read), these successors are very powerful and can achieve an almost instant kill against any Spider-Man.

Several times, people were rescued by Zhang Parker or other members of the Spider Legion, because they just wanted to have fun while hunting.

Because of this, Bid estimated their strength very high, and even the weaker Bulla and Brax were considered to be at the single universe level by him.

However, in fact, the truth was quite different from what he thought.

The "power" of Brax and Bulla probably only reaches "4" on the Marvel Ability Index, which is the value of "beyond ordinary people (800pt~25t)".

In the same range as most Spider-Man!

As someone who had fought against them head-on and killed them, Bid had a deeper understanding of their power.

These twin brothers and sisters only have about 20 tons of strength in most states, and can occasionally reach 25 tons.

And even the few remaining successors, just looking at the aspect of "power", are just "nothing more".

Verna's strength is slightly higher than that of her twin siblings, with an ability index of about "5" and a strength range between 30 and 50 tons.

Janis Spide has never fought against him, so I don't know for sure, but he is probably about the same as Morlun.

Damons is the strongest among the younger successors. His power can reach 500 tons, and can even reach level "7" when exploded, which is more than a thousand tons!

In other words, in fact, if you look at the paper data, Blakes, Bra, and Verna are slightly stronger than the normal Spider-Man, but they have not even been enhanced by him with the golden spider gene. sharp!

But this doesn't mean that these Spider-Man can really beat them in a duel.

The attacks of the Inheritors can avoid the spider sense that Spider-Man relies on most. After losing the spider sense, except for a small number of Spider-Man with rich combat experience, those who rely on spider sense to fight will instantly fall into a disadvantage.

This is one of them.

There is another point, which is also the most critical point.

The "authority" of the heirs!

This authority gives them a natural "restraint effect" on spider totems, or all animal totems.

When facing the animal totem, the animal totem side's combat power was greatly reduced, while the successors' strength increased greatly.

The ebb and flow of one another naturally resulted in this crushing situation.

Therefore, in fact, you only need to improve and optimize these to a certain extent, and you can win!

Bide has already done the strengthening of pure strength.

He has performed genetic surgery on every Spider-Man present, so that they have the most suitable gene ratio, so that their normal power reaches more than 50 tons, and the best among them even have more than a hundred tons of normal power!

The power of the explosive state is even more immeasurable.

As for authority, generally authority is limited to a single universe, such as the power of Captain Universe, Infinity Stones, etc. It is too difficult to improve.

Therefore, since there is no way to start from one's own side, Bid thought, can he start from the enemy's side?

Doesn't weakening the other party mean strengthening oneself?

Coincidentally, he did think of two ways that might weaken the authority of the heirs, and there was also a way to kill them by force!

This wave, I have the advantage!

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