Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 188 Secret Skill: Nuclear Explosion!

The first method is to go to the Earth-001 universe, find the Infinity Gems of that universe, and then use the six Infinity Gems of that universe to wipe out Solus and others!

This is the most direct and most useful method.

Don't say that Solus is multiverse-level or something like that. His multiverse-level is because he has a very high authority in hunting totems, but in fact, as long as he is still in a certain universe, he will still be affected by the basic laws of that universe.

Bid has also verified this point.

In the Earth-31411 universe where the Armored Spider-Man belongs, he used the Infinity Gems to temporarily block the connection between that universe and the multiverse. This operation can even block the perception of the Weaving Master!

As for the connection between the heirs. From various performances, it is obvious that it has been cut off together.

Therefore, Bid has no doubt that the Infinity Gems can restrain the heirs!

But there is also a problem with this one: it is not easy to find the Infinity Gems in the vast universe.

And it is even more difficult to find six Infinity Gems in a world that has been controlled by the enemy for an unknown period of time.

The second method is naturally nuclear radiation.

The heirs are afraid of nuclear radiation, which has been proven.

Although this cannot weaken their authority - even if they enter a weakened state, they can still absorb the spider totem, but it can greatly weaken their power.

The higher the radiation intensity, the more power can be weakened!

Unfortunately, they have mastered this equipment now!

After Bid took the initiative to kill the four heirs, Damons, Verna, Blakes and Bra, the remaining heirs all shrank in the earth-001 universe as expected.

And Bid also took the opportunity to bring the laboratory originally in the ultimate universe, along with the male and female chapters.

With the joint efforts of more than a dozen Spider-Men, the research progress that had already achieved some preliminary results immediately leaped forward by several big steps.

It must be said that Spider-Men are really talented. Among the many Spider-Men present, there are actually those who are proficient in mechanics, biology, nuclear physics and so on.

Pick any one of them at random, they are all elites in their own worlds.

And when so many elites work together in the same direction, the efficiency can be imagined.

First of all, the equipment.

Each Spider-Man has obtained a new version of the Spider-suit - in fact, it is modified based on the original suit. After all, different suits represent the ideas, life experiences, etc. of different Spider-Men, and they will not be easily modified.

Inside the suit, they set up a radiation protection layer, which can effectively prevent the attack of nuclear radiation below level 5. If the special mode is turned on, this efficiency can be increased to nearly level 7!

This so-called classification is formulated according to the severity of the nuclear leakage incident based on the international nuclear safety and radiation incident level.

Among them, levels 1 to 3 are "events", which are specifically divided into: single anomalies (level 1), events (level 2) and serious events (level 3).

From level 4 to level 7, they are all expressed as "accidents", that is, regional accidents (level 4), large-scale regional accidents (level 5), serious accidents (level 6) and major accidents (level 7).

Most nuclear leakage incidents are classified as level 2 incidents, of course, there are a few exceptions.

For example, the leakage of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant on a certain day was very serious.

What's more shameless is that they only classified it as level 4.

Later, after careful international research, it was classified as level 7.

Of course, event classification only explains the impact of nuclear leakage on the environment. As for the specific impact on the organisms in the environment, another method is needed to express it.

Let's take a simple example.

In our daily life, radiation exists everywhere. The radiation dose absorbed by people is in sievert (Sv), millisievert (mSv) and microsievert (μSv). The three units are converted in 1,000, that is, 1 sievert = 1000 millisievert, 1 millisievert = 1000 microsievert.

If there is someone next to you when you sleep, you will probably receive 0.05 microsievert of radiation;

Eating a banana is about 0.1 microsievert;

Taking a dental or hand X-ray is about 5 microsievert.

As for the total amount of external radiation received by a normal person on average per day, it is about 10 microsievert.

And the radiation received by two monitoring stations 50 kilometers northwest of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant leak accident in one day was about 3.6 millisievert!

A chest CT scan is about 5.8 millisieverts, which means that if you stay near that place, it is equivalent to having two chest CT scans every three days.

The baseline for increasing the cancer rate is 100 millisieverts of radiation received per year.

This means that if you stay there for a month

then congratulations, you are not far from the day of baldness - but it doesn't make you stronger.

This is still 50 kilometers away. If you go further in... Tsk tsk.

The dose that can cause radiation poisoning symptoms in the short term is 400 millisieverts, 2 sieverts for severe to fatal levels, and 4 sieverts for very severe cases that will die if not rescued in time.

If it reaches 8 sieverts, then congratulations, this is a lethal dose that modern medicine cannot rescue at all.

It is said that after a leak and explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, if you stay next to the reactor core for ten minutes, you can receive a radiation dose of 50 sieverts, enough to kill anyone!

Obviously, the successors are not exempt from this.

The Ultimate Spider and Dr. Otto No. 1 conducted some in-depth research based on the body of Damons that Bide brought back.

It was later concluded that the successors' resistance to nuclear radiation was no better than that of ordinary humans.

As long as a dose of 2 sieverts of radiation can be injected into the successor's body in a short period of time, the opponent's combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened by the poisoning - the cells will severely decline and shrink, and the strength will be reduced by about 50%!

If the radiation dose can be increased to 4 sieverts, the successor can be instantly weakened into an ordinary person!

If you build a nuclear bomb and drop it on the heirs' lair, then congratulations, there is no need to fight this battle. Even if the heirs can withstand the shock wave of the explosion, they will be instantly weakened into ordinary people by the nuclear radiation that follows, and then they will be returned. The shock wave and high temperature that did not disappear were destroyed!

It's a bit difficult to make a nuclear bomb. This thing is top secret no matter which world it is in. Even the stuffed bear who claims to sell everything can't pull this thing out and sell it.

But unfortunately, Bide happened to have an expert on nuclear weapons.

Doctor Octopus!

This guy is playing nuclear fusion which is more advanced than fission!

Of course, it was impossible for him to build a nuclear bomb, and it was impossible for the successors to watch Bid and the others bring this thing to attack them.

But Bid can turn himself into a nuclear bomb!

That's right, it's his "Quantum Mimicry Spell"!

Previously, he had been able to arrange his own quantization in a certain way to simulate the effect of electric ions, forming an electric current attack.

If the weather is just right, he can even activate the electric ions in nature, take control of the God of Thunder in a short time, and launch a large-scale thunderstorm attack.

Nuclear radiation actually has another name: ionizing radiation!

In fact, this is the flow of microscopic particles released during the process of the atomic nucleus transforming from one structure or one energy state to another structure or another energy state!

Previously, Bide had never known this due to the mismatch between his knowledge and profession.

But now, with the help of Dr. Otto No. 1 and many Spider-Men, he finally understands.

In this universe, he is omnipotent and will not die - because this incomplete universe is him and can provide him with a steady stream of energy.

As a result, far away from the gathering place of Spider-Man, many Spider-Man put on radiation-proof spider suits, while all the unrelated people hid in some radiation-proof buildings.

Bid, on the other hand, appeared in the sky very far away and began to practice his "self-destruction" skill.

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