Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 126 Ten-Headed Snake?

"Wow, Romani, can I learn this trick? To be honest, when I was on the road with you, I felt that driving was really terrible." Stepping through the portal, Steve and the others arrived at their destination directly. As for Falcon , I was re-acquainting myself with my equipment near the clinic, so I didn't follow.

"This is just a small trick. If you have a magic circuit or strong mental power, you can learn it. But I don't have a patent for this trick. If you want to learn it, I can ask the one who has the patent. I believe She won't refuse, as long as you have the ability." Romani spread her hands and said very casually.

Steve definitely doesn't have the magic circuit, but he has a strong mental power, so I guess he has some hope.

But if you just want to learn the original portal, then you need to find an Ancient One magician to get a Sling Ring before you can "zero four seven".

"I'm just saying casually. I don't even know the science of modern society very well. If I learn magic again, I'm going to go crazy." While talking, Steve knocked open the building with his shield The gate of the military base.

Romani and Natasha Romanoff followed him, walked in directly, turned on the old incandescent lamp, and ten S.H.I.E.L.D signs appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Maybe it's the place where S.H.I.E.L.D was founded." After Steve said something briefly, the three of them continued to walk inside.

Along the way, Steve also saw photos of several of his old friends, Tony's father, Howard Stark, who is also a super-genius scientist. besides...

He missed the woman of his life!

Entering the lowest level of the military base, the old-fashioned electronic equipment also caught the eyes of the three. To be honest, these electronic equipment are a bit too old. Or, there is no function of playing games at all. After all, at that time, these things were very expensive.

"This has something to do with the insight plan? It's unbelievable, these are all antiques." Natasha Romanoff frowned, she obviously didn't believe that anyone could use these things to record any data, or pass these data out.

In fact, in this place now, not only these things, but even the people are antiques, an antique captain seventy years ago and an antique Solomon three thousand years ago.

After looking around for a week, Natasha Romanoff discovered something with a sense of modern technology, a simple USB interface. She didn't know how to complain. These old electronic devices can also use USB interfaces?

Definitely, since I found something special, I had to try it out, so Natasha Romanoff directly took out the USB flash drive and inserted it directly into the interface.

At this moment, the electronic equipment in the whole room started to work. The camera from I don’t know how many years ago moved slightly, and then a question appeared on the computer screen: Do you want to start it?

While Natasha Romanoff was typing, Romani was also observing the surroundings. In all fairness, Dr. Zola, who was able to use the technology of that era to create such a place, was also an extraordinary genius.

"Steve Rogers, born in 1918..."

"Natasha Romanoff Romanoff, born in 1984..."

"Romani Archman, the legendary King Solomon..."

At this moment, the voice of electronic synthesis rang in everyone's ears. He revealed the identities of the three people as soon as he opened his mouth, and without saying a word, the old camera would turn slightly and point at that person.

"What kind of video is this?" Natasha Romanoff was stunned. She didn't believe that these trash-like things could be artificial intelligence or something.

But the head that appeared on the computer screen immediately retorted: "I'm not a video, miss... Maybe I'm not the one who was caught in prison by Captain Steve in 1945, but I'm still me."

As soon as Steve turned his head and saw a black and white photo appearing on another screen, his entire expression changed.

And Romani also said at this moment: "Arnim Zola, a Nazi scientist working for Red Skull."

"But he's been dead for years," Steve continued, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"First of all, I work for Red Skull, but I'm Swiss."

Dr. Zola probably also rarely sees old friends, so he can't control his mouth: "Second, you can look around, I am more energetic than ever... In 1972, I was diagnosed I am terminally ill, and science can no longer save my body..."

"Then why don't you try occultism?" Romani was bored with this old antique talking about the past, so he interrupted directly.

"It's a pity that there was no such special existence as you in the world at that time, Your Majesty Solomon. If there was, I think I would be happy to abandon my original beliefs and work for you instead."

After a short pause, Dr. Zola went on to say: "Although my body is irreparable, my mind was worth saving and preserving. They are stored in the 200,000-foot-long , you are standing inside my brain right now."

"Then your brain is really strong enough. If a biochemical crisis breaks out, you don't have to be afraid of zombies, and you don't even need to plant peas outside." Romani said that he was a little speechless about standing in someone else's brain. It's those electronic instruments, so to be precise, I should be standing next to your head now!

Steve was taken aback by Romani's words. He found that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. What does zombies have to do with brains? What does it have to do with peas?

After trying to get all the strange thoughts out of his head, Steve asked, "How did you get here."

"Invited, after the end of World War II, the paperclip acted 0.7, and S.H.I.E.L.D recruited many Nazi scientists with strategic value." This question does not need Dr. Zola to answer, Natasha Romanoff, as a high-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, knows exactly what what's going on.

However, Dr. Zola, who hadn't chatted with anyone for a long time, said that no one could steal his lines, so he immediately added: "They think I can help their careers, there is no problem at all, but at the same time, I also help own business."

"HYDRA dies with the Red Skull.....but, when one head is cut off, two new ones will grow."

Looking at the monitor in the mosaic's eyes, Romani turned into a star who doesn't complain about discomfort: "Well, cut off one head and grow two new ones, so what should you call now? Ten-headed snake?".

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